FF squads lately



  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    As painful as it is i'll admit my mistake. I stand corrected. b:angry

    b:chuckle We all make mistakes b:cute
  • Divine_Death - Dreamweaver
    Divine_Death - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,491 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    WTF is a "Barb" and "Herc"? I tank FC all the time.

    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Sorry, I had to do that, it just makes me really angry that ppl, who were getting their first fb19 when I was learning how to run FC, now are trying to tell me I'm too weak for that. It's just ridiculous to me. I mean... Really, only 85+ squad can run FC? And yes, I know that some ppl want to run it as fast as possible, but it seems like no one my level is doing FC. Or, like I said earlier, I'm unlucky with squads. It's 2x event, and it's good opportunity to jump in, I don't want to waste it.

    First off with your hp, etc, you should indeed be more then fine for fc, but unfortunately as you said, people want to run it as fast as possible.

    I think that people are really fed up with runs taking 4+ hours, with someone always dying every time we turn around, and it just being a plain annoying as hell run. Also I think some people hate getting chest of coins after a 4+ hour run, or some other crappy item from the chests. Not to mention, people not wanting there exp to be 'nerfed' by someone less then 10 levels then them.

    No offense to you, or anyone else under 85 is meant, but I do NOT want to run fcs with people who in all likely hood will take a good 3 hours+ and get **** items from the box. (provided no one dies, and there weapons are decently refined, it will still take at least 2 hours. :() Some people really do like the prizes at the end, and the exp is just a nice bonus to it. Though if the prize is something like chest of coins, it is extremely frustrating.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Gasoline - Lost City
    Gasoline - Lost City Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sorry but this shows you simply havent been in the 90+ content at all. When a lure of a boss involves it passing thru 8 mobs all shooting magic before the pet can get its lure attack off, you need a herc. No other pet will survive the trip. This is mostly the case in the FB99s. Without herc you'd need to remove the adds 1 at a time, slowing down the progress of the group, hence herc lure = efficiency. Its not about the speed, it's about survival of the pet before hitting. That not even an issue in FB69 nob & pole. Also as to forgetting reflect with disasterous resuslts, thats just being a fail veno.

    Secondly you havent had a boss take off half your Hercs HP in just non-tanking AoE such as Emperor in 3-3 or again FB99 bosses. So yes, it is a case of not paying attention, but not for a long time like you make it sound. The AoE will 1-shot the golems and definately any pet with lesser defense. At that point there's no point in having a pet out as you'd spend all your time rezzing it. Again more efficient to have a herc dealing damage that lives with occassional heal while you also can spend most of your time DPSing/cursing/etc.

    Dont use pre 90/95'ish game examples and experience to define endgame please.

    You dont have to pass through any mobs at all when you lure in this game lol

    Not in 2-3, 3-3, 3-2 or HH99 Aba/SoT or w/e. There is such thing as luring with ranged pets: 89+91 Cactus from Eden or the Eldergoth Marksmen, no clue why all venos dont use.

    A golem wont be able to DD in mele range on all 3-3/3-2 bosses tho without the veno spamhealing and even than it might die. Actually can you even use a gollem for belial without spamming heal like crazy?

    Also a golem certainly wont be able to save people and support tank mobs for a bit in HH99 if barb is down or something got agrod. Those mobs hits just has hard as bosses >.<
  • Kazamatt - Dreamweaver
    Kazamatt - Dreamweaver Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I appreciate your honesty, Silvaf. I don't have to agree with you, but you showed me other side. I really appreciate that, thank you for your answer.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Edit; And Giodia, i'm not sure what your veno's level is but at the 5x range you shouldn't see much in the way of LA or HA venos. They simply are unefficient to level at those ranges. Most AA high level venos are extremely PvE focused, and the changeover to HA is usually done at 7x at the earliest, 8x or even 9x being more common. Robe venos are the best at tanking bosses regardless of pet. Most high level bosses can either only be done with an herc or not... and sometimes non AA venos lack healing power to handle the job even with an herc.

