LiXiuYi - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Define Unstoppable :)
  • Mine is maxed, and yes it comes in handy for the max ranged dmg. Silence is another good one to lvl for the effects at max range. Retaliation is also nice to max as it will reduce dmg on the first it significantly. The only one you shouldn't bother with just yet past lvl 1 is Soul of Stunning. I think they meant to…
  • Have had the same problem. People don't understand or don't know how a psy works. There are times when you MUST use white voodoo to survive. There are also times when black voodoo has to be used to do damage quickly. It's either or and you can't just turn them off after use. What I do is test a barbs ability to hold agro…
  • O.owhat's this all about?
  • Easy solution: Ask the Psy to wait till the 60-70% HP mark of the mob hordes life, then run Earth Vector (Does decent dmg and stuns. Does not reset agro and may save your life), Sandburst (also Very nice dmg and will make it harder for you to get hit), and if they aren't dead by then use Glacial Shards. That should allow…
  • How so? I don't understand how a wiz would be a better mag boss tanker.
  • I don't normally post pics but here :P
  • I like it but gotta mention a few things. Will list them below the comments for the skills. Index: 1.Attack skills 2.Buff skills 3.Debuff skills 4.Misc. skills With each skill I put my own advice of how you should level this skill, but to make it a bit easier to see I also put stars next to the skill names: no star = don't…
  • Nah I meant to bring it back to a neutral state. The only other thing you can do is white voodoo and wait another 15 min or go back and forth. This is dangerous as I have had black voodoo on and hit a little too hard and pulled Pole from the barb. Black voodoo + pole's debuff attack = instant kiss the floor.
  • Depends on what you plan to do with your psy. I vited from the start then again I plan to tt/fc/rb. Some people just grind their way to the top. Slow, but still works. I'm also about 60 def / 40 hp shard wise. You need less hp when you have more def. I haven't run into a problem yet and I can stand in front of pole with…
  • I know it's a silly question but did you do the culti for demon?
  • Yeah seems they put it out there to let people know it's being worked on. The tweaks to the current skills may be a sign of that too.
  • That's another smart idea. Kinda the only other obvious plan but it does prevent you from using 2 skills unique to the class now doesn't it? Don't you think every other person that's played a psy has already thought of this? What about when you NEED to use white voodoo to survive an attack? Plan that one ahead. Know it all…
  • Great thinking. Why didn't I think of that. Relog in the middle of a boss. Wait.. hmm let me get my pocket veno out lol. No sorry that's not gonna work all the time. A positive buff yes but with negative effects and it can't be purified. b:lipcurl May not be such a problem with the hate lowered though. b:surrender
  • The souls are great. what's better now is when grinding you can dd and silence at the same time with them overlapped. I think they should have something to revoke the voodoos though. when you cast them you are stuck with one or the other for 15 mins.
  • You're still not understanding. If it isn't considered a buff what would you call it if it benefits the target? They can be casted on more than one person at a time. Psy buffs= 1 cast per buff per target. You can cast Bramble & Frostblade over and over on everyone. Thus, we are the only class that does not have a party…
  • I didn't say it should be spammable. 30secs and a spark kinda makes that impossible. It should have been either or. P.S. Bramble? Frostblade? Can't they be casted on party member(S) of choice? b:scorn b:chuckle
  • I smell a hater lol. One who apparently doesn't know that a psy can be one of the barbs best friends. Today in FCC, a nameless barb upset the cleric and she left the squad. This nameless barb continued to trash talk the cleric while he was gathering 1-2 squads of phys mobs to aoe. He asked for a DD so he wouldn't die doing…
  • Yup yup.. that one got me too. Worse yet, the cool down is so long. We have 3 skills so far that we can cast on others. Sadly they can only be placed on 1 target per skill. Every other class has a party buff. I wonder if that will change. in the near future. b:puzzled
  • Yup. and I've have pulled Mobs from DB and Barrage with those same aoes. Strange thing is people are still not willing to try certain subs. A few of the normal gamma squads won't sub psy for archer / veno let alone wiz. Heck most people that do ask first, 'Does a psy have a constant dmg aoe like db?' Ermm no.. 'If not then…
  • I've noticed the same thing. Every person on the forums so far that has a major issue with psy has a wizard. Silly thing is there is nothing for them to be upset about. A psy wiz combo in rb and fcc is insane dd. Also they can't replace one another in a squad do to their unique class skills.
  • O.o Err. ok. I didn't ask about that but if you say so I believe you :P b:chuckle
  • +3 max for 80s and +5 for tt90gold + ;) for me.
  • 1. If it works for you to lvl 4-5 your white voodoo do it :) more power to you. This is for people who wonder what to do, not those who have done it. ;) 2. Retaliation worked rather nice for me, then again I wasn't always up on the eye getting hit for 1 dmg. Just thought you should know. It did very well during the last…
  • Update: At lvl 81 Just Beat Gamma with a mix of 80+ barb, bm and myself, 70+ cleric, archer and wiz. I didn't have a need for charm as I didn't get hit much at all. I did confirm on the last boss that if you use white voodoo, purify status with psychic will, keep vigor on the tank and use bubble of life when you get hit a…
  • Did Gamma At 81 with an 80+ squad. Got to stage 8 before it fell apart. The squad consisted of all 80+ of the following: Barb, bm, cleric, wiz, archer, and myself (Psy) Your post / position: Either in front of the archer or beside him. I moved around within BB range to keep dmg halfed, when I got hit which rarely happened.…
  • Sorry I understood you didn't understand how disturbed soul works. So I explained it.
  • Agreed. That being said when I was 70 on my psy I could do the same to lvl 97s in harshland. What does it prove though? That one can stun and knock back till they are dead?
  • I think it still guessing. :) No matter though.
  • Till you are high enough to :)