My "Age" ranting...



  • Panthalassa - Dreamweaver
    Panthalassa - Dreamweaver Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well I'm 14 so.... Here is my opinion about this <3

    For me, I don't know why but sometimes my friends
    kick me out of squad chat so I can't read whats going on....

    Usually I don't know whats happening so I don't really
    mind what people are saying in chat or on vent.

    Personally the PG-13 thing doesn't work in PWI
    because the game is "Fantasy Violence" anways

    :P Its interesting how older people in the game say to keep
    the language down and stuff.

    Personally I like it when people say that because
    I hate when other people yell in chat using words
    that people shouldn't tell others.

    But yeah... My side of the story... b:chuckle

    p.s. Please don't troll/flame this post... <__< I'm serious...
    Sick of people overlooking my post into something deeper rofl

    But my opinion of the PG-13, it doesn't work ingame or in vent.
    If you want to keep it separately, make different chats ingame
    or make an adult room in the vent like my guild did in RT o.O

    In this day and age, you probably know everything that isn't censored already.
    Also Known As: Sora_Kaiyou

    I got tired of my avatar not showing up. b:sad
  • Devinettie - Heavens Tear
    Devinettie - Heavens Tear Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I spent an hour reading over this post, I know a waste of time just to be flamed about it as soon as someone reads my post, but I'll give my opinion anyways

    I am 19 years old...
    and I have never seen so much worthless whinny teens in my life... you QQ about a parent asking you to watch what your typing... I may not be a parent.. But I don't want to see some people in world channel for example just tonight.. Whipped cream handcuffs and closets.. Like I want to know that.. It may be fun for others who think its funny.. its not.. its rude and its crude. I can see most of these posts say FACTION chat.. but most over look how bad world channel is.. Most of the people in world channel cry over everything and the drama is just plan sick.. So what a lvl so so cleric beat you.. and so what your an 1xx archer and you lost a duel due to lag... Be mature enough to say.. Good job.. now lets duel again and if they refuse.. don't call them a coward.. they knew they won due to lag and they know if they don't get lucky they will loose.

    I see squads that won't party together because this person is in this faction, What sense is that... That person who you hate has ONE silly name above their head.. sure to some people is more than just a name.. but its not real life. Sure I can go and get a party together for what ever.. reason to find out.. when they all get together they start fighting.. when i know.. if it weren't for the name over their heads.. they would get along.

    I seen back in a post someone said the magic word Maturity, and it is.. you can cry like a baby because someone asked you to watch your language or you can step up.. and be an adult about it.. and say okay I can try... Its not only faction chat what people are talking about.. its the world channel and normal chat... I don't need to know so so did this to so so I come into play make a friend not an enemy I don't come in to hear about the fun someone had the night before. Its a game.. that I understand.. but for most I think you forget..

    Yes a parent should watch what their child dose on the computer, but that doesn't mean the parent is controlling, it means they care, Yes they can't protect them from everything, but its a parents job to make sure the child doesn't get hurt... You don't want a child to end up in Juvi.. its nothing to be proud of... Parents want children to grow up.. and learn how to live a life were they can accomplish their goals, its the dream of almost every parent.

    I am 19 years old.. and I have to agree with the parents and the mature adults on this one, the crude humor, sexist acts, racists jokes, etc. are to much.... its a game.. not a source to find ways to vent and bully and harass other people.
    I'm NOT a perfect girl... My hair doesn't always stay in place, I spill a lot of things and I'm pretty clumsy, but when I stop and take a step back and think, I remember how amazing my life is, and that... Maybe I like being Imperfect.
  • CountIfrit - Harshlands
    CountIfrit - Harshlands Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I might be breaking the grounds and somewhat immune to most things no matter what it might be; but I have been swearing and knowing what sex and all that is since I was like.. 9-10? (Now 21.) But I can imagine once I have kids I will start being more ..Harsh on things especially with how kids and media play people these days.

