Psychic skill guide

Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Psychic
Here's my little skill guide for the psychic class. Here I will give my opinion on which skills are worth levelling and which are practically useless (not counting in demon/sage versions, as these are unknown as of now.). This guide was originally intended to give new psychics an impression of the skills they get, since not much was known about psychics then. I've given up on my psychic a long time ago and kind of forgot all about this guide..

Now there's higher psychics who can give you much better advice than me. But if you still wish to read
my advice, go ahead.

1.Attack skills
2.Buff skills
3.Debuff skills
4.Misc. skills

With each skill I put my own advice of how you should level this skill, but to make it a bit easier to see I also put stars next to the skill names:
no star = don't get it at all

▲ = only get level 1 for the purpose of moving on in the skill tree
★= only get level 1 of this skill because levelling it doesn't do anything.
★★ = worth levelling if you have SP to spare.
★★★= very important, always keep this up to your level

☆ = Important for duel/PK/TW purposes (can be in combination with the above)

I will update it as I get more info ofcourse b:thanks
1.Attack skills

Lvl. 1:

★★★aqua impact & spirit blast
these 2 skills are the main skills used in grinding by a psychic. Spirit blast has better damage and aqua impact has (a relatively low) chance of slowing an opponent.
-Always keep these up to your level.

Lvl. 19:

You could compare this with ''crown of flames'' for wizards. A damage over time skill really doesn't benefit psychics much because most mobs don't last those 15 seconds during which this skill deals damage. One major advantage with this skill is that the damage does not get reduced by white voodoo and if a mob/boss does last those 15 seconds, it's quite a handy spell.
-Level it if you have SP to spare

An important nuke right next to aqua impact & spirit blast. The knockback on this skill really works well on physical mobs, aswell as cancelling the channeling on magical mobs.
-Keep it up to your level.

Lvl. 29:

★★Aqua cannon
To be blunt, this skill is pretty bad at lower levels. It's a close range AoE with a high equipment bonus (110% a lv1). It might have it's uses in group AoE.
-Leave it at lv.1 until at least lv70.

★★Sand trap
See torrent.

Lvl. 39:

★★★Glacial shards
A great AoE due to the fact that it has a chance to immobilize enemies. It also has quite nice damage.
-Worth levelling, should take priority after you've maxed both aqua impact and spirit blast.

★★★ ☆Sandburst blast
A nice AoE with slightly better damage than glacial shards. It has a chance to reduce enemy accuracy which won't benefit you much since you want to stay as far away from mobs as possible.
It would be very useful in group AoE where a BM or barb is taking the hits. It's short casting time and high damage would probably make this an important nuke in PvP
-Same as glacial shards, or keep it up to your level if you like to PvP.

Lvl. 49:

★★★ ☆Soulburn.
Does damage equal to your soulforce each time the target attacks for 5.3 (lv1) to 8.0 (lv10) seconds. Needless to say, the dps this skill does is based on the attack speed of your target (fist BM sandwich, anyone?). A very useful PvP skill as you might have guessed, but it will also do some nifty damage in PvE.
-The added 3 seconds might not quite be worth the money/spirit on first glance, but it means the skill is about 50% longer, meaning the skill does 50% more damage.

Lvl. 59:

★★ ☆Red tide
The strongest direct-damaging skill a psychic can get. But that's not all! It also has a chane to do bleeding damage equal to your soulforce (note: bleeding damage is physical, you can figure the effect this has on robe users). The rate at which bleeding occurs is 53% at lvl1 and 80% at lvl 10
-Works great in PvP against heavy armor users (like most of your spells..) aswell as robe users (IF bleed activates). You can't expect the bleed to be as devastating as the greatly loved/hated ''flesh ream'' on venomancer pets, but it will surely give you an edge in PvP.

