Gabriil - Lost City Arc User


  • devour is a *** skill. so is poison fang, for both tank and DD build. my 0.02 $ Have fun
  • Hey, they could make all the players leave before the expansion pack comes out, that way it will be like a whole new game! Yay, +1 post for me!
  • Well, honestly, the third time the packs were added is what really did it for me. I said, ok, the packs were added a second time, fine... Decided that even if I didn't participate in the first event, I will in the second. I saw "packs will be available from the 13th of october to the 1st of november", I thought I might as…
  • Lol. True. Only way to earn money as a barb is by playing with the market. Repair costs will be rather high, pots will cost quite a bit, gear and skills also will and you won't be able to solo Call to Duty or Twilight Temple quests like venos, neither world bosses (there's one that ranged classes could solo givven a high…
  • Mold weapons worth a look are the Gale Dual Hammers, lvl 52 legendary weapon, Hefty Poleaxe of Giants, lvl 61 legendary, Calamity Axees of Blood, lvl 70 legendary. There are also some legendary armour pieces worth a look, but I never had them, so I will refrain from asuming which are worth it. Oh, except for Cuisses of…
  • Without using a lot of useless punctuation I'll just tell you that you need to check the stats the weapon has to make sure the weapon is better. A pair of dual axes (tt60) can be a little under a poleaxe (legendary lvl61 hefty poleaxe). Generally, you will find dual axes which are better than the alternatives. Untill HH,…
  • +1 to what lilyuffie said. unless if you get the mold on your fb29 or on a bh 29, those axes are so not worth paying all that cash. Also, at level 50 you can either get the supply stash hammers, or gale dual hammers if cash is not important. If taking a character form 30 to 50 will take about a month, then 50-60 will take…
  • "Who is better tank, herc or barbarian?" cannot be a serious question. Unless if you consider the barbarians that wanna tank bosses their level in human form, then yeah, herc would win.
  • I'd go with BM, if I had to re-roll and it would be something else but Barbarian. I think it's a fun class to play, especially because they have some really nice damage and some kick-**** skills, plus they are very versatile, being the only class able to go with four mastery paths - fist, sword, spear or axe. That makes…
  • level 10 blodbath is 16% reduction in hp for an extra 200% accuracy (10k hp becomes 8,4k hp and 600 accuracy becomes 1800 accuracy). However, I think the hp reduction is not really worth it untill higher levels. I think it's quite easy to solve your accuracy problems with Ambers in your weapon and Misty Forest rings - +50%…
  • +1 to the above. I just have to start playing again.
  • How much is the TT80 gold on LC? Anyone has a clue? I think it's worth it, it seems like the stats are better than the green set. Although, I think the green bracers have +7 vit, str, dex or smth... I thought that was the only piece better than the gold equivalent.
  • The only Evasion equipment you should really equip is your cape. Don't go Evasion with your ornaments, as you can get better stuff out of them (like p. def at low levels, m. def at higher levels). Also, never attribute any points to magic. Just thought I'd stress that. The amount of evasion you'd get out of ornaments is…
  • Make sure you have enough Str to equip your armour and latest weapon. Try to keep your Dex in multiples of 20. I had 40 dex since level 3x. I don't recommend you do that, Str serves you better at lower levels, you kill stuff quicker. Whatever you have left after you put enough Str and Dex every level can go to either Vit,…
  • And cleric is support. What is it you're missing?
  • Read the sticky, don't put any magic points and just follow your next axes/hammers and armour requirements, bearing in mind that you will always be wearing heavy armour. Or you can go mental and make the LA fist barb someone was sugesting in another post... I love freedom of choice.
  • Also, on LC skeleton axes go for about 500k. I bought my drums for 70k each though, so it only cost me like 350k to make mine at the time. Then sold them for 800k (2 sockets, beautiful ambers) and got the 62 legendary poleaxe.
  • Yes, stats can be taken down to 3. My magic is 3, but I restet it from 13. This is my first time playing an mmorpg, therefore, my knowledge was 0, now it's... something. Point is I had misplaced 10 points :) Don't waste your cash for 3 points, not unless you can afford... 5 bucks, if I'm not wrong, for the 3 stat points.…
  • What you should definitely restat is the 6 mag. Reduce it to 3, which is the minimum. My guess is you could leave the Dex as it is, because at level 70 your Dex requirement will be 39 (40, for the extra crit), at 80 it will be 44. You are almost 60, don't waste your time on restating the Dex. I had 40 Dex since level…
  • Also, don't forget to check your weapons. Weapon requirements are generally higher than armour req.
  • It's not about the Bloodbath. It's about the fact that he put 2 grade 12 hp shards in his WEAPON, FFS! And then you say "oh, you can fix that with bloodbath...b:shocked" WTF?! Why would you gain 300 hp instead of 1200 accuracy, no bloodbath involved?! If you use bloodbath, it takes away 15% of your hp, which means a LOT…
  • Hope it works, mate. Do let us know.
  • Bahaha! Maybe you're right about the full lionheart set, getting 7% extra p def and 5% crit rate for 15% m def and 2k hp... you might be right.. "wreck n havok", yes I would do that after I brought the catapult to the crystal. I would go human and Armageddon all the unlucky suckers in range. Then go back true form and have…
  • Oh, and grade 12 hp shards, are way cheaper... now I get it. For the record, if he had the money to make his initial set-up, he would have been able to swap 2 grade 12 hp shards, for 2 grade 12 amber. My guess is grade 12 HP shards will cost a lot more than ambers. I bought flawless ambers for 300k, but flawless citrines…
  • OK. I hope that by level 94 you have managed to be in at least one TW. You might notice that the barbarians bring the catapults to your tower/crystal etc, then let the cata auto-attack and then wreck havock b:angry That's actually the most fun part, wrecking havock. You'd take that away and replace it with "miss miss miss"…
  • Man, get lost. Giving up 2x g12 accuracy (+300 accuracy a piece, plus 100% from the rings, that's 1200 accuracy) for 2 g12 HP shards, that means 300 hp. You have to be quite dumb realy. There, fixed: Edit: For the record, if you were to actually be able to get that gear, you'd…
  • YES! I'm soooo going Demon xD b:laugh
  • Sorry, Shapeshifting intensity adds 2% crit rate. However, I still believe Beastial Onslaught adds 35% crit rate. Would Strength of the Titans add 5% of your base crit rate as well, then? It says it adds 5% crit rate for 1 min after casting. I sugest someone that has the skill clear this up.
  • Not to mention that once a guild has 3/4 of the map under control, it's not really that hard to maintain it. Having the Wraith army on your back would add a pleasant touch of fairness to the game.
  • Not that I'm an expert or anything, but this sounds like adding a whole new race, basically. There are no "wraith skills", "wraith city" etc for now. It would be a completely new expansion pack, like the "Rising Tide" one. Although I must admit that sounds fun, random pkers are annoying enough. Immagine randome "infecters"…