Disable hypers in frost, yes, no or LV restricted?



  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    From the list it's not everyone that have time to do WQ, I have 5 chars lvl 100+ I don't have time or motivation to do WQ on all of them (same with cube).

    I personally never do AEU cause I finish will less EXP then I had when I entered cause people are to stupid and I just hate freaking AEU.

    People say that people not being able to hyper FC will learn their class and be more skilled, when I say I prefer do FC to lvl people say to do PV.

    Do you guys REALLY think that people leveling with PV beside FC will be more skilled?

    There's nothing NOTHING to learn in PV, you lure mobs in groups and kill them and kill a boss that do nothing special, FC is easy I know, but at least there's different boss.

    People cry saying power lvl FC babies are unskilled, LOL wait to see power lvl PV babies, that will be worse. XD

    I hate PV, there's no challenge or anything to learn there.

    Oh my gosh I sound like a hater ''I hate AEU, I hate PV, QQ'', but yea I do, cause I was planning to get 103 on my mystic by solo FC, I can't solo freaking PV and in group I get less exp then solo FC.

    I don't care if they make lvl 1-99 unable to hyper or do FC, but lvl 100+ should be able to do FC and hyper it, the goons glitchers must freaking laugh. Damn why WHY I didn't abused it???

    Make the FC a instance for lvl75+ that's all. I never understood why they don't put a lvl requisite like Nirvana, Warsong or other instances.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    v4liance wrote: »
    I've updated the original post with follow up information on FCC and TW rewards.

    For now, FCC will be reverted to allow hyper exp with the next maintenance, and TW rewards will also be fixed in the next maintenance.

    Whether FCC will remain that way, we can discuss further.

    As for this week's TW rewards, assuming only Mirages get sent out, we'll be manually reimbursing every Faction leader for the territories they hold.

    - Val

    I think is the best for everyone. Is not our problem or our business how people want to lvl characters, if they want to make lvl 100 in 2 days is there own time, characters and money and we should not decide what they wanna do. Like you all lvl your characters , they want same chance as we got it.
  • Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    @Miugre: its bout time that someone makes some real common sense on here bout this.

    @Wnbtank: sounds like your trying to impose your own fun on the rest of us that did this game from the very start and did it the real fun way stead of taking cheat codes just to satisfy your ego. if you dont like how FF is being lvl limited or being shut down compared to your arcade game type hunger, then you should just quit and go play your video games where you can just skip over lvls. this is an MMO not an arcade game. All ive got to say is this

    @kaleya: i didnt get confused bout nothing on your reply, what you said is how you said it and im not going to interpret your own selfishness. Im not a mind reader as to how you want things interpreted. if you want things interpreted the right way, then say it the right way or not at all.
    The Sure Shot that Flies Straight

    Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)

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  • Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Krisnda wrote: »
    In lieu of the other thread about hypers being disabled in frost, I'm deciding to make a poll.

    Now, yes V4l mentioned that the change is a bug and will most likely be fixed, but I want to see what the community wants (even though I know that most poll are kindsa rigged here, I'll do it anyway).

    "If you guys want it to stay, then you'd better show your support strongly and loudly"

    I'm changing the poll in order to add lv restriction since that also seems to be a popular option.

    Sorry to have you guys re-vote D:

    Edit: I'm actually leaning more towards the idea of having them lv restricted rather than just outright disabling hypers on fc.

    Your poll sucks and is not very clear.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] united we are to the unit of measuring the greatness!
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Your poll sucks and is not very clear.

    SweetieBot remove 10 points to Nry - Lost City for be mean.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    SweetieBot remove 10 points to Nry - Lost City for be mean.
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  • Posts: 1,173 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yeah, is "Yes" "Yes I want hypers back" or "Yes I want it to stay as is now" b:surrender
    xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
    DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
    Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer

    Because I can't stand playing melee classes
  • Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    SweetieBot remove 10 points to Nry - Lost City for be mean.

    "remove 10 points to" ? b:scorn
    Sweetiebot remove 12 points FROM Nry - Lost City
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  • Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Sweetiebot remove 12 points FROM Nry - Lost City
    Asterelle - Sanctuary removes 12 points from Nry - Lost City!
    Nry - Lost City now has a total of -2 points and is in 65th place.

