Is PK allowed in the Secret Passage??



  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »

    I agree something needs to be done. This needs to be reverted back to what it used to be, with all old rules applying; however, for right now, it isn't. That is why I suggest all PvE players who dislike this change need to send in tickets or e-mails to the Customer Service of PWE, and see if we can swamp them enough to get this changed back to what it used to be. We don't know if it really is a glitch, or if the Chinese devs did it on purpose, but we need to let them know that we don't like it.

    Well you heard it from Kritty... If you want it changed then tell everyone you know in game to start submitting tickets. Let em know we arent buying ZEN till they fix this blunder.
  • XDracona - Heavens Tear
    XDracona - Heavens Tear Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Well, it's quite possible to be a bug. However, it would make sense if it was done on purpose, as well. Intentions aside, should it be fixed? If so, will it? If so, when?

    I think we all know how fast PWE is at fixing things that don't benefit them financially b:chuckle
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hey all, we're still looking into this and researching exactly what was intended. I'll get you an official answer as soon as I can.
  • XDracona - Heavens Tear
    XDracona - Heavens Tear Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hey all, we're still looking into this and researching exactly what was intended. I'll get you an official answer as soon as I can.

    May I also suggest posting a sticky on the topic? So people will stop making these threads?b:thanks

    *bump* Got pk'd while helping a faction mate in SP just now, so bumping till either a sticky is posted or something is done. And yes I have submitted a ticket about the 3 players harassing me and my faction mates.
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited September 2011
    Don't worry guys, frankie is currently in discussions with China about this exact issue, which is why he isn't giving a more official response. You aren't being ignored, just be patient.

  • Evanera - Heavens Tear
    Evanera - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,423 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    What do you mean *we* Kritty? There's plenty of people who LOVE and don't mind this change.

    Pretty sure people will be severely pissed off if this gets changed back to the old way and we don't get an arena to compensate. I'm also sure that people will be severely pissed off if nothing changes with this. It's 50/50 right now at the very least.
  • XDracona - Heavens Tear
    XDracona - Heavens Tear Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    What do you mean *we* Kritty? There's plenty of people who LOVE and don't mind this change.

    Pretty sure people will be severely pissed off if this gets changed back to the old way and we don't get an arena to compensate. I'm also sure that people will be severely pissed off if nothing changes with this. It's 50/50 right now at the very least.

    The people who do the harassing don't have a right to be pissed about it. It's for lvl 30s to quest in. They have the Theater of Blood to do their pking in.b:shutup
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Why do people speak of PvP like it's forbidden on a PvE server? Just don't PvP if you don't wanna get rolled, it's not that hard...

    I really don't see the problem here lol, besides the rules which aren't always backed by logic. Remember the old multi client forbidden rule? Until the physics of it changed? Uh huh, yeah.
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    I really don't see the problem here lol

    Really ? b:sweat
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • XDracona - Heavens Tear
    XDracona - Heavens Tear Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Why do people speak of PvP like it's forbidden on a PvE server? Just don't PvP if you don't wanna get rolled, it's not that hard...

    I really don't see the problem here lol, besides the rules which aren't always backed by logic. Remember the old multi client forbidden rule? Until the physics of it changed? Uh huh, yeah.

    Except the PvP that is happening is in an area where PvE lowbies can't defend themselves. b:bye
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Why would it be enabled if it weren't allowed? We have the same issue with the Cube of Fate.
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    thumbs wrote: »
    Why would it be enabled if it weren't allowed? We have the same issue with the Cube of Fate.

    Dev can't fix it, lazy to fix, no order to fix it, or it was on the bottom of project list.
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Ellisandro - Archosaur
    Ellisandro - Archosaur Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    what happened to this thread?? my last post was on page 13 and now it's on page 18? and , though still shows me as creator, it has a different title?? wtf??

  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Except the PvP that is happening is in an area where PvE lowbies can't defend themselves. b:bye

    Rolling noobs isn't PvP though, that's griefing. b:bye

    I'm talking 10x + PvP zones... since that used to be a PvP hot spot for all the end game players.
    Really ? b:sweat

    Yes really, it's the only zone where people can actually simulate PvP rules of TW. And since practice TW is illegal... well, what do you expect people to do? PvP arena only happens 20-30 mins a day, which I'm sure you didn't know looking at your sig. You retired like 3 months after your forum join date..
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Rolling noobs isn't PvP though, that's griefing. b:bye

    I'm talking 10x + PvP zones... since that used to be a PvP hot spot for all the end game players.

