AlanAlthenna - Sanctuary Arc User


  • if it's a guildmate (especially another cleric...THE other cleric) I'll actually OFFER to fly/teleport around the world; some friends I might do it if I'm not too busy (and if I got time to kill I offer to help them), random people asking NEARBY, sure. But someone (and some of my friends used to do this) who calls out of…
  • Exactly, can't remember how many times I had gotten up from meditating, engaged a mob and just as it's about to hit me I notice all my buffs just ran out b:surrender
  • Pretty much; with apothecary you can make a lot of enhancing herbs (recover x hp in x seconds, jade powders 3000 mp in 30 secs, absorb x damage) and with blacksmith there's a chance your equipment will have extra effects or stars, same with tailor and craftsman, really, but I've found it a little harder.
  • Probably both, but I said it mainly because I have a hard time making my clerics looks good, since they're always looking up in Character creation they tend to look weird in the portrait or some angles. (ex. Alan's cheeks look odd in his portrait and I had to edit my Sammaniel many times for similar reasons, and I later…
  • I'd love to help since I like helping newbies whenever I can (and as a cleric, help other clerics on their boss fights and though quests) but I guess I'm too low-level to do it; I'm sure I have some coins and even a couple of celestones, etc. I could part with as prizes, though.
  • I had been thinking of a Cleric-only guild a while back but it sounds like it would be quite difficult; perhaps if instead of only FAC/HC it would include SC, too, even while a Hybrid can take the support role I've found most teams work better with a Team Mom going around taking care of everyone, even so, I'd join but I'm…
  • You have to drag them to your quicklist. you can see what skills you currently have pressing R or Alt+R; then drag your new skills to any of the empty spaces on your quicklist.
  • Excuse me? If I recall correctly, the difference between an attack and support cleric are merely the skills he/she chooses, which is (supposedly) rendered moot by 80+ I'm an Hybrid so far and my healing and damage is good enough to function solo or in a party, IF a mob gets close enough to me I can kill it (or kite) before…
  • You could try going light armor if you're that worried about physical defense but it could cost you magic attack (from what I've read around here) basically you'd have to add every level (calculations may be wrong) 3 mag 1 dex 1 str OR you could get equipment with sockets and add phys def stones or HP stones.
  • I actually won't be able to be in the game for a few days (possibly the day after tomorrow I'll be able to play lag-free) but I like RPing and if anyone wants to contact me feel free to PM me in here, hopefully I'll be able to log in to the game shortly. My 3 (actually four but the archer is not quite fleshed out)…
  • You're not the only one, trust me; the thing is, other people, myself included IIRC (or maybe I just thought about it?), HAVE mentioned that PvP =/= PvE but tend to just be ignored and the arguments continue like nothing happened. I agree completely with you and the others who keep saying that this game is supposed to be…
  • Thank you, it sounds a lot like the difference between a fair (and honorable and terribly fun) fight and a (too easy and quite boring) slaughter.
  • Nevdemo, THANK YOU for stating what I wanted to say in another post; this is a GAME which is meant to be FUN, not only that, a game where you can be whoever you WANT to be, if someone wants to deal Holy Judgement (and, from my on low-level's perspective and my other slightly higher level alt's the cleric's attack skills…