    I mean honestly, this isn't a new thing though. Look at Barbies, every girl dancing in a music video is usually half naked and shaking her booty... It's disgraceful to everyone. Songs like "Birthday sex" on the radio... C'mon. Sure you might want to censor your kids from the media in the world, harsher language, sexual innuendo's and what have you... But the best advice has already been giving.

    If you don't want your kids seeing/hearing it? Don't let them play.
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It's not my job to raise someone else's kid or to guide them in there walk to adult so ill say what i want when i want to and not going to be told different because a 13 year old is playing the game, if the parents are that bothered they shouldn't let them play and we could all carry on as we were.

    I a pretty laid back person and not easily offended i find most jokes funny and see the lighter side, what annoys me is when someone will say a racist JOKE (keyword there people joke, meaning its not real and all for a laugh) and you get the idiot in the corner going 'omg omg your so racist omg omg how could you be so mean omg omg i hate you' and any other things the small people squirt out there rear end but yea seriously people need to lighten up and learn that most things have no malice in the and is just good fun.

    Someone did a racist joke on WC a few days back and it was quite funny but man id hate to see how many idiots pm'd him complaining and i wont say there name on here for that reason.

    Bottom line is people just relax and stop taking everything so damn seriously, you think stopping people in your faction is going to somehow protect your child? If so phone social services and get the taken off you because your to stupid, unless u turn off there WC, general chat n in the same squad with them and make sure they whisper no one in which case it may work.

    Question For All You Up-Tight People - Why the hell should people have to watch what they say to please your and fulfill your own special whiny needs?
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • MissAnthrope - Sanctuary
    MissAnthrope - Sanctuary Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    teenagers dont want to be told what to do.. any adult can remember that from their own past.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I am one of them people who tends to turn off faction chat when people's mouths move faster then thier brains. I dont enjoy sexual jokes, racist jokes or anything making fun of someones religion or sexual orintation. I dont tell them what to say i just turn it off. However, I do think people should really think about it sometimes, what you find funny might be quite offensive to someone else.

    if it happens in squad chat then I will say something as i need squad chat to be able to do my job in that squad

    also, its not always mom's and dad's i am not that old myself and I have no children b:surrender

    Its not always about the children either. I have children of my own and regardless of what I do or don't let my children do, I myself don't appreciate the disrespect that goes on. What is ok for one person isn't for others. Thats one reason the chat filter is in place to begin with.
    I run my own 18+ Faction and chat can at times get colourful, but there are lines that should NEVER be crossed (ie: being sexist,racist) and if they are crossed I will politely tell people to stop.

    It has nothing to do with being a prude or maybe trying to protect "teh kids" in your factions, its about having respect for others of any age.

    I run a faction in which we have all age groups. I think 17 is the lowest one. Everyone in there knows there is absolutely no going around the chat filter. Any sexual, drug, racist or talk about God is insta ban. These topics tend to cause flaming and it keeps the drama out of faction chat. Its a lvl 3 faction almost completely full and the people there respect the rules.

    We all get along, we all help each other and we all enjoy the faction. IMO what is this world coming to when people can not have conversations that don't involve sex, racism, or other lewd conversations? As you said, its not about protecting anyone, its about respecting the fact the person you are talking to may be 13, they may be 40 and they might be 72. You never know.
    i totally agree everyone knows what everything means and even if they dont they dont know it so either way it dosent really matter so they either know it or they dont im 16 in a few days my mum and dad dont like me swearing but its a game most words are blocked now anyway people only say sh!.t and f.uck to get round the block so personally i think it should stay the way it is.

    Also yeh racial abuse is totally wrong i support no racial things never really here any sexual things anyway .

    Ok.. so in your opinion talking about racial stuff is wrong but if in my opinion telling me about the way you got your rocks off last night is wrong then you just don't care? The problem is, there is no longer a seemingly line between right and wrong anymore. Everyone seems to just do whatever they want.

    For instance someone from HT server a few days ago thought that they could really make ppl mad and say all kinds of lewd things in world chat. All kinds of words going around teh chat filter, and she was even brave enough to respond to the pms in a manner if we didnt' like it, screen shot it and submit.

