Is PK allowed in the Secret Passage??



  • _UnGodly_ - Lost City
    _UnGodly_ - Lost City Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    I ran protection for a couple of mystics when some 60s BM tried to fist them to death (no joke...pretty sad really). I 3-hit him, and the mystics were able to finish their quest in peace.b:chuckle

    Kritty, do you know how wrong that sounds? b:laugh

    Tonight at 11, a BM tried to fist a couple of mystics to death while Mr. Fluffykins watched.

  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Kritty, do you know how wrong that sounds? b:laugh

    Tonight at 11, a BM tried to fist a couple of mystics to death while Mr. Fluffykins watched.


    b:sweat I didn't even see it that way until you said that.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • SinFulGodX - Sanctuary
    SinFulGodX - Sanctuary Posts: 347 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    i escort people...
  • Sparc - Harshlands
    Sparc - Harshlands Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Most of the complaints about this non accredited internet gaming company probably are based off not getting what they wanted from their gambling: They still received an A- and are not BBB accredited. There is also an MMO that also received A+ ratings , even though they had 72 complaints but as it's a competitor I won't name it. I will say that it's also not accredited. BBB doesn't give companies F just because they don't talk to them, they give them an F because they won't resolve the customer complaints. I see no reason why PWE, considering it's determination to become one of the more F2P online gaming companies, shouldn't work with the BBB. What do they have to hide? They don't have to pay for accreditation to receive a good rating, why wouldn't they work with the BB to resolve the customer complaint that went with them. According to their BBB page, they didn't even respond.

    This^ -- exactly! Someone leaving a 'complaint' with a company in the BBB doesn't give them a bad rating. "Users" can't give a good or bad rating -- users merely submit complaints then there is one of three categories when a complaint is submitted:

    -Complaint resolved with BBB assistance (the best - because it WAS amicably resolved between the business and the customer)
    -BBB found business made good faith effort to resolve complaint but customer not satisfied with business response (at least the company tried to resolve the matter, granted the customer may not have been pleased with said response or offered response)
    -BBB did not receive a response from business (which is obviously the worst, because if the company wont respond directly to the customer, AND wont respond THROUGH THE BBB either, basically meaning the company is IGNORING the complaint and does not care...!)

    Like I said, I may have initially thrown in a comparison of 'off-topic' companies, but right now I *COULD* list/link to a (not only same category company) but a direct competitor -- that's physically "close" to where Perfect World Entertainment is located too (based out of Irvine, CA -- so, about a 6 hour drive from the offices of PWE) (which I wont because I'm sure there's some rule against it and I would wind up banned or something), but, there is a direct competitor that is also NOT ACCREDITED, and has almost 1500 complaints against them and they've still received an "B-" rating...
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    This^ -- exactly! Someone leaving a 'complaint' with a company in the BBB doesn't give them a bad rating. "Users" can't give a good or bad rating -- users merely submit complaints then there is one of three categories when a complaint is submitted:

    -Complaint resolved with BBB assistance (the best - because it WAS amicably resolved between the business and the customer)
    -BBB found business made good faith effort to resolve complaint but customer not satisfied with business response (at least the company tried to resolve the matter, granted the customer may not have been pleased with said response or offered response)
    -BBB did not receive a response from business (which is obviously the worst, because if the company wont respond directly to the customer, AND wont respond THROUGH THE BBB either, basically meaning the company is IGNORING the complaint and does not care...!)

    Like I said, I may have initially thrown in a comparison of 'off-topic' companies, but right now I *COULD* list/link to a (not only same category company) but a direct competitor -- that's physically "close" to where Perfect World Entertainment is located too (based out of Irvine, CA -- so, about a 6 hour drive from the offices of PWE) (which I wont because I'm sure there's some rule against it and I would wind up banned or something), but, there is a direct competitor that is also NOT ACCREDITED, and has almost 1500 complaints against them and they've still received an "B-" rating...

