New Item: Perfect Horn UPDATE



  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This is Madness!!

    This... is.... PWI!!!!
    *kicks horns down pit of death*
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Emaliee - Heavens Tear
    Emaliee - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    As amusing as these horns were in the first few minutes, no filtering is annoying. But, the horns, if used properly are a fabulous idea. My suggestion is, if people don't stop spamming them, can't we limit to like 5 a day per character? Something of that nature would make people use them more sparingly, or just spam all 5 and be done for the day. b:chuckleb:bye
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Edited the quote - Ary

    I wonder if he got banned, doubtful.

    Seriously though why the hell should younger or older players have to put up with that? Just so PW can get more money, that is complete stupidity!

    Edit: BTW remove names from the Screen shot or you will get warned or whatever lmao b:surrender.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • mondgeist
    mondgeist Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    b:angry away with Horns

    Gildchat and Teamchat is holy. Dont need garbage shouts in Gild- an Teamchat b:cry
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well due to the language in that screenshot that got erased... I think it would be safe to say that these are the types of people that play PWI and this feature should not be allowed at all unless it can be blocked out.

    :/ I mean come on. Give people any kind of power and it's bound to be abused. I mean look at lost city horn **** right now. They're all yelling about america being scum... what's that got to do with in game?
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Santacruz - Heavens Tear
    Santacruz - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    This... is.... PWI!!!!
    *kicks horns down pit of death*


  • Xalvadora - Heavens Tear
    Xalvadora - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    One per minute in Heavens Tear?? I think not...

  • KillaKiya - Sanctuary
    KillaKiya - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well all i can say is GM's u musta had some crazy night to have thought up of this real bad stupid stinker of an idea for a start its intrusive spam when i say spam i mean SPAM!!!! if im not watching WC it usually means i really dont wanna watch it however now i have no option but to read this tripe, even if im in whisper mode and dont want to see any other chat i still have to see this!!!!!!!

    And did u even stop to think that some ppl actually filter their chat for sensible reasons such as younger pg aged ppl around and as u do such a lousy job taking filth off of WC they feel the need to filter to squad/faction/whisper chat etc you've now even managed taken that option away from them *round of applause to you* keep this up im sure a lot of ur gamers sadly will go to other games.....
  • Weesa - Heavens Tear
    Weesa - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    well i been on HT for about four hours now. please remove the horns from faction and squad chat . give us the option of turning them off, or at least limting them to one certain channel, like we can world chat. it is hard for any one to hold a conversation while having to scroll through horn messages. untill something is done my chat box is as small as it will go and i will use a chat room to talk to my friends.
  • quiv
    quiv Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    here's a suggestion (i never read thru all the pages here.. so if someone else suggested it... great minds think alike)

    But. if they made the horns only go in the little chat window (the "general" one in the chat options)..

    that way.. everyone still receives the message.. yet.. it doesnt intrude in their party/guild chat.
  • Santacruz - Heavens Tear
    Santacruz - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    my black list is full =\ ..death to all
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'm not reading this entire thread anymore, i've read a few of the others (the whole threads..), and only one person has brought up the most serious form of invasion these horns will be. There are ALOT of kids playing this game. My best friend and his kid plays this, and he's already ticked off. Half the reason most of us turn OFF WC is so we dont' have to read the rude, immature comments from people saying "go suck a d!ck bish" or other **** like that in WC. Now you've stuck these horns in and these people can say **** like that and then our kids read it.......

    Seriously. i dont' even have a kid but if i did I wouldn't even allow him/her to be playing this anymore. I wouldn't want my children reading **** like that.... hell i dont' even want to see **** liek that but now i dont' have a damn choice. I'm seriously considering just saying "frack" this game and going back to FFXI full time. Even though i've already invested a quite a bit into this..... I'm still considering it.
  • Varscona - Sanctuary
    Varscona - Sanctuary Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i can see this happen in our next wb hunt:

    ok everyone, this wb has a frontal AOE, and debuffs the tank with a water debuff
    tank and 2 clerics stay in front of the boss
    everyone else stay behind the boss

    omfg looka the red text!
    wts super inv extension stone 500m lololol
    i love you all!
    i love you too!
    **** you all i hate you!
    HAHA! you can't turn me off!
    omg why so much hate??
    wtb tiger mount
    i just love the pms im getting
    1 can stack, 1 purifies
    ok why is everyone in front of the boss?
    wait...we are supposed to be behind the boss?

    need cleric for fcc run
  • StormChaos - Heavens Tear
    StormChaos - Heavens Tear Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well due to the language in that screenshot that got erased... I think it would be safe to say that these are the types of people that play PWI and this feature should not be allowed at all unless it can be blocked out.

