CocteauTwin - Lost City Arc User


  • No, I mean 1% of what I should know b:laugh About Archers vs HAs, hm... Archers offensive: - Metal skills being just base DMG + amount which is very low after PvP reduction - nice crits, but still low DMG Archers defensive: - low P. Def - low HP - nice Elven Alacrity - some kiting skills Yea, I'm noob in terms of…
  • Reason n.3 - Archers are epicly epic in TWs Reason n.4 - Archers rock against AAs in 1v1. They suck against HAs, but who cares. Reason n.5 - Archers are wanted in squads until high levels.
  • Ive noticed a significant lack of archers in pwi, hopefully this post will remind people why archers are one of the best classes :) Reason no.1 We have Metal and physical skills - This means we can effectively attack any class with some decent damage. Metal DMG isn't that great... Seekers and Clerics are more versatile in…
  • I just rolled a Seeker, so I'm not saying it from experience, but from theory. I know it's not worth as much as experienced Seeker's advices, but it's always worth something b:chuckle 1. Wizards: - this may be race "The one who casts nuke first wins", so use Blade Affinity + Gemini Slash to take them down (it's good to…
  • Some time ago they put a time limit on Supply Stash items. The only thing that comes to my mind is that you were using lvl 20 Supply Stash Daggers and their time has expired. If it's not that, then I really don't know.
  • Wizard is the best class because of super awesome AoE nukes. BM is the best class because of godly 5 APS and many great skills. Veno is the best class because of ability to solo everything with Herc. Barb is the best class because of godly HP. Archer is the best class because of awesome skills like BoA. Cleric is the best…
  • Clerics can DD and can 1shot... b:surrender If you want compare them to 5 APS Sins/Barbs, then yeah, they can't DD. And so can't Wizards, non-APS BMs, Barbs, Venos, Archers, non-APS Sins, Psychics, Mystics and Seekers. I think you never saw good Cleric in PvP.
  • +1 b:victory Clerics have awesome buffs, they are awesome healers (Mystics don't even come close, they may be good enough to heal themselves, but in squad... nah) and also awesome DDs. Tempest isn't much weaker than BIDS and Razor Feathers is great against Arcanes. Combine DPH skills with debuffs and you'll get a killer…
  • 61) When someone is selling a Genie and bids are around 10 milions, offer more despite having less than 100k just to make price go higher b:laugh 62) Apologize to seller once you accidentally win, sorry once more Mariposaa b:surrender
  • 40) PK lowbies without your weapon
  • If you want non-human non-squishy class, you must choose between Barbarian, Heavy Armored Venomancer, Seeker and maybe Assasin. I'll start with Barbarian: - the best HP of all classes - the best Physical Defence of all classes - low Magical Defence, but you can't have everything. You'd still be hard to kill though. - no…