    From lvl 1 - 70 range, seldom do I see LA / HA Venos. So at my range, it's either I get a Barb, a BM or a Herc-Veno for tanking and maybe some luring.

    At Lvl 90, due to bonuses on AA robes, which boost the Pdef, so tanking on AA venos will be best also with the pet heals they have.

    Edit: It's always better to have a Herc for your general tanking needs. I do not like to ask for help all the time. So a Herc is always considered as a good investment if you are gonna see end-game content.

    It's already been debated whether if a veno is failz without a herc since time immemorial. I for one, knows that there are stuff that a mag / glacial walker simply cannot tank. So I choose a tanker pet that can out- tank other pets, while savings space for lurer pet (eldergoth sharpshooter; speed) an Air pet and water pet.

    It doesn't mean venos with herc are failz. But just that your squad mates or leader might determine your worth by your pet. And when that happens, I will not wanna be in your shoes.
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You dont have to pass through any mobs at all when you lure in this game lol

    Not in 2-3, 3-3, 3-2 or HH99 Aba/SoT or w/e. There is such thing as luring with ranged pets: 89+91 Cactus from Eden or the Eldergoth Marksmen, no clue why all venos dont use.

    I have an Ethereal Inamorato (Eden 91 Cactus), it works well in most spots for pulls from some distance. However, maybe its the squads i get, but they want to rush to the outskirts of the dead-ends of Aba/SoT(FB99s) and leave quite a long path (like the very edge of the distance where a pet will even respond to an attack command on a mob). This path often goes thru 5-7 mobs depending on the location. They also dont like waiting for the boss to move to ideal lure spots, like if Peachblossum is way in the back of his 8 adds, they get frustrated if they'd have to wait typically. Basically with the herc, you dont have to wait, it will survive, while a cactus will get mauled before reaching ranged attack range in many FB99 boss lures.
    A golem wont be able to DD in mele range on all 3-3/3-2 bosses tho without the veno spamhealing and even than it might die. Actually can you even use a gollem for belial without spamming heal like crazy?

    Also a golem certainly wont be able to save people and support tank mobs for a bit in HH99 if barb is down or something got agrod. Those mobs hits just has hard as bosses >.<

    Also they want a Herc on Belial to be able to tank 1 of the 3 adds. Every run i've done on Belial has 2 clerics, 1 barb, and 3 DDs capable of tanking 1 add each. Ussually archer for Archer mob, BM for Melee mob, Wizard for Magic mob, and Veno can take the place of any of those three as long as it has a herc. Was told by many squads under no uncertain terms that they would never let a herc-less veno to Belial boss, simply cause there isnt a spot for a DD who cant sub-tank. Now i have seen on YouTube other ways to occuppy the adds taht might allow a herc-less Veno to participate, but on either BM or Veno i've never been with a squad that didnt just use 1 DD per add technique. Also imagine Golem get aggro on Belial (cause it is an unreduced damage source on a [?]) or Belial does one of his random shots *Dead Golem*.

    And i just have to b:chuckle at a Golem trying to backup tank on those "normal" Wraith, Polearm, and Gaurnob mobs in 3-2/3. Herc even has problems on them.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    you have a cleric to run FCC veno is really only there to nova mobs and AMP DD bosses

    goes faster if barb tanks while a scorp with claw DD'scleric DD< veno DD

    and before somone brings RB into this i hate that skill the fact that is cancles sparks removes any usefullness it may have

    in short have a BM(fists high -int) or a barb tank and let the veno DD

    hercs ARE a nice meatsheild but tt 2-x removed any faith i had in their survivability at 80+ they really just give the BM or 2nd barb enough time to go "oh hell" and crack an apoc or geni skill

    but really the mobs and bosses in FCC are a joke anyway once you learn thier tricks
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yeah, ran frost at... 80 I think? And I don't see any special role for veno in there. We're good damage (and amp etc. of course) but no particularly special role that the BM can't do. (And the need to stunlock bishops means a BM is pretty much a necessity)