    Check this thread for the current high scores and to learn how to award points to others.
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  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Welp, better several-pages-late than never. <_>

    I used the term legitimate here to refer to method of leveling other than Frost abuse. Whether I personally approve of any other method is not the topic of this thread.

    Regarding goons... what would you have had wanmei do, exactly? By your logic, anything that ever becomes broken should remain broken forever. I suppose by your logic they should've left in, say, the Medal of Glory DQ point glitch because a few people used it?

    I will agree that PWE's reluctance to roll back abusers' characters is regrettable, but that was their judgement call to make. They had a choice between doing harsh rollbacks that would maybe have affected everyone (depending on what level of control they have over the databases, which is probably not much), or leaving some people in the posession of benefits that others wouldn't get. Neither choice would have been perfect, but that doesn't mean the solution is "oh, well, we'd better not ever fix anything again."

    Frost abuse, if this is the term you want use and limit it on frost is interesting. Fact is PV done well lands xp close enough to not make difference, how are these instances different?And its crucial where you draw line as its your opinion you deliver.

    As for goons, there was 2 ways to not mess up the balance. Either leave it as it was as it took months for PWE to fix the issue. Other option would of been giving "legit" way towards 105. I myself would of bought boutique item, as long as it would of been reasonably priced, to get back on same line with gooners. Depending how irl affects and how much reasons I have to level, I may end up pushing 105 "legit", would be the only on Archosaur if I did. I can say for a fact every single current 105 on server gooned there, period. Though I know "legit" R999s spamming PV and good chance they hit 105 before I can do it.

    The thing is, there is no reasonable way to catch up with gooners. You can still buy MoG out of boutique thus making it another strawman. Well I suppose I shouldnt of mentioned the R999s who can solo PV 4-6 times with the 15min token thingy and do it twice a day if they are in shroud. Granted it needs openers but those arent too hard to find as long as PV isnt appealing to masses.

    Bad comparison. What's being restricted here is something that has a direct and observable effect on the intelligence and competence of your average endgame (and hell, midgame) squadmates... in essence, their decision to abuse Frost results in detriments to the gameplay of those around them. I know that doesn't apply to all of them, but it really seems to apply to most.

    And even for the skilled ones... do I have the right to raise an objection when people cheat a system that I used legitimately? Yeah, I do. You have a right to ignore me and continue to enable the hyper babies, of course. But if wanmei decides to listen to us and treat Frost abuse as cheating (a precedent I believe they've already set with the goon glitch), then don't be surprised.

    I wrote my opinion regarding this on page 35. Quoting relevant part would take too much space.

    I would think that instance, which is squad based, teaches more than solo questing/grinding. Just sitting there doing nothing when others kill mobs and tab killing heads? Yes, that would likely have impact but most players already have learned what they will before starting FC. The 75-101 feels like a point which just have to be passed in order to get to endgame.

    I dont understand how its cheating to use options devs have clearly intended. Hypers were clearly intended and so was FC as xp instance, yet combining these two = cheating? I cant understand what is so terrible in it. But nice going with comparing intended feature with obvious bug that was abused to gain absurd amounts of xp.

    If you don't find the actual game content appealing, why the hell did you play it? If all you want to do is be endgame immediately and PVP your heart out, I'm sure there's no shortage of pservers out there that can accommodate you. Why not drop the pretense?

    Besides, you and I both know that 90% of the lowgame and midgame content can be skipped without consequence. Aside from culti, no quest in the game is required, and you can absolutely reach 75 without ever setting foot in a questing zone. You've got BH, crazy stone, world quest, cube, Lucid fruits, brainpower orbs, high-yield gofer quests like the Tideborn chain, PV... and those are just some of the popular ones. Don't tell me there's not enough content and leveling methods out there to get your alts to 75... just tell me you're too lazy to use them. At least that'll be honest.

    I bought WoW when it was on expansion right before Mist of Pandoria that came out around the time Diablo3 did. Leveling trough questing is quite easy in WoW and by skipping content I mean its plain impossible to do all content efficiently as there is 2 zones per level tier with 1 being enough to level trough the tier. Nor did I waste my time in gearing up with outdated gear as every expansion adds new gear, which is along lines of R9 vs R8 better than the old content gear. So I rushed trough older content, which had no rewards for me to content that wasnt outdated.