    Yesterday her husband was mortified when they banned her account in the middle of a bh. Just punishment and I hope it was harsh enough for her to not continue the behavior. But because there are people with no clear line between was is socially acceptable, the company has made a chat filter. Which at time fails and they apparently are trying to make sure that they enforce their rules.

    No matter what is or isn't socially acceptable, all of you agreed to a certain term of service when you signed up for this game. You agreed to uphold a certain type of behavior. There have been no modifications to this agreement, therefore; you really have no right to say that its unreasonable for people to ask you to not say things. Because you already agreed NOT TO.

    When u choose to break that agreement, don't be upset when those same ppl Screenshot and submit and your account is banned.
  • Morty - Raging Tide
    Morty - Raging Tide Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Actions speak louder than words.
    Is Now On Lost City Under The Name; Mortyy
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Actions speak louder than words.

    Not totally true Morty. Sometimes words are louder than actions. I can scream louder than I can ****. Nuff said. (lol I know I know.. but I hadda say it.).

  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    if u wanna protect ur children, don't let them play that game. thats it
    That doesn't work. You're basically asking anyone with stricter standards than yours to stop participating in society. You can't do that if you want society to function. You have to try to figure out a way for people of different opinions to coexist.

    From a MMO game developer's standpoint, either extreme is bad. If you allow all profanity, you lose out on the large population of players who will only tolerate profanity up to a point. If you ban all profanity, you lose out on the large population of players who believe some freedom of expression is necessary. A MMO game has to strike a balance, allowing a moderate degree of freedom of expression, but keeping profanity enough in check so it doesn't drive too many customers away.

    Filters go a long way towards this goal. A month ago I would've segued into a mini-rant about the lack of customizable filters in this game. But since they gave us customizable keyboard mappings, I'll just say I'm hopeful they'll make the filters customizable too.
    About the parent thing, if you let your child play on an MMO, heck even if you let your child surf the web, you will know that they will talk to a multitude of diverse people. This is a person opinion, but dont insult your children if they are above the age of 14 by having them being monitored and stuff. If they come across some pedo online, chance's are your kid will find them creepy...I know I did when I was younger, and if they dont, then you need to take them to a therapist or have a family talk about it. But, your kid is not stupid, I hope they have a good head on them, and if they dont, they shouldnt be playing a MMO. And if you play with your kids on this game, dont breathe down their neck. Sure run HH and instances or lvl together, but dont restrict them to one guild or say dont do this etc.
    Thing is, it's not your place to decide that 14 is the magical age. Legally, in most countries, until the kid is 18, it's the parents' decision what does and doesn't constitute insulting monitoring or excessive restrictions. Some parents are lax. Others are strict. That's just The Way Things Are.

    If you attempt to deluge the kids in the profanity the parents are trying to protect them from, just because you disagree with the parents, well then that makes you a self-important ****. The choice of how to raise their kids is theirs, not yours. If you disagree with it, either debate it with them and try to change their minds in a mature way. Or go make your own kids and bring them up whatever way you want.

    Personally, I never understood why some people feel the need to swear every other word. IMHO shocking words need to be used sparingly to preserve their shock value. If you use them all the time, they lose their shock value and you just sound like an uncouth neanderthal.

    It's kinda like what the music studios are doing to the dynamic range of CDs in the so-called loudness wars. By making the average volume of CDs louder, they're giving up a lot of dynamic range and expressiveness that's possible with music.

    Same thing goes for speech. If you swear all the time, people who are frequently around you just learn to tune it out, and you're losing a lot of the expressiveness that's possible with language. I rarely swear, but when I do, people who know me know that there must've been a damn good reason why I swore.
  • Ixiel - Sanctuary
    Ixiel - Sanctuary Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Swearing I don't think should be a problem. In this day and age people are so desensitized to those words that they blurt them out on national television and the censors don't even do a thing.

    Anyone under the age of 13 isn't allowed to play this game anyway and people 13 and older should already know those words unless they were locked in a cabinet their entire life.

