Twilight Temple Discussion



  • Kitamura - Lost City
    Kitamura - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    new 3-3 sucks
    fix it.
    mob count and time limit were enough.
    we don't need frenzy on bosses when we do have mob count.
    and it's just epicly nice when boss debuffs u, seals u, lowers ur hp then goes frenzy on u (at same time)
    go do ur job for a change. instance is supposed to be hard, not almost impossible.
    and IF we had some actual drops it would be nice too b:bye

    I hope it keeps this way, before was too easy.

    I was doing full 3-3 1 year ago (august 2009) with the following party:

    Cleric 82 in HH80 Gold Only With HP Charm
    Cleric 65 in npc/mold gears
    Barbarian 80 with HH80Gold + xs
    Archer 100 with HH90set and +5 HH99 green xBow
    Veno 101 with HH90 set
    BM lvl 60

    We were able to kill all bosses, Archer was tanking almost all with 7.4k HP without charm, Illusion Lord(last boss) was taking 30min to kill but Archer never died there.

    If my old **** party was able to farm it easy, don't you think that something was wrong with top instance in game?
    [SIGPIC]100% F2P Assassin[/SIGPIC]
    Overclocked 100% F2P Assassin (1st lvl105 @ 22Nov2010)
  • Paramedic - Dreamweaver
    Paramedic - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The speed depends of what chars I take to HH, Fast way takes less than 2 sparks (around 25secs) but bc I'm lazy and only DD with sin takes 4 to 5 sparks (60~70sec).

    My brother takes a lot time, he slow ^^

    yeah, you kill it fast...
    and dunno what u mean by 'lot time' but if it s under -lets say- 5 mins then they should be ok.

    when boss go into frenzy mode you would notice it for sure. it s like they loop one fav attack and repeat it all the time where other attacks are used like breaks.

    your first thought would be that either boss is on crack or his script broke

    and i dont believe that it was intended. it would be like encouraging high op lvls (who can just kill fast enough) to farm lower TTs while making it really hard for rest.

    it was nowhere near 'new' nirvana diffucutly. nowhere near anything in pwi i saw so far...

    anywayz, it is how it looked before last maint. dunno how much tt changed since then


    GAME IS DEAD wiki-article:
  • Nyxya - Harshlands
    Nyxya - Harshlands Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I hope it keeps this way, before was too easy.

    I was doing full 3-3 1 year ago (august 2009) with the following party:

    Cleric 82 in HH80 Gold Only With HP Charm
    Cleric 65 in npc/mold gears
    Barbarian 80 with HH80Gold + xs
    Archer 100 with HH90set and +5 HH99 green xBow
    Veno 101 with HH90 set
    BM lvl 60

    We were able to kill all bosses, Archer was tanking almost all with 7.4k HP without charm, Illusion Lord(last boss) was taking 30min to kill but Archer never died there.

    If my old **** party was able to farm it easy, don't you think that something was wrong with top instance in game?

    you must have some brain problems to compare a 1 person multi 6 characters with a normal party..barbar and bm were for bufs only..65 cleric was just cause u had him... i was able do 3-3 in 2 venos with bufs...same time many full party failed ...
    go do 3-1 gba boss with that party pls let us know how goesb:kiss
  • Ashivas - Dreamweaver
    Ashivas - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I hope it keeps this way, before was too easy.

    I was doing full 3-3 1 year ago (august 2009) with the following party:

    Cleric 82 in HH80 Gold Only With HP Charm
    Cleric 65 in npc/mold gears
    Barbarian 80 with HH80Gold + xs
    Archer 100 with HH90set and +5 HH99 green xBow
    Veno 101 with HH90 set
    BM lvl 60

    We were able to kill all bosses, Archer was tanking almost all with 7.4k HP without charm, Illusion Lord(last boss) was taking 30min to kill but Archer never died there.

    If my old **** party was able to farm it easy, don't you think that something was wrong with top instance in game?

    Why are you even still posting in this thread? No one cares about you're opinion.

    You're OP and you can kill these bosses way before any real shiit goes down. I don't care what you were able to do a year ago. Point is, if TT is too difficult for the intended players, it is too hard. It shouldn't be a matter of luck, as to when GBA in 3-1 casts his spells/debuffs at which time. It should be: Play your class right, and it will go smoothly.

