Malayshion - Lost City Arc User


  • As someone said before it doesn't matter if they have a herc or not. I get invited to HH runs sometimes with a 90x barb friend and 90x cleric friend, sometimes two of them. I'm starting to steal aggro from that barb 40% of the time, and if I was just doing it with a veno with a herc, I might as well kiss my **** goodbye…
  • A. Awareness pots, only available if you own Raging Tides, and don't work if sin has maxed buffs. B. Debuff, or aoe something around you C. Doesn't work if they stun you long enough to make effect wear off :/ D. Usually pk sins are invisible, so you have to aoe something near you still >_>
  • GM's are not PWE Execs or programmers, please forgive them for not using the correct wording and not knowing everything about the game before a new feature is out. And when nirvana gear came out I'm pretty sure the word, reforge, was in the blog about it.
  • Yeah I kind of don't care I was grinding one time, and some blue name flew by and tried to take my drops, but the timer wasn't up. I asked him what on earth he was doing, because he landed in the middle of 3 aggro-ing mobs to try and get the drops, after trying to pick them up and failing, he got poisoned and died before…
  • Flying Fish? Nah it'd seem too similar to veno and barb mounts. Just fly on/in bubbles with cool bubble trails, or different designs and fish trailing behind. Or clams in a bubble. The wings are freakishly big though.
  • I really have no idea what this post is suppose to prove other than sins can land more attacks in a second than other classes, which is juts how fast they can hit per sec. Hell a barb could land more damage per sec with one attack if you want to put it that way, it all comes down to the definition like someone brought up.…