    There is actually a fourth category that is BBB found business did NOT make a good faith effort to resolve complaint and the customer is not satisfied with business response. In other words they saw the response and responded, but it pleased noone and was obviously just them bsing the customer. Which PWE did not do. Nah, if they don't have good news they just ignore it rather than reporting bad news. Which is pretty expected actually, as whenever I had a problem when PWI did respond in a timely matter it was usually responded to in a satisfactory manner. The problem is that sometimes they just flat out ignore you....

    edit: Here is the exact term: Customer not satisfied with business response; BBB did not find business made good faith effort to resolve complaint

    And here is a fifth one that's probably pretty rare. BBB was unable to locate business to process complaint

    PWE received a bad rating because they won't say how long they've been a business or give any information about what kind of a business they are running, which is just bizarre. Why wouldn't you tell them how long you've been operating? Do you just not know and are waiting from a response from China about the exact date? You don't have to pay for accreditation to give them that info, they are plenty of gaming companies that have been rated well because they aren't cloak and dagger secretive about what kind of business they are operating and how long they have been in business. They also received a bad rating because in addition to refusing to even talk to the BBB, they also flat out ignored a customer who obviously went to great lengths to contact them if that person ultimately had to run to the BBB.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    yes it does

    and how you gain that mighty pvp experience to put me down? by duells? by tw 2 times in a week? b:laugh

    maturity level? if you would be so mature you wouldnt be so offended by a simple word that most carebears even dont care about

    lolumad bro u can term pvp server whatever you want it doesnt affect me at all b:bye

    Actually YOU have done quite well to show the real you. I have played on other games on PVP servers and have done quite well... I chose not to pvp in this game but if I chose to start playing pvp again... I will be sure to join YOUR server. I would enjoy some good fights... but pathetic losers going into a lvl 30 area of the game to harass people is NOT real pvp play. I am sure you get your rocks off feeling all bad... but ANYONE who supports allowing high level high geared players go into an area to PVP where lower levels are subjected to being killed is just a pathetic loser. So far you have proven ZERO in your comments as to why this should continue on a non pvp server. So 'lolumad bro' all you want but its just showing the rest of us you FAIL!
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    mcfreakie wrote: »
    Actually YOU have done quite well to show the real you. I have played on other games on PVP servers and have done quite well... I chose not to pvp in this game but if I chose to start playing pvp again... I will be sure to join YOUR server. I would enjoy some good fights... but pathetic losers going into a lvl 30 area of the game to harass people is NOT real pvp play. I am sure you get your rocks off feeling all bad... but ANYONE who supports allowing high level high geared players go into an area to PVP where lower levels are subjected to being killed is just a pathetic loser. So far you have proven ZERO in your comments as to why this should continue on a non pvp server. So 'lolumad bro' all you want but its just showing the rest of us you FAIL!

    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • DarkPlaces - Harshlands
    DarkPlaces - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hm, sounds like a good business idea... "WTS Shade Eido run in SP, 80k, 3 spots left, pm me fast"
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Sangodoc wrote: »
    Not to mention that most people recruit BH29 squads in the entrance of SP. Do they have to go back to Arch after recruiting now to teleport back in?

    No, PKing them when they're questing there is still bannable. Screenshot and report.

    I actually think you're the only MOD that sees players' point of views b:surrender
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • Hideori - Lost City
    Hideori - Lost City Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    mcfreakie wrote: »
    Actually YOU have done quite well to show the real you. I have played on other games on PVP servers and have done quite well... I chose not to pvp in this game but if I chose to start playing pvp again... I will be sure to join YOUR server. I would enjoy some good fights... but pathetic losers going into a lvl 30 area of the game to harass people is NOT real pvp play. I am sure you get your rocks off feeling all bad... but ANYONE who supports allowing high level high geared players go into an area to PVP where lower levels are subjected to being killed is just a pathetic loser. So far you have proven ZERO in your comments as to why this should continue on a non pvp server. So 'lolumad bro' all you want but its just showing the rest of us you FAIL!

    talking about pvp I think PWIC proved which server are strongest. and strongest servers are PvP (both. LC finalist, Harshlands 2nd place). looks like some of strongest teams in some PvE servers even unable to defeat harpy wraith. so.. wtf?

    imo if PvP is not your priority, you ll never be as good as real PvPers.
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hm, sounds like a good business idea... "WTS Shade Eido run in SP, 80k, 3 spots left, pm me fast"

    New business b:shocked
    Selling sp escort service, we only hire the best bodyguard for our client. As female you have option to ride our high speed tanky barbarian. All for your safety, we also include cleric as insurance in case you are dead. Cheap and safe, call us now. Discount if you borrow friends as well.

