Cels - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Seconding this. You can also run msconfig and check what startup programs are running. Thing like quicktime or a manufacturer's software can sometimes hog the ram. I'd also recommend shredding the white space on you computer after you uninstall programs. nCleaner and Defragger both work well to help clean things up.…
  • Did you check to see if anything in your PC might have changed? I had a similar problem, before realizing I'd switched my power settings from high performance to balanced. Silly me :P Also, you could try rolling back your driver/updating it/checking DirectX. Alternatively, you could try defragging, as PWI has a horrible…
  • I've seen a big reduction in my games rubberbanding after defragging my PC; Used to be every NPC on WQ had me resetting. (Had to even reset the program one time) Found out that most of my files in PWI were really fragmented, the litmodels.pck file had near 200 fragments. (Using Defraggler to spot the specific files). And…
  • I dunno about anyone else but between the TW changes and the new interface, PWI just isn't fun to play anymore. I've seen a whole lot of changes that people Q-Qed over, but this one definitely takes the cake. I for one am refraining from playing the game until things change. So, how many others will put their money where…
  • Which they're going to lose in the long run if these keeps disrupting people's experience playing. Don't see a lot of long-term planning here in PWI.
  • I wouldn't call this an 'interesting devices and installments' A general rule of thumb in online games is that if there is a feature, and no penalty to use it, people WILL abuse it, which is what is happening now. There have been people spamming WC since it's inception, and as soon as people start buying more of these…
  • Also, I guarantee that if this is left the way it is for long, a lot of people will just ragequit from being unable to talk to people without spam interrupting them. Already seen three people quit completely on Sanctuary due to them. If they aren't filtered off the other chats, that number is just gonna grow. So, PWI, what…
  • Please, get rid of the all-chat board feature on the horns. I don't want to get the messages when I'm in faction or squad chat. PWI, you have failed :( Until the horns are limited to the general chat, this player is boycotting zen purchase. And I urge all other players who are pissed about not being able to play in peace…
  • If you have to have the horn, Get it off my non-general chats! It makes it horrible when talking in faction, and there is no escaping the spammers :( Until they remove the all-chat board feature, this player is boycotting zen purchases.
  • If this does nothing than pissed them off, I think the idea that maybe the horns suck might sink in faster, if this many people are complaining about them. After all, if they want to solve the problem of people complaining about it EVERYWHERE, you think they'd stop the source of the problem.
  • I for one am boycotting gold purchase until the remove the new horn from squad/faction chat. I turn off general chat because I want to AVOID the spammers and the WC drama. Can't escape it anymore. :(
  • Tried again and nope, the ticketing system is still not working.
  • STILL waiting to hear back from someone. I'm surprised that it's taken this long for at least the email sent to the support is taking this long. At the very least, the issue of the ticketing system NOT working should be addressed. At least then I could use that method to ask for help.
  • Still can't get the ticketing system to work, so I sent a manual email to support@perfectworldinc.com Waiting to hear back from someone, either by email, phone, or forum b:cry