★★ ☆Earth vector
Rather similar to wizards' ''mountain's seize'' spell, though many times weaker in terms of damage. The rate at which th stun activates is also lower, but the stun duration is the same. What makes this skill quit a bit better though, is that the channeling time is 4 seconds (!) shorter and that it costs only 1 spark.
-The AoE stun is the main idea of this skill, sandburst blast has better damage than this and the AoE range is 2m wider and doesn't cost chi. Compare it to 'roar of the pride' blademaster skill with a shorter AoE range
and lower stunning rate.

2.buff skills

Lvl. 9:

★★★ ☆Black voodoo
Your main buff used in grinding. Increases your damage by 22% but also increases the damage you take by 11% (assuming your base attack and defense levels are 0). In PvE you shouldn't get hit too much so the loss of defense shouldnt be too bad.
-Keep it up to your level.

★★White voodoo
Not a very practical buff, useful if youre in a tight situation though. Reduces the damage you deal by 99% and also reduces damage you take by 66% at max level.
-It might be wise not to level this skill all the way to lv10, since your damage will be absolutely horrible. On the other hand, damage is probably not your priority when this skill is active. Either level it to about 5 or level it all the way to 10 on which you prefer:
> (~lv5): still decent damage, quite a boost in defence. Nice for soloing bosses that manage to outdamage your healing without white voodoo
> (lv10): Crappy damage aside from your DoT skills which don't get reduced and a major boost in defence which might be wanted in some situations, since you can just switch to black voodoo after.

Soul of vengeance
A psychic doesn't (or at least.. shouldn't) take that many hits in grinding. Also never cast this buff on the tanker in your squad, as the effect takes MP from the one who it's casted on, which would be a big problem for barbarians.
-It's certainly worth getting, but leveling does absolutely NOTHING except increase the casting range. Keep it at lv1.

Lvl. 29:

★ ☆Soul of stunning
Aside from the fact that it's a very pretty buff, it's usefulness depends on your soulpower.
Like Soul of vengeance, leveling this skill does nothing. (it's a self buff so you dont get any extra range either..)
-Keep it at lvl. 1

Lvl. 39:

Soul of silence
Has a low chance to cast a pretty long silence effect on the attacker. Shares a cooldown with Soul of vengeance. Unlike Soul of Vengeance, this skill can be cast on your tanker since it activates only rarely and doesn't cost as much MP. The effect silences the attacker, which makes the tanker take less damage.
-Levelling doesnt do anything so keep it at lv1.

Lvl. 44

★★★ ☆Empowered vigor
Great in all aspects: Cast it on the tank so clerics heal more, cast it on yourself while grinding so pots heal more (it would be rather MP-inefficient, though.), cast it on yourself in PK so your charm has a lower cooldown.
-Keep it maxed.

Lvl. 59:

☆?Tide spirit
A rather short buff and costs 2 sparks. The damage increase is a joke compared to even a 1 spark eruption, but it does reduce channeling times (need info on how much it actually reduces channeling time)

★★★ ☆Psychic will
Despite the skill description this is a self-cast buff.
Purifies and immunizes you against physical damage for 5 seconds at lv1, and 8 seconds at lv10.
This would make grinding on poison mobs much easier, and it could just save you if you managed to pull aggro.
-At least get lv. 1 on this, if maxing it is worth those 3 extra seconds is up to you.

3.Debuff skills
Lvl. 34:

★★ ☆Diminished vigor
Very useful in PK, the only downside is that it shares a cooldown with empowered vigor.
So you have to choose: Reduce the healing ability of your enemy, or increase those of your own (or an ally).
-In PvE this skill is pretty useless, leave it at lv. 1
-In PvP it has it's uses, max it if you like to PK.

Lvl. 49:

★★ ☆Disturb soul
Increases channeling time by 53% at lv1, and 80% at lv10.
Say a wizard casts Gush, which has a channeling time of 1.0 seconds. After this skill it would take 1.8 seconds, pretty deadly in PvP.
Also very useful against most AoEing bosses since if the AoE takes longer to cast, your barb/bm has more time to react and interrupt it.
-Max it.