    Racial and sexual jokes are another story entirely. Yes, political correctness is a joke and just because you make a black joke doesn't mean you hate black people, but some people still find it offensive and there's really not much you can do about that. Saying "deal with it" just makes matters worse. Everyone was brought up differently and everyone has different views on things. It's better to simply take consideration for how you may effect other people around you in matters like that than to stubbornly instigate petty drama.

    Some people may still find profanity in excess to be as unappealing as sexual humour, and that's when it comes to a point where they must decide whether that faction is right for them or not. I have no problem with swearing or crude humour, but I refuse to join a guild/faction/clan on any MMO where those are the only things ever spoken about. Generally I found that the more mature the guild, the more successful at PvE and/or PvP anyway.
    A B and C, abandoned but controlled.
    M can't you see? Half of me was sold.
    X Y and Z, Xerox your zombies then
    there's nothing here but
    Life 1 0 1.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I might be breaking the grounds and somewhat immune to most things no matter what it might be; but I have been swearing and knowing what sex and all that is since I was like.. 9-10? (Now 21.) But I can imagine once I have kids I will start being more ..Harsh on things especially with how kids and media play people these days.

    I mean honestly, this isn't a new thing though. Look at Barbies, every girl dancing in a music video is usually half naked and shaking her booty... It's disgraceful to everyone. Songs like "Birthday sex" on the radio... C'mon. Sure you might want to censor your kids from the media in the world, harsher language, sexual innuendo's and what have you... But the best advice has already been giving.

    If you don't want your kids seeing/hearing it? Don't let them play.

    Have kids, then talk. Realize too its not just about the "kids". I agree with a post I quoted here. I don't want to hear about your whip cream and handcuffs. I don't want to see all that. This is a virtual fighting world, it isn't the make out channel.

    What is wrong with people when sexual innuendo is the only thing they can find to talk about? My children aren't sheltered, but they aren't put out there for them to see all this stuff. Thats like saying eventually in life you are going to have sex, might as well do it as young as possible and get it over with. COME ON.. just b/c they could be exposed to stuff doesn't mean they should be.

    So I guess b/c society doesn't want there to be a line drawn by what is socially acceptable we should all lock our children up til they are 18? What people are suggesting here is that its ok for a 40 year old man to be hitting on a 14 year old child on the other end of the screen. In the united states you go to jail for that. I hope some day those ppl get caught. Own up and take responsibility for your part in society and quit blaming all the parents for the fact that people dont' care who they offend or who they bother. Respect everyone.
    It's not my job to raise someone else's kid or to guide them in there walk to adult so ill say what i want when i want to and not going to be told different because a 13 year old is playing the game, if the parents are that bothered they shouldn't let them play and we could all carry on as we were.

    You have missed the point, its NOT JUST the kids. There are plenty of adults on here who do not like it either. I'm a 30 year old woman with 2 kids. It offends me to hear about some of the stuff said on World chat. I should not have to turn it off when I'm trying to sell/buy stuff just b/c some person who lacks the maturity or self respect to respect others wants to say lewd things.

    I a pretty laid back person and not easily offended i find most jokes funny and see the lighter side, what annoys me is when someone will say a racist JOKE (keyword there people joke, meaning its not real and all for a laugh) and you get the idiot in the corner going 'omg omg your so racist omg omg how could you be so mean omg omg i hate you' and any other things the small people squirt out there rear end but yea seriously people need to lighten up and learn that most things have no malice in the and is just good fun.

    So just b/c its meant as a "joke" means it shouldn't offend or be hurtful?
    Thats as asinine to say as the words "dont' take offense or no offense" before you say something you know that person is going to find offensive. Thats like saying its ok for someone to stab you in the face and say, oh man its ok, it was just a joke. GET REAL. Quit trying to justify your racism and offensiveness by saying things are "jokes"

    Someone did a racist joke on WC a few days back and it was quite funny but man id hate to see how many idiots pm'd him complaining and i wont say there name on here for that reason.

    Reread the above, you've just admitted to everyone you think racist jokes are funny.

