My "Age" ranting...



  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    This is what is called a strawman argument. **** away at the extreme, to defend your opinion against a lesser evil. At no point does anyone promote profanity as good behaviour, but the extreme has no bearing on the subject at hand, which is most often of a different category altogether. Let's make it clear that the ToS are there for everyone to follow, but it's not up to YOU to interpret what the ToS are and what needs to be penalized. If you have a complaint, send in a ticket just like everyone else. My guess is that either they will grant you your wish or they will label the game in such a way that you are warned in advance and can choose not to play it.

    Enjoy your crusade b:bye

    Maybe some people read over the terms of service to see what is acceptable in a specific game and choose a game to play based on what IS acceptable and what isn't.

    Again you aren't on heaven's tear. What is allowed there has got out of control. Its no longer just a lil swearing. As a customer of PW it is kinda up to me to determine weather or not they are doing their job.

    If you hire a caterer for your wedding and they agree to server Shrimp and Fish and you end up with Hamburgers and Hotdogs you would be sure to tell them they not only didn't do their job, but they also lost you as a customer as well as your recommendations of them.

    As I said in a prior post, if I wanted to hearing/watching/even reading about explicit adult behavior an MMO is the last place I'd look.

    Oh I almost forgot, yes.. those who are saying "lighten up" "get over it" and my favorite "its not up to you to interpret what the TOS means" are people who are promoting all of the swearing and lewd talk as acceptable behavior.
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Maybe some people read over the terms of service to see what is acceptable in a specific game and choose a game to play based on what IS acceptable and what isn't.

    Again you aren't on heaven's tear. What is allowed there has got out of control. Its no longer just a lil swearing. As a customer of PW it is kinda up to me to determine weather or not they are doing their job.

    If you hire a caterer for your wedding and they agree to server Shrimp and Fish and you end up with Hamburgers and Hotdogs you would be sure to tell them they not only didn't do their job, but they also lost you as a customer as well as your recommendations of them.

    As I said in a prior post, if I wanted to hearing/watching/even reading about explicit adult behavior an MMO is the last place I'd look.

    Oh I almost forgot, yes.. those who are saying "lighten up" "get over it" and my favorite "its not up to you to interpret what the TOS means" are people who are promoting all of the swearing and lewd talk as acceptable behavior.

    YOU GO,GIRL!!!! perfect! (and i just had to borrow your last line for my sig!)
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Serrinity - Sanctuary
    Serrinity - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well, I myself am 16. I am a girl so I have no real problem seeing the female characters in bikinis (though I really would prefer not to) and the mild violence of killing evil monsters is no issue. I don't mind violence unless it is excessively gory. This game doesn't so much as even have blood, except for the assassin's attacks. They are very few curse words in NPC text as well. This is why I play this game. It is fun and yet it has a very low age rating in my opinion.

    However, I really hate what I see in World Chat and some faction chats. If I wanted to see cursing and sexual jokes I would play another game. I am a Christian and I personally would like to see G or PG rated chat, and I say PG only for discussion of topics, as G rating doesn't really allow for any sort of discussion. This is why I left the faction I was in before. The one I'm in now rarely has any cursing or anything else. If anyone starts talking about these things or using these words, I close faction chat. Often times I keep world chat closed for the same reason.

    This game has a 13+ rating for violence and relatively mild suggestive themes. This is content we are all agreeing too. However, not all of us are agreeing to the often adult chat that takes place even in World Chat. Even if the chat was 13+, it still contains things other than violence and mild suggestive themes. When playing video games, I choose them carefully not for the age rating, but for the descriptors. Violence, fine. Suggestive clothing, okay. Cursing, bad. Suggestive themes other than clothing, bad. Drugs and alcohol use, fine. Etc.

    But this is why the chat should really be less than 13+ in most cases. For example, I will play video games that have mild cursing in cut scenes, due to the fact you won't hear that too often. However, rarely will I play a game that has cursing in the actual game play. For example, I play the game Shadow the Hedgehog on Gamecube muted because every time you die, as well as occasionally when you get hit, the character uses a mild curse word. To make things worse, I seem to be very bad at that game and die a lot... I will unmute it during cut scenes because I know I'll only hear one or two curse words.

