Disable hypers in frost, yes, no or LV restricted?



  • Crixxix - Raging Tide
    Crixxix - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    To be honest, this is just the biggest derp I've ever seen. Sorry PWI, at first I thought it was no big deal, but after seeing all the flaming, raging, QQ'ing, trolling, etc... I gotta say this was a fail. I love you PWI, but I have to admit it. Hopefully more precautions are implemented in the future to prevent this sort of thing, as I've heard of countless people quitting over this.

    And to the people, I voted "No Change" as I see a lot of the people who are saying "Change It", "Lvl Restrict It" are already level 100. I also find that a lot of the people who say they did reach level 100 or level 85 without FC are they biggest nabs of all. A decent chunk of the economy depends on FC as well. Both from lil noobies buying gold from Wally World and selling for coin, to pay for hypers and runners, as well as the runners making coin.

    As has been said, if you made 100 without hypering FC, then great. Truly, that is an accomplishment, but forcing others to do the same is wrong.
  • Levantica - Raging Tide
    Levantica - Raging Tide Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Personally I think FC should be open for any player, but hypers use in there should be restricted to players 100+.

    A person that hyper levels to 100 has no idea what they are doing. If you end up stuck in a squad with a person like this, not only are they going to get killed but there is a good chance their actions are going to get others in the squad killed. So being a hyper-baby does affect more than just them. This is what hyper leveling is causing. A few days ago I was in squad with a person who did not even know what a NPC was or that she could sell her unwanted items to them.

    The reason I think hyper use in FC should be restricted until level 100 is because a person can still use zhen to level up to 80. If hyper FC is available at 75-80 then a person can hop right into it after zhenning. In no way would this fix the problem. If hypers cannot be used until level 100 (in FC) then people still have 20 levels that they actually have to play. And only starting to play at level 80, people are going to realize that not knowing how to play really sucks. They will either quit (and considering they are of no use to the game any way, who cares) or they will level the way they should and contribute to the game.

    And before you disagree that I'm only saying this because I have all my toons leveled. My highest is only level 90. I have done all my quests, I do BH and I now do cube. More than enough for me to level. I also do the quests on all my alts (and I have many). There is no point playing a game, unless you are willing to play the game. Questing, leveling, daily bh and everything else is all a part of playing.

    And you are happy to lvl in years when only 100+ people get all the fun?
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    If people actually read, maybe.

    But face it, we still have people who fail even the coming of age quest because they don't actually read. Cutting down on people who can get away with that (and then have a tendency to rant at you about how they know what they're doing when they're the ones constantly making you work harder to cover for their failings) would be a nice thing for the high level community.

    ... And giving more new players that have other lowbies to do stuff with would be a nice bonus as well so they don't quit a week into the game.

    Thing is you're not really cutting down... they're already here, they're already cashed, and while changing FC might make some quit a lot of them will stay, they've already got their end game sets or close to it and are already 101+. Damage is done. This won't help, because PWI has no low level staying power. Low levels are mostly alts, it's been that way for years now. If PWI had staying power, that sense of community it lost so long ago then MAYBE this would weed out the idiots. But it won't. It's too late for that, hyper babyism has progressed too far for that.

    It's a nice thought... but it's just not going to have that effect, and even if it does it won't b anywhere close to the degree people think it will.
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited March 2013
    that won't be possible ever :)
    they don't write new codes or at least very rarely they weren't able 2 fix a simple glitch in fc or final TT3-3 glitch or fc 2nd boss glitch ect... to make a new cave it'd take them a year maybe (fix restrictions ect...) so for now we want out fc bk they can write their code slowly idc if they r gonna make us wait 6 months then it'll be a problem for ppl who wanna climb to the top. u said u had a 101 sin if u had a 103 sin nd u worked hard on getting him to 104 u'd know what i am talking about when 4 hrz of quests give u 0.4% daily meaning u'd need half a year to reach 104 if u r 103

    Actually, all they'd have to do is remove the entrance so that you have to talk to an NPC to enter it, as there is already a soft cap on entrance into FC which is level 75. Prior to that level, you cannot port into it, you have to fly all the way there. Which a lot of people do from Etherblade. It's held up many an FC squad that I have sold. In the meantime, I believe a GM has stated that FC will be turned back on.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • Zsw - Dreamweaver
    Zsw - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Personally I think FC should be open for any player, but hypers use in there should be restricted to players 100+.

