Ellantria - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • If it's not a Blade, Dual Blade, Sword or Dual Sword... Your pretty little seeker can't use it.
  • I usually click them, right click their portrait and then player info. Then I look over their gear and see what the highest level item they have equipped is. Then I just assume they are at that level or slightly above.
  • Alright, so everyone has been saying that it's fine to have a different build and playstyle and whatnot. I agree, to an extent. But you're just making so many mistakes that are gimping your potential. In my honest opinion you have WAY too much vit. 60 vit is about 10 more vit that I'd say you should have. Why waste points…
  • Crit rate is still just a chance and the duration on those skills is laughably low, like enough time to benefit from one cast low. 4 seconds from Landslide at a 30% chance to proc. Landslide isn't a skill I see all Psys throwing out every chance it cools and on top of that, you're forced to sacrifice range to get in close…
  • How'd you get six points in one level? 5 STR and 1 Mag? And 45 STR isn't enough for level 90-100 armor. 54 is basically the max strength a caster needs for TT99 and Nirvana equipment, if I remember correctly. And you really should cap off the vit at some point. Extra survivability is great, but I'd say 50 vit is really…
  • Going Sage because... 50% chance of a free Vector. 10 seconds of immunity with Psy Will. 10 seconds of watching an enemy squirm with Soulburn. No mana cost on Soul of Vengeance. A free 15% HP restored every 30 seconds. AoE Purify. Longer lasting Silence. Easier to use Soul of Stunning (Less soulforce needed for the win.)…
  • Meh, after you've seen it cast for the nine thousand and second time, it's old. Non-psys might think it cool but to me, it's about as visually pleasing as Aqua Impact. But Vector, now there's an AoE I always love to see. b:cute > 3> I would, but you're on Harshlands.
  • +1 to you for awesome pic.
  • I still say that Shadow Escape should grant a lower stealth level bonus. Put it on a timer too. Maybe 15 seconds of invisibility. That's enough time to hightail it out of there. Double its cool, make it cost a spark. Give it more mana drain. You're running away from a fight, not lurking in the shadows. Make it's effects…
  • Crystal Light isn't anything to write home about. Just a bunch of icy spikes flying along the ground towards your opponent.... Sandball Clash and Stone Smasher I have no idea. > > *powerlevels to 100 to see what they look like*
  • Pdef can be made up with by using physical ornaments! >:O /moartrolltrolltroll <3youbornyoumaketheforumsfun
  • You have too much str. >:O /trolltrolltroll > 3> Naw, just kidding. Anyway... My build (which is what it will be in about 90%) is this. http://pwcalc.ru/pwi/?char=00e422c05eecd7da :P And Born_Free can say I have too much STR too.
  • > > Well, I guess I can stop saving for that FF sphere now, since Hypnos said it's useless. *sticks with Deathchanter Orb* And just on a totally random note... Hypnos, the best endgame soulsphere that isn't rank 8 or 9 is the Roaring Flame, right? Or is it the Banished Curse?
  • It's so pretty and bloo! * o* I must click it! *clicks* D: Aww, I don't like the Blademaster forums.
  • How about making force stealth have a much lower stealth level bonus? Like, it's 11 stealth levels for sage/demon Shadow Escape. Why not drop that down to like, 5 levels? Leave Shadow Walk at it's normal levels, but just drop the oh****runaway stealth's levels. Cause, doesn't that make sense? If your target hasn't spotted…
  • Fixed. And you missed one.. It's Aqua Cannon, Glacial Shards, Sandburst Blast, Earth Vector, Red Tide, Stone Smasher and Crystal Light. Aqua Cannon is alright, but it's got a suicide range. Only way it is useful in AoEing is if you use an immunity skill first to not die before the three seconds to cast pass. Glacial Shards…
  • I'm trying to say that you're only getting an advantage after you have neutralized your enemy's attack levels. If 30 of your 39 defense levels are used to send your enemy's attack levels to '0', as in you are now taking base damage thanks to 30% defense levels neautralizing your opponent's attack levels, as in your…
  • LA provides more physical defense overall compared to robes. However, it has less magic resistance. You'll also do less damage per hit with LA, since you have to stat a fair amount of dexterity. You'll gain more crit, however. Arcane will let you deal maximum damage, since you won't have to place any stats in dexterity.…
  • @Corn Now is coward keeling time? Anyway, Barbs have more survivability due to the fact that they can get 15-16k HP endgame without much of a problem. However, BMs are capable of getting 10-11-12k hp without much of a problem either. Just needing some serious refines. As for PvP.... Barb pvp goes like this. Use inspiration…
  • > > Not this again. Crit arrows have been told to us by the GMs that the crit bonus does not apply unless the arrow is actually fired. So therefore: Crit arrows do nothing. Didn't say the math was wrong. I calculated it for myself, it came up 54%. But as for the warsong belt....since you had it at +12, the only thing I can…
  • To my knowledge, we don't have -6% channel stones yet. I think we have 3% channel, but not sure on the 6%. Warsong belt might be a better choice, in my opinion. Other than that, It would be a viable, yet expensive as hell endgame build. Also, crit arrows do nothing.
  • You know, let's just agree to disagree on defense levels. I think they are useful, but nothing to devote 19 sockets of my armor to. You think differently, so let's just call this to save face for both of us.
  • YES. I said ADVANTAGES. MEANING THAT YOU HAVE MORE DEFENSE LEVELS THAN YOUR OPPONENT. WHICH IS WHEN DEFENSE LEVELS ARE MOST USEFUL. I'm not denying that defense levels help when you are still at a disadvantage. You are taking what I'm saying and interpreting it incorrectly. Defense levels are MOST USEFUL when you outlevel…
  • Well, the advantages require your defense levels to beat out your opponent's attack levels. For example, if you are fighting a BM who is wearing the anni blessing, he has 15 attack levels and 15 defense levels. If you are in level 10 white voodoo, you have a 51 defense level advantage, meaning you take 51% less damage…
  • = 3= I know that, but we are talking about armor. The only way you can increase your ARMOR'S pdef is adding garnets.
  • Uhh, Dian, refining armor doesn't give +pdef. Refining just gives +hp. To increase pdef, you'd have to shard garnets. But the having only +39 def levels while in black voodoo (I'm assuming Demon, since with the -11 defense levels sage and level 10 have, you'd only get 37 def levels), really only equates to you having about…
  • Hay dood, it was like, 4 in the morning when I wrote that. I can make mistakes then.
  • It says level 8 at level 35, dood. Says the same in game. Just get another level.
  • You do know that sharding garnets as an AA is a viable option, right? Anywho~ It's more like this. Your pdef determines the main defense reduction. Let's say you have a 50% damage reduction and you get hit for 1k damage. That 50% reduction will reduce your damage to 500. Basic, right? Adding in...let's say....50 defense…