Delia - Harshlands Arc User


  • A couple months old is a new thread when you're on the forums twice a year ;)
  • I remember stuff from over a year ago (in fact, as this game goes, only such stuff). And yes, Citadel was, and still is, my favorite faction too. Citadel forever!
  • Warning: I haven't read your posts as carefully as I'd like to because I have to leave in a minute. The game (I've heard) includes level as a source of weapon magic attack, I believe, so weapon magic attack = (your level + ring1 m.attack + ring2 m.attack + weapon m.attack (including refinement) + shards m.attack + any…
  • Yeah - when I said "run" I meant do the calculations if someone else does the punching and keeping track of the numbers. I would if I had time to, but, alas, college. I haven't even had time to get on to do my daily quests this week, let alone run tests :(. If I get some time, maybe I can, but that's a really big if. Edit:…
  • Yes :). If anyone wants to do this, I can do one or two simple randomness tests (covariance and maybe another) that might give us an indication. If you do just PM me (I might not check this thread, and it seems to be growing fast... I have work to do). As Asterelle also pointed out, what humans think is random is actually…
  • To the people derailing this thread: Some of us actually care about the topic, could you please take it elsewhere? Thanks :) This is the one of the few things that makes me believe PWI-random may be somewhat less random than your standard pseudo-random generator. Interesting idea about the global - worth looking into. I…
  • I believe (under the old method, at least) you needed a level 1 higher than the gear's crafting to decompose it. I could be wrong, and either way I have no idea wrong. On topic... I bought out all the below market price 3 stars (i.e. repair+decomp+sell = profit) from the auction house a couple weeks ago, but hadn't been…
  • Just for the sake of it, adding 1 str every two levels comes out to the formula: str = ceil( level / 2 ) + 4 where ceil() takes the ceiling of a number - i.e. rounds up to an integer if level/2 is not an integer. Because of the ceil (which only seems applicable for arcane headgear, and possibly leggings?) adding 1 strength…
  • Any of what you describe is fine :). So is playing from the same IP address. And as aryanna said, in any situation (whether or not you were at the same IP address), you'd both need your own accounts. Helping her out with quests, giving her money or items, or any of that is fine :).
  • You can adjust the fog distance (and just about everything else graphics wise) from the system settings menu. Yes, it's dated, but I haven't seen quality decline, except for the fact that new additions means the settings my computer can run it well on (sometimes) are lower. At high quality, which is way too much for my…
  • When you get to rank 2, you can turn it in for the rank II ring quest, but not pick up the rank II ring. You might end up with an extra quest that way though (probably worse).
  • Bounty Hunter. Search will give you a better description of that than I would. Basically you do FBs ~10 levels below you for ridiculous amounts of exp each day.
  • I've also been enjoying the 2x drops, and was thinking the same thing myself. 2x drops for grinding please b:thanks
  • It's already insanely easy to level without them. 3 BHs a day produces enough high level newbs for us as it is :P.
  • What I don't like, is gear that's just stupid. Don't wear random white arcane drops with 3 resists and no adds. There is quest gear out there. The rank 1 gear is better than that at level 60 even. And white weapons should really be disposed of as quickly as possible, in my opinion. As for builds, I'm all for alternative…
  • Press search, and tada:
  • The armor colors are above, and if I see anyone sharding their weapon for colors I'd be happy to spark tempest them. Then again... could work that way for gear to. Please use appropriate shards, not pretty ones. We have enough problems already b:surrender.
  • ^^ Flawless or higher, perfects should be fine. Didn't know that Aryll, good info. I'm not sure how two flawless+ stones that aren't the same level work either (but it probably would, although it's financially irresponsible to shard your weapon with different grade stones of the same type, in my opinion).
  • If you have 2 (maybe you only need 1, can't remember) flawless shards of the same type in a weapon, you get a sparkle effect on the handle. I remember a really great post detailing all this, but can't seem to find it again :(. Or I'm imagining things. I think between the posts above you've got all the major points though
  • They give you access to more specific categories. i.e. if you search for the "wheel of fate" symbol above - 轮 - (which actually seems to mean wheel or glaive), you get a list of a bunch of glaives on the side bar. From there you can find the Wheel of Fate, and double click it to search for *just* Wheels of Fate in the…
  • When you click "Filter Items" the right half of the window that appears has a search box at the top. Searching in these characters works there, providing a list of Chinese search results, which you can hover over or double click to filter for that item only. (Sorry for not posting a screenshot)
  • They start out slower (+0.0 compared to +0.5), but if you level flying mastery they can become much faster (+2.0 compared to +0.5).
  • Yes. The only things that can't be transferred using the account stash are items that say "cannot be placed in account stash" or something to that affect. I've seen several posts of gold TT gear being transferred.
  • lol even more at the necro posts themselves. At least spence's made sense... but militarygifts post and their sigs make it seem like some military-ring advertisement campaign xD.
  • A timed mass world quest walk would be awesome. They could (maybe?) disable land and air mounts, and teleporting, if you pick up the quest within a certain window, then give decent rewards for completing it considering the time required. Or make the quest fail on flying/riding/teleporting.
  • That is awesome! Makes me want to get a +str or dex weapon now...
  • It was hilarious when the "crimson flameatron" (or what it's called now - not in game at the moment) was realeased as the "cockatrice". World chat was so funny as people tryed to sell/buy them b:chuckle
  • I think Veren was talking about the original poster, not you Zenzell b:avoid