    Unfortunately, it isn't like that. You simply have to hope you get lucky and he doesn't go ape shiit crazy on you before you are able to kill him. As of right now, it requires luck to finish 3-1 smoothly, not skill.
    Ashura Tyrant you foul mouthed little boy! I must keel yew nao =3
  • Kitamura - Lost City
    Kitamura - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    you must have some brain problems to compare a 1 person multi 6 characters with a normal party..barbar and bm were for bufs only..65 cleric was just cause u had him... i was able do 3-3 in 2 venos with bufs...same time many full party failed ...
    go do 3-1 gba boss with that party pls let us know how goesb:kiss

    I never said it was 1 person
    I don't multiclient, I have more than 1 computer :P

    2 Venos doing Emperor, Minister, Steelation, Colluseast and Illusion Lord???? b:chuckle

    Already did GBA Boss without any sin in pt, just with barb, veno, archer and 1 cleric, Cleric and barb 101 but both still in HH80 gold, don't need more for 3-1 Dark Colluseast.
    [SIGPIC]100% F2P Assassin[/SIGPIC]
    Overclocked 100% F2P Assassin (1st lvl105 @ 22Nov2010)
  • Tamias - Archosaur
    Tamias - Archosaur Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    Cleric 82 in HH80 Gold Only With HP Charm
    Cleric 65 in npc/mold gears
    Barbarian 80 with HH80Gold + xs
    Archer 100 with HH90set and +5 HH99 green xBow
    Veno 101 with HH90 set
    BM lvl 60

    I died a **** ton of times in the same instance and had my TT 90/Warsoul Helm/TT 80 Wheel etc and went with lvl 100 full party, half of which has CS'd gears/ Lunar/nirvana weapons etc. I dont know what you are smoking sir, but now it is next to impossible to get my TT 99 wheel because absolutely NO ONE will farm the Twilight Emperor in 3-2. NO ONE.

    Interestingly enough you don't list any other pieces of gear that these char such as tomes, blessings, demon/sage skills, genie skills, apoth etc. For all we know every one of the chars could have also walked in there with Warsong belts/necklaces, Puzzle cube badges, Love up and Downs, Defense charms (from the apoth NPC) A full set of demon/sage skills (for the veno/archer) and all lvl 90 land pots. Many others have been more illicit with their descriptions....

    My gear when running that 3-2 instance before the update-

    Dragonchild's Scale
    Hermit's Cape +2 +3 mag +3 Dex +211 Earth resis 3 soc Flawless Cit
    TT 90 Chest +3 3 soc
    TT 90 Pants +3 2 soc
    TT 90 Boots +3 2 soc
    Sleeves of the Sea Capitan +3 4 soc 4 Flawless Cit
    Retribution's Flame (Tome)
    Attendance Ring-Good
    Emerald Meteor max adds
    TT 80 Wheel 2 soc +13 Mag +12 Dex

    This did NOT make the bosses any easier in 3-3 OR 3-2...

    And Archer to tank some bosses isnt anything new ijs. Twilight Minister? Done with Archer. Go ahead-try GBA boss the way he is now multi boxed/multi cliented Go ahead and try Twilight Minister-just do it and post a youtube vid of you doing it.

    BTW I JUST watched my faction mates on my bf's screen get **** wiped by GBA boss-100% armor break? AOE Purge? RIDICULOUS range when my bf (who plays a sin) tried to run away...(Oh wait I forgot its a RANDOM frenzy tailspin that has ridiculous range hahaha! Doesn't matter your mob count guys-because GBA boss will STILL do it)You've got to be shting me. Change this back-or at the very LEAST make him like the WB version but not in damage output. This is not "fight Harpy Wraith" mode-if we wanted to be masochistic like that we'd do Harpy Wraith every 2 weeks. Seriously...the 3-1 instance was MEANT for 89-90 range with at its best TT 80 gold and liek the hell anyone geared like that can do GBA boss. Alternative armor? Doesnt exist because if you all had brain farts of or something Lunar's time limit is STILL set to 4 hours, meaning you cant exactly farm Lunar gear plus the 3 mil fee doesn't cut it-and FC gear? Dont make me laugh-they disabled that stuff a long time ago unless you manage to get the green armors in drops but does anyone call that serious armor? TT 80 Gold is better than it...and you need TT or Lunar for Nirvana armor...

