Aasaf - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Go over to the tech forum, there seems to be at least one thread on each page about this issue. There is no one solving it. Mods move the topic to tech support forum. Since most people don't visit that forum, they assume the error is not a big issue. Below you can see how your ideas were followed, still resulted in the…
  • The new character artwork is anything but PG-13b:shocked. PWI should really give up their double standard that pwi is a pg13 game. Most faction chat, world chat, a bit of squad chat is PG-32. The bosses are not PG-13 either. Would be great if pwi accepted the fact that are doing nothing to cater this game for younger…
  • PWI is not recognizing this as a problem. This happens most often in arch, but it has happened in lost, ether and 1k for me. Waiting around does solve the problem, longest i had to wait was 2 hours. Shortest time i had to wait was two minutes. Reloging multiple times does not really help me out. The one solution that i…
  • +6>+5>+6>+5>+4> busted 0> +1> +2> busted 0> 0> 0 so on and so forth.
  • Let's see if we can make it to the two year mark before we get a yes or no on the issue b:victory. I presume there is still no update on the matter even after the new expansion being released? Did anyone send a message to the team in china, since i presume the communication is more open now due to fixing problems with the…
  • I have had this problem pop up in plume (rare), lost (rare), outside of tt (rare). I have had it appear on both toons at the same time (rare). The problem sometimes does go away after a few minutes, if you don't do much. You can move around (might take longer or the same time). You will have a rubber band effect, when the…
  • I counted the password length, 14 characters. Still it wouldn't let me change it. I entered the password, one character at a time. I get this message "The password you have entered does not match your current one. Please press the back button, enter the correct details and try again. Don't forget that the password is case…
  • All those people who know me, know i am a clean merchant b:dirty. I will tell you my story, since our start is similar, but somewhere along the line i played the game like i play any game, and you played it your style. I quested until lvl 55. I learnt my character, skills, different weapon use etc in that time. I did not…
  • My problem is, i run into this problem every 2~3 days, and no reologging, exiting area, trashing quests twice seem to work for me, or a combination. I just have to wait for the timer to reset on pq and problem vanishes. I know on sanctuary not many people run it consistently, even though they claim to, because when i am…
  • Weapon prices will skyrocket, armour prices will go up. Why? Simple, everyone goes to farm nirvana for badges, no one would do lunar/ws for the molds, because currently people are stocked up on molds. Once that supply runs out, well, the above happens. Not a good idea to remove badges from lunar, ws. Might be better to add…
  • Glitch (meaning): a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or fault of equipment Just because it does not affect a majority, it does not mean it is not a glitch. Majority (meaning) : a number that is greater than half of a total Just because your 200 people have not experienced the issue, while the other 199 have. 200/399 =…
  • NW: Aasaf enter NW opponents: Oooog looky, bm, points. Aasaf: Oh dear *gets one shot* NW opponents: Rinse and repeat 3 more times NW opponents: Man, this bm sucks, he does not give us points. Aasaf: dead the 5th time *checks damage log* - 300k damage taken b:cute It will liven things up though, if cross server pvp is…
  • The alts are only the buffers, cleric and barb. The rest are individual players. The problem occurs as stated when your quest does not auto fail. Try it out sometime, be a squad lead, quest not auto failing, and still getting rewards, post a video for that, so i know what to do in that situation. PWI does allow dual…
  • Refer to post number 42 to see why pq 3 is glitched. Sure it didn't happen to you, lucky for you. Pq 3 is glitched though on the reward side as well. You will get 0 reward, if the game does not add up your contribution as linked in that post. Kossy, just barely makes it a non-necro b:pleased. It has been about 14 days…
  • Client instability will happen if they give you free orbs. That is why no free orbs yet, they are trying to fix that.
  • That is called boring b:bye. How long did it take you to get to 105x3 if you are an advocate of fcc, pv to lvl toons?
  • I don't know about other servers, but if you don't include merchants in this, it will never happen. Merchants always find ways to make money regardless of gold price, because cash shoppers and other players are willing to pay the price. There are numerous players who will pay X+1~3m per item, rather than paying X, because…
  • Even trying to work with the bugged version of PQ 3, i still get 0 rewards b:angry b:angry b:angry http://i.imgur.com/efzXc4O.jpg b:cry b:cry
  • This is what happens when the glitchy quests in pq 3 glitch on you PQ 3 quest glitch <---URL b:angry b:angry b:angry Purr and I should have had similar contribution, we ran it together. Guess what happens, i get 0 contribution. When i click the chest, i get nothing from it. Tell me how that is normal behaviour? Some days…
  • I'll test it out, purge does happen, but my macro is army crusher, highland cleave, fissure, army crusher. Will edit this post when more awake.
  • Forums were active back in the day. 2~3 days and already got 15 pages filled up. Good suggestions in that thread, but we can see how things went.
  • I'll run this tomorrow and see, but seriously PWI how hard is it to fix a quest line code? Acknowledging the issue might be a step forward, last official statement was by genotypist on august 19th 2013 b:shocked. It has been a long time and still no feedback on it.
  • Umm DOD, i was expecting the Scarlet Machinated Terror price to change in the reward page. Not that you would edit the post. Only reason i spent gold was because the mount was 2 500 points = 50 gold. Just saying sorry, need another 50 gold to be spent, to get the mount is an unacceptable solution. I was operating on the…
  • We could get cross server nation war b:victory.
  • Submitted a ticket, thanks. Could be a timing issue, did you spend the gold after the rewards began?
  • Scary part is, OP might even get hired b:shocked
  • OP was drunk, high, or not thinking. I think the latter b:laugh. If a mod could close the post would appreciate it. Otherwise lots of +1's will pop up.
  • I would say top, because the quests were fine, something got tweaked in their code, so the fix is not hard. Not sure about the rest of the folks, but i don't think paying 300m for sky cover is healthy. Imagine, world quest, a quest that very few people do, still works fine and that has 50 or so different quests to take. A…
  • Gettings S-card nuema set = HP: +2098 Phys. Attack +1144 Mag. Attack +1144 Phys. Res.: +2826 Mag. Res.: +1692 Spirit +272 Rebirth the nuema set 2 times and you get HP: +5500 Phys. Attack +3308 Mag. Attack +3308 Phys. Res.: +7599 Mag. Res.: +4419 Spirit +940 As a bm, the difference HP: 3.4k hp difference = 226 vit points…
  • 11 star = 1155 1 star orbs + 1 ocean other way 11 star = 45 5 star orbs + 5 chienkun stones. 5 star = 60 1 star orbs 45 x 60 = 2 700 1 star orbs equivelant 1 star orb = 150k Ocean orb = 100m Chienkun stone = 1m Above prices are arbitrary (best to plug in your server prices to see what fits) First way = (150k X 1155) + (1 X…