    A person that hyper levels to 100 has no idea what they are doing. If you end up stuck in a squad with a person like this, not only are they going to get killed but there is a good chance their actions are going to get others in the squad killed. So being a hyper-baby does affect more than just them. This is what hyper leveling is causing. A few days ago I was in squad with a person who did not even know what a NPC was or that she could sell her unwanted items to them.

    The reason I think hyper use in FC should be restricted until level 100 is because a person can still use zhen to level up to 80. If hyper FC is available at 75-80 then a person can hop right into it after zhenning. In no way would this fix the problem. If hypers cannot be used until level 100 (in FC) then people still have 20 levels that they actually have to play. And only starting to play at level 80, people are going to realize that not knowing how to play really sucks. They will either quit (and considering they are of no use to the game any way, who cares) or they will level the way they should and contribute to the game.

    And before you disagree that I'm only saying this because I have all my toons leveled. My highest is only level 90. I have done all my quests, I do BH and I now do cube. More than enough for me to level. I also do the quests on all my alts (and I have many). There is no point playing a game, unless you are willing to play the game. Questing, leveling, daily bh and everything else is all a part of playing.

    I hypered to 100. I believe that I have some fair knowledge of the game as I have not heard anyone complain about me giving people a hard time in squads. I disagree with your statement.
    Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
    TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer

    All Luck No Skillz PvPer: youtube.com/user/zsw007
  • Oups_Dead - Harshlands
    Oups_Dead - Harshlands Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Actually, all they'd have to do is remove the entrance so that you have to talk to an NPC to enter it, as there is already a soft cap on entrance into FC which is level 75. Prior to that level, you cannot port into it, you have to fly all the way there. Which a lot of people do from Etherblade. It's held up many an FC squad that I have sold. In the meantime, I believe a GM has stated that FC will be turned back on.
    problem is that they would have 2 ask the chinese dev to do that nd it's gonna take a while... like a few months do u know how many will quit before they r done? u find pwi to be desolated don't u ? by then there will be no one even on WC
  • Maelael - Heavens Tear
    Maelael - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,497 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    When you list pros, you're not supposed to spin them as cons or vice versa. If you think you are, I suggest you enroll in that course yourself. IT was worded properly for the side that it was on.

    Nope. Im not sure if rephrasing my point is a waste of time or not at this point with you though, as we've been down this road before. However, you did gain one fan outta someone who doesn't know how to play a Barb, so theres that.
    Do you know what rational choice theory is, because most of your criticism of what I wrote all fit into those three little words.

    Annnnnnddddddddddddd if that was my issue with your post, I woulda said it. Not gonna quote most of the rest of your response that is retorting whatever you imagined I was mean-ning or saying.
    Your argument that people will party up without a high level is nonsense, most high levels join the parties because the existing parties aren't getting filled properly.

    Stop grouping with lazy tards then. And stop being a lazy tard yourself. Every group I've been in, in the last year and a half, leveling 4 separate toons in FF 80+, we've downright refused or just left the party when too high a level joins. Regardless of the reasoning. Why? Because we don't want our exp nerfed. Just like you wouldnt want your drops nerfed in TT.

    Seriously. Group with some nontards. Now given I haven't touched my Psy other than for buffs since NW started, for all I know this is whats left of groups on HT. Typically, all the people still shouting for X class or role for 15 minutes for FF are the people whom are avoided because they're fail, or its an off hour.

    And really, if you aren't in FF 80+ making friends, trying to find the most efficient way to run with the squad you have possible, having fun beating up mobs and running the instance - what the hell do you do in this game? Do you really find the mindless "Kill X Mobs" quests that interesting? I did it for months to get to 85 before FF got changed. It got old, real fast. Grouping is way more fun. It's an MMO. If soloing and making yourself look pretty is your thing - MMO may not be the game for you.

    Rest of your spew is so unaddressable it's not funny to me anymore. You're a long time poster, a mod, and an educated individual. You can do better.
    So to me, a good game designer will recognize and make instances that streamline certain things, and make people work for others in such a way that balances replayability for established players, and retains new players.

    Agreed. However without a replacement 80+ for FF (IE, a worthwhile grouping experience that isnt a wham bam thank you ma'am like PV and BH), 80+ becomes the wasteland of sitting on a wall waiting to help out people and getting bored logging out. I was around for that, and I still have 7 people on my flist that I pray come back one day that quit due to that. (Hell, I did for a while too)

    I have a few things to say to that.