    Unless you all expect us to give up on TT and go for Rank 9 ? Yeah because you need money I forgot....

    KIT-put up a vid of it-do it. Show us the proof or I call BS until then. And no, SS doesn't cut it-a complete unedited vid.
    The Dealer at your service b:cute
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ---bunch of text---

    I was doing full 3-3 1 year ago (august 2009) with the following party:

    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Tamias - Archosaur
    Tamias - Archosaur Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    >__> if you have nothing of use to say move along please and thank you.

    Go try TT 3-1 yourself with a squad around your level range (81-92) and come back and post the results/vids. There-nice and short enough for ya?
    The Dealer at your service b:cute
  • Kirkitsune - Archosaur
    Kirkitsune - Archosaur Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    tried GBA twice today and got ***** both times.

    lvl 101 barb pretty much got 1 shotted... seriously fix this. 11k damage is ridiculous.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    LOL at these level 102 and 103s with +12+10 Nirvana gear and weapons telling others how bad they are because they cant rush through new TT b:chuckle

    If you can kill most 3-X bossed in 1-2 minutes any new changes obviously doesn't matter as much, you can just immune most **** since the boss is dead before it does any major harm. Telling people to stop QQ while trying to showoff doesn't contribute much to current in-game situation or the discussion.

    I do think 3-3 was to easy before, i mean you could duo it with a lvl 60 cleric and a random BM <.< But from easy mode to crackmode is pretty absurd. Its to hard now for 99.99% of the server. For us that already abused the **** out of it when it was easy and made hundreds of millions its one thing, we still got our stuff. But its pretty unfair for those that never even got a chance to start farm their 99 gear.
  • Kitamura - Lost City
    Kitamura - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I died a **** ton of times in the same instance and had my TT 90/Warsoul Helm/TT 80 Wheel etc and went with lvl 100 full party, half of which has CS'd gears/ Lunar/nirvana weapons etc. I dont know what you are smoking sir, but now it is next to impossible to get my TT 99 wheel because absolutely NO ONE will farm the Twilight Emperor in 3-2. NO ONE.

    Come play in Lost city and will give you the Edges you need for free, if you think I'm smoking weird stuff 1 year ago I was in RageQuit and I did 3-2 and 3-3 4th map cultivation for lots of guildies, including Column, Column's wife(forgot name ^^), LordKazahana, and lots of other ppl that with better gear than me were failing those HHs.
    Well, that's was my mistake bc after doing for them and teaching all how to kill they screwed me by getting theirs 4th map/belt/3rd fairy before me and not helping me in GV.
    Well, all except LordKazahana (best Lost City BM b:victory)
    Interestingly enough you don't list any other pieces of gear that these char such as tomes, blessings, demon/sage skills, genie skills, apoth etc. For all we know every one of the chars could have also walked in there with Warsong belts/necklaces, Puzzle cube badges, Love up and Downs, Defense charms (from the apoth NPC) A full set of demon/sage skills (for the veno/archer) and all lvl 90 land pots. Many others have been more illicit with their descriptions....
    That was in August 2009 (1 year ago), before Anniversary packs so:
    -Xmas Bless in all
    -Barb had 17k HP and +4 refines, same refines as today
    -Cleric had 5~6k HP with +3 refines, sames refines as today
    -Veno had Arcane +3~4 refines with 8200HP, now haves around 13k HP
    -Archer +4 refines
    - about skills I think most of them had FB89 basic skills, I think Genies weren't yet available(I may be wrong)
    -all lv90 pots were in CQ hands, I was RQ(KOS) so no nice pots
    - Almost all shards were G5 or G6, G7 on weapons.
    My gear when running that 3-2 instance before the update-

    Dragonchild's Scale
    Hermit's Cape +2 +3 mag +3 Dex +211 Earth resis 3 soc Flawless Cit
    TT 90 Chest +3 3 soc
    TT 90 Pants +3 2 soc
    TT 90 Boots +3 2 soc
    Sleeves of the Sea Capitan +3 4 soc 4 Flawless Cit
    Retribution's Flame (Tome)
    Attendance Ring-Good
    Emerald Meteor max adds
    TT 80 Wheel 2 soc +13 Mag +12 Dex

    This did NOT make the bosses any easier in 3-3 OR 3-2...