    So, whilst it's nice that people think I'm needed, I'm really not seeing why.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    all i see across WC is "Veno + Herc wanted for FF"

    so i thought id ask someone why this is the case (convo of a person advertising on WC for a party and me)


    the sum up i get is, Veno's are now the new tanks because barbs are too lazy to do what a barb should do, im not pointing fingers or flaming off but this new "craze" is leaving a lot of the "better" Veno's out of the action.

    in my eyes the barb should be tanking and we have done runs in 1Hr this way.

    am i wrong or being a bit "im not happy coz i cant go?", constructive criticism please
    Venos are the tanks because the dmg they do on bosses. Get 3 herc venos in a squad with a barb+axe bm, and cleric, and watch things drop very quickly. It is not uncommon with a 3 herc veno squad for us to kill Dreadindra before he can even purge anybody in the squad. Really, with herc venos, the only boss the barb needs to tank is Fragrance. This is also why my barb did FF at level 72 and 73.

    Shoulda, woulda, blah blah, it's faster and easier with hercs, not to mention saves the barbs on repairs. It sounds a lot like insecurity against herc venos not to admit they are simply better in FF.
  • Santacruz - Heavens Tear
    Santacruz - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    you've got your perception of a good squad and ive got mine, so i offer you a challenge

    which squad build can run (and kill every mob) the fastest

    i don't care about all the QQ repair cost ****, im interested for you to prove your facts & prove me wrong
  • SolomonSmash - Heavens Tear
    SolomonSmash - Heavens Tear Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Anybody who actually knows how to play well in squad situations would rather see a good veno with different pets and a wide variety of skills/debuffs etc. than a Herc, in a squad. Hercs are for soloing, but in squads they tend to just get in the way. They can suffice for a last-resort tank, if necessary, but there are pets that do way more DPS. Rarely can a Herc hold aggro against a true DD. You might say "let the Herc attack for a while on its own". So...... do LESS damage, and take MORE time, just to let the Herc tank? I guess I fail to see the point in that. I once had a Herc veno say something about "the noob BM AoEing everything" in a BH79 unwined. Seriously? Not everyone wants to stand there for 3 hours while you slowly whittle away at the mobs' HP. We're trying to keep things moving. If certain barbs are too lazy/cheap to tank, that is fail on the barbs' part. It doesn't mean that it's better for a Herc to tank.
  • axt57
    axt57 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If you can't afford a herc by lvl98, you're doing something wrong. The fact that you don't have a herc paints a mental picture of you: since you can't afford a herc, you probably don't have good equipes, you're probably lazy, and there is a high probablility that your skills are not lvl'd up to standard. You are sub-par.

    This may be not true, but people are usually reluctant to find out the truth.

    A veno with a herc is simply more likely to be better equiped and then one without. And from my personal experience, they usually are.

    I had a herc by lvl 60, and I consider myself a casual gamer who doesn't cashshop. If you would read the veno forum, you would know that people have gotten a herc in 2 weeks without cashshopping, even when gold was at 400k+.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    axt57 wrote: »
    If you can't afford a herc by lvl98, you're doing something wrong. The fact that you don't have a herc paints a mental picture of you: since you can't afford a herc, you probably don't have good equipes, you're probably lazy, and there is a high probablility that your skills are not lvl'd up to standard. You are sub-par.

    This may be not true, but people are usually reluctant to find out the truth.

    A veno with a herc is simply more likely to be better equiped and then one without. And from my personal experience, they usually are.

    I had a herc by lvl 60, and I consider myself a casual gamer who doesn't cashshop. If you would read the veno forum, you would know that people have gotten a herc in 2 weeks without cashshopping, even when gold was at 400k+.

    they're also far more likely to fail at their class

    (herced venos that is)
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Santacruz - Heavens Tear
    Santacruz - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    axt57 wrote: »
    If you can't afford a herc by lvl98, you're doing something wrong. The fact that you don't have a herc paints a mental picture of you: since you can't afford a herc, you probably don't have good equipes, you're probably lazy, and there is a high probablility that your skills are not lvl'd up to standard. You are sub-par.