    1. Welcome to HT. Sigh.
    2. You may have done it at an awful time and nobody was watching. I've had others ask this question and Ive happily answered them and given them multiple options of good factions depending on style, level range, and activity. There was some barb I spent like 20 minutes with tracking down officers of various factions for him to talk to one night.
    3. This is also why I advocate having WC monitored by a GM, Mod, or anyone with a lick of Sanity. HT's WC gets really really, and I mean on a level of wtf really stupid and most of us turn it the hell off. Its hard to get help or sell stuff when 95% of WC is utter garbage (not even like, faction [bleep] comparison, actual spam or full out attention [bleeping] garbage).
    You're gung-ho that a mod shouldn't be allowed to post their personal opinions no matter how clearly they mark them as such. It's not the way the forums work here, and I would never volunteer for such a position.

    I'm totally cool with you having an opinion, and stating it, if I agree with it or not. Heck you can speel gud and use the worst terminology and explanations imaginable that makes my head explode on a personal level. I don't like seeing it from a mod account. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen a mod say something ****, or flat out wrong, in this game and others, and end up seeing it repeated by people in game as gospel, and create rampant amounts of stupid. It's just not healthy.

    Even from a good business sense, even as a volunteer you're expected to keep face for the company. I'm not gonna bag on you about RL expectations and perception again, we did that last time and its like beating an ugly dead horse.
    pwcalc.com/bb6fc16982637a5c / pwcalc.com/28948ee5778526f5
  • Levantica - Raging Tide
    Levantica - Raging Tide Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If they lvl faster then you that does not mean they dont know how to play. I been in squads with people from our TOP factions with R9 and they all died in a pull at Lunar. I been with clerics that played before even sins existed and they will be DD instead of healing the squads and everybody died so no matter how fast you lvl if you are an idiot that is how you gonna be. Some people just dont have it , some wants to be DD when they not and some just chose the wrong characters to play with. Fail people will always be even if they lvl in 3 years.
  • Oups_Dead - Harshlands
    Oups_Dead - Harshlands Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    guys if we do not hear from the gms before end of next week it means fc is dead by then i suggest u guys start quitting ... there is a reason pwi's profits went down by 75% last year : goon's fc nd now with fc dead i hope u reach 0% profits nd close ur servers ... some gms will soon be unemployed :S
  • Euthymius - Heavens Tear
    Euthymius - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    guys if we do not hear from the gms before end of next week it means fc is dead by then i suggest u guys start quitting ... there is a reason pwi's profits went down by 75% last year : goon's fc nd now with fc dead i hope u reach 0% profits nd close ur servers ... some gms will soon be unemployed :S
    v4liance wrote: »
    I've updated the original post with follow up information on FCC and TW rewards.

    For now, FCC will be reverted to allow hyper exp with the next maintenance, and TW rewards will also be fixed in the next maintenance.

    Whether FCC will remain that way, we can discuss further.

    As for this week's TW rewards, assuming only Mirages get sent out, we'll be manually reimbursing every Faction leader for the territories they hold.

    - Val
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|
  • FragiIe - Dreamweaver
    FragiIe - Dreamweaver Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    **** over anyone who wants to level now isn't gonna fix the problem.

    yeah and we're tired of those that want to do nothing but level but refuse to learn their class!
  • Suigyo - Harshlands
    Suigyo - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lvl restricted definitely. It's do-able getting to 85, and in that time you have plenty of time to get to know your character. But not only a level restriction, maybe a certain number of times you can run FC per day.
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1st - Mods have a right to an opinion. They are players just like the rest of us. We can make them switch to another char to post their opinion as a player, as on that alt they dont represent a company, but when all is said and done, its still them voicing their opinion. Making them switch chars would be a nuisance, and a matter of cheesy semantics in the long run.

    2nd - all the points that are made about power-leveling can also be made when it comes to R9 gears. Is the game gonna suddenly delete R9, its tiers, any refine above +5, and JosD stones? LOL, no. How many players that have those things already only really log in for NW and TW? How many 'noobs' ever see them out in Snowy Village offering to help them learn to play their class? How hypocritical can people be?

    FC has not been changed in forever. Just like R9 and its accompanyments aren't going anywhere, neither should hypers in FC for any level.

