Baritomaris - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I thought the same thing! My gut tells me that you can only transfuse a friendly target, but I've never tested it. Got to wait until someone else tries.
  • OMG! You forgot the piggy veno, with the pink ears and the cute curlicue tail. ^.^ It's what I am, and it's by far the best!
  • Woo! The last three digits in my SSN are 289. Oh ****! Please don't steal my ID.
  • No, there are no men who play venomancers. A few might have fallen through the cracks, but it's actually against PW rules to play a character who isn't the same gender as you. Read the fine print if you don't believe me. If you do decided to roll a veno, just be sure not to tell anyone you're a dude, otherwise you might be…
  • You made a tiny but easy-to-make math error. Crystal Damage is = 0.6*10*3240 (no skills) = 19440 You had the Magmite's attack speed correct above. I'm assuming that you used the Herc's attack speed by accident. So Herc damage is slightly higher, at least when you ignore skills. Also, you have Nix attack as 4096 @1/sec =…
  • I'm not sure where you're getting your information. Golems are great tanks and have great damage. The Crystalline Magmite is one of the highest DPS pets in the game. I think as far as land pets go, only the Baby Hercules and Varicose Scorpion outdamage them, and only by a small margin.
  • This list is pretty good. But I'd like to add that at level 70, I had no trouble tanking all of the bosses in TT1-2 except Soul and Drummer.
  • Let me just repeat what the other two posters have already said. The Herc is much better than the Cub. Without buffs, the Herc has a little bit better magical and physical defense, as well as more HP and a higher attack. But it is the buffs that make the Herc so powerful. They increase both magical and physical defense a…
  • I've only done WQ for a few days. But I have absolutely no trouble grinding out the money required for WQ so far. Teleporting everywhere in WQ costs more than 100k, but then again, it's a breeze for me to make 100k in an hour's worth of grinding. A lot of this probably class dependent. I notice you're a barbarian, so you…
  • The more I think about it, the more I think that a magmite/golem or an armored bear might be the best pet. The magmite's speed doesn't seem like that big of an issue. Once the tank is on a mob or boss, it's not going to move around. It might kite a time or two, but that's about it. Defense though seems important. Sure, it…
  • This game will continue to be sexist until barbarians in tiger form are able to ride venomancers in fox form, not just the other way around. b:laugh
  • If anything, venos are severely underpowered. ... ... ... b:chuckle Sorry, I couldn't get myself to say that with a straight face.
  • Go to the pet trainer instead. I know there's one right next to the veno trainer in Lost. Look under the menu titled "tame pet." There, you can upgrade your pet heal, pet tame, and pet revive.
  • I guess venos do have four ears. Never noticed this before. So I wonder... Do these ladies have four of anything else? ;)
  • haha, oops! Checked my math, and it's wrong, as you noticed. =p It's more like 3k to Arch, 8k to dream, 6k to Villiage of the Lost. Corrected it above.
  • First, I'm assuming that you're a pure magic build. I tried soloing TT1-2 shortly after restatting pure at level 70, and I got through it. It should be even easier at level 73. And of course, I skip LoP and SB. The only really hard part is Dimentora for like the first minute, because you have to get him away from the…
  • Actually, that's not entirely true. Sure, you can't tame a herc. But you can definitely grind one. Many people have grinded out several million coins, and traded them at the auctioneer for gold. So if you wanted to, you could get a herc and not spend one single penny of your own money.
  • An arcane user should definitely use phys def necklaces and belts. Arcane armor already gives you good enough magic defense for most situations, but as you mention, you're squishy against physical attacks. Since your physical defense is so low to begin with, even adding a little bit to your physical defense will make a big…
  • This thread is a great idea and should be stickied.
  • For what you're trying to do, there's nothing wrong with your stats so far. In fact, I'm almost tempted to argue that you don't have *enough* magic. =p If it was me trying to make an arcane caster veno, I'd have just enough strength for robes (as you've done), and dump everything else into magic, and nothing into vit. But…
  • ^^ Agree. Also, when you factor in attack speed, a Herc does more DPS than a Magmite. Even if the Herc dealt less damage, don't forget that a pet's primary purpose is to tank damage. A Magmite is a very fine tank in many situations, but as good as it is, a Herc is far superior. Of course, you have to be able to afford a…
  • The second one in particularly gets on my nerves. A lot of people seem to believe that as long as I don't use a pet, don't use leech, and/or don't use soul transfusion, then it's a fair fight. In other words, I'm expected to handicap myself by not using my three most powerful skills. =p This kind of whining has made me…
  • Quicky update. This is actually ariastima, the originaly poster. I finally figured out how to make an avatar, woo! I'm level 59 as of this post. Obviously, if you look at the date of my original post, you can see that leveling isn't a problem for this character at all. So much for all the nay-sayers out there who think…
  • Unfortunately, it's complicated, and depends largely on what you're looking to do. And a lot of it depends on personal preference. The most important question is, Do you want to use foxform exclusively, or do you want to switch back and forth between mage and fox? As for what weapon to use, all venos use magic weapons. You…
  • ^^ Got to agree with this poster. I imagine we have a similar build. Damage isn't a problem. Sometimes I steal aggro from my golem even when it has bash on. And when you find a good weapon with these types of builds, you're going to keep them for a very long time. A lot of the damage we do in foxform has more to due with…
  • I address this elsewhere in the thread, but a normal HF using a higher level magical weapon only gets a flat bonus from using skills. It's my third point at the end regarding what I noticed about other calculations. For example, regardless of the weapon used, level 10 befuddling mist offers a flat damage increase of…
  • This doesn't sound right to me. I'm not sure I believe it's true -- yet. :p At least from playing around on, it seems pretty easy to quickly find the right mix. It's just arithmatic, right? Is there any way you could provide a more concrete example of the situation to which you are referring?
  • Ok, I played around with a bit, and I've come up with the following numbers. And before I do this, I don't want this so sound like I'm flaming Laranda and her/his opinion on light armor vs. heavy armor. I just respectively disagree with the position, and I'm trying to provide evidence to prove my point. Also,…
  • Interesting thread. You point out that light armor has better magic defense than heavy armor. This is definitely true. But a heavy armor fox has enough magic to mix and match heavy and arcane armor. With the right mix of heavy and arcane, you can get better pdef and mdef than light armor alone. I'll try to come up with an…
  • Awesome! Thanks for the help :)