    This may be not true, but people are usually reluctant to find out the truth.

    A veno with a herc is simply more likely to be better equiped and then one without. And from my personal experience, they usually are.

    I had a herc by lvl 60, and I consider myself a casual gamer who doesn't cashshop. If you would read the veno forum, you would know that people have gotten a herc in 2 weeks without cashshopping, even when gold was at 400k+.

    um do you want to see my gear and weapons, i don't have a herc because i don't want to waste my money on something i dont consider to be necisarry its optional, i have no aim to get a herc. id rather have lots of small things that give me happiness than a big thing.

    last night i wiped the floor with a 9x veno with a nix and i don't even have any nix's or herc's and im LA =\ dont rant to me about how i cant play my game well, because im a lot better than you can ever dream to be.

    im NOT going to spend 80mill on a herc for whatever reason that is, you should learn to respect my decision and not flame me off thinking your some kind of god because you own one
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    axt57 wrote: »
    If you can't afford a herc by lvl98, you're doing something wrong. The fact that you don't have a herc paints a mental picture of you: since you can't afford a herc, you probably don't have good equipes, you're probably lazy, and there is a high probablility that your skills are not lvl'd up to standard. You are sub-par.

    This may be not true, but people are usually reluctant to find out the truth.

    A veno with a herc is simply more likely to be better equiped and then one without. And from my personal experience, they usually are.

    I had a herc by lvl 60, and I consider myself a casual gamer who doesn't cashshop. If you would read the veno forum, you would know that people have gotten a herc in 2 weeks without cashshopping, even when gold was at 400k+.

    Wait. O_o 80 million in coin in 2 weeks without the cash shop? Come on ^^ Real world here. 90% of players on the forums bs about their wealth/achievements anyway.

    98 veno without a herc paints a mental picture for me of someone who doesn't cash shop and so most likely had to work hard for those levels. You don't hit 98 being lazy, triple BH and hyper or not. And at 98 without a herc a veno has probably learned to be damn skilled with their class. If you already have a barb to tank you'd be mad to turn down a DD like that.

    If a barb refuses to tank because of their repair bill, they're playing the wrong class and should be hitting that re-roll button as fast as they can.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    you've got your perception of a good squad and ive got mine, so i offer you a challenge

    which squad build can run (and kill every mob) the fastest

    i don't care about all the QQ repair cost ****, im interested for you to prove your facts & prove me wrong
    QQ repair? Who would QQ about less repair costs? You? Evidently. Herc dmg + veno dmg + cleric doing DD instead of healing = faster, as the bosses take longer than the group of mobs that drop in a few seconds, it's also easier on the squad given that the cleric can DD and the barb doesn't need repairs. It's not hard to compile a level 100+ squad that can eat FF alive in an hour on the dot. Given the difference of squads, levels, skill, and communication, that all factor into time spent on a run, there really isn't any "facts" to present on any side, beyond the little e-peen game you're about to find yourself the lone participant on.
  • ShadowsWrath - Heavens Tear
    ShadowsWrath - Heavens Tear Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    axt57 wrote: »
    you're probably lazy

    I find the opposite can be true aswell. Since the Herc is that good it just breeds laziness in some not all Veno's.

    Sent pet > heal and thats it. No amps no purges no dual DD with their pet when bosses allow.

    Laziness is inherent in all classes regardless of what items/pets they have, it all depends on the player not the pet
  • axt57
    axt57 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wait. O_o 80 million in coin in 2 weeks without the cash shop? Come on ^^ Real world here. 90% of players on the forums bs about their wealth/achievements anyway.

    Its true; all you need to do is exploit the market. I have never quite made 80m in 2 weeks but I have gotten close before, mostly due to token trade.
    98 veno without a herc paints a mental picture for me of someone who doesn't cash shop and so most likely had to work hard for those levels. You don't hit 98 being lazy, triple BH and hyper or not.

