Malaquey - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • the speed increase of blood moon is very good for its lvl, ive been trying to get for ages but noone sells :(
  • I keep a list of gold prices and when it goes up by more than 50k its a good time to buy if it goes back down again i just wait for it to recover, i bought 80 gold at 300k each and waited three weeks to sell at almost 500k
  • never seen fushmas AOE, im an archer but have occasionally found myself next to him and have used wingspan with no adverse effects. possibly aggro taker must be within melee range. Also the gate of delirium has various doors that must be unlocked by killing bosses such as the one next to calcid. must be one of those
  • all the bosses up till fb 69 are definitely just a case of healing a tank and purify debuff. not sure about any higher than that
  • Im lvl 72 archer and can solo fb19 in maybe 15 mins With a squad of 19s it would take a long time, more than an hour and itd be pretty dangerous too. youd need at least two clerics and expect people to die at some point. People are always happy to help with fbs as they get xp so finding someone shouldnt take long.
  • I just use STA and then set it on normal and go do something else, If boss has a stun then i put macro on, easy I like to go do that pub quest and read a book
  • If you can catch a sin out of stealth then you can easily kill him, because they almost always get the first hit in and you deal half you have to rely on metal skills. I like to go around with a bm who can destroy a sin and in return i kill robes for him.
  • you can change the untamed features, not sure about tideborn. I normally find a preset i like and then change the features a bit, you can change all the main facial features and the general shape of the body as well
  • Venos are the best soloer simply because its almost impossible for the pet to die so the monster will inevitably die(unless it has a leech attack) but its soooo boring, High damage classes are much more fun, you go quickly and its much more engaging than just clicking heal pet every now and then. Archers especially are…
  • Resets are very expensive and are only cheap if youve really messed up( i mean how can you really want to reset 250 points?) barrage of arrows is lots of white arrows going up from the caster and falling on the target Thunderous blast is a big ball of electricity that blows up on the target Also anyone who puts any vit or…
  • hi im new to pw and i wanna be an elf archer i dont know why i just like elfs . I hanve some questions 1. you always put 1 str on every level, you can then wield everything for your level. i use barbaric warrior rings which give +5 str so if you dont plan on selling it any time soon equipment that boosts str can be used…
  • if you wear as much -0.1 reducing stuff as you can then you can take almost 40% off your attack time. thats a huge amount more if you use spark burst+ in pvp