    You have to consider the official age rating, quantity, severity, and type of words being said. At least, this is my opinion on it. My mom lets me make my own choices and she has been for about 5 years now. But even from the time I was about 7 years old and understood it, I've always tried to make good choices in this area. I am not a "sheltered child" because my mom isn't making all the choices. Now I'm sure she wouldn't let me watch **** or anything like that. But she doesn't monitor what I do on the computer or anything like that and if I wanted to it would be extremely easy for me to watch it without her ever finding out. But I choose not to because I personally do not like this sort of thing. I don't mind playing this game because I can easily close the chat window. However, I like leaving it open so that I can see people World Chat selling or buying items, etc and I enjoy talking in faction chat.

    So essentially, I'm not complaining because I can just close chat. I would love it if people would stop using 13+ language and topics. I think what is and isn't acceptable should be judged by the content in the game. If the npcs don't use that swear word, neither should anyone else. If they don't have suggestive conversations, neither should anyone else. But I can't imagine more than a couple people changing on this, and that's if we happen to be very lucky. So I'll just continue playing with chat off part of the time.
    Leader of EdensStar
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    **very well put!**

    and i wish there were more here like you, willing to stand up for what is right

    Well, I myself am 16. I am a girl so I have no real problem seeing the female characters in bikinis (though I really would prefer not to) and the mild violence of killing evil monsters is no issue. I don't mind violence unless it is excessively gory. This game doesn't so much as even have blood, except for the assassin's attacks. They are very few curse words in NPC text as well. This is why I play this game. It is fun and yet it has a very low age rating in my opinion.

    However, I really hate what I see in World Chat and some faction chats. If I wanted to see cursing and sexual jokes I would play another game. I am a Christian and I personally would like to see G or PG rated chat, and I say PG only for discussion of topics, as G rating doesn't really allow for any sort of discussion. This is why I left the faction I was in before. The one I'm in now rarely has any cursing or anything else. If anyone starts talking about these things or using these words, I close faction chat. Often times I keep world chat closed for the same reason.

    This game has a 13+ rating for violence and relatively mild suggestive themes. This is content we are all agreeing too. However, not all of us are agreeing to the often adult chat that takes place even in World Chat. Even if the chat was 13+, it still contains things other than violence and mild suggestive themes. When playing video games, I choose them carefully not for the age rating, but for the descriptors. Violence, fine. Suggestive clothing, okay. Cursing, bad. Suggestive themes other than clothing, bad. Drugs and alcohol use, fine. Etc.

    But this is why the chat should really be less than 13+ in most cases. For example, I will play video games that have mild cursing in cut scenes, due to the fact you won't hear that too often. However, rarely will I play a game that has cursing in the actual game play. For example, I play the game Shadow the Hedgehog on Gamecube muted because every time you die, as well as occasionally when you get hit, the character uses a mild curse word. To make things worse, I seem to be very bad at that game and die a lot... I will unmute it during cut scenes because I know I'll only hear one or two curse words.

    You have to consider the official age rating, quantity, severity, and type of words being said. At least, this is my opinion on it. My mom lets me make my own choices and she has been for about 5 years now. But even from the time I was about 7 years old and understood it, I've always tried to make good choices in this area. I am not a "sheltered child" because my mom isn't making all the choices. Now I'm sure she wouldn't let me watch **** or anything like that. But she doesn't monitor what I do on the computer or anything like that and if I wanted to it would be extremely easy for me to watch it without her ever finding out. But I choose not to because I personally do not like this sort of thing. I don't mind playing this game because I can easily close the chat window. However, I like leaving it open so that I can see people World Chat selling or buying items, etc and I enjoy talking in faction chat.