    Funny, most of the people I saw on WC last night ranting about the 'FC Babies' were FC babies themselves. They've got theirs, and dont want to give new comers the 'unfair advantage' that they enjoyed apparently, many of which also enjoy over-priced gears and accoutriments to help mask that issue as well.

    I would say R9T3+12, JosD did more to make the game unbalanced, and players lazy, than FC ever could.

    IF a change is all that necessary, a replacement should be in place and up and running smoothly before anything is removed or changed, imho.

    P.S. My level 5 cleric suddenly powerleveled from lvl 5 to lvl 10 in a couple minutes. They did it with 5 fruit they got from Lucidsilver, lmao.
  • Oups_Dead - Harshlands
    Oups_Dead - Harshlands Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    when's that gonna be?
  • Kannone - Heavens Tear
    Kannone - Heavens Tear Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So at this point: over 1.000 votes for either no hypers or LV restiricted... a pretty ostensible outcry against power leveling if you ask me (no one asked though... ijs)
  • Star_Prism - Archosaur
    Star_Prism - Archosaur Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    And you are happy to lvl in years when only 100+ people get all the fun?

    With the way quests are set up now, it does not take long to level to 100. Even if you only play a few hours a day, or just on the weekends you could easily be to level 100 in a few months.

    100+ people do not have all the fun. What I see most of is people get to 100, now they are bored because the have nothing to do. I'm finding that problem myself. When I run out of quests I start getting bored. I try to fill that time with farming, but that gets dull after a while too; at that point I usually switch to a lower level alt and then I have fun.

    I have never understood why people think you have to be 100+ to have fun, there is so much you can do at lower levels. People just have to be willing to look for it. If you go to any major city all you will see (other than catshops) is a bunch of players 100+ standing around, doing nothing. How is that fun?

    This is what creates hyper levelers because people think they can't have fun at lower levels, that they have to be 100+. So people rush to get there and find they have nothing to do, then complain that the game sucks.


  • Euthymius - Heavens Tear
    Euthymius - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    when's that gonna be?

    Next Tuesday, assuming it doesn't get pushed back a day/week (or it comes earlier) or two for whatever reason.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|
  • Levantica - Raging Tide
    Levantica - Raging Tide Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1st - Mods have a right to an opinion. They are players just like the rest of us. We can make them switch to another char to post their opinion as a player, as on that alt they dont represent a company, but when all is said and done, its still them voicing their opinion. Making them switch chars would be a nuisance, and a matter of cheesy semantics in the long run.

    2nd - all the points that are made about power-leveling can also be made when it comes to R9 gears. Is the game gonna suddenly delete R9, its tiers, any refine above +5, and JosD stones? LOL, no. How many players that have those things already only really log in for NW and TW? How many 'noobs' ever see them out in Snowy Village offering to help them learn to play their class? How hypocritical can people be?

    FC has not been changed in forever. Just like R9 and its accompanyments aren't going anywhere, neither should hypers in FC for any level.

    Funny, most of the people I saw on WC last night ranting about the 'FC Babies' were FC babies themselves. They've got theirs, and dont want to give new comers the 'unfair advantage' that they enjoyed apparently, many of which also enjoy over-priced gears and accoutriments to help mask that issue as well.

    I would say R9T3+12, JosD did more to make the game unbalanced, and players lazy, than FC ever could.

    IF a change is all that necessary, a replacement should be in place and up and running smoothly before anything is removed or changed, imho.

    OK so...Close FC, close NW (get your eggs from Nirvana), make only 2.0 APS on sins, take back R9 and T3 gears, Close Morai and all that comes with it and then we will be just perfect to learn our characters and have time to farm and play, how about that? We can all return to years 2008-2009. How exiting !
    Those people have gone crazy. When they are FC babies themselves and have R9 +12 and pretend they never open Boutique before LOL
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited March 2013
    Nope. Im not sure if rephrasing my point is a waste of time or not at this point with you though, as we've been down this road before. However, you did gain one fan outta someone who doesn't know how to play a Barb, so theres that.

    You edited my quote to spin the cons I listed as pros. That's why I said you shouldn't list a con as a pro. It defeats the entire purpose of having a pro and con list.

    Annnnnnddddddddddddd if that was my issue with your post, I woulda said it. Not gonna quote most of the rest of your response that is retorting whatever you imagined I was mean-ning or saying.