4.Misc. Skills

Lvl. 9:

Tide form
Utter ****. You can only use normal attack in this form.
Maybe in an underwater dungeon this skill would give you:
+10 def level from tideform
+66 def level from white voodoo
+10 def level from dominance blessing
= defense level 86
Pretty nice, but I wouldn't level it. And I'd rather fly for transportation.
-Get level 1 for the fun of it, or don't get it at all.

Lvl. 24:

★★Life bubble
An AoE version of the cleric's main heal, ''ironheart blessing''. It only has a much longer cooldown and its range is very short.
-Certainly worth levelling you have SP to spare.

Lvl. 29:

★★★ ☆Passives
Increase your damage.
-I'd advise to wait until the late 40's with levelling these since theyre quite costly in both money and spirit. Since earth skills deal more damage than water skills, you would get the most extra damage from levelling earthen spirit. So if you don't have enough money/spirit to upgrade both at some point, upgrade earthen spirit.

Special thanks

Andracil - for pointing out that psychic will is self-cast only
LiXiuYi - Her 15 cents :)
Post edited by Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear on


  • Amouriv - Dreamweaver
    Amouriv - Dreamweaver Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i agree with everything here but i think sandburst blast should be maxed ASAP, cause it could become one of our main nukes in pvp and pve.
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Just so you know, Psychic Will is self-cast only.
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i agree with everything here but i think sandburst blast should be maxed ASAP, cause it could become one of our main nukes in pvp and pve.

    Yeah it does look like it, relatively high damage paired with a short cast time. I'll add that.
    andracil wrote: »
    Just so you know, Psychic Will is self-cast only.

    Hmm... the ''Dispels all negative status effects of the target'' made me assume you can cast it on others.. then again doesn't give a casting range either. I guess It's good then when a psychic grabs aggro himself b:chuckle
  • SilversMoon - Heavens Tear
    SilversMoon - Heavens Tear Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I find the guide useful though I don't have a psy myself,
    but I think could use a bit tidying to make it easier for the reader to enjoy :)
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    tidy it up, add colours, paragraphs and make it look better...then boom you got yourself an awesome guide

  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Added some colors and categorized the skills.
  • Falacer - Harshlands
    Falacer - Harshlands Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    TIdeborn is lvl 9, not lvl 19 o.o
    Falacer Permitted ZZig into faction

    Falacer: Welcome ZZig :D

    ZZig has left the faction

    Falacer: You biitch.
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Ah that probably happened when I was reorganizing everything, thanks for pointing it out.
  • Chic_Sigh - Heavens Tear
    Chic_Sigh - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Thank you :)


  • Chilo - Heavens Tear
    Chilo - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    IMO colors would be better used for pointing "max asap", "max on free sp", "don't max" - the categories are clear enough without the colors and that would make the reading faster.

    Nice job, I vote for sticky b:pleased
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I put stars next to the names instead to point out which skills are important and which are not, since just saying ''keep at lv.1'' would make people assume it's a bad skill, which is certainly not the case with the reflect buffs.
  • whynona123456
    whynona123456 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Good guide but how do i put my stats? b:sad
  • Saherra - Harshlands
    Saherra - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Good guide but how do i put my stats? b:sad

    depends on how you wanna go... pure or a hybrid.
    pure of course is enough str for wep/armor. this worked out for magic users is str = ur half ur lvl +4 OR 1 str 4 mag even lvls 5 mag odd lvls

    hybrid can be many things.
    1 is Robe with a slight vit
    2 is LA build.
    the robe with slight vit is, like a pure build only it chances to adding 1 vit every odd lvl.
    the build goes something like this: 1 str 4 mag even lvls, 1 vit 4 mag odd lvls.
    This kinda nurfs ur mag but not by much, and that lil bit extra vit can save ur butt while trying to run/fight a pker OR when a psy mob gets to close and ur Soul of Vengance has jst run out.