    So essentially, I'm not complaining because I can just close chat. I would love it if people would stop using 13+ language and topics. I think what is and isn't acceptable should be judged by the content in the game. If the npcs don't use that swear word, neither should anyone else. If they don't have suggestive conversations, neither should anyone else. But I can't imagine more than a couple people changing on this, and that's if we happen to be very lucky. So I'll just continue playing with chat off part of the time.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    This game has a 13+ rating for violence and relatively mild suggestive themes. This is content we are all agreeing too.

    From the TOS
    By creating an Account or otherwise using the Service, you represent that you are at least age 18 and agree to these Terms, or that you are over 13 years of age and your parents or legal guardian have read and agreed to these Terms, and you understand and agree that we are relying upon that representation in allowing you to use the Service.
    PWE takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any User Content posted, stored or uploaded by you or any third party, or for any loss or damage thereto, nor is PWE liable for any mistakes, defamation, slander, libel, omissions, falsehoods, obscenity, pornography or profanity you may encounter. Your use of Interactive Areas is at your own risk. As a provider of interactive services, PWE is not liable for any statements, representations or User Content provided by its users in any public forum, personal home page or other Interactive Area
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    From the TOS

    you quote the TOS, but the same document bans the things everyone is defending.

    what bewilders me is why the devs, etc, put those rules up, but they are **never** enforced, especially ingame.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    you quote the TOS, but the same document bans the things everyone is defending.

    what bewilders me is why the devs, etc, put those rules up, but they are **never** enforced, especially ingame.

    Actually Fox, this is one of those cases where I agree with you. I often watch the WC drama and all the lulz that goes with it. I've had strange characters come up to me and start cussing me for no known reason (other than they might be mad at my posts on the forums lol). So while I agree that it is often way over board and should stop, The TOS (which points out the violation they are doing as well) also points out to the players that typed content from the players falls under the 'User Beware' clause.

    So basically what I am saying is that if you or anyone else is offended by the chats, they need to screen shot them and report them. But the TOS still tells you that player generated content is not PWI's fault.

  • Murloc/ - Heavens Tear63
    Murloc/ - Heavens Tear63 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    As much as I never thought it would happen, I agree with FoxRunning. *and yet for some reason I can't quote anyone right now*

    As many rules as they have put in, and as much as people scream "Oh no! ToS violation! The world is ending QQ" Nobody really does anything about it. People don't really report things that they should, such as the MANY daily comments over World Chat that even with my perverse mind, I wish I hadn't seen.

    Example: Someone is making racist jokes using World Chat against every race known to man, and it goes on for half an hour, then suddenly stops. Good, the GM's or someone got to them right? Wrong. Another WC comes from them saying they had to buy more Telecoustics, then they continue the ranting, and the next daay they are still using WC as though nothing happened.

    Now I may not be the best example of a considerate and perfect player at all times, but I do NOT want to see racist, sexist, or demeaning ANYTHING going on in World Chat for longer then it takes someone to slam the ban-hammer down.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well, I myself am 16. I am a girl so I have no real problem seeing the female characters in bikinis (though I really would prefer not to) and the mild violence of killing evil monsters is no issue. I don't mind violence unless it is excessively gory. This game doesn't so much as even have blood, except for the assassin's attacks. They are very few curse words in NPC text as well. This is why I play this game. It is fun and yet it has a very low age rating in my opinion.

    However, I really hate what I see in World Chat and some faction chats. If I wanted to see cursing and sexual jokes I would play another game. I am a Christian and I personally would like to see G or PG rated chat, and I say PG only for discussion of topics, as G rating doesn't really allow for any sort of discussion. This is why I left the faction I was in before. The one I'm in now rarely has any cursing or anything else. If anyone starts talking about these things or using these words, I close faction chat. Often times I keep world chat closed for the same reason.

    This game has a 13+ rating for violence and relatively mild suggestive themes. This is content we are all agreeing too. However, not all of us are agreeing to the often adult chat that takes place even in World Chat. Even if the chat was 13+, it still contains things other than violence and mild suggestive themes. When playing video games, I choose them carefully not for the age rating, but for the descriptors. Violence, fine. Suggestive clothing, okay. Cursing, bad. Suggestive themes other than clothing, bad. Drugs and alcohol use, fine. Etc.