    I don't know, I've reached lvl98 by flying around the map, standing around arch for 10 minutes and running the same instance for the past few months. Lvling right now is far too easy and should not be used to guage skill of a player.

    It may be just as likely this lvl98 veno speed leveled to 98 through oracles and didn't have time to get a herc.
    And at 98 without a herc a veno has probably learned to be damn skilled with their class.

    Nothing says that a herc veno would not be skilled at the same level, if not better.

    Herc venos do something non-herc venos don't. They solo run squad TTs. This not only gives them cash for better gear (hence why herc venos are usually better equiped), but it teaches them how to play their class. I have run countless solo squad TTs, where timing your lures, knowing your limits and controlling agro is absolutely neccesary to success.
    If you already have a barb to tank you'd be mad to turn down a DD like that.

    Depends where you are; in TT a herc is a far superior tank then barb on some bosses. The reflect off herc can go up to 6k+ in some instances. But in other instances, a barb is a much better choice. The barb should take agro himself on cue without promt, even if the veno protests.
    If a barb refuses to tank because of their repair bill, they're playing the wrong class and should be hitting that re-roll button as fast as they can.

    True, but you tell them that.
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Fastest frost run I've ever done had NO veno at all. Just because you can kill the bosses a minute or two faster doesn't mean you're gonna sail through the many hundred mobs there. If you're gonna get right down to it, 2 wizzies, 2 BM's, a barb and a cleric at lv90+ only, is all you should ever bring and **** every other class and level.

    People kinda go overboard with the whole efficiency thing though. After all it is a social based game and everybody behind that character is a real person. Sure profit and time so you level faster is great and all that, but what exactly are you leveling for? Are you gonna go all the way to endgame and suddenly be more tolerant and let anyone along and do things for fun? Doubt it, if anything at 100 players get even pickier.

    In the end you get your exp and level a bit faster in a computer game, but at the cost of losing a lot of friends, exluding/upsetting/annoying a bunch of people, having very little fun and not making much friends or enjoying as much social moments. Really worth it?
  • ShadowsWrath - Heavens Tear
    ShadowsWrath - Heavens Tear Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    . If you're gonna get right down to it, 2 wizzies, 2 BM's, a barb and a cleric at lv90+ only, is all you should ever bring and **** every other class and level.

    TBH I would drop the barb and take an archer for STA, but then Im used to running FF without barbs
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wait. O_o 80 million in coin in 2 weeks without the cash shop? Come on ^^ Real world here. 90% of players on the forums bs about their wealth/achievements anyway.

    98 veno without a herc paints a mental picture for me of someone who doesn't cash shop and so most likely had to work hard for those levels. You don't hit 98 being lazy, triple BH and hyper or not. And at 98 without a herc a veno has probably learned to be damn skilled with their class. If you already have a barb to tank you'd be mad to turn down a DD like that.

    If a barb refuses to tank because of their repair bill, they're playing the wrong class and should be hitting that re-roll button as fast as they can.
    - let me see, i can tank TT1-x, i can solo tank 2-1, 2-2 except wurlord and cosmoforce, 2-3 i only go for soulreaper and astral, 3-1 all except djin. recently killed astral in 2-2 and got 6 dust of star and sold all for about 5mil from just one boss
    - i dont cash shop either. of course i spent some rl money for my cleric wings and such but not for herc. got it at 7x
    - 98 w/o herc isnt better than a herc one. the difference is one pet but all can use same skills. i have more FB experience because i soloed all FB's from 19 to 89 unwined except polearm boss in fb69. i soloed lots of TT, a hercless veno doesnt have that experience. i help ppl because i can with this pet, i get more squads by that so more experiences here too.