    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • illegalthecool
    illegalthecool Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    talking about pvp I think PWIC proved which server are strongest. and strongest servers are PvP (both. LC finalist, Harshlands 2nd place). looks like some of strongest teams in some PvE servers even unable to defeat harpy wraith. so.. wtf?

    imo if PvP is not your priority, you ll never be as good as real PvPers.

    coming from a lvl 55 bm.....
  • \//eyron - Heavens Tear29
    \//eyron - Heavens Tear29 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    talking about pvp I think PWIC proved which server are strongest. and strongest servers are PvP (both. LC finalist, Harshlands 2nd place). looks like some of strongest teams in some PvE servers even unable to defeat harpy wraith. so.. wtf?

    imo if PvP is not your priority, you ll never be as good as real PvPers.

    Lmfao woot, lets all end this pvp tournament **** with a pve event!
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    talking about pvp I think PWIC proved which server are strongest. and strongest servers are PvP (both. LC finalist, Harshlands 2nd place). looks like some of strongest teams in some PvE servers even unable to defeat harpy wraith. so.. wtf?

    imo if PvP is not your priority, you ll never be as good as real PvPers.

    Who cares about being the best... It's an MMO... There will always be someone better then you... b:bye
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    So I've been out of a loop and just now read the new policy regarding PvP in SP (Kritty, CrabClaw - did you forget there are other mods here? Might be a good idea to keep everyone updated b:chuckle). The Chinese team clearly didn't think it fully and leaves the US team to deal with the ricochet from the temporary change.

    I mean, what if X goes to SP to help their friend and get's PK'd and loses a piece of gear that wasn't bound? Will in that case the GMs will spawn the item? After all, the person only came there to help a friend, not to PK or be PK'd. How do you prove such thing?

    Will that person have to get PK'd repeatedly and lose several gear pieces before the GMs ban the harasser/re-spawn said gear? And yes, people can bind their gear, but the logic in this game is to bind what you achieved as end-game, binding anything lower than that is a complete waste of time and money.

    And what do you do with stealth Sins?

    There are several flaws with this change of policy - and many people who I play with now avoid going into SP to help new players who need our help. Especially since we're care bears and PvP is forced upon us by just walking into the area.

    The Chinese team seems to rely on the good of people. Well, the community here is much, much different, and much, much more back-stabbing than theirs.

  • OmegaToth - Harshlands
    OmegaToth - Harshlands Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    afaik u dont drop anything now in SP, u dun need guardian scrolls either to prevent exp/gear loss
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    afaik u dont drop anything now in SP, u dun need guardian scrolls either to prevent exp/gear loss

    Goes to show how long I haven't been in there generally b:chuckle
  • Hideori - Lost City
    Hideori - Lost City Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    coming from a lvl 55 bm.....

    yes, 55lvl BM and I already have PvP experience, even with higher lvls and killed my lvl oponents (or close to my lvl). I already had more PvP fights than most of PvErs. and the matter here is not my level, I said facts about PWIC. oh and do I going to hear from you, that if there would been your server you'd have better results lol..
    Who cares about being the best... It's an MMO... There will always be someone better then you...

    agree with this.
    The Chinese team seems to rely on the good of people. Well, the community here is much, much different, and much, much more back-stabbing than theirs.


    really? somehow I doubt it.
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    My motto when in there is that I don't attack until attacked. You can change that if you have sins in stealth, but be respectful and don't use AoEs when low-level characters are running through.

    In what kind of fairyland do you lives?

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Hakiii - Heavens Tear
    Hakiii - Heavens Tear Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I had not been in SP in a pretty long while..well I decided to make some new characters.
    Got to quest time-planned on running myself through, but that's not fun. So I recruited a nice level 80 and level 78 to go with my level 30 something.

    We started running through like normal, killing the mobs, almost to the last turn..and all of a sudden a sin appears and kills me. (I had not heard about the pvp problem with sp)
    so I was really confused why I had been killed under blue name.

    So we go back...get to the same spot. He shows again and kills us.
    We go a third time, kills me again-and one of the people helping me.

    At this point my party mate is pretty pissed and questions if he can pk even while blue named. Other teammate and I agreed it doesn't hurt to try.
    SO, we arrive at that spot again. I get killed, but they both destroy the pansy *** sin. Who turns out to be only around level 80-85.

    So that was what, four times? Even I was irritated at that point.
    I know all angles and answers to this topic have already been covered. But I thought I'd share my story.