    And Archer to tank some bosses isnt anything new ijs. Twilight Minister? Done with Archer. Go ahead-try GBA boss the way he is now multi boxed/multi cliented Go ahead and try Twilight Minister-just do it and post a youtube vid of you doing it.
    Twilight Minister wasn't changed, already killed both in 3-2 and 3-3 after patch, same as before, easy with Archer(slow) or sin(fast)
    BTW I JUST watched my faction mates on my bf's screen get **** wiped by GBA boss-100% armor break? AOE Purge? RIDICULOUS range when my bf (who plays a sin) tried to run away...(Oh wait I forgot its a RANDOM frenzy tailspin that has ridiculous range hahaha! Doesn't matter your mob count guys-because GBA boss will STILL do it)You've got to be shting me. Change this back-or at the very LEAST make him like the WB version but not in damage output. This is not "fight Harpy Wraith" mode-if we wanted to be masochistic like that we'd do Harpy Wraith every 2 weeks. Seriously...the 3-1 instance was MEANT for 89-90 range with at its best TT 80 gold and liek the hell anyone geared like that can do GBA boss. Alternative armor? Doesnt exist because if you all had brain farts of or something Lunar's time limit is STILL set to 4 hours, meaning you cant exactly farm Lunar gear plus the 3 mil fee doesn't cut it-and FC gear? Dont make me laugh-they disabled that stuff a long time ago unless you manage to get the green armors in drops but does anyone call that serious armor? TT 80 Gold is better than it...and you need TT or Lunar for Nirvana armor...

    Unless you all expect us to give up on TT and go for Rank 9 ? Yeah because you need money I forgot....

    KIT-put up a vid of it-do it. Show us the proof or I call BS until then. And no, SS doesn't cut it-a complete unedited vid.
    I don't need to post a video, just visit my cowshop and you will see all mats on sale there :P
    [SIGPIC]100% F2P Assassin[/SIGPIC]
    Overclocked 100% F2P Assassin (1st lvl105 @ 22Nov2010)
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    >__> if you have nothing of use to say move along please and thank you.

    Go try TT 3-1 yourself with a squad around your level range (81-92) and come back and post the results/vids. There-nice and short enough for ya?

    The party setup wasn't after patch, it was Aug 2009.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Nyxya - Harshlands
    Nyxya - Harshlands Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    2 hours run of tt 3-3 from 6 lvl 100 players when drop 1 gold in 10 runs...+
    drops rate relate to dificulty as well...sorry me but 10 runs for 1 gold is to easy? get a grip!!!
  • Tamias - Archosaur
    Tamias - Archosaur Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hahaha. Lost City server is PVP-I rolled on a PVE server for a good reason-I don't feel like getting killed while questing tyvm, however that's besides the point(I used to be on HT and I left there to start a new life on Arch server so migrating servers is out of the question. And unless people can do cross server trading, I dont give a lick about what you have on another sever.). There's a more vibrant market on there than on Arch server-check my server Im on before telling me to migrate onto a server with a ton of lvl 100's who grinded there way up there and are supported by a bigger base of people too TT with in the gear that's much more top quality than the average gear of Arch server. Even our best geared skilled players are getting their ****'s handed to them in a 3-1 when its meant for 89-9x.

    Cleric must have been part vit then-Im pure ><

    People refuse to do 3-2 and 3-3 because they don't want their charms being destroyed repairs etc. which is BS in my opinion. I'm willing to loose the 3-5% exp for them and they aren't willing to loose the .1% from my non demon res. >__> *shrugs*

    Genies were in the Age of Spirit's Patch, which was release in 09ish, so yes they were here along with the Warsong instance. But again we are talking about NOW, not a year ago. Try him again with that same or similarly geared party and pass him successfully and consistently. (passing meaning kill him not skipping him)

    Your catshop doesnt give me the proof I'm looking for-Im looking to see you do it currently, not what you could do a year ago or when you started hoarding mats.

    Kup-people have already mentioned that and that's what Im saying now-it was done like that a YEAR ago but can it be done now with that party make up? Probably not.
    The Dealer at your service b:cute
  • Kitamura - Lost City
    Kitamura - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    >__> if you have nothing of use to say move along please and thank you.

    Go try TT 3-1 yourself with a squad around your level range (81-92) and come back and post the results/vids. There-nice and short enough for ya?