    Yes really, it's the only zone where people can actually simulate PvP rules of TW. And since practice TW is illegal... well, what do you expect people to do? PvP arena only happens 20-30 mins a day, which I'm sure you didn't know looking at your sig. You retired like 3 months after your forum join date..

    So the big question is if there is SUCH the demand for PVP... why are more of these noob PVP players JOIN the pvp servers? Why aren't these players going into the rooms in Cube where there IS pk? Why aren't the arenas packed with players? Why have we not seen thead after thread of players wanting more PVP zones? Fact is outside of the small percent of hard core factions on pve servers wanting to do TW... the vast majority of players on a pve server just don't give a rats a$$.

    You are correct... Rolling on low level players, as I would say, harassment. Rolling on mid range players who arent signed up and probably not geared to pvp is no different. There was a high level player in SP today on Heavens Tear who was from one of the top TW factions and chicken shot a lvl 80-90 player who had announced to everyone he was assisting some low lvl players for quest and just passing. THAT is total harassment. Not only did the player who killed him KNOW the rules that player also knew it was harassment and yet still did it. As soon as that player killed him they RAN out all well knowing they were in the wrong. Because this player is with one of the high ranking TW factions I am willing to bet this player doesnt even hear from PWE let alone get banned for their not only harassment but their COWARD way of doing it.

    But once again we dont see the huge mass of players as yourself who wish for an honest place to practice TW type PVP coming to the forums in a group asking for a legitimate location outside of moving to a PVP server... instead we just see cowards going in to harass low level players on a power trip. You WILL see several players in the now 5+ threads here on the forums since this major blunder in programming who have united to protest a HUGE unannounced change in game play which it seems has been rubber stamped by the company as the new rule.

    We have heard from most if not all of the MODs here in the forums but still are waiting on PWE to answer the continually growing number of registered complaints often with attached screen shots of noob cowards participating in harassment sponsored by the company.
  • moldieoldie
    moldieoldie Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I really don't know why this amazes me.
    Has anyone else noticed that the only people in favor of this "change" is high level players?
    look at all the posts and then also look at the players lvl, most in favor are over 100.
    and too all you cowards out there killing low lvl questers, MAN UP you little pansies try your childish behavior on a pvp server.
    BTW I camped in SP with fraps running and yes there was a well known faction in there killing ANYTHING that went past the door and I mean ANYTHING!
    Real classy move for the leader to be in there enticing that behavior! This "Enrage"s me
    My family and I have spent 1000's of dollars in this game since we joined, NOT ONE RED CENT will be spend again till this so called faction and the other abusers/harassers have been reprimanded.
  • moldieoldie
    moldieoldie Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    and whats up with my last visit date?
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    You retired like 3 months after your forum join date..

    inactive are different from retired... b:beatup and forum join date =/= actual join date
    i still active on playing economy, playing with fc, and escort on SP
    Plus what i am try to tell by saying " Really ? " are the lower lv griefing...
    since you said " I really don't see the problem here lol "
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I can understand some people wanting this to stay. It would be great to have a place where people could practice for TW sort of thing, or just pk for fun if they want. However, this should not be forced upon the people that have no interest in that and just want to get quests done or help their friends. Secret Passage is *not* the place for this sort of thing. There is absolutely no reason why they can't reopen the arena for just this purpose, and set SP back to the way it was so that people can get their bosses and complete their quests. Either that, or they make all mobs/bosses in a safe zone and have safe zone paths to get there.... which would be a hell of a lot more work on their part, I'm sure, than just reopening the arena.

    What it comes down to is like Kritty said, those of us that are against it need to be sending in tickets. We raged enough about the DQ change that we were given a form of compensation. We raged enough with the original introduction of horns that they were removed. Voicing our opinions can make a difference. But I also urge those of you against this change to suggest the reopening of the arena. Maybe they will decide that is a good solution.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT?
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    inactive are different from retired... b:beatup and forum join date =/= actual join date
    i still active on playing economy, playing with fc, and escort on SP
    Plus what i am try to tell by saying " Really ? " are the lower lv griefing...
    since you said " I really don't see the problem here lol "

    That was already taking into account the new rules would be no griefing noobs...