    I based my reply off the way you changed what I said in a quote.
    Stop grouping with lazy tards then. And stop being a lazy tard yourself. Every group I've been in, in the last year and a half, leveling 4 separate toons in FF 80+, we've downright refused or just left the party when too high a level joins. Regardless of the reasoning. Why? Because we don't want our exp nerfed. Just like you wouldnt want your drops nerfed in TT.

    On HT I don't have as much as a choice as I can't tell teh squad I'll bring in my main if we can't find anyone.

    Seriously. Group with some nontards. Now given I haven't touched my Psy other than for buffs since NW started, for all I know this is whats left of groups on HT. Typically, all the people still shouting for X class or role for 15 minutes for FF are the people whom are avoided because they're fail, or its an off hour.
    I also have a 7x psychic on DW that has been levelling purely the old fashioned way, and has kicked all level 100+ from BH squads in an attempt to only squad with people of my level. 9/10 I have to grab my sin. If someone else forms, I drop out. I average about 1 BH a week. FC is the NW of exp.

    The people on my psys friends out level me pretty quickly because they ARE doing FC. Which makes permasquadding with them impossible. They become just high levels I could pester within a matter of weeks. My choices are to hyper level with them or be forever alone. I don't care on my psy because I can switch to my sin, but on HT it really, really, really sucks. If it was for faction, I would have quit this game.
    And really, if you aren't in FF 80+ making friends, trying to find the most efficient way to run with the squad you have possible, having fun beating up mobs and running the instance - what the hell do you do in this game? Do you really find the mindless "Kill X Mobs" quests that interesting? I did it for months to get to 85 before FF got changed. It got old, real fast. Grouping is way more fun. It's an MMO. If soloing and making yourself look pretty is your thing - MMO may not be the game for you.

    Rest of your spew is so unaddressable it's not funny to me anymore. You're a long time poster, a mod, and an educated individual. You can do better.

    So discussing proper game design is spew? Whatever.
    Agreed. However without a replacement 80+ for FF (IE, a worthwhile grouping experience that isnt a wham bam thank you ma'am like PV and BH), 80+ becomes the wasteland of sitting on a wall waiting to help out people and getting bored logging out. I was around for that, and I still have 7 people on my flist that I pray come back one day that quit due to that. (Hell, I did for a while too)

    Which is why I support a cap on it for 75+. 80+ content is poorly designed, and by then players are not not new and should know their classes. Prior to that, PWI shouldn't have game content that makes it illogical to have people meeting the new players.

    I have a few things to say to that.

    1. Welcome to HT. Sigh.
    2. You may have done it at an awful time and nobody was watching. I've had others ask this question and Ive happily answered them and given them multiple options of good factions depending on style, level range, and activity. There was some barb I spent like 20 minutes with tracking down officers of various factions for him to talk to one night.
    3. This is also why I advocate having WC monitored by a GM, Mod, or anyone with a lick of Sanity. HT's WC gets really really, and I mean on a level of wtf really stupid and most of us turn it the hell off. Its hard to get help or sell stuff when 95% of WC is utter garbage (not even like, faction [bleep] comparison, actual spam or full out attention [bleeping] garbage).

    I tried for 2 days after I came back to HT after a brief fling with it in the summer on a mystic that I don't play with Kawaiijen. I rerolled fresh a few months ago. I tried at more than one time, and asked a lot of different people. A level 1 is something that a lot of people just dont' want to deal with. The advice is just to level through FC. Once I got a faction and levelled to mid level, I did meet some friends and such. But if I were totally new, I'd of just quit. Even as a not new player, I almost did.
    I'm totally cool with you having an opinion, and stating it, if I agree with it or not. Heck you can speel gud and use the worst terminology and explanations imaginable that makes my head explode on a personal level. I don't like seeing it from a mod account. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen a mod say something ****, or flat out wrong, in this game and others, and end up seeing it repeated by people in game as gospel, and create rampant amounts of stupid. It's just not healthy.

    Even from a good business sense, even as a volunteer you're expected to keep face for the company. I'm not gonna bag on you about RL expectations and perception again, we did that last time and its like beating an ugly dead horse.