    As for being lazy? I am simply not interested in going trough the same content, which isnt endgame. If I have option to skip it quickly and not spend time with it, why should I not take it?

    I've responded to most of this already, but let's address the question about your archer. Would it be boring to go through the same content again on another server? Sure, maybe. I've got an archer on Archosaur myself, actually... I think she's like lv12. Why? Well, because I never invested enough time in Archosaur server. Same for my Lv71 cleric on that server. The result of that is - guess what - I don't exactly have much power or influence in Archosaur server. Too bad for me, huh? But I'm not gonna create fascimiles of all my HT characters just so I can pretend I earned it on Arch.

    It's a shame you decided to quit Dreamweaver, but them's the breaks. If you don't like it, petition PWE for a server transfer option. I keep hearing rumors they're looking into that, y'know. Hell, maybe your gear would come over then, too, and it'd even be legitimately sanctioned by PWE. What more could you want? XD

    So you have no reason why I should go trough the same content again. You try to argue some kind of "earning the level", yeah, this is plain forcing others to plain game as you want.

    As for quitting DW? Rl became too demanding to keep on playing, then I had more time when it was time to open Archosaur and I decided to start there. I am not arguing like I somehow deserve free level 80 on every server just cause I leveled one the hard way but I question what value would forcing me to level "legit" have.

    Two reasons. (1) PV requires a squad of level-appropriate characters without relying on high level help, and (2) the exp is scaled to that level range. Is PV for 85+ players equivalent to Frost? I wouldn't know, I never do PV (do they even have an 85+ PV?). I don't have anything against it, really, I've just never needed it to level.

    Only difference is that FC can be entered with players outside the level range. Oh and PV can only be entered once a day during 15min time period. FC was scaled for levels 75-90 or so. Only reason 100+ toons use it for leveling is because there really isnt any half decent xp instance for 100+. Even PV is only good if you solo it and that limits it to players with high tier gear.

    Game design is what it is. If you're telling me you don't like to grind and you don't like to quest, y'know what that tells me? That you don't like MMOs. Sounds to me like you'd have more fun in a whole different videogame genre. I don't treat PWI as a job because I don't see its intended nature as a chore. If you do, maybe you should play another game rather than insist that this particular one fit your particular definition of fun.

    I enjoy questing and grinding, I simply dont feel it all that appealing to do the same quests chains/repeat same patterns whenever I make new toon if I have a easier way to get to endgame content after I have already experienced other content. I am not forcing you to enter FC or hyper, you are trying to force me and everybody else not to so yeah...
    I know what a strawman is. What are you implying?

    Your first post to which I replied was a classic example of one. Whole damn post was constructed of different strawman arguments, I found it quite amusing.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Your poll sucks and is not very clear.

    Your observation skill sucks and is not very bright. Anyone can tell from this poll how clear we want FC babies gone.
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    "remove 10 points to" ? b:scorn

    ?? I did it correctly.

    SweetieBot remove -1 point to Asterelle - Sanctuary cause he quote me with a weird face. :x

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    SweetieBot remove
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    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451

    Status: ONLINE
  • Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    SweetieBot remove 10 points to Nry - Lost City for be mean.

    bella haven t seen u ingame for a while !! :P where have i been !
  • Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ?? I did it correctly.

    SweetieBot remove -1 point to Asterelle - Sanctuary cause he quote me with a weird face. :x

    Your english is so bad... how are you supposed to remove negative points?
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  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    bella haven t seen u ingame for a while !! :P where have i been !

    You pk me pretty much everyday, you even did it yesterday. XD
    Your english is so bad... how are you supposed to remove negative points?

    I didn't wanted to remove points, not to you. b:cute

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It's better to restrict access to FC to 75+, let's say.
  • Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You pk me pretty much everyday, you even did it yesterday. XD

    I didn't wanted to remove points, not to you. b:cute

    wow u sure i did ? hahaha sorry :/ i pretty much tab murder everyone at west :P don t look at names .... but weren t u in mayhem or something?
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    wow u sure i did ? hahaha sorry :/ i pretty much tab murder everyone at west :P don t look at names .... but weren t u in mayhem or something?