    If anyone happens across a sin with initials 'JS' ...he's rude and not worth helping. b:bye
  • Krel - Heavens Tear
    Krel - Heavens Tear Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    is sp where the fail pk'ers that qq about kite players go?
    I luv my luvsalotb:dirty

    Fear Me:I will and can unleash my true demon forum troll from at beware.

    Im A wizzie with godly looks and your all jealousb:bye
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    I ran protection for a couple of mystics when some 60s BM tried to fist them to death (no joke...pretty sad really). I 3-hit him, and the mystics were able to finish their quest in peace.b:chuckle

    Are you saying you will be doing this on an ongoing basis? Will we get GMs for all servers to come do the same? To be honest we arent looking for bandaids to the problem. We would like to know the company is actually considering a fix to the complaints because there are people who will just stop playing the game. I have recruited players from other games to come to PWI and told them this game is not like the garbage in other games. And as soon as I get them here PWI chooses to make a 'minor' change in game play at the cost of players who choose to be on a PVE server. One has already left and refuses to come back because the same garbage is happening here as other games.

    Has PWI decided it would rather recruit more of the childish players who are too afraid to go to a PVP server to run how the game is developed and programmed? I know players who have high level characters who do not want to deal with changing back and forth just to get to Shade Edo or the other quests in Secret Passage. Why should they need to go get body guards who cant really protect them just to enter what is a level 30 area? It is even more pathetic the 'Company' isnt giving representatives like yourself better information or answers to what appears to be a MAJOR blunder to the game. Can you at least tell us which idiot decided it was a good idea to allow flying in Secret Passage? We have mobs climbing walls in FB59 and cant fly but some idiot thought we needed to fly in Secret Passage? Are you serious? Personally if that is what we are expecting more of from this person we are all better off going to a different game.
  • Hallepaurion - Dreamweaver
    Hallepaurion - Dreamweaver Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm on Dreamweaver...

    I just want to understand... on a PVE server, can people freely PVP blue names in Secret passage?
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    talking about pvp I think PWIC proved which server are strongest. and strongest servers are PvP (both. LC finalist, Harshlands 2nd place). looks like some of strongest teams in some PvE servers even unable to defeat harpy wraith. so.. wtf?

    imo if PvP is not your priority, you ll never be as good as real PvPers.

    Yes and I am sure if we all throw our member on the table we can figure which is the largest too... get over yourself. Seriously... do you even know how stupid you sound? Cant be anyone good enough on a pve server cause they just aint that good cause some tournament most of us dont give a c*** about showed certain players on certain servers can perform better. Woot... get ya a dog bone and SHUT IT. *cry cry... they cant take down harpy wraith so they cant be anything. Try toning down the testosterone buddy. Cause you sure dont sound like you are an expert at anything. This whole conversation has been about PVP noobs wanting to HARASS players who clearly do NOT want to PVP. Any idiot can go out back and kill a cat. Does that make him good? HECK no. It just shows he is an IDIOT. So pull your pants back on cause we dont want to see your junk anymore and get back your tournament. *hands a trophy over so u can feel special*

    Where does PWI get these power hungry 'mini me' junkies?
  • HildieGarde - Heavens Tear
    HildieGarde - Heavens Tear Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    talking about pvp I think PWIC proved which server are strongest. and strongest servers are PvP (both. LC finalist, Harshlands 2nd place). looks like some of strongest teams in some PvE servers even unable to defeat harpy wraith. so.. wtf?

    imo if PvP is not your priority, you ll never be as good as real PvPers.
    The only thing PWIC proved was that our *best* US team sucked at PvP compared to the rest of the world. From what I hear they got wiped in every match in the final in less than 20 seconds.

    That's what happens when you rely on cash-shopped gear and APS.
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm on Dreamweaver...

    I just want to understand... on a PVE server, can people freely PVP blue names in Secret passage?

