Farain - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • The tortoises by broken bridge drop hay, but it is a rare drop. I spent four hours to get the hay for the first bag extension.
  • The cage is a cash shop item, costs 2 gold I think, (2 gold = $2)
  • My experience as a young tabber. I have two characters that have both done fb19 and fb29, and all my fb were with run with my factions. I like to be involved in my fb, but that had only happened once. Most times when They find out that I have a fb they gather together people I have never seen before, mostly high levels I…
  • 1) Volcanic Magmite, Don't use him as much as I used to. 2) Soldier ant, Fire creature, has bash and pierce, good def, hp, and evasion. 3) Lycean Hunter, I think this one is leveled higher than any of my others. 4) Goldwing Emporer, Needed a flying pet. 5) Right now a Blackhive snarl, going to change him out for an Atelope…
  • I know I'm still low level, but I use an ant soldier for pulling. The little guy has good speed, evasion, HP, and does decent damage. It may be my imagination, but it seems that he can run out further to pull than any of my other pets as well.
  • No I am not kidding. I do not seem to be too social, not from choice, just the way it works out. When I die, (which I do alot of), I go to town, and learn my lesson. Yes I am a noob, and if I do something stupid I'm not going to whine and complain, I take my lumps.
  • After my archers Fb19. I plan on soloing them all from now on
  • I've never met a cleric. Ihave a high regard for one that puts the good of the whole above the good of the one, and would be honored to meet a cleric some day, and would equally be honored to have one in a squad.
  • Ok, Why would somebody not do a fb just because there was no experience in it? There are still drops, and a preview of what they are going to face in the non too distant future. The fb's should be an experience, and should be enjoyed as well as feeling good about accomplishing something, at least that's how I look at them.…
  • I was a level 9 noob veno, (am still a nood, but getting better). I got a quest direction arrow and didn't know the what quest it was for, so I decided to follow it. I started in Lost city, and it took me into the mountains where I was seeing a bunch of orange names. Well I died a few times, but kept following the arrow…