    dont ever tell me that a hercless veno is better because... they fail to gain coins for a pet at high lvl, they both use same skills so where is the catch? im not talking about venos that have herc from low lvl and rely only on pet, same like venos with nixes that run away after pet die. im talking about good venos that know what they are doing and there are many, some that have solo/duo experiences in high lvl TT/nirvana/whatever. oh and i saw hercless venos that didnt learn myriad raindbow (fox form) for FC, those are more fail than herc ones. i got apo pages by doing fb89 unwined, i want to see how easy is for hercless venos to farm it...

    bottom line, no you dont need a herc veno for FC but doesnt mean that you have the right to trash other venos... first thing i can say is that you are 98 without herc so better shut up and think again
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    axt57 wrote: »
    Herc venos do something non-herc venos don't. They solo run squad TTs. This not only gives them cash for better gear (hence why herc venos are usually better equiped), but it teaches them how to play their class. I have run countless solo squad TTs, where timing your lures, knowing your limits and controlling agro is absolutely neccesary to success.

    Depends where you are; in TT a herc is a far superior tank then barb on some bosses. The reflect off herc can go up to 6k+ in some instances. But in other instances, a barb is a much better choice. The barb should take agro himself on cue without promt, even if the veno protests.
    2 things:

    1) Concerning playing one's class, there is a very interesting test to see how skills or non-lazy a herc veno is. Have them tank the very first boss in FF. In hundreds upon hundreds of FF runs I have done, I have only once come across another herc veno who actually tanked it. Either due to laziness or lack of skill in being able to do a relatively easy dance around the circles just like bms/barbs have to.

    2) I know of no boss there that will cause 6k+ reflect unless this is amplified by HF. That, otherwise, implies they do the type of damage that the first boss in 2-3 does, and there is no boss in FF that is this powerful. A herc veno in their 70s can easily tank every boss there, provided they have the HP/defenses not to get one shot by the AOE from boss in the big room.

    Generally speaking (i.e. not directed at you) concerning a barb tank vs herc in FF, the real effective use of herc venos in FF is the simplicity and quickness of the run due to everyone being able to DD/debuff, opposed to the barb focusing on keeping aggro and cleric focusing on healing. Taking DD elements out of the equation inherently makes it slower, compounded with the extra pots burned via healing and repairs due to tanking, additionally, a herc veno counts as 2 DDs, not one, and it's pretty simple what works better in FF.
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    TBH I would drop the barb and take an archer for STA, but then Im used to running FF without barbs

    STA is nice, but you're talking a few hundred k or so tops, which the mentioned squad would rack up in a matter of seconds really, lv? boss or not. Barb can also drop ToP arma too which can pretty much mean a full pull of mobs is down before roar has even begun to wear off. And as good a tank as a BM can be, barb is nearly always better. A skilled barb means the rest of the squad doesn't have to hold back at all.
  • Malayshion - Lost City
    Malayshion - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    As someone said before it doesn't matter if they have a herc or not. I get invited to HH runs sometimes with a 90x barb friend and 90x cleric friend, sometimes two of them. I'm starting to steal aggro from that barb 40% of the time, and if I was just doing it with a veno with a herc, I might as well kiss my **** goodbye because I steal aggro from herc 99% of the time.

    So if you have an archer squadded better forget about the veno because the archer will probably end up stealing aggro. It takes a good bm and a good barb to keep aggro off archers, and from my experience hercs just don't cut it unless it's a fast miniboss or a few easy mobs.

    And a barb is all about repair bills so I agree that they should pay or reroll, or just not tank? Which defeats the purpose of a barb I guess, but whatever. The repair bills won't go down just because there's a herc. Just kill things faster and you won't get hit as often lol.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    As someone said before it doesn't matter if they have a herc or not. I get invited to HH runs sometimes with a 90x barb friend and 90x cleric friend, sometimes two of them. I'm starting to steal aggro from that barb 40% of the time, and if I was just doing it with a veno with a herc, I might as well kiss my **** goodbye because I steal aggro from herc 99% of the time.