    But this is why the chat should really be less than 13+ in most cases. For example, I will play video games that have mild cursing in cut scenes, due to the fact you won't hear that too often. However, rarely will I play a game that has cursing in the actual game play. For example, I play the game Shadow the Hedgehog on Gamecube muted because every time you die, as well as occasionally when you get hit, the character uses a mild curse word. To make things worse, I seem to be very bad at that game and die a lot... I will unmute it during cut scenes because I know I'll only hear one or two curse words.

    You have to consider the official age rating, quantity, severity, and type of words being said. At least, this is my opinion on it. My mom lets me make my own choices and she has been for about 5 years now. But even from the time I was about 7 years old and understood it, I've always tried to make good choices in this area. I am not a "sheltered child" because my mom isn't making all the choices. Now I'm sure she wouldn't let me watch **** or anything like that. But she doesn't monitor what I do on the computer or anything like that and if I wanted to it would be extremely easy for me to watch it without her ever finding out. But I choose not to because I personally do not like this sort of thing. I don't mind playing this game because I can easily close the chat window. However, I like leaving it open so that I can see people World Chat selling or buying items, etc and I enjoy talking in faction chat.

    So essentially, I'm not complaining because I can just close chat. I would love it if people would stop using 13+ language and topics. I think what is and isn't acceptable should be judged by the content in the game. If the npcs don't use that swear word, neither should anyone else. If they don't have suggestive conversations, neither should anyone else. But I can't imagine more than a couple people changing on this, and that's if we happen to be very lucky. So I'll just continue playing with chat off part of the time.

    Wow, you are one of the most grown up 16 year olds I've met. Even if I didn't agree with you, the maturity you put in your post is amazing. But.. alas I do agree.
    Actually Fox, this is one of those cases where I agree with you. I often watch the WC drama and all the lulz that goes with it. I've had strange characters come up to me and start cussing me for no known reason (other than they might be mad at my posts on the forums lol). So while I agree that it is often way over board and should stop, The TOS (which points out the violation they are doing as well) also points out to the players that typed content from the players falls under the 'User Beware' clause.

    So basically what I am saying is that if you or anyone else is offended by the chats, they need to screen shot them and report them. But the TOS still tells you that player generated content is not PWI's fault.


    While it is not their "fault", the TOS specifically shows that they do not condone the behavior. That is the biggest point some of us are trying to make here. I can't blame PWI for someone else who talks about explicit acts anymore than I can blame you if I don't pay my electric bill this month. BUT..I can expect PWI to enforce and observe their own terms of service which I agreed to in this game. Such as the fact that pwi at their discretion can terminate an account which is used to harrass someone or is vulgar etc...

    As much as I never thought it would happen, I agree with FoxRunning. *and yet for some reason I can't quote anyone right now*

    As many rules as they have put in, and as much as people scream "Oh no! ToS violation! The world is ending QQ" Nobody really does anything about it. People don't really report things that they should, such as the MANY daily comments over World Chat that even with my perverse mind, I wish I hadn't seen.

    Example: Someone is making racist jokes using World Chat against every race known to man, and it goes on for half an hour, then suddenly stops. Good, the GM's or someone got to them right? Wrong. Another WC comes from them saying they had to buy more Telecoustics, then they continue the ranting, and the next daay they are still using WC as though nothing happened.

    Now I may not be the best example of a considerate and perfect player at all times, but I do NOT want to see racist, sexist, or demeaning ANYTHING going on in World Chat for longer then it takes someone to slam the ban-hammer down.

    Honestly, what I see here; is that other servers don't have this same problem that Heaven's Tear seems to have. Apparently a lot of pervs are PVE!

    But in the defense of PWI I did a screen shot of something extremely vulgar in world chat a few days ago and I know for a fact that person got banned. How long did they get banned, I don't know. But the fact that some action was taken shows me that PWI does take what we send and use it seriously.