    Thats the thing though .. Since WC seems to be lightly moderated if at all
    Atleast before hand if morons were spamming racist/sexist/abusive comments we could turn off WC .. Now TBH if you dont like that kind of chat and your BL is full you are screwed, your only option is to turn off the game.. Which I can imagine alot of people are doing.

    Before people say " submit a ticket if you see bad language ". IT's NOT the players job to police the chat thats the GM's , and frankly if they are not going to do it properly then these Horns need changing yesterday.
  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Here's my opinion about it:

    This player DREWCLAN started spamming trash talk in horn chat for minutes and minutes. When after a bit he started to insult, quite hard and serious insults, involving even racist talk. He continued for so long, even if everyone started to search for a GM to ban him. The serious thing isnt this idiot spamming **** that he dont even know what really is, the point is that nobody could do anything for it. GMs didnt intervene and blacklist is full for most of the ppl cause of these horns.

    I think its a RIGHT of each player, if they want to play alone, to choose not to see any chat in game. Blacklist exist, ok, but everyone always have to see at least the first message of a player before blacklist him. That should not be, cause ppl are not "perfect", there are ppl getting amused on seeing ppl feeling bad for an insult. This is usual **** of the world, of course, but its ur duty to prevent it, right? We are talking about serious harassments, involving religion, racism and sexual abuse.

    Imagine a new player that enters the game and even before knowing how to blacklist he sees his chat full of this ****.

    Its really a shame i think, please consider seriously this thread, thanks.
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • mulanrouge
    mulanrouge Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    just to play devils advocate here:

    if it is "ok" to be said in horn chat (lol sounds funny), then why should it be edited here on the forums?

    b:surrender sry Ary, but i had to say it out of principle even though i know the answer
  • ugysekell
    ugysekell Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Back with a screenie. This proves that I cannot talk to my faction friends anymore, I can't even see what they write! Do not force us to read spam, PLEASE! Down with the horn. PW won't get more money from it, because a lot of people will quit and spend their money on an other game!!!

  • Langdale - Raging Tide
    Langdale - Raging Tide Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well all i can say is GM's u musta had some crazy night to have thought up of this real bad stupid stinker of an idea for a start its intrusive spam when i say spam i mean SPAM!!!! if im not watching WC it usually means i really dont wanna watch it however now i have no option but to read this tripe, even if im in whisper mode and dont want to see any other chat i still have to see this!!!!!!!

    And did u even stop to think that some ppl actually filter their chat for sensible reasons such as younger pg aged ppl around and as u do such a lousy job taking filth off of WC they feel the need to filter to squad/faction/whisper chat etc you've now even managed taken that option away from them *round of applause to you* keep this up im sure a lot of ur gamers sadly will go to other games.....

    A perfect reason for filter the young age of many players has to be taken into account, so put a filter in quick, or strangely u may attract the attention of i higher authority on this matter, and believe me there filter methods would be the shutting down of the game

    If the sort of people that can shut this game down get the sort of response that this thread has got they act on it.

    Why Don't You??
  • Gilia - Heavens Tear
    Gilia - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Okay then.. what can i say, look at my postcount i'm not that vocal.

    But that crummy horn needs to be able to be filtered. There are several occasions where it is really annoying, like certain bosses that announce their special moves. Chatmovement really makes me jumpy there.

    And secondly i don't even hate the idea of that chat so much, it's more the impertinence with which they gone about it. Why even bother having those chatchannels? For me not being able to filter it out (at least out of whispers, squad and factionchat) is just a plain slap in the face. Usually i couldn't care less about features i'm not using, but being forced to see a certain type of chat - that doesn't even have a fixed color to differentiate? No thank you!

    I can only hope you implement a filter for it soon, because not even one day in this is already the most annoying - let's call it - feature this game has.

    It's annoying, it's distracting, it needs to go away or i will.b:surrender
    I'll get a sig when i need one...
  • samsonsimpson
    samsonsimpson Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This Madness. Can Be Stopped. Patch. I wrote. Already. FOUR BYTES. Please?

    Oh god why did I not pick an open source MMO? PWI -i-s- was better than them all is why. I've seen two faction members quit the game over this. How much money are you making from horns, that you wouldn't already be making with WC? Really?