    So if you have an archer squadded better forget about the veno because the archer will probably end up stealing aggro. It takes a good bm and a good barb to keep aggro off archers, and from my experience hercs just don't cut it unless it's a fast miniboss or a few easy mobs.

    And a barb is all about repair bills so I agree that they should pay or reroll, or just not tank? Which defeats the purpose of a barb I guess, but whatever. The repair bills won't go down just because there's a herc. Just kill things faster and you won't get hit as often lol.
    Only time my herc lost aggro on a FF boss was to a 97 archer with a +11 heaven shatterer. Generally my experience with archers isn't pleasant due to the need of the cleric to babysit them individually way too much on groups of mobs, and them thinking it would be a good idea to aoe bishop groups so that they disperse, making it harder for everyone else to aoe them. I just never have run across decent squad-based archers (particularly important for squad based runs such as this), and the type of archer you speak of that can (or more importantly purposely would) pull from a herc I likely wouldn't want in any FF (or even TT) squad of mine.
  • wtvdie
    wtvdie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'll stick to my BM tanks, thanks. b:surrender


    Anyways, Barbs can't hold agro 95+, herc die to so many things 95+, bms are the only real choice left!

  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    wtvdie wrote: »

    Anyways, Barbs can't hold agro 95+, herc die to so many things 95+, bms are the only real choice left!

    I'm a BM but...

    You think if a 95+ barb can't hold agro on it and a 95+ herc has died to it....we're gonna do any better? O.o
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    2 things:

    1) Concerning playing one's class, there is a very interesting test to see how skills or non-lazy a herc veno is. Have them tank the very first boss in FF. In hundreds upon hundreds of FF runs I have done, I have only once come across another herc veno who actually tanked it. Either due to laziness or lack of skill in being able to do a relatively easy dance around the circles just like bms/barbs have to.

    2) I know of no boss there that will cause 6k+ reflect unless this is amplified by HF. That, otherwise, implies they do the type of damage that the first boss in 2-3 does, and there is no boss in FF that is this powerful. A herc veno in their 70s can easily tank every boss there, provided they have the HP/defenses not to get one shot by the AOE from boss in the big room.

    Generally speaking (i.e. not directed at you) concerning a barb tank vs herc in FF, the real effective use of herc venos in FF is the simplicity and quickness of the run due to everyone being able to DD/debuff, opposed to the barb focusing on keeping aggro and cleric focusing on healing. Taking DD elements out of the equation inherently makes it slower, compounded with the extra pots burned via healing and repairs due to tanking, additionally, a herc veno counts as 2 DDs, not one, and it's pretty simple what works better in FF.
    1) well now when you can asign keys to pet atks/follow its easier but going around circles and press skills buttons from pet bar and your skills bar wasnt that funny. i saw many barbs who wanted to tank this boss, even bms so i just get my ranged pet and DD
    2) i havent seen 6+ either in FC, maybe more than 4 yea but not 6k. tho.. when bosses are debuffed ive seen 13k+ in TT. another thing is, barb with reflect deal less damage than herc with reflect because of no damage reduction
    3) i agree
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    1) Concerning playing one's class, there is a very interesting test to see how skills or non-lazy a herc veno is. Have them tank the very first boss in FF. In hundreds upon hundreds of FF runs I have done, I have only once come across another herc veno who actually tanked it. Either due to laziness or lack of skill in being able to do a relatively easy dance around the circles just like bms/barbs have to.

    Ack! That would... be difficult. Very.
    I've taken over the tanking for a short period in there, when the tank made a mis-step, but even not tanking I usually lose my pet two or three times.

    And when tanking, you can't chainheal cause you'll get caught by the circles and when you tell the pet to come to you to get out of a circle the boss will follow...

    That is going to be mountains of pain. I shall have to see if the next squad I'm with will let me try.

    Though, since you pretty much have to have a barb or high-BM along anyway, for the final boss - why not let them do their job? That would give ME time to amp, which is almost certainly worth more than the reflect (since, you know, the tank will have brambles too)