    Nothing wrong with ppl who want to be pervs, or talk that way amongst each other; but the rest of us really don't wanna see it. Its really not that hard to PM another player in this game, and they've made it extremely easy if you want to talk nasty to more than one player, they even gave us chat rooms! It really comes down to people being considerate of others.
  • Wrathfulsynn - Heavens Tear
    Wrathfulsynn - Heavens Tear Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Honestly, what I see here; is that other servers don't have this same problem that Heaven's Tear seems to have. Apparently a lot of pervs are PVE!

    There is a simple reason for this. b:sad PvE means they don't have to worry about getting hunted down. They have plenty of time to be blue-named and say whatever they want. When they are high enough level to have little to really worry about, they can go white-named and do as they please. Some just like to grow their e-peen. I don't need an e-peen. PvE is enough for me, for now.b:surrender
    Good post? d=(^_^)=b
    Bad post? q=(-_-)=p
    Troll post? t(^_^)t
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    While it is not their "fault", the TOS specifically shows that they do not condone the behavior. That is the biggest point some of us are trying to make here. I can't blame PWI for someone else who talks about explicit acts anymore than I can blame you if I don't pay my electric bill this month. BUT..I can expect PWI to enforce and observe their own terms of service which I agreed to in this game. Such as the fact that pwi at their discretion can terminate an account which is used to harrass someone or is vulgar etc...

    What the players say and do isn't the staff controlling the players. It's the players themselves and can you really expect the staff to jump on every swear/cuss word? They have bigger things to handle like the next patch, the boutique, hackers, glitches, getting people stuck, etc.
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Okay, you guys this thread is based on ageism. Some people believe in one thing, other people believe in another. Don't discriminate people who think differently, most of them can't change until they want to change.

    b:cute This thread is perfect for my project in school! I'm doing it about harassment in societies online b:laugh

    Going to use PWI as my main topic point since its the only game I play b:laugh

    p.s. This thread was made for trolls, ignore it everyone! b:shutup
    p.p.s. And wow thats the first time I ever did that face.... O.o
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    it IS the job of the staff to enforce the TOS. and they used reason that decided me to stay here was that GMs would be very visible on WC, and if someone mouthed off, they got banned. right there. no ifs, ands or buts about it. now? i can send in screenshots by the ton, and the same idiots are always around, foul mouths, boss pulling, griefing..... it makes it feel like its not worth the trouble to even try to report now.

    What the players say and do isn't the staff controlling the players. It's the players themselves and can you really expect the staff to jump on every swear/cuss word? They have bigger things to handle like the next patch, the boutique, hackers, glitches, getting people stuck, etc.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Gah i spose people use this thread as there aren't many good ones around but seriously get a grip, what your all complaining about is pathetic, you cant stop it, it exists in daily society all over the globe so you really think all this mindless complaining about how its acceptable to society or some kid who hears something is later in life is going to mug me, i mean honestly? No didn't think so.

    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited January 2010


    Would be about time, cause the amount of nonsense really hit the roof.
  • Lusca - Sanctuary
    Lusca - Sanctuary Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I play the game Shadow the Hedgehog on Gamecube muted because every time you die, as well as occasionally when you get hit, the character uses a mild curse word. To make things worse, I seem to be very bad at that game and die a lot... I will unmute it during cut scenes because I know I'll only hear one or two curse words.


    lol thread is lol
    while i personally don't like sexist/racial jokes i have no problem with swearing
    but you know something,
    no one is forcing you to be in a faction with people that make jokes that offend you
    no one is forcing you to stay in a faction with people that swear

    as for world chat, if it's not directed at you then just ignore it
    it's seriously not that hard

    and if you see someone continually make jokes that offend you then just black list them and ta-da you don't have to see what they type and you can still have world chat on to see what people are buying and selling
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    lol thread is lol
    while i personally don't like sexist/racial jokes i have no problem with swearing
    but you know something,
    no one is forcing you to be in a faction with people that make jokes that offend you
    no one is forcing you to stay in a faction with people that swear

    as for world chat, if it's not directed at you then just ignore it
    it's seriously not that hard

    and if you see someone continually make jokes that offend you then just black list them and ta-da you don't have to see what they type and you can still have world chat on to see what people are buying and selling