    Where are all the lvls 81~92 QQing about not being able to do Belial???
    This discussion is all b:fatb, most people here defend that poor lowbies cant farm anymore GBA and therefor they will never get theirs HH90 tops...
    Did you people ever heard of market?? so you cant farm GBAs, go farm HH70-80, sell and use the money to buy GBAs. Or are going to tell me that's important that every1 be able to farm their own GBA and go to market to buy Belial greens to do the HH90 weapon???
    LOL at these level 102 and 103s with +12+10 Nirvana gear and weapons telling others how bad they are because they cant rush through new TT b:chuckle
    Sue me :P ( I dont have +10 gear yet, I need urgent 10* star orb sale b:surrender)
    If you can kill most 3-X bossed in 1-2 minutes any new changes obviously doesn't matter as much, you can just immune most **** since the boss is dead before it does any major harm. Telling people to stop QQ while trying to showoff doesn't contribute much to current in-game situation or the discussion.
    There's no discussion here, I only see all demanding to restore 3-1 as it was before, if GMs do that all will go back to spam farm to sell, World Chat will be flooded again with venos looking for 3 more to help open 3-1
    I do think 3-3 was to easy before, i mean you could duo it with a lvl 60 cleric and a random BM <.< But from easy mode to crackmode is pretty absurd. Its to hard now for 99.99% of the server. For us that already abused the **** out of it when it was easy and made hundreds of millions its one thing, we still got our stuff. But its pretty unfair for those that never even got a chance to start farm their 99 gear.

    - It was too easy before
    - Some people were abusing 3-3 with more than 15 runs/day with 4 chars in multiclient
    - People were only killing Behemoth/minister/Emperor/Steelation/Illusion (Gold Mats bosses) since they went through the doors.( I think this cheat still works).
    -In my sin Guild there are regular parties doing full 3-3, most of them not even too much smart since they are americans.
    - HH3-2 3-3 parties made by Worldchat ("Need 2 Cleric and DD for 3-3, have barb") will keep failing till the end of days, by that way you only get rejects and fails without nothing to do. Like I said before in my sin guild there's still a HH day every week and lots of ppl helping others to farm HH99. (btw I don't help them much, only real friends get my help).

    Now I cant kill Illusion Lord anymore, but I'm not QQing about that, I was 1 or 2H doing tests there (dieing like a madman) and I think I figured out what I need, I will try again in 2~3 months after 5~9 new pieces of gear.
    I was almost 1 year without farming any 3-x due the market constant flood and lack of thrill, now I got a new challenge, beat Illusion Lord :D
    [SIGPIC]100% F2P Assassin[/SIGPIC]
    Overclocked 100% F2P Assassin (1st lvl105 @ 22Nov2010)
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    now I got a new challenge, beat Illusion Lord :D

    Lemme be your Cleric on a few tries b:cuteb:beg
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • skeeter82
    skeeter82 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This is hilarious. After reading this entire forum, I realize a few simple truths. First, Kitamura, you're just an OP CSer that has essentially no stake in this discussion. If the runs are so easy for you, then run along and play and leave us who don't spend entire paychecks on this game to discuss it without your annoying banter.

    Second point I notice is that there seems to be mixed and random responses as to the difficulty of 3-1 GBA boss. I plan on running a few times later on with my veno to see what the truth of the matter is. Yes, I'll probably solo the instance or bring only my cleric friend with me, but that's the only way I see getting an accurate base line of the difficulty.

    Third, Herc Veno's have ABSOLUTELY lost about 50% of their usefulness due to the difficulty changes. Anyone who debates this either has Herc Veno envy ( in that case reroll veno like I did and stop QQing) or is too oblivious to the situation to actually give valuable feedback. Now my herc pretty much sits and collects dust with the few exceptions of killing quest bosses for friends and guildies. Sure, I could be sort of an asset in FC, but FC is annoying and personally, I like to earn my levels instead of hyper from 80-100.