    Never have been in Mayhem, I'm in Dark and Infamous. Log in game I'll pm you, cause that thread is about FC/hyper thing. xD

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Never have been in Mayhem, I'm in Dark and Infamous. Log in game I'll pm you, cause that thread is about FC/hyper thing. xD

    ah :o infamous/dark. yh i pk them on a daily basis killed jekel/curses yesterday alone ;) anyways i am not home atm... so u can pm me later ;)
    bk to fc fix this freaking bug already !!!!
  • Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yesssssss Level Limit In Fc

    Lol yea was tired when typed that so I am still making some reasons why I suggest this one.

    I'd suggest lvl 75+ level restriction.

    1. No hyper-noobs and I see no reason why wouldnt anyone get themselves leveled at this point
    2. 75-85 is challenging but fun FC ttime. People learn their toons

    Would also be great if you couldn't just bring a lvl 100 to pwn the whole place... instead set level limits to go in with.
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
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  • Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    keep the hypers away from fcc way to many players already bullying and turning this game in to a ebay between them selling account's with r 9 gear and amongs other things im surprised perfectworld dont realize that there company loose's money.

    As for warsong way to many abuse that to there are a lot bullying others and using people just for the molds the only time they complain more is when x2 starts they demand barbs and clerics .

    My cleric barb i don't use much any more i stay on my other toonsgot tired of it.When pwi first began there was no hypers no bh's there was no aps highest lv was lv 80 plus we grind and did fb's etc.

    Sense pwi had added hypers bh's everything it took that all away now every one wants more they all want g16 they all want molds yes a lot do sell there stuff for usd i found many sites that players from all servers selling stuff the highest price usd i seen was five thousand dollars this is real cash people buy accounts or sell them.

    So they should make this game back to what it was before all the changes now ecery one pissed off swearing qqing they cant sell heads .
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    @kaleya: i didnt get confused bout nothing on your reply, what you said is how you said it and im not going to interpret your own selfishness. Im not a mind reader as to how you want things interpreted. if you want things interpreted the right way, then say it the right way or not at all.

    Actually, you did. Your narrow-minded stubborn mind fogs you from seeing things from other people's perspective. You put words into people's mouth that they have NEVER said, and try to twist words like a child. You do know what selfish is, right? Just because we have different opinions doesn't mean I'm selfish. Being selfish means you care more about your personal profit than others. So.. essentially you're selfish for trying to take away someone's ability to level and/or make money in order to benefit yourself. Not to mention that you're selfish for 1) insulting me 2) being egotistical and think you're right no matter what and 3) having that self-righteous attitude. Not once do you explain any of your claims. You're pathetic and can only say things without backing them up, and I pity people like you. b:thanks
  • Posts: 668 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Lol yea was tired when typed that so I am still making some reasons why I suggest this one.

    I'd suggest lvl 75+ level restriction.

    1. No hyper-noobs and I see no reason why wouldnt anyone get themselves leveled at this point
    2. 75-85 is challenging but fun FC ttime. People learn their toons

    Would also be great if you couldn't just bring a lvl 100 to pwn the whole place... instead set level limits to go in with.

    I do believe that 2nd part is not possible.

    Other then nerfing party range, which is obscure in this game, or making lvl restriction 75-90 or w/e.
    Only thing worst then a troll is a brainless troll ...
  • Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    v4liance wrote: »
    [UPDATE - 3-21-2013]

    FCC issue
    - Devs are going to reverse this change, thereby re-enabling hyper-exp in FCC, so hopefully we'll have this fixed with our next maintenance.
    - Regarding alternative "solutions," such as a level cap - I think we need to continue discussing this over a longer period of time. But for now, we're going to try to revert this change ASAP and re-enable hyper exp in FCC.