    Bottom line is people just relax and stop taking everything so damn seriously, you think stopping people in your faction is going to somehow protect your child? If so phone social services and get the taken off you because your to stupid, unless u turn off there WC, general chat n in the same squad with them and make sure they whisper no one in which case it may work.

    Question For All You Up-Tight People - Why the hell should people have to watch what they say to please your and fulfill your own special whiny needs?

    Better Question for YOU.. Why should we have to lower our standards and submit to disrespectful, unethical, demeaning and demoralizing people just to allow you to act as though you have no productive part in society?

    Remember, that person whose kid you don't wanna raise... that mother and father who neglect their child..You might be the person to make a difference in their life.. for better or worse. Remember, children grow up.... and when that (now adult) mugs you in a parking lot and takes whatever you have and leaves you for dead; you didn't want to take the time and you were too busy yakking it up about racism and sex to make a difference.
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    obey the TOS....which no one doesb:sad
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Foxx - Heavens Tear
    Foxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    if u wanna protect ur children, don't let them play that game. thats it

    "That" game?
    Sure that works for PW, but the GM's couldnt give a toss here anyway.
    Most other MMO's you will find yourself getting banned.

    Far easier not to swear by default. If you need to make a point, you can do it just as well, or better without swearing.

    People who swear constantly just make themselves look foolish. Theres a time and a place to swear.
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You "adults" dont know what life is like when youre a kid. Sure you might think about the time when you were a kid but im guessing that life 20-25 years ago as a child is totally different.
    I love how all the "adults" are acting as if they know everything about a childs life and mind.
    Yeah, Im 14.
    And everytime I see self-righteous, narrow minded people say things like this I laugh.
    TBH Ive never gotten seriously offended (seriously offended meaning how offended you guys get) playing any game on the net, including when people post racist jokes/remarks about my country =) Its what OTHER people think, maybe im just too cynical or maybe everyone else is just really easily offended.

    Basically what Im saying is that it doesnt affect the "children" as much as you people think it does.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Have kids, then talk. Realize too its not just about the "kids". I agree with a post I quoted here. I don't want to hear about your whip cream and handcuffs. I don't want to see all that. This is a virtual fighting world, it isn't the make out channel.

    What is wrong with people when sexual innuendo is the only thing they can find to talk about? My children aren't sheltered, but they aren't put out there for them to see all this stuff. Thats like saying eventually in life you are going to have sex, might as well do it as young as possible and get it over with. COME ON.. just b/c they could be exposed to stuff doesn't mean they should be.

    So I guess b/c society doesn't want there to be a line drawn by what is socially acceptable we should all lock our children up til they are 18? What people are suggesting here is that its ok for a 40 year old man to be hitting on a 14 year old child on the other end of the screen. In the united states you go to jail for that. I hope some day those ppl get caught. Own up and take responsibility for your part in society and quit blaming all the parents for the fact that people dont' care who they offend or who they bother. Respect everyone.

    That bit is down to the parents, take better care of your children because they are some sick people, your kid gets with a 40 year old man then its YOUR fault, you should of taken more care.

    Lmao so because i find them funny it means im racist? Jesus christ you need to lighten up, i find the funny and ill always send them on if they are good but that doesnt mean i racist i dont go around beating up black people or asian people or hold hatred towards them. I have friends from the minorities and they laugh at them so just because YOU take offence does that mean us more laid-back people should wrap ourselves up and hate everything sexual, racist, sexist or any other thing you up-tight people pull out your ****?

    OneHottShot: Better Question for YOU.. Why should we have to lower our standards and submit to disrespectful, unethical, demeaning and demoralizing people just to allow you to act as though you have no productive part in society?

    Remember, that person whose kid you don't wanna raise... that mother and father who neglect their child..You might be the person to make a difference in their life.. for better or worse. Remember, children grow up.... and when that (now adult) mugs you in a parking lot and takes whatever you have and leaves you for dead; you didn't want to take the time and you were too busy yakking it up about racism and sex to make a difference.