    Yes you are correct. Players who have chosen not to play in the PVP environment are now ALL subjected to being PK in a low level area. Like driving down your street and suddenly its ok if other people come to your street and play smash up derby. Was it a smash up derby arena when you moved there? no. Suddenly some 'SMART' programmer decided there needed to be a change to allow players who want a 'FREE' chance to pk the space in the middle of Secret Passage. We wouldnt want them to try to PK with lvl 100 mobs or lvl 80 mobs around. Lets put it right in the middle of GRAND CENTRAL STATION. It has gotten to the point on some PVE servers if you are watching from the entrance... no one can tell who is trying to assist the low players and who is just being a royal jerk. This 'Space' as some PK noobs wanted where if you die there is no penalty couldnt have been placed in one of the side rooms where few quests take place... no it has to be granted to the majority of Secret Passage. There were no changes to the rules. No heads up to anyone. Just some idiot who decided it would be FUN to allow PK and flying.

    If anyone considered PWI to be a 'professional' gaming environment they have probably made a change of heart seeing what a major **** up this has turned out. The lady on Youtube who fell into a wishing well while texting which was caught on mall cameras was more professional then this fiasco. Whats really comical after the first 3 days of complaints all we see is a buried reply here in the forums that some 'suit' in China have given the thumbs up. Like this magically changed with no ones knowledge so no need to let those of us who wish to play PVE and are forced to be harassed can hear about it before we are one shot by some lvl 100 who is too afraid to go play on a PVP server. Not to mention when we do come to the forums to find out this 'magical' change has the blessing of the company AND anyone who chose to play on a PVE server is basically told by power hungry trolls who have no life but to go to conventions to size up their member... the rest of us are less then nothing as players cause we do not 'Roll' on a pvp server and prove to them we are more 'manly'.

    So yes... not only are the players of PVE servers subjected to the new FLAWS of the game with no posted change in rules of game play are being harassed by high level players with nothing better to do then one shot low level players trying to quest then we are subject to nerd thugs who think anyone who signs up to play the game should roll on a pvp server to be superior cause they think THAT is what makes a better player. I guess to be a superior player one must go to low level areas and PK innocent people.
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm on Dreamweaver...

    I just want to understand... on a PVE server, can people freely PVP blue names in Secret passage?

    Yup that's pretty much it... And it is legal now... Even Kritty has starting to notice the results of it... So basicly the GM's either need to do something about this (at least for the blue-names) or hire babysitters to make sure the PKers won't be harrasing the questers... Since in the past few days we all learned a lot from the maturety lvl of some PKers on PvE servers... Funny thing is that ppl on PK servers have no problems with this... Apearently they have some kind of good behaviour codes on there without needing supervission... b:surrender
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The Chinese team seems to rely on the good of people. Well, the community here is much, much different, and much, much more back-stabbing than theirs.

    Sad but true... Like I already said before a lot of asians in asian countries are verry polite... Meaning that even if there's a glitch like this they won't go and kill about annything walking there... It's more likely they ask someone if they wanna participate in PK before attacking (there are some exeptions even there though)... So they don't need to rush and fix it there... Here in the western world like europe and USA there a lot more selfishness and a "not my problem" attitude... When we get a glitch there may be some that where raised properly or are mature and won't attack annything moving... But we also have a lot of ppl and kids that for some reason like to abuse it and PK at every chance they get... b:surrender

    The only thing PWIC proved was that our *best* US team sucked at PvP compared to the rest of the world. From what I hear they got wiped in every match in the final in less than 20 seconds.

    That's what happens when you rely on cash-shopped gear and APS.

    This doesn't suprise me at all... Our version has become so obsessed with rank gear and aps they tottaly forgot about what to do when their opponents are equely equiped... b:chuckle
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • Asgardeus - Sanctuary
    Asgardeus - Sanctuary Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    [...]Funny thing is that ppl on PK servers have no problems with this... Apearently they have some kind of good behaviour codes on there without needing supervission... b:surrender

    Nah, I guess it's another reason. On a pve server people can harrass as much as they want, it stays in secret passage. But try this on pvp.... You can bet that whoever you annoyed follows you outside and he can hunt you all over the map. lol On pve.. can't do **** about people kiling you outside.

    And eh, I really don't mind it being pk enabled. But if they wanna keep this, there should be another way to get culti done, ijs. Not everyone can drag around a whole fac or someone 100+ b:chuckle
  • sweetfoxxy
    sweetfoxxy Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I was in one of my toons trying to do a quest in secret passage when a sins called ~removed~ keep killing me for noting and killing other players trying to do there quest or bh or fb. Could there be someone either banned this guys or fixe the glitch so we can do our quest in peace in there . Please tyvm for the attention you will be brining to this request.
This discussion has been closed.