    Then it'd be a pure 100+ PvP zone... I don't see the problem there, your problem was already excluded with the new rules.
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Sparc - Harshlands
    Sparc - Harshlands Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    thumbs wrote: »
    Why would it be enabled if it weren't allowed? We have the same issue with the Cube of Fate.

    SEE post #77 (

    That will explain it all...

    (Perfect World Entertainment -vs- Perfect World Beijing)

    and HOLY merge ! 21 pages now OMG
  • TheDan - Lost City
    TheDan - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I really don't know why this amazes me.
    Has anyone else noticed that the only people in favor of this "change" is high level players?
    look at all the posts and then also look at the players lvl, most in favor are over 100.
    and too all you cowards out there killing low lvl questers, MAN UP you little pansies try your childish behavior on a pvp server.
    BTW I camped in SP with fraps running and yes there was a well known faction in there killing ANYTHING that went past the door and I mean ANYTHING!
    Real classy move for the leader to be in there enticing that behavior! This "Enrage"s me
    My family and I have spent 1000's of dollars in this game since we joined, NOT ONE RED CENT will be spend again till this so called faction and the other abusers/harassers have been reprimanded.

    I feel bad for your server then, but I was already excluding the thought of people griefing noobs because only morons camp lowbies and it should be bannable for griefing noobs anyways, I only care of end game pvp, which is what I'm working on part time while I merchant here. b:laugh
  • Ellisandro - Archosaur
    Ellisandro - Archosaur Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Why do people speak of PvP like it's forbidden on a PvE server? Just don't PvP if you don't wanna get rolled, it's not that hard...

    I really don't see the problem here lol, besides the rules which aren't always backed by logic. Remember the old multi client forbidden rule? Until the physics of it changed? Uh huh, yeah.

    the complaint is that people who have chosen not to pvp can and ARE being attacked and killed in there. not only that, those too low to even enable pvp yet (on a PVE server) are being ganked by players up to 80 lvls higher than them.

    i don't really care if you want to seem cool by taking the 'unpopular side' of things. but at least get all the facts first b:angry
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    the complaint is that people who have chosen not to pvp can and ARE being attacked and killed in there. not only that, those too low to even enable pvp yet (on a PVE server) are being ganked by players up to 80 lvls higher than them.

    i don't really care if you want to seem cool by taking the 'unpopular side' of things. but at least get all the facts first b:angry

    Are they losing GAs or Exp? Why are people so afraid of dying? Blue names can PvP there too, and they haven't chosen to enable PK mode either. And you can't drop as a blue name.

    I just made a video of my level 12 cat shop walking all the way through Secret Passage.

    You were right, it is definitely a cereral problem. The devs in China need to cease all future operations in content to fix this glitch. It is so game breaking omg, how can people play like this? Teh w0rld 1s 0v3r!!
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Ellisandro - Archosaur
    Ellisandro - Archosaur Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Are they losing GAs or Exp? Why are people so afraid of dying? Blue names can PvP there too, and they haven't chosen to enable PK mode either. And you can't drop as a blue name.

    I just made a video of my level 12 cat shop walking all the way through Secret Passage.

    You were right, it is definitely a cereral problem. The devs in China need to cease all future operations in content to fix this glitch. It is so game breaking omg, how can people play like this? Teh w0rld 1s 0v3r!!

    you're so clever. and cool. and brave.. *sigh b:dirty
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Are they losing GAs or Exp? Why are people so afraid of dying? Blue names can PvP there too, and they haven't chosen to enable PK mode either. And you can't drop as a blue name.

    I just made a video of my level 12 cat shop walking all the way through Secret Passage.

    You were right, it is definitely a cereral problem. The devs in China need to cease all future operations in content to fix this glitch. It is so game breaking omg, how can people play like this? Teh w0rld 1s 0v3r!!