    Seriously? Are you kidding me? Discuss for a longer period of time? More like cashing in as much as you can before the community chomps on your nuts long enough to get it changed. I know you're just the messenger Val, but honestly? You've seen how the people reacted to the idea of possibly restricting FC, What more is there to possibly discuss about? b:scorn
    (Need better/up-to-date sig)

    Remember my name. For it's the one you will fear in your waking nightmares...
  • Posts: 1,173 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    People really need to stop acting like the devs make a lot of money from FCC hypers. Most people are going to be smart enough to token or at the very least buy hypers from cat shops. I'm not sure the cost of tokens/hypers on other servers but on Sanctuary that's like 400k-700k depending on how lazy you are. Thats 2-4 days worth of hypers from one gold. Even if you're painfully inefficient with your use of money, that's still 10 hypers for 3.6 gold, in other words, 2 days for <4 bucks. Compare that to the cost of cash shopping any fashion set, gear set, flier, 100 packs, or basically anything else in the game. It's laughable to say the objection they have to the removal of hypers from FCC is money.
    xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
    DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
    Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer

    Because I can't stand playing melee classes
  • Posts: 1,497 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    People really need to stop acting like the devs make a lot of money from FCC hypers. Most people are going to be smart enough to token or at the very least buy hypers from cat shops. I'm not sure the cost of tokens/hypers on other servers but on Sanctuary that's like 400k-700k depending on how lazy you are. Thats 2-4 days worth of hypers from one gold. Even if you're painfully inefficient with your use of money, that's still 10 hypers for 3.6 gold, in other words, 2 days for <4 bucks. Compare that to the cost of cash shopping any fashion set, gear set, flier, 100 packs, or basically anything else in the game. It's laughable to say the objection they have to the removal of hypers from FCC is money.

    They don't make the money from the hypers dude...

    They make the money from people charging gold to pay for the service, and then charging gold to get the gear when theyre 100+
    pwcalc.com/bb6fc16982637a5c / pwcalc.com/28948ee5778526f5
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I do not agree with all the statements of disabling hyper or setting up a level restriction, really, those statements seem quite thoughtless.

    First of all, real newbies even do not know about FCC and are thus unable to powerlevel their toons.
    Second, FCC loses importance with lv101+, at least it is very hard to level even with FCC and it gets really boring; so it is kind of bad deal and I see no need for disabling it or setting up a level restriction.
    Third, a player learns nothing about her toon if she levels it via quests as the toon does not have all skills from the start and a player has to change her playstyle till she level her toon up to the last levels. Once she reaches the last levels she can readily forget everything she learned about her toon in the lower levels.
    Just look on all the arguments made here and in the game and you should see the real cause about that "noob phenomenon" is sitting in front of the PC and tries to discuss.

    I know there are enough proud players out there who never have done something useful and dedicate their life to this game or do not have the need to work or do not want to work or think that a game has to be a work-like thing.
    At least, such a change could scare away some potential players who really want to spend some money here without spending half of their day in this game; so why should we prefer those who have no money but the time to spend all day here or only those who have too much money and just play a while, pushing their toon to the max, and then quit the game as it gets more and more boring for them?

    Some older players are just jealous of the newer ones who could do things they were unable to but what could PWE do about them? nothing! R9T2 is the best newer example: some felt the need to buy all the materials to get it fast and now it is quite easy to get it and all their money or coins were only necessary because they were impatient.
    If players are too impatient or do not understand that a game changes over time then they have to pay a price for that stupidity.
  • Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    great what r ur plans to reach 105 ?
    lemme help u out what u been saying nd a lot saying naively is that:
    do cs gives 1m
    do morai quests +gbq gives 650
    do aeu gives (2m at 103)
    do cube another 1m exo so great !
    result: u gain 0,3% at 103 good luck reaching 105 before 2015

    Who cares? Reach 105. Don't reach 105. PWI owes us no quick and easy path to get there. Entitlements are not gameplay.

    Play the game or quit the game. Geez you'd think leveling was the only reward we get. If it is, why don't we simplify the map to just Archosaur and Frostcovered City, then rebrand the game as a coin-operated MarioParty clone. We can all just do the same few moves over and over until GAME OVER pops up on the screen, then stand on a winner's platform with Peach and Luigi while Mario throws a fist into the air and squeaks WOO HOO! Then we can be done with the whole freakin' thing because we've scurried past to the end.
  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    And what if you 105? I dont care if I am 100-101 or 105....I am not in a hurry to be 105 cuz it does not give me anything good so if i get 101 I dont need more. Fc will give you 1% per run anyway at 101 so....I dont wanna spend years again to make 105 lvl like I did 1-100.
This discussion has been closed.