    The mod accounts here are not only allowed, but supposed, to do all of our posting on our mod accounts only. So it's either never post an opinion, or post my opinions. There isn't any other options.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • XShadowshotx - Heavens Tear
    XShadowshotx - Heavens Tear Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Honestly if they aren't going to fix this issue, and just bring back hypers into FF just as a temporary solution so why not just bring back goons? Ya'll made a killing on that let everyone be 105, and get their r9s3 or their s3 nirvana.
  • Oups_Dead - Harshlands
    Oups_Dead - Harshlands Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You edited my quote to spin the cons I listed as pros. That's why I said you shouldn't list a con as a pro. It defeats the entire purpose of having a pro and con list.

    I based my reply off the way you changed what I said in a quote.

    The people on my psys friends out level me pretty quickly because they ARE doing FC. Which makes permasquadding with them impossible. They become just high levels I could pester within a matter of weeks. My choices are to hyper level with them or be forever alone. I don't care on my psy because I can switch to my sin, but on HT it really, really, really sucks. If it was for faction, I would have quit this game.

    So discussing proper game design is spew? Whatever.

    Which is why I support a cap on it for 75+. 80+ content is poorly designed, and by then players are not not new and should know their classes. Prior to that, PWI shouldn't have game content that makes it illogical to have people meeting the new players.

    I tried for 2 days after I came back to HT after a brief fling with it in the summer on a mystic that I don't play with Kawaiijen. I rerolled fresh a few months ago. I tried at more than one time, and asked a lot of different people. A level 1 is something that a lot of people just dont' want to deal with. The advice is just to level through FC. Once I got a faction and levelled to mid level, I did meet some friends and such. But if I were totally new, I'd of just quit. Even as a not new player, I almost did.

    The mod accounts here are not only allowed, but supposed, to do all of our posting on our mod accounts only. So it's either never post an opinion, or post my opinions. There isn't any other options.
    did u guys seriously type all that nd read it? 1 word : impressive lol
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited March 2013
    did u guys seriously type all that nd read it? 1 word : impressive lol

    I find typing very easy, if I were on my laptop I could type 67 words per minute. And if someone replies to me, I always reply back to their whole post. If someone messages me, I always respond. I feel like a mod should always be willing to reply to people who address them, but that is just me.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OK so...Close FC, close NW (get your eggs from Nirvana), make only 2.0 APS on sins, take back R9 and T3 gears, Close Morai and all that comes with it and then we will be just perfect to learn our characters and have time to farm and play, how about that? We can all return to years 2008-2009. How exiting !
    Those people have gone crazy. When they are FC babies themselves and have R9 +12 and pretend they never open Boutique before LOL

    ikr? lol. b:chuckle
  • Chigenkaiona - Dreamweaver
    Chigenkaiona - Dreamweaver Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    you did not see the oracle boom when everyone and their grandmas lved to 80+ with oracles lol

    I used oracles once to get from 50-60 on my old sin, I know how effective they are.
  • Oups_Dead - Harshlands
    Oups_Dead - Harshlands Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i Find Typing Very Easy, If I Were On My Laptop I Could Type 67 Words Per Minute. And If Someone Replies To Me, I Always Reply Back To Their Whole Post. If Someone Messages Me, I Always Respond. I Feel Like A Mod Should Always Be Willing To Reply To People Who Address Them, But That Is Just Me.

    Pro ;)
  • Oups_Dead - Harshlands
    Oups_Dead - Harshlands Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    another question gm said fc will be bk 2 normal on next update when will that be? next wednesday?
  • SinfulLia - Archosaur
    SinfulLia - Archosaur Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    With the way quests are set up now, it does not take long to level to 100. Even if you only play a few hours a day, or just on the weekends you could easily be to level 100 in a few months.

    100+ people do not have all the fun. What I see most of is people get to 100, now they are bored because the have nothing to do. I'm finding that problem myself. When I run out of quests I start getting bored. I try to fill that time with farming, but that gets dull after a while too; at that point I usually switch to a lower level alt and then I have fun.

    I have never understood why people think you have to be 100+ to have fun, there is so much you can do at lower levels. People just have to be willing to look for it. If you go to any major city all you will see (other than catshops) is a bunch of players 100+ standing around, doing nothing. How is that fun?

    This is what creates hyper levelers because people think they can't have fun at lower levels, that they have to be 100+. So people rush to get there and find they have nothing to do, then complain that the game sucks.

