Akaisora - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • make sure that the servers are not in maint. if they aint, check ur connection. are u connected to the internet? if yes, give ur isp a call...
  • yet another one of these threads... If you actually bothered to do some digging and not come in here with guns blazing, you will find out that who the heck cares about your low lvl 3 star weapons and molds. A huge majority of the higher lvls help to do FB's is mainly because of the exp reward it will give and not your low…
  • the more desperate you are, the more things wont get accomplished. for now, calm down. I'm going to paste to you what I have sent in the ticket through the ticketing system. I assume that you have at least kept a copy of the receipt of your transaction? As it contains the receipt reference. Request that the PW team to…
  • 1) Yes, you can purchase Zen with your credit card. 2) Zen can then be converted into gold. (Gold is the currency to purchase cash shop items) >> Rates are as: 1 USD = 100 Zen 100 Zen = 100 Silver 100 Silver = 1 Gold 3) Zen which you have purchased from charging Zen CAN ONLY be converted into gold by following this link…
  • who sent you the email? PW? or PayByCash. Also what did the email state?? :Edit: Always make sure you include as much detail as you can. This is so that you dont have to send emails back and forth with details you have missed out. And especially true when it comes to PayByCash (PBC). You will roughly need to wait for…
  • nanya, if the billing team did not see any payments, register an account with paybycash and then show them ur receipt. tell them to check for payments on the date u made payment as well as 1 day before. because they are from the states and ur from singapore thus the need to check 1 day before as well (who invented…
  • well, i took around 1 day to complete the downloads as well or maybe slightly less. As I am connecting from Singapore and US > Singapore speeds are not that fast. So just keep at it =) Just remember to download the segmented client installer. And if you're dying to play the game. I am sure you will eventually download all…
  • btw i've made an edit. So you may want to take a look at it...
  • sounds like a corrupted download >.< unfortunately i guess the only way to go around this is to re-download the file agin >.< :Edit: And if I may suggest, go for the segmented (4 parts) download instead of 1 huge chunk direct download. This way, if ur download is corrupted, u only need to download the part that is…
  • hah. Now my zen transaction is stucked as well. PWI said that they have not received a payment. Which I already have paid for. So says the bank account transactions and a receipt I got. So now I am stuck with clearing things up at PayByCash which is the merchant I have selected to help with the purchase of Zen. Whats…
  • Yes I am unable to connect to the update server as well. The forums are taking a long time (around 1min and above) to load. However I am able to play the game.
  • I have submitted a ticket prior to making this thread. I wanted to know how long does it normally take to have an account get charged with zen. I finally got my zen after so many hours. Wished that it was slightly faster, than having to wait so long =( But thanks anyways for all teh replies.
  • the last time i charged zen, it was instant. right the next very sec, my account got credited with the zen. still no zen here =(
  • yeah, thats the problem, we did just that. but it didnt reset. But in any case, there is a timed reset. Not sure how long it was exactly. I think 30mins - 1hr?
  • yeah if the admins wanted to do a rollback, they can do it easily. I am assuming of course prior to patches, the admins would actually back up data. All they need to do is to simply revert the data to the ones backed up. And voila everyone gets back to square 1 when the server went live prior to shutdown =p
  • i saw someone won nightmare from the event. I bet he would be pissed if his character got rolled back...