    Now you're going to get someone on their high horse saying 'why shoud i' and if they followed your example would could they possibly moan about?
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Wrathfulsynn - Heavens Tear
    Wrathfulsynn - Heavens Tear Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Sadly, I think the thread is starting to attract trolls. Most of the people in this thread have been serious, expressing their opinion and and ways for people to handle the situations they encounter. Maturity, age, and respect seem to be the key factors. However, I am starting to think that lack of feaer is another. Fox is right that the GM's were once very visible. Now, people joke about them not existing because their presence isn't felt. If a GM sat for a week on the Heaven's Tear server, a fair portion of the players would find themselves chat banned, at the very least. The constant threat of punishment is what keeps many people from breaking a lot of laws.
    Good post? d=(^_^)=b
    Bad post? q=(-_-)=p
    Troll post? t(^_^)t
  • Ilenka - Harshlands
    Ilenka - Harshlands Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Gah i spose people use this thread as there aren't many good ones around but seriously get a grip, what your all complaining about is pathetic, you cant stop it, it exists in daily society all over the globe so you really think all this mindless complaining about how its acceptable to society or some kid who hears something is later in life is going to mug me, i mean honestly? No didn't think so.

    I agree with what you said Hunter, but at the same time i disagree. Because this migth be the only place where you can, actually, stop it. Meanwhile you cant stop streets, media and world chat, you can actually stop it on faction and squads. Im 20 years old, woman, agnostic. Ive been on internet since i was 8 years old and on MMORPGs since 13. I dont enjoy cursing words or sex jokes even in my real life, I never use them on normal/common conversations and barely on extreme situations. Im very liberal, but i dont expect those words in open chat where other people migth be ofended. I can use the words in whispers with people i know or have conversations like those with people you know under certain agreement, and certain situations though.

    It migth exist in daily society but im not gonna use it or accept it around me. And this thing comes from my own education.

    We gotta remember always that were other people's rights start, my rights end. So yes, we are suppossed to be able to express freely but at the same time i can't violate other people's rights not to be disturbed.

    For instance i hate being killed on Harslands by Ayekim's nix: Buttsex. Or players with names like MILFHunter or factions with names Terrorism and slogans: "Join the cause". Thats not good, and those are cheap moves.
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    For instance i hate being killed on Harslands by Ayekim's nix: Buttsex. Or players with names like MILFHunter or factions with names Terrorism and slogans: "Join the cause". Thats not good, and those are cheap moves.

    Anyone who makes a faction called that or joins should be dragged into the streets, have a C4 strapped to them and told to run, just as they start to get tired press the button and lets see how funny it is.

    Anyway, if you dont like it there isn't much anyone can do people do and say what they want and nothing will stop that, they are who they are and no-one should have to change there ways because some people get a little bit upset or are too touchy and easily offended.
    Bottom line is accept it and move on from it or keep being over touchy till you die.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I agree with what you said Hunter, but at the same time i disagree. Because this migth be the only place where you can, actually, stop it. Meanwhile you cant stop streets, media and world chat, you can actually stop it on faction and squads. Im 20 years old, woman, agnostic. Ive been on internet since i was 8 years old and on MMORPGs since 13. I dont enjoy cursing words or sex jokes even in my real life, I never use them on normal/common conversations and barely on extreme situations. Im very liberal, but i dont expect those words in open chat where other people migth be ofended. I can use the words in whispers with people i know or have conversations like those with people you know under certain agreement, and certain situations though.

    It migth exist in daily society but im not gonna use it or accept it around me. And this thing comes from my own education.

    We gotta remember always that were other people's rights start, my rights end. So yes, we are suppossed to be able to express freely but at the same time i can't violate other people's rights not to be disturbed.

    For instance i hate being killed on Harslands by Ayekim's nix: Buttsex. Or players with names like MILFHunter or factions with names Terrorism and slogans: "Join the cause". Thats not good, and those are cheap moves.

    What folks say on world char, squad chat and faction chat can be avoided with few presses of the button if it really bothers you or anyone else for that matter.
    Now what you find disturbing and what not, some dont.
    And please lets not start another "i dont like this kinda of joke" thread.
    Cause it is very very much different from a person to person and should not be used as an example to a point.