    Fourth ( and final) point, PWI hates the F2P players. Let's take a quick PW history lesson. DQ item NPC price reduction, Perpetual availability of token packs in Boutique (only about 5 weeks since beginning of the year where packs have been absent), TW rule changes paying out significantly less value and costing more overall to enter, and finally, they combat farming by "fixing" an instance that wasn't broken to start with. This means less coin in circulation, less mats for gear in circulation, and more people required to charge zen in order to survive. CSers, god bless most of you for helping keep this game free for those of us who prefer to play it that way. PWI, get a grip, you don't have to have EVERY dime from EVERY player. 2 BMW's in your driveway are enough. Just let the game be fun again. Sheesh

    Now, I'm gonna dive for cover because I know the trolls are going to tear this apart. Not that I care, but I have a short temper when it involves morons, and if I stay to see the replies to this post, I'll be here all night owning trolls and flamers.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    skeeter82 wrote: »
    This is hilarious. After reading this entire forum, I realize a few simple truths. First, Kitamura, you're just an OP CSer that has essentially no stake in this discussion.

    Hate to burst your argument...but he does not cs b:chuckle

    He is the best farmer on LC and knows the market well...ijs
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I can't farm 3-1 after this but I don't care. Some 2-2 or 1-3 runs will do. It's not like Sanct is running out of the old TT90 tops.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    frankieraye if i reach lv100 can you help me with twilight temple bosses for cultivation then? b:beg

    i doubt anyone will invite me since i dont have 5aps and/or +10 gears...b:cry
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • Danteii - Lost City
    Danteii - Lost City Posts: 282 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    skeeter82 wrote: »
    This is hilarious. After reading this entire forum, I realize a few simple truths. First, Kitamura, you're just an OP CSer that has essentially no stake in this discussion. If the runs are so easy for you, then run along and play and leave us who don't spend entire paychecks on this game to discuss it without your annoying banter.

    Second point I notice is that there seems to be mixed and random responses as to the difficulty of 3-1 GBA boss. I plan on running a few times later on with my veno to see what the truth of the matter is. Yes, I'll probably solo the instance or bring only my cleric friend with me, but that's the only way I see getting an accurate base line of the difficulty.

    Third, Herc Veno's have ABSOLUTELY lost about 50% of their usefulness due to the difficulty changes. Anyone who debates this either has Herc Veno envy ( in that case reroll veno like I did and stop QQing) or is too oblivious to the situation to actually give valuable feedback. Now my herc pretty much sits and collects dust with the few exceptions of killing quest bosses for friends and guildies. Sure, I could be sort of an asset in FC, but FC is annoying and personally, I like to earn my levels instead of hyper from 80-100.

    Fourth ( and final) point, PWI hates the F2P players. Let's take a quick PW history lesson. DQ item NPC price reduction, Perpetual availability of token packs in Boutique (only about 5 weeks since beginning of the year where packs have been absent), TW rule changes paying out significantly less value and costing more overall to enter, and finally, they combat farming by "fixing" an instance that wasn't broken to start with. This means less coin in circulation, less mats for gear in circulation, and more people required to charge zen in order to survive. CSers, god bless most of you for helping keep this game free for those of us who prefer to play it that way. PWI, get a grip, you don't have to have EVERY dime from EVERY player. 2 BMW's in your driveway are enough. Just let the game be fun again. Sheesh

    Now, I'm gonna dive for cover because I know the trolls are going to tear this apart. Not that I care, but I have a short temper when it involves morons, and if I stay to see the replies to this post, I'll be here all night owning trolls and flamers.

    The day FieryDevil / Kitamura spends a cent in this game is the day I quit PWI. If PWI hated F2P players Kitamura wouldn't be bragging about how fast the game is. I'm a F2P player myself and I've QQ'd about the recent updates but I don't really care since I can still make profit out of it.
    I am Liam Neeson, you may remember me in such films as I will find you and I will kill you. b:pleased
  • Kitamura - Lost City
    Kitamura - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The day FieryDevil / Kitamura spends a cent in this game is the day I quit PWI. If PWI hated F2P players Kitamura wouldn't be bragging about how fast the game is. I'm a F2P player myself and I've QQ'd about the recent updates but I don't really care since I can still make profit out of it.

    No1 asked your opinion DanteIIdiot b:flower
    [SIGPIC]100% F2P Assassin[/SIGPIC]
    Overclocked 100% F2P Assassin (1st lvl105 @ 22Nov2010)
  • Nyxya - Harshlands
    Nyxya - Harshlands Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    this guy/girl is right in the end is a war v f2p morons you realize for a focking short second that if no f2p player wont be any players at alll?!?!!!?!!
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    this guy/girl is right in the end is a war v f2p morons you realize for a focking short second that if no f2p player wont be any players at alll?!?!!!?!!