    A LA build is stupid for a pys/wiz, becoz the amount od str and dex you need really nurfs your mag damg. A veno can go LA or HA coz of their pet.
    But a LA build goes like this: the str/ dex needs to be ur lvl +4 OR 1 str/dex 3 mag every lvl.

    I'd reccomend either the Pure or slight vit build. im goin slight vit atm, to see how to goes, for me its working out, spesh wen those pys mobs get to close to hits with out the extra vit and i'd be dead.
  • Ainurivel - Lost City
    Ainurivel - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Nice guide, the only thing i really disagree with is casting Soul of Vengeance on any melee class with low MP the reason for this is because it drains 0.4% of the casters soulforce from THEIR mp so if you had 10k SF and they got hit repeatedly thats 40 mp drained from them for every hit they take, not much but it will put a strain on their mp if they are fighting alot of monsters at once.
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    How can someone make a guide to teach others when they hardly know the skills?You should play one atleast to lvl 80,had tested all the skills and give some advice after.No offence intended,but even if I'd read this guide as a total newb I'd go my way reading the posts.
  • LiXiuYi - Sanctuary
    LiXiuYi - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I like it but gotta mention a few things. Will list them below the comments for the skills.

    1.Attack skills
    2.Buff skills
    3.Debuff skills
    4.Misc. skills

    With each skill I put my own advice of how you should level this skill, but to make it a bit easier to see I also put stars next to the skill names:
    no star = don't get it at all

    ▲ = only get level 1 for the purpose of moving on in the skill tree
    ★= only get level 1 of this skill because levelling it doesn't do anything.
    ★★ = worth levelling if you have SP to spare.
    ★★★= very important, always keep this up to your level

    ☆ = Important for duel/PK/TW purposes (can be in combination with the above)

    I will update it as I get more info ofcourse b:thanks
    1.Attack skills

    Lvl. 1:

    Lvl. 19:

    You could compare this with ''crown of flames'' for wizards. A damage over time skill really doesn't benefit psychics much because most mobs don't last those 15 seconds during which this skill deals damage.
    -Keep it at lvl.1

    Sand trap
    See torrent.

    Some will tell you don't level these. I would tell you other wise. At lvl 10 these stack an additional 10-15k+ damage on top of the dd of your choice over 15 secs. Maybe you won't have time to use them in pvp. They are well worth it for pve since even with White Voodoo on, it will not lower the damage dealt by these two.

    Lvl. 39:

    ★★White voodoo
    Not a very practical buff, useful if youre in a tight situation though. Reduces the damage you deal by 99% and also reduces damage you take by 66% at max level.
    -It might be wise not to level this skill all the way to lv10, since your damage will be absolutely horrible. It's quite useful for soloing certain bosses if you keep it at about lv3 to 5.

    Some will tell you don't level this as well. I would tell you other wise. At lvl 10 yes you get -99 attack level but your def lvl is +66. This buff can be used to recover when you have lost too much hp due to dmg in many situations. Use it for Aoeing & Physical/ Meele mobs/bosses and attacks (Comes in handy big time). Simply (I have macroed:) White Voodoo, Bubble of Life, Empowered Vigor. After decide if it's safe to return to using Black Voodoo. If it is go ahead and use it, If not then keep DDing under White Voodoo till it is safe. Some will tell you don't waste your sp and time and just space your attacks out and not bother with Lvling White Voodoo. My opinion is those are the ones who will likely die when they are placed in the situations I mentioned above.

    Soul of vengeance
    A great buff.. for a tanker. A psychic doesn't (or at least.. shouldn't) take that many hits in grinding. Always cast this buff on the tanker in your squad.
    -It's certainly worth getting, but leveling does absolutely NOTHING except increase the casting range. Keep it at lv1.

    Never Cast this on your Barb, or BM. This Buff will destroy your tank's mana pool and it's renders you barb's ability to hold agro and cancel useless when used (Especially in an AOE environment.)