    Lmao so because we swear on a game the child will grow up to mug people? That has got to be the most stupid thing i have heard this year easily lmao, wow b:laugh.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i give up on this thread....

    it just aint worth the efort
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • Wrathfulsynn - Heavens Tear
    Wrathfulsynn - Heavens Tear Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Seriously? If you don't like a chat, and can't get it cleaned up, filter it out. It may be a little self-centered of me, but I like to turn off all chats and watch my damage scroll by. It helps keep drama down. It helps keep my mind on what I am doing. And it helps me ignore so very much that I wish wasn't being said.

    I spent a lot of time, yesterday, getting onto someone about the way they were letting their gameplay fall below acceptable levels while stoned and drunk. Personally, I would touch drugs and I don't like them done around me. If you're doing them a thousand miles away, there's not a lot I can do to stop you. However, when you're spewing about how you "love them all", constantly dying, totally ignoring your squad role, and going out of your way to try to get killed, I have to step in.

    Some things can be ignored. Some things can not. Learn your filters, use your black list, and don't be afraid to drop your opinion on someone who needs a reality check. Sometimes, just sometimes, your opinion will change how a person acts. b:sad
    Good post? d=(^_^)=b
    Bad post? q=(-_-)=p
    Troll post? t(^_^)t
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    So many teenagers in this thread complaining about parents controlling them, lol.
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • _Pale - Sanctuary
    _Pale - Sanctuary Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I think the warning sign on the bottom of PWI homepage should be enough for parents to decide:

    Fantasy Violence
    Suggestive themes

    If you have a problem with that considering your childs age, you know this is not for you. That is what warning signs are for. You can expect the RPG to reflect the general theme in chat.
    The game has an autocensor for most of the nasty stuff.
    I think for most players it's not about their kids, (if you don't want to expose them to this then turn off the computer), but more about the annoyance all the profanity gives when you just want to communicate during the game.
    Pages of chat filled with name calling, exclamations and harrasments (mostly in CAPS) dont help squad/faction communication and just distract from the information you need to get.

    However there will always be people who like to wage their own crusade against anything they think is inappropriate,... makes them feel good I guess.

    Remember the game has a close function and the computer has an off-button too.
    I'm not there to make you survive in PWI, that's your job
    ** expected fail squad: express rule of thumb "you die by stupidity, you go to town" **
  • VlCTORIA - Lost City
    VlCTORIA - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    LOL i was born with a mouth, and i will use it!
    if you dont like it, theres a little button called BLACKLIST!
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    LOLOLOL my faction...has a lot of well lets say adults who like to chat adultb:chuckle but we try to keep it down when there is a minor onlineb:surrender <3 ginas storiesb:cuteb:dirty

  • VlCTORIA - Lost City
    VlCTORIA - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    OH heres one, if you dont want your kids to be corrupted:
    Kill them while there young, thats the only way to save them XD
  • Wrathfulsynn - Heavens Tear
    Wrathfulsynn - Heavens Tear Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Thank you, for your lack of real input. Your opinion on child-ending and your mouth are duly noted. The blacklist option had already been expressed, in previous posts. Your posts lack originality, punctuation, and capitalization. While I applaud you, for your openness and willingness to express your opinion, I must give you a negative review. Your post appears to be, at worst, a failed attempted at trolling. At best, an honest, but obnoxious, attempt to get your point across. (-_-)=p
    Good post? d=(^_^)=b
    Bad post? q=(-_-)=p
    Troll post? t(^_^)t
  • Weesa - Heavens Tear
    Weesa - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    as a reminder of the TOS:

    Below following is a set of infraction guidelines that PWE staffers have the option of utilizing in determining appropriate measures in regards to user committed violations on the PWI Community Forums. Please understand that these infraction guidelines are just that

    Misconduct Vulgar and obscene language, sexual content, racist remarks, threats of harm and abuse 3 Day Ban 7 Day Ban Permanent Ban
  • Devinettie - Heavens Tear
    Devinettie - Heavens Tear Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Here I am again to post once again after reading this silly post once more, I seen more of you complaining to the parent how its their job to watch their children, use the filters, use blacklist, etc,

    So yeah I turn my World chat and my Normal chat off.. but then I'm penalized because i can't see people asking for rezzes or trades then it makes me seem like a stuck up player.. and I'm not.. I'll rezz anyone who asks.. no mater who they are. All everyone is doing here is blaming the parent who asked you to watch what you say.. is that so hard to do? Then you turn around and say "Well you should watch your child." Isn't that what the parents are doing when they ask you to that question to watch your mouths? If the Parent didn't ask you to watch what you say... wouldn't that mean they didn't care and weren't watching their child?