    Maybe you should post on a 100+ toon so we take you more seriously when you talk about leveling to 100 in a couple of months b:chuckle
  • GlenRoss - Archosaur
    GlenRoss - Archosaur Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OMG you are so smart! I was thinking the same. If you want FC the old ways why not all of you who voted 85+ or voted to stop hyper in FC go to Nirvana and get raps, why take it in 2 hours at NW? IT was fun and easy when all of you got 5-6 characters over 100+ and sell FC and get rich cuz it was sold with 500k few years back remember? Now that you all finish with that instance, let it die, the hell if we care right? I am so happy that our MOD and GM are so smart and not listen to kids like you that are jealous you spend years to lvl 100 and they can afford to make in 2 weeks or less lvl 100. I made my first character, cleric in 1 year and half lvl 100 then I made 2 characters in 1 year 100 and after I made FC with my hubby 10 a day or more and I power lvl other characters, why stay other 2 years for that when I done that already? My characters, my time, my money, if I can why not?

    Vitriol and snark don't impress, nor do they improve your argument. Limiting our game as you choose also makes no sense, nor moves your point along. Many cogent, valid reasons for wanting to limit fc have been presented. Emotional rants and insults are insufficient to refute them.
  • Maelael - Heavens Tear
    Maelael - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,497 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You edited my quote to spin the cons I listed as pros. That's why I said you shouldn't list a con as a pro. It defeats the entire purpose of having a pro and con list.


    Hi. I'm Blunt. Pleased to meet you.

    My point was your post was full of spin instead of unbiased fact, let alone conciseness. I intentionally replied in a spinning way to make my point. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
    The people on my psys friends out level me pretty quickly because they ARE doing FC. Which makes permasquadding with them impossible. They become just high levels I could pester within a matter of weeks. My choices are to hyper level with them or be forever alone. I don't care on my psy because I can switch to my sin, but on HT it really, really, really sucks. If it was for faction, I would have quit this game.

    I've experienced the same with my flist outleveling me, and outleveling my flist (I kinda fell in the middle). I just made more friends, and grouped with them again when I caught up. I feel for ya. I could even get behind reducing the exp in FF a bit.

    But I can say the outleveling or being outleveled by your Flist predated the FF change. I remember that well. It made me push to level faster, and made me run out to help good friends level.
    Which is why I support a cap on it for 75+. 80+ content is poorly designed, and by then players are not not new and should know their classes. Prior to that, PWI shouldn't have game content that makes it illogical to have people meeting the new players.

    I'm with you on this. As from what I've experienced on multiple toons, multiple times, and have not found a replacement for elsewhere prior to 100, FF is the best we've got. And tbh, the game changes so much due to gear and skills 80+ and then again at 89/92/99+, it's kinda like the pre-80s are kinda a wash.

    I *do* miss the time of having to go out and kill quest related bosses in the world map for newbies, it was fun as hell. I still go WAY outta my way when I catch people looking for help on those just to relive the nostalgia.
    I tried for 2 days after I came back to HT after a brief fling with it in the summer on a mystic that I don't play with Kawaiijen. I rerolled fresh a few months ago. I tried at more than one time, and asked a lot of different people. A level 1 is something that a lot of people just dont' want to deal with. The advice is just to level through FC. Once I got a faction and levelled to mid level, I did meet some friends and such. But if I were totally new, I'd of just quit. Even as a not new player, I almost did.

    HT is a fickle [BLEEP that by definition sells itself for money], and it seems some servers are better off. But I totally agree the pre-80 crowd is really terrible on HT. I just see zero logic behind how eliminating FF hypers in FF will fix that (It may assist in helping a solution, however). Let alone what the hell people are gonna do post 80.
    The mod accounts here are not only allowed, but supposed, to do all of our posting on our mod accounts only. So it's either never post an opinion, or post my opinions. There isn't any other options.

    Yea and I just feel that is wrong out of pure opinion and raw experience. You guys should be able to go blast out nuts on a personal account and remain professional and representative of the company while doing your mod work. I believe you've had at least some education in social behavior and trends (regardless of the focus) by your posts, and you and I both know people are stupid and easily influenced by what they believe is an authority, regardless of the fact, rationale, or reasoning behind the information.
    pwcalc.com/bb6fc16982637a5c / pwcalc.com/28948ee5778526f5
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I find typing very easy, if I were on my laptop I could type 67 words per minute. And if someone replies to me, I always reply back to their whole post. If someone messages me, I always respond. I feel like a mod should always be willing to reply to people who address them, but that is just me.

    Woah, slow down there Speedy.
This discussion has been closed.