    This is a blatant effort to profiteer from spamming.

    Spamming == evil.

    PWI == good.

    PWI & Spamming = ragequit.

    Or I could just post the patch, so anyone with a hex editor could apply it.
  • Annastasia - Lost City
    Annastasia - Lost City Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Here's my opinion about it:

    This player DREWCLAN started spamming trash talk in horn chat for minutes and minutes. When after a bit he started to insult, quite hard and serious insults, involving even racist talk. He continued for so long, even if everyone started to search for a GM to ban him. The serious thing isnt this idiot spamming **** that he dont even know what really is, the point is that nobody could do anything for it. GMs didnt intervene and blacklist is full for most of the ppl cause of these horns.

    I think its a RIGHT of each player, if they want to play alone, to choose not to see any chat in game. Blacklist exist, ok, but everyone always have to see at least the first message of a player before blacklist him. That should not be, cause ppl are not "perfect", there are ppl getting amused on seeing ppl feeling bad for an insult. This is usual **** of the world, of course, but its ur duty to prevent it, right? We are talking about serious harassments, involving religion, racism and sexual abuse.

    Imagine a new player that enters the game and even before knowing how to blacklist he sees his chat full of this ****.

    Its really a shame i think, please consider seriously this thread, thanks.
    i logged off after 20 mins of that players chat going non stop. last one i saw was him calling for more bombings in the USA and death to all Jews. when i logged back on the above player was quiet. now someone else is spamming horns looking for a cyber partner. *logs back off*

    what really sucks, is i will probably miss out on the last week of 2x exp because i cant stand this constant spamming. also means i will not be buying any packs. so i hope that the horn spammers make up the $$$ i would have spent on packs b:laugh
  • Danno - Raging Tide
    Danno - Raging Tide Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I dont see why we need a completely different chat at all. There are all ready too many to keep track of and many ways to sell/buy and find squad members.

    I believe there needs to at least be an option to filter it off. Remove it so i am not forced to see peoples "I love you ****" or "WTS/WTB blah blah blah" Formatted in about 8 different colors that hurts my eyes. I have had issues with it all ready when i go to read a faction message and it gets bumped off my window by these annoying messages.

    I believe the only reason anyone is using this option at all right now is because no matter what you type everyone is FORCED to see what you have to say.

    Granted there is some hype about the "NEW" item in the shop, but come on. Do we seriously need it? If you believe we do, just lol to you.

    My opinion is to remove the chat. Too many chats as it is. but if you are incapable of doing that, please put a filter option so we may turn it off as we choose.
  • Genghis_Khan - Harshlands
    Genghis_Khan - Harshlands Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I Think people need to stop QQing and suck it up...

    for the people who claim to be adults.. there is a quite bit of QQing going on
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I Think people need to stop QQing and suck it up...

    for the people who claim to be adults.. there is a quite bit of QQing going on

    Agreed for now....

    Learn to me <__<
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • ugysekell
    ugysekell Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ^ Okay, I can stop QQing and move to a new game with my whole faction. But then PW will QQ because they will lose their players eventually and will go bankrupt because only stupid kids will buy some horns for 10 dollars b:laugh It's clearly obvious that the majority of players do not want this horn and the devs are blind if they don't see... b:surrender
  • Santacruz - Heavens Tear
    Santacruz - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Agreed for now....

    Learn to me <__<

    you cant be srz D:
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i think u (Genghis) need to read the entire thread b4 u say "stop QQ'ing and suck it up"... btw only little kids say QQ instead of typing the actual word. Go back one page and read my post, THEN read the post 2 above yours with the big quote. This isn't JUST about the fact we have no option to NOT see this ****.
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I Think people need to stop QQing and suck it up...

    for the people who claim to be adults.. there is a quite bit of QQing going on

    And just who are you anyways?

    Honestly if you don't care about anyone elses' opinion they don't care about yours.... sucking it up isn't really an option if the game wants to keep players because not everyone thinks like you. Actually, there are quite a few people that find this whole thing very offensive and invasive. You might get stuck playing by yourself if this goes on much longer.
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Honestly, HT isnt spamming horn chats as much as I expected.

    Every time someone uses one, ppl ragebear on that person.

    Its ironic....sadly
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Edited due to language displayed in the screenshot - Aryannamage

    gee, isnt that interesting.

    language gets edited *here*, but GMs cant do it on the game?

    enquiring minds would like to know why.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
This discussion has been closed.