    So your low level cat shop wandered around SP and didnt get attacked... AND? Other people wouldnt be here complaining and submitting tickets for kicks... we have LIVES and want to PLAY the game not spend it running back and forth from the camp into SP only to get hit again by some loser who isnt brave enough to go to a pvp server. I have seen dozens of players being harassed who have announced they were only passing thru to do a quest and get repeatedly killed. Just because YOU got free time and want to waste it in SP doesnt mean the rest of us have tons of free time to commit to trying to get thru childish players wanting to harass low levels. Its really pathetic to think just because YOU can run thru with no issues on your ONE server... that no one else should have any complaint. Talk about someone in an ivory tower.
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    mcfreakie wrote: »
    So your low level cat shop wandered around SP and didnt get attacked... AND? Other people wouldnt be here complaining and submitting tickets for kicks... we have LIVES and want to PLAY the game not spend it running back and forth from the camp into SP only to get hit again by some loser who isnt brave enough to go to a pvp server. I have seen dozens of players being harassed who have announced they were only passing thru to do a quest and get repeatedly killed. Just because YOU got free time and want to waste it in SP doesnt mean the rest of us have tons of free time to commit to trying to get thru childish players wanting to harass low levels. Its really pathetic to think just because YOU can run thru with no issues on your ONE server... that no one else should have any complaint. Talk about someone in an ivory tower.

    And what? I'm just simply refuting that what you people call "facts" aren't the ultimate objective truth to things. I just walked through there randomly and didn't die. So it really isn't as bad as what you exaggerate it to be.

    You can't seriously expect people to believe that it's such a huge game breaking update that the PW CN Devs have to cease their work on the next expansions and content to work on this. 99% of the game play doesn't occur in that little hole honestly, it is what it is because PW CN wanted it that way.
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • NonameWiz - Sanctuary
    NonameWiz - Sanctuary Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    PW CN rules are that it is allowed, but no griefing noobs, PWI here is still in debate about it?

    PWI rules never make sense anyway.

    Better wait for the official announcement, till then: B>sadcards 143c ea, shop in cube
    Rank 8 Wizard: 1% farm b:shutup
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    What is really amazing is your cat shop toon had the path clear with what 2 other players in SP... other servers have 10-20 who camp out for hours on end blasting AOEs intentionally. Didnt see ANY of those players on your video. One leading TW faction is now bringing 5-8 of their members just to have their 'Practice' TW games and I didnt see that in your video... MUST NOT EXIST cause it wasnt in your video.

    Lets see what else didnt we see in your video... didnt see you with a group killing silver frost and suddenly a 100+ sin kill you and wipe the group all cause of a BLUNDER on the part of the developers which the company in china gives the thumbs up. We didnt see you in a group killing Shade when a high level cleric or archer pops in the room and kills the entire group all for kicks. It must not happen cause it wasnt in your video.

    Thanks Dan... but your video does not prove much.
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    mcfreakie wrote: »
    What is really amazing is your cat shop toon had the path clear with what 2 other players in SP... other servers have 10-20 who camp out for hours on end blasting AOEs intentionally. Didnt see ANY of those players on your video. One leading TW faction is now bringing 5-8 of their members just to have their 'Practice' TW games and I didnt see that in your video... MUST NOT EXIST cause it wasnt in your video.

    Lets see what else didnt we see in your video... didnt see you with a group killing silver frost and suddenly a 100+ sin kill you and wipe the group all cause of a BLUNDER on the part of the developers which the company in china gives the thumbs up. We didnt see you in a group killing Shade when a high level cleric or archer pops in the room and kills the entire group all for kicks. It must not happen cause it wasnt in your video.

    Thanks Dan... but your video does not prove much.

    How does my video not prove much? It proves everything because there is little to no activity at all in secret passage. They were not in my video because no one is really stupid enough to do it here, so I did not see the problem.

    Maybe in your server there exists more low life people that like to camp noobs, but I'd like to see someone post a video of there actually being activity in that little hole besides the regular 3x people or 4x people doing BH.

    If what people say are the "facts" how come there is nothing to support your claim? I could set up a 24 hour live stream for 7 days and tell you exactly how many times anything even happens in there at all. Then you can tell me if it is a big problem or not. For someone who spends 5 minutes of their time doing cultivation there out of over 10,000 clocked hours of gaming on PWI, it doesn't seem like a huge issue to me. And for people who need fb29 they can port in and Silver Frost is also lure-able to the safe zone lol.
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This discussion has been closed.