    Said it before & i'll say it again. PWE is "Penny wise & pound foolish"
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    but now it is next to impossible to get my TT 99 wheel because absolutely NO ONE will farm the Twilight Emperor in 3-2. NO ONE.

    reroll on Dreamweaver - ill go with yeb:victory
  • Mystx - Heavens Tear
    Mystx - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    BH100 TT3-3 reward 8 subs
    "i see dead people"

    tell we why we bother now its harder, cost more to get it done than the reward now.

    and dont tell me its a bad squad, the squad was well kitted out and communicated very well, the boss was just an ****
    and before you tell me "well dont do it then" to late i already made that choice
    just wanted my say.
  • Segomo - Dreamweaver
    Segomo - Dreamweaver Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Popped into TT3-1 earlier with a squad of 84-87, one lvl100 veno...knew full well it wasn't gonna go well...and PWI totally got my hopes up.

    We got to about 1/3 of the GBA bosses's HP, with NO AoE at all....and we were all hopeful...then it was like death oozed out of every pixel of him. We were all on Skype and after about 5 minutes of attempting to survive (my life got dropped from 4k to 1.9k with the HP debuff as a cleric) we all started screaming to one another "Run! Save yourselves!".

    After we squad wiped, we had such a fun time we did it was just as amusing. In the end we didn't do well, but it was so absurdly overpowered it was funny.

    If for nothing but kicks....give it a try.
    Segomo - Lvl100 - Cleric
    Mictain - Lvl91 - Psychic
    Eros_Nyx - Lvl68 - Veno (o.O?)

    Magic is in my blood, take it away and what am I left with? It is my crutch and my sword, my life and death.
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i like that mindset Segomob:victory
  • RaGEnGirl - Sanctuary
    RaGEnGirl - Sanctuary Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    LMAO, ok i'm cash shopper, but being level 99 veno in this game my days are numbered... Zeal took our place. And I haven't been able to get my seat cultivation done, delta stage 4 done, much less my TT's done. Big faction full of high levels that never have time to help anyone. But I did try 3-3 with some faction mates, before the patch... lmao no one tell u what to do = death. Then did it again after the patch, = death again, but faster... Then after this last patch :Ob:chuckle rofl. Waawaaawaaa all the way home... but like any problem mobs people do seem to find a way around them = problem becomes solved. I don't farm never have is to time consuming and I have a life. CS = cash in my pocket by selling gold. So either way i keep leveling wether it be crazy stone, bh's, fcc's & OHT, and one day will get my 4 quests done... The QQ's just please stop whinning and just farm what u can people need charms, people need gear, people need to play because we are addicted. Us cash shoppers pay the salaries u f2p players keep us with the items we need for things.. See how that works b:pleased u keep getting to play free and we keep paying. So quit your whinning! Or we may stop playing and the game will die.
  • Tamias - Archosaur
    Tamias - Archosaur Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Yeah and youre a CSer who can get away with it because you have a TT market on there. Think we have that on Arch? No we dont. And these are the CSers I hate-getting arrogant thinking that they have alot of control when in the end they get the most screwed out of any changes that happen or when the company crashes b:surrender That attitude makes me a bit sick inside-and hence the Oracle/hyper baby generation spawns with furry...

    How many times do I have to go over this-I dont want to reroll yet AGAIN. This is the first char Ive actually gotten to 90+ and right now Im in TT 3-2 and I see why no one wants to run this guy...

    AOE Seal (annoying but okay)
    Frenzy mode(???) he started AOEing constantly and hit people in the party for 1-2 shots respectively
    Frontal (?) physical AOE enough to be a one shot to me at about 4.9k-6k
    Crack Occult Ice-not even ShockTrooper Occult Ice but it was enough to hit once for the damage at about 2.2k then again in the bubble for 4.8k.

    The devs broke the boss that the wheel line needs for 99. Its purely luck based and 5.0 sp BM/sins that can kill it fast enough. The people who could do it somehow successfully well...even the cleric went down and the barb was left to charm tank/Dew of Star/Crab meat the last 100k of the of Emperor's HP (he wasnt in my squad though QQ)

    We had at least 4 squad wipes and each time we met the mob count AND he still went berserk. Please fix the Emp boss in 3-2 as well-his kill counter is messed up.
    The Dealer at your service b:cute
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