So sad. You completely failed to post anything that we can use to help you. There's a sticky thread SylenThunder made called "BEFORE YOU POST" You might want to take a stab at it before you post again.
My catshop has been open since right after maint and it's using less than 500MB.
Yeap, now I'll a bunch of alts at level 95 for no other reason than "because I can" b:cute
Looking at SylenThunder's route. It's a regional router right before you get to PWI. That would affect quite a large number of people, but still there is nothing you or PWI can do for it.
Did you make the shortcut with the required arguments to play it without Arc?
It can also fail if they have not logged into that account in over 30 days. Definitely should be an automatic exclusion there though so you don't spam yourself with failed entries.
Considering that's about the time that they're probably going to be updating our version with the new engine... not likely. Hopefully the limit on botting will help restore the economy some, but I doubt it will do much. Any real "fixes" to the economy will just end up hurting everyone that isn't a cash cow.
The only mess up on the update is that your software ate the client. If it were a problem with the update itself, EVERYONE would be having a problem. Not just the peons that ignore sound advice. The issue with antivirus software and the client has been around since the beginning.
PWE doesn't have any control over the maintenance window. It's all managed by Wanmei in China, which is basically who PWE rents the game from.
My minecraft tower. =) I also have rails that spiral up into the clouds, travel across the map, and then drop you down into a cavern. b:pleased Yes it's too bad we'll never see the housing system. that's only on PW 1.0 which is still a subscription service. Can you imagine how many servers they would have to add to give us…
On a side note... I added Skyrim to the list of programs for Minimem to play with, went AFK for an hour while playing it, and came back to have to wait 2 minutes for the game to reload everything into memory. So use with caution. It's great for older programs that aren't compatible with larger memory stacks, or programs…
Ok, once again...... Just for the sake of shooting myself in the head.... IT'S A FALSE POSITIVE. IT'S BEEN AN ISSUE SINCE THE GAME RELEASED OVER 4 YEARS AGO. IF YOU BOTHERED TO READ THE DOWNLOAD PAGE, OR SEARCH AND READ THE FORUMS, YOU WOULD ALREADY KNOW THIS. Of course, then you wouldn't be posting something that's…
After you fix your antivirus, firewall, and malware software, you have to start over again from the beginning. Delete any files that may have already been downloaded because they are likely still locked/quarantined. Edit: I just have to point out that I LOL every time I see the title for this thread. I am always talking…
Actually, you would be surprised at the number of things Wanmei does on purpose and then doesn't tell our teams here in the US about. For example, the patch notes that you see posted. That's exactly what Wanmei sends for them to post. Our team typically gets no more information that that when each patch is released. Even…
Yup, which is why I an not giving the answer again. If you spent 2 minutes actually looking, you would have found all the answers aplenty. I mean really. When my daughter was 8 she could go out and find solutions to problems with her games before bugging me about it. I can't imagine that any of the forum readers here are…
Check that your antivirus didn't eat it.
You didn't look far enough. Search for autorun in this forum and you'll have your answer. Also, you should bother to read the hundreds of posts about your antivirus. It's happening because you never excluded your files and as a result of that, they were eaten by your security software. What's really bad is that even if you…
Exactly what I always say, and idiots still tell me that no one should do Delta before they are level 100. Nevermind that I've been doing full delta runs on all of my characters since they were 86 with marginal TT90 gear. (Hell, my barb didn't even have that when he started doing Delta runs, it was mostly 70's and 80's leg…
It's either your antivirus or your firewall. This has only been discussed to death since PWE started using Pando and stopped providing an actual direct download. Alternatively, the Torrent method works flawlessly if you actually bother to read and follow the instructions. It's faster than the fake direct download method as…
You can move it, it's just a VERY small spot to click on. Press and hold in the middle right under the selector tabs.
For right now it's limited. It is intended to be a replacement. We just won't likely see it until the next expansion release if a few weeks.
*sigh* Like it's been stated hundreds of times, and you would have found by searching something as simple as "autorun*..... Go to the folder the client installer downloaded to and run install.exe. If that is beyond you, give up and stick to browser games.
This is the type of situation you submit a ticket for if you ever want anyone to look into it. Don't forget, it's 3-5 business days to get a response. That means no QQ'ing on Monday that it's been 3 days and no one has looked at it.
SO true. I was working hard to make a wizard look like Dresden and it ends up looking like Dresden might have at age 16.
Search forum before posting. Some idiot asks about this almost once a day because no one can be bothered read threads or search before posting. This has been an ongoing issue since the system came out. If it's been more than 36 hours, send in a ticket. V4aliance says they are looking into it finally, but don't hold your…
The last thing we need is another 2x to further **** up the game economy.
It's because your video driver does not support Direct3D acceleration. 1. Go to the manufacturer website of your video card. (Manufacturer of your video card, NOT your computer.) 2. Download the latest driver for your video card. 3. Install the driver, Choose advanced, then "Clean Install" (If running Vista + run the…
Either it's your browser, (I recommend Chrome), or it's something wrong with the account interface on the site. If you've tried clearing your cache, and/or using a different browser and still have the issue, the only thing you can do is Submit a Ticket. Edit: Ninja'ed by Irca.... Yes, you will need multiple Facebook…
I can verify that this program is safe. It is "Clean" and does not contain any spyware, malware, or viruses. Heck, it doesn't even have the nags to fake you into installing malware, toolbars, or other **** in the installer. The functions that it performs are just like most every other memory "cleaner" on the market, with…
Which is why I provided the following links.... The second link is exact instructions on how to get your profile, then you just copy the hyperlink from it and paste it here, As I showed in my example post. For your Video Driver, go here, and it should auto-detect what you need. I provided the earlier link based on what GPU…