    Soul of silence
    Has a low chance to cast a pretty long silence effect on the attacker. Shares a cooldown with Soul of vengeance. I'd use Soul of vengeance over this, since it doesn't rely on luck to activate.
    -Levelling doesnt do anything so keep it at lv1.

    This is a nice skill to max if you want the full 3 seconds of silence and maxed range on it. I've found it's great to cast on a barb or any other tank as it lowers the dmg done to the tank when the silence effect kicks in. If a mob is silenced it can't attack during that time. This makes it great to use on a target receiving any attack physical or magical.

    ★★★ ☆Passives
    Increase your damage.
    -I'd advise to wait until the late 40's with levelling these since theyre quite costly in both money and spirit. Since earth skills deal more damage than water skills, you would get the most extra damage from levelling earthen spirit. So if you don't have enough money/spirit to upgrade both at some point, upgrade earthen spirit.[/QUOTE]

    Yes they are costly but keep them maxed for your lvl as they will make grinding ALOT easier. Don't wait because if you do it will cost you in dmg, loss of exp and money from hp pots you will use when you get hit over and over again.

    That's my 15cents. Take what you need and leave the change.
  • deathb3ll
    deathb3ll Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    White voodoo is a good skill especially if you like to farm herbs nd mats (where high lvl mobs are there) having white voodoo saves your **** ALOT of times form dieing.
    I use white voodoo in bh runs when i arrrgo a boss i use white voodoo nd use a pot nd just stand still sum1 else takes arrgo back. So it has saved me alot of times.

    [?]Red tide
    I did 6k damage with my sprite blast maxed, while lvl 1 of red tide also did 6k damage. So this is kinda like our ulti heavy damage spell. In the spells starting lvls it useless to use them for you cna use double spark nd use other spells to do more damage. This is only good at higher lvls nd in PvP

    [?]Earth vector
    This is your aoe stun and has 77% chance to stun in lvl 2 it self. So very useful but Expensive, If you lvl your glacial shards then leave this at lvl 1 or sumthing, and when you have enough coins nd sprite start lvling it.

    Also those two bleed spells, liek the person above told this two are really good whe ntanking bosses or when you are DD the bosses. Just think you put both of them on the bosses nd you can DD so alot more damage.
    But sucks against normal mobs since you will kill it faster.
  • Blitzerrr - Heavens Tear
    Blitzerrr - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Hey dude.. You're missing soulburn

    At least I didn't see it o.o Great guide otherwise :]
    Been using it since level 1 on my psy
  • nornvalkyr
    nornvalkyr Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The SoulBurn skill is wonderful during FBs, BH,s and any other time you are fighting a boss. the target takes damage everytime it attacks. and that helps any squad. Should be a Psychics main skill in the upper lvl areas, such as TT and FC. Also Barbs hate Soul of Vengance since it eats up their mana.
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I've given up on my psychic a long time ago and kind of forgot all about this guide..

    Made this little edit a while ago when this thread fell back a few pages. I know this guide is very outdated now, I just made it to give my few cents to other people playing psychics when the class was still new.

    I will use your advices and new info since the release though and get right to updating the skills, just keep in mind that my advices are far from based on my own experiences now.
  • ryukage
    ryukage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    This guide isn't really necessary anymore. XD There are two others that are more current already.
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    True, but it's here now anyway so it'd be a shame to delete it. I'mma leave it at this though.
  • BlitzMehYo - Heavens Tear
    BlitzMehYo - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    75 levels and I STILL use this guide.. Nice job dude b:victory
  • Rangergod - Raging Tide
    Rangergod - Raging Tide Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Nice guide, the only thing i really disagree with is casting Soul of Vengeance on any melee class with low MP the reason for this is because it drains 0.4% of the casters soulforce from THEIR mp so if you had 10k SF and they got hit repeatedly thats 40 mp drained from them for every hit they take, not much but it will put a strain on their mp if they are fighting alot of monsters at once.