    It would be nice to play the game and not run into someone explaining the night they had before or what they plan on doing, or watching world channel for trades and not seeing players XXX and XXX talking about their factions and how they are better because of how many people they have had in bed. I mean one day I watched this person add the phrase "In my bed" To all his ending sentences, and people mimic him.. Over world channel.. the same channel I see trades and squad callers.. TT invites etc.

    So.. If I use my filters to filter out everyones innuendos, I'm the one who is punished.. I miss TT squads I could be in.. I miss Good deals on trades, I miss someone asking questions that I need answered myself. So yeah.. the Filters are there to use.. but in the end... it only punishes the person who uses them because they have a right not to see it..

    Don't get me wrong I don't mind the swearing, it seems its part of life now.. I tune most of it out.. but the sexual innuendos and racial jokes and the faction battery is not what I want to see... and I think thats what most of the parents are trying to say... its not so much the swearing as it is the Innuendos and harassment.
    I'm NOT a perfect girl... My hair doesn't always stay in place, I spill a lot of things and I'm pretty clumsy, but when I stop and take a step back and think, I remember how amazing my life is, and that... Maybe I like being Imperfect.
  • Torsay - Sanctuary
    Torsay - Sanctuary Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The kids are there, playing on their own. Mostly without their parents knowing what they do.

    So go out and help one of those kids to ''rise'' if you think you know what is right.

    Can you do this just through the game? I guess most of you here think no.

    And that's why you all just waste time here. If you would think in the other way things would be different.

    Interesting thread anyway. :P
  • MissAnthrope - Sanctuary
    MissAnthrope - Sanctuary Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    personally a good way to avoid this whole entire thread would be to find people of similar age to play with.

    I'v seen a couple factions that advertise themselves as a mature respectable faction and i know they dont want people cussin like sailors in there..... that is why they advertise themselves that way.
  • ChaoticTears - Harshlands
    ChaoticTears - Harshlands Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You "adults" dont know what life is like when youre a kid. Sure you might think about the time when you were a kid but im guessing that life 20-25 years ago as a child is totally different.
    I love how all the "adults" are acting as if they know everything about a childs life and mind.

    OMG I loled

    Yes being a child 20-25 years ago was totally differant..... it was harder.

    Life for 80% of kids nowadays is easy, ps3's, xboxes, mobile phones, comps, money from parents etc etc etc.

    (Yes due to their circumstances some kids have it hard, but thats always been the case).
  • VlCTORIA - Lost City
    VlCTORIA - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i now feel insignificant.
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I really got a great laugh out of the responses in this thread. Especially the "I'm 19, so I see both sides of this argument".




    Shouting dirty words into a megaphone and giggling is absolutely nothing other than immature. It's the behavior of middle-school children, even when teenagers and young adults do it. Trying to justify it as Free Speech, or "This is how the World works, Deal with it" is lame, sad, and infantile.

    Adults don't squeal "****" then run away snickering.

    PWI has masterfully combined a MMO for the obsessive-compulsive with an AOL chatroom, and added Barbie's Slutwear Collection to grab the rest. I wish I'd bought stock in this outfit, I really do.

    You are correct - kids will be kids. And those WC's serve a useful purpose - they help me fill up my Blacklist. Telecoustics serve a very useful function, they help identify the idiots, so they can be seen and avoided.

    If they'd only make the blacklist file bigger, I could solve *both* our problems.


    \plays this game with adults, and kids who know how to behave like adults
    \\avoids those who can't, and is sure the feelings mutual
    \\\give me a bigger blacklist, and we'll never see each other
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
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