DredOpal - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Being that your AH calculations are off, the fact your reading comprehension of all I said is poor, and several times you hallucinated your take on things I said, as when you CLAIM I was "exhausted" before I went to bed when I didn't even say I was tired, I'd guess you're just making a lengthy TROLL.
  • This was answered in a previous post - I keep NOTHING in my mailbox. It was empty when I put the 2 gems into the AH the night before, and it was empty still when I logged in the next morning to find no new mail and nothing up for sale in AH. The ONLY "user error" that happened was when I imagined that PWI Support would…
  • Thanks, I appreciate an open answer/statement. I am certain that I made no goofs on the transaction. But, feel free to doubt. PWI made no offers of restitution, just posted a response stating that the logs showed that I'd received the money and closed the ticket without seeing or asking whether I had further response. And,…
  • Yes, thank you:) That's a big part of it alright.
  • If you don't think that when you put 20-30 items up for auction every day for a month and occasionally have 1 or 2 payments missing, and that you can remember every single item you put up EVER, without manually tracking them, you are simply not facing reality. Since it was submitted as a Bug Report, only checking the game…
  • Oh, and to the last person - PW support confirms that no one has **** or used my account, and for the rest of your post read my previous response that no one else has EVER not gotten paid by the AH. From my experience you are deluding yourself, because you haven't actually manually tracked every one of the thousands of…
  • To those who have written and said they have 0 loss at the auction house, and have made several thousand sales there, I'd like to see your tracking records. Because I'd bet that you have lost a couple. But, my guess is you haven't tracked them, and are only guessing that you've never lost them, because you didn't notice.…
  • Yes, I do know about making mistakes and have laughed at people selling single items for 500 coins. When I put an item up for sale, especially when the listings comprise 1.5 million coins, I double check what I've listed. Had I listed them for 800 coins, the 500 fee is taken from my account at that moment, not from the…
  • Thank you for the polite answer and info. After I go through my mail and take all the items, I then delete the mail, so no, my mailbox wasn't full. When I logged in the next morning, it was empty and the gems were gone from my AH sales. Yes, I waited a while for the mail to show up and it didn't. And now, it's been 11…
  • The issue of course is not how to make money, the issue is that the AH has a bug that steals money from players, and that PW support people do nothing about it. If you made a million farming in one minute, but never got the money through the AH, you would still make $0.
  • Well, I gave u the benefit of a doubt, and checked. You apparently no nothing about what you're talking about. The PW Boutique Agent doesn't sell tokens. If you check the AH, immaculate citrines are still selling for about 800k, sometimes less. That's how I made my money, by buying the lower priced and selling for the…
  • My psy used the melee attack with black voodoo on Kun Kun I didn't have to chase him as far as my wiz did with a bow. This is a quest ur supposed to do alone, so I don't know if u can be in a squad. Perhaps just having friends there to assist and make sure u get over 50% of the damage before they attack might work. If you…
  • Cool - great info - Thanks! Now, if only there WERE Xmas Trees to be found... many ppl asking that question and no real answer so far
  • Is there some kind of guide somewhere to tell new players where to find the Xmas Tree? Apparently some players from last Xmas seem to know, or the guide is very hard to find. I've been searching everywhere for the Xmas Tree, or Event info and can find nothing at all. Love the snowfalling...
  • If you visit Santa, you can check his lists of quests and figure out how many cards. Going from memory (when I wasn't really thinking of this question) I think it's 7 cards per set. Another question, besides where is the Xmas Tree and Where are the Living Snowmen (unless they mean the snowmen B4 u kill them), is how do you…
  • First, I tried Spark Eruption in a macro. If you are not in range, then you run towards the target while ur 10 seconds count down. So, Great Cyclone first then Spark Eruption, and the rest of the attack. I had to kill 5 or 6 mobs in between each use of the macro, in order to use it again, and in using Spark Eruption 2nd,…
  • Spark Ignition is a skill listed in the sticky. It is not the "spark" everyone gets. Spark Ignition is Spark Eruption. Though I can't say I use it much. Perhaps it would be useful as the first thing to cast in a macro, but it only lasts 10 seconds. If u don't use it in a macro, you'd be lucky to get more than one hit in.…
  • My my what funny things some people say... Please don't take offense, but... Can make 30 levels in 2 days. Is that playing 72 hrs straight?:) Re: the idea that Clerics and Wizards are equal money wise. My level 22 Wiz has more money (CASH on hand) than my level 45 Cleric has ever had. I would like to thank those that have…