    Agree was going to say something like that, but if you have to choose ask them b4 you do it. I have a Bm freind who is like str pure(doesn't use skills just spark) and he like every kinda of buff even if it takes mp so in the mortal words from dowi, my freind, " A buff is a buff."
    "In case you can't do the math, as you stand there alone and consider fighting me, you'll be facing an army of over 30,000 hollows!" - Aaroniero Arruruerie, Novena Espada

  • joseph515
    joseph515 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    The tide spirit skill has minimal use in the PvE world, though the skill makes you channel time almost instant, the fact that it consumes two sparks moots that point, thus far the only PvE basis for it is timed boss in the 3-'s of TT, but for PvP or TW it is a great skill, you have enough time to spam three really long channel skills in a heart beat, playing nuke I tend to cast Tide Spirit and follow it up with a Glacial shard, making cata's and all close range DD useless (especially with demon glacial shard's 100% freeze rate, then follow it with a high speed earth vector to stop all clerics from healing the cata briefly, lastly I spit a sandburst blast, which is usually enough to clear out most clerics and DD, leaving just the barb with no heals on him to be mopped up by the rest of your nuke group. I hope somebody still reads this thread, and I love the new set up for it, great guide. I hope my suggestion for Tide Spirit makes your list! In essence it is a skill that turns you into a speed nuke, and clears out an entire cata squad (if done properly) with just a few precise hits, and makes your AOE skills fast enough to stack and kill before a charm can tick twice. Best of luck to all psys, can't wait to see this guide grow with our new skills coming soon. b:victory
  • ryukage
    ryukage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    There's been too much necro-posting in the past few days.

    This thread is old, outdated, and the original poster already said he wasn't gonna bother updating it since we have SO MANY OTHER guides that are more recent. Wtf is the point of posting more suggestions now? Let this old dog be put to sleep already, stop necroing old guides and post in the more recent ones if you have any questions or comments. Everyone seems to want to have a high post count (even though it doesn't matter for jack squat) but please, be active where it matters, not in old threads that we stopped caring about. The Psychic forum does not need any more unnecessary clutter.
  • FnBaronHero - Dreamweaver
    FnBaronHero - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I'm level 35 already, but this guide seems to (roughly) say all the things that need to be said. It has things I would disagree with, but nothing that makes me outraged, and everyone has different opinions so the discrepancies I have are only natural.
    Never actually checked what happens when you upgrade Soul Of Vengeance, but if what you say is true I will be SOUR AND DEPRESSED, as I've been keeping it upgraded just because it's so effective. AND, casting on tank isn't such a bad idea, even though it sucks your mana, damage-per-mana-spent it's worth doing. Worst come to worst, hit the mana pots, it's not like they are hard to find.
    Good job, it'd be good if skills were organised in order you got them so it was a guide to developing your character as it grows, because the skills people will be researching and wanting advice on will be level-specific, not type-specific, at least that's my attitude.
  • FnBaronHero - Dreamweaver
    FnBaronHero - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    and, ryukage, why does it matter where we post our suggestions to you? Makes no difference, so save your time and effort. Or are you just trying to raise your post-count?
  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    because older thread was outdated due to patches and necro posting mislead new players, if that answer your question.

    And why you double posting? raising your post-count? see the edit feature?
  • FnBaronHero - Dreamweaver
    FnBaronHero - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    But you didn't answer my question, why do you care? New players aren't idiots, they can read dates, and not everything this guide says is irrelevant anyway. I actually thought it was a bit insightful myself.
    And no, actually, if you bothered to look at my post count clearly i'm not out there farming up the posts, because it's just a stupid thing to do. so yeah, didn't actually notice the edit feature, or think it mattered. thats just political correctness gone wrong.

    USING EDIT FEATURE: Besides, lets drop this. Noone gets anything out of us having this argument, and its not even worth arguing over.
This discussion has been closed.