    Now curse words, you may try and try but you wont be able to remove them 100% (and again i am sure we all discussed this before). But you can ignore them, black list, switch off what ever chat they are on.

    About improper faction names and slogans, you said it so nice then again you contradict your self. You are educated, you know the meaning so you can again simply avoid it.
    I mean com on, real life is much harsher with much more negative views and situations which you cant bluntly ignore like in a game.

    ~any way bleh, i would really love for a mod or GM to close this thread since it's starting to butt in personal (and what not) views.
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Gah, never mind quote messed up.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    lol thread is lol
    while i personally don't like sexist/racial jokes i have no problem with swearing
    but you know something,
    no one is forcing you to be in a faction with people that make jokes that offend you
    no one is forcing you to stay in a faction with people that swear

    as for world chat, if it's not directed at you then just ignore it
    it's seriously not that hard

    and if you see someone continually make jokes that offend you then just black list them and ta-da you don't have to see what they type and you can still have world chat on to see what people are buying and selling

    You can also blacklist those n00bs that can't manage to use capital letters or puctuation. You know, the idiots who type as if they're texting from a skateboard, in the Mall parking lot?

    Yea, who needs *them*?


    \"lol", dood
    \\my lawn, get off it
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    blacklisting, etc is only a bandaid on the real problem. the problem, so far as i can tell, is that when the game started, there were more GMs active online and here. with the creation of JD and ESO, that removed staff that i remember being active GMs ingame, and now they are modding the forums of the other games, leaving a dearth of GMs to work online, and keep idiots under control.

    You can also blacklist those n00bs that can't manage to use capital letters or puctuation. You know, the idiots who type as if they're texting from a skateboard, in the Mall parking lot?

    Yea, who needs *them*?


    \"lol", dood
    \\my lawn, get off it
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Lusca - Sanctuary
    Lusca - Sanctuary Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You can also blacklist those n00bs that can't manage to use capital letters or puctuation. You know, the idiots who type as if they're texting from a skateboard, in the Mall parking lot?

    Yea, who needs *them*?


    \"lol", dood
    \\my lawn, get off it

    there's a huge difference between not using punctuation and typing like a txt message

    c wit a fone, u txt lik dis cuz it r mak u kool

    you could understand my post perfectly fine, this isn't english class or anything formal, it's an internet forum
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    me are confoosed....
    why be "Join The Cause"
    a bad name?
    (the others me can see why.)
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    blacklisting, etc is only a bandaid on the real problem. the problem, so far as i can tell, is that when the game started, there were more GMs active online and here. with the creation of JD and ESO, that removed staff that i remember being active GMs ingame, and now they are modding the forums of the other games, leaving a dearth of GMs to work online, and keep idiots under control.

    So you would want a game with no jokes of any nature incase some sad soul becomes offended and people aren't aloud to swear at all, we also run around with ribbons in our hair and holding daffodils, oh and we don't kill the mobs instead we make them our friend, that sound ok to you or will that offend anyone?
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    So you would a game with no jokes of any nature incase some sad soul becomes offended and people aren't aloud to swear at all and we all run around with ribbons in are hair and holding daffodils oh and we don't kill the mobs instead we make them our friend, that sound ok to you or will that offend anyone?

    That offends meh! Mobs are there to be kilt or get kilt bye. I prefer Campbell types but they sometimes make me wear an Oliver type and it makes my knees look knobbeh!

  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    me are confoosed....
    why be "Join The Cause"
    a bad name?
    (the others me can see why.)
    Al Quida (sp?) with a slogan of "Join The Cause"?

    Al Quida is a terrorist group, and should be in no way, shape or form be allowed in PWI, or any other game for that matter..
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • Fastu - Raging Tide
    Fastu - Raging Tide Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Time ago it was a faction called PG13, i'm not sure if it's still online, but they dont let anyone join it if the player was less than 13 or 15 can't remember (i was in that faction :P)
This discussion has been closed.