LuneLain - Lost City Arc User


  • nice, 22 pages and yet someone has to say it; It's not the class, it's the player that you want in your squad or not. You can have the most various squad set ups to do the same quests/runs, 'cause the class doesn't matter at all, it's the player that you value. Offcourse i will have friend sin players in my squad, and yes…
  • Where'd you get your infro from? 'Cause your post read as if it was about some other class.
  • pointless thread The only thing that you've been doing is summing up some stats on skills. You're basically not even asking a question. Before you start asking questions figure out what you want, what you like to do the most with your BM and how you like to do it. When you know all of that for sure, then ask other people…
  • I find it funny when people come up and say "oh i did this when i was like this and that". Uhm, that's not relevant or is it? Sure you can pull all sort of things with your BM but doesnt that come forth from your own gameplay? So BM player A technically can't do the same as BM player B. When a same class player has…
  • a BM isn't much of a main tank below lvl 70. After lvl 70 you will be able to tank some quest bosses like Gouf, Suzzerix Quilhog and a few other small ones. The big ones like Crimson, Manta, Jewels are not an option. And after 80 you can tank for FBs upto 79, HH 1-x, 2-1, 2-2 without too much trouble. But all in all it…
  • i keep reading about BMs saying how much greater the DPS is with Demon than with Sage. well i have a question about that; imagine that a same lvl and same geared Sage and Demon start base attacking -to me- it seems that the Sage will out DPS the Demon easily due to the Sage Axe/Fist Mastery. 'Cause the Demon would need a…
  • How i see it is that there are two types of grinding; 1 the xp grinding and 2 the cost effective grinding aka coin farming. Options for xp grinding are simple, solo axe aoe grinding with or without aid from other class(es). Keep in mind that it's expensive as in that you will spent more coins then that you'll probably…
  • Okey, after reading most of the posts there are a few things that i would like to add. First of all i want to say that people confuse two things with eachother. 1 the classes and 2 the player skills. The classes ARE balanced. It's the demand of the player that unbalances it. And that's an important point where a player can…
  • class: Blademaster spell: Drake Bash; changing the current range from melee (weapon range) to 10 meters or more. logic: An axe BM needs a secondary ranged stun. The ranged stun can be used for keeping a veno's pet away for a few seconds before it reaches the axe BM. In those few seconds of stun on the pet, the axe BM will…