TW Discussion - Twilight Temple



  • Strife_son - Sanctuary
    Strife_son - Sanctuary Posts: 1,217 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The game has been fun. We accomplished a lot while we were here. I am hopeful that Legendary continues to live on even if TW looks bleak for us.

    We were the first to take a Level 1 city without having to practice on a fake server or read guides from other versions of the game. Same goes for our time spent in Gamma and Delta. We were the first to unlock both on our own without the need for stealing guides and reading other versions guides. We made it as far as we have by working together and finding solutions to the challenges thrown at us.

    I'll admit I got a guy in Nef, but I wasn't ever trying to be sneaky or anything. I think the email I used to access the nef forums was "strife***" something. I mean that was pretty obvious right there. I guess we never cared that much to lurk about and steal information.

    As a whole Legendary has done so much, come so far. We never needed to cheat. We didn't buy ironguards. We laughed at all the stupid times. All the accusations and witch hunts nef would go on searching for our nonexistent spy in their faction.

    The game is over. Nef has finally bought their way to the top. Grats I suppose for winning a game that no one cares about. Perhaps I sound defeatist, but at this point I don't really care.

    Just want to say I am extremely proud of Legendary for overcoming all their adversities on their own. Using their own strength, knowledge, effort and unrelenting tenacity to become the best. For that, I am proud of the time I have spent with you all :)

    Nefarious, didn't hate all you guys. Just most of your idiots. Enjoy charging absurd amounts of money and floating along on this dead corpse, hopefully the waterfall that is realization that awaits you all won't kill you in the end. The money spent was totally worth it, right? As long as it's worth it to you, well, guess that is all that really matters.
  • Zuyue - Sanctuary
    Zuyue - Sanctuary Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Options far it looks like Legendary isnt as dead as the rumors. I predict they will only lose Archosaur this week.

    We not losing Archosaur.... we have a unstopable strategy posted on our site waiting for sinangel and the rest of nef to read it.b:victory
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    and doing drugs are good for you b:pleased thats why pple have a hard time getting rid of it in society. And roaches and flies are great too! Thats why we have so many!

    *gasp* you ish so mean b:sad
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • _makina_ - Sanctuary
    _makina_ - Sanctuary Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    We not losing Archosaur.... we have a unstopable strategy posted on our site waiting for sinangel and the rest of nef to read it.b:victory

    Yeah, im not saying 100% they will win but thats just what i want to predict as the only change this week. I could be wrong, but i still am gonna go with it. Losing LiquidSilver, Ayano, Holy, etc. Only person i seen you guys gain is _julio back from reg although im not in leg so i dont know whats going on. Just a friendly prediction ^^ . GL in your tw.
  • Shandelzare - Sanctuary
    Shandelzare - Sanctuary Posts: 732 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Yeah, im not saying 100% they will win but thats just what i want to predict as the only change this week. I could be wrong, but i still am gonna go with it. Losing LiquidSilver, Ayano, Holy, etc. Only person i seen you guys gain is _julio back from reg although im not in leg so i dont know whats going on. Just a friendly prediction ^^ . GL in your tw.

    They lost a lot more important people than just those but even though I quit I still believe they can pull together.
  • Nassinew - Sanctuary
    Nassinew - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    gz to nef on taking arch, unlucky LG, hope u guys get it back soon <3
  • MiStAiSa - Sanctuary
    MiStAiSa - Sanctuary Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The game has been fun. We accomplished a lot while we were here. I am hopeful that Legendary continues to live on even if TW looks bleak for us.

    We were the first to take a Level 1 city without having to practice on a fake server or read guides from other versions of the game. Same goes for our time spent in Gamma and Delta. We were the first to unlock both on our own without the need for stealing guides and reading other versions guides. We made it as far as we have by working together and finding solutions to the challenges thrown at us.

    I'll admit I got a guy in Nef, but I wasn't ever trying to be sneaky or anything. I think the email I used to access the nef forums was "strife***" something. I mean that was pretty obvious right there. I guess we never cared that much to lurk about and steal information.

    As a whole Legendary has done so much, come so far. We never needed to cheat. We didn't buy ironguards. We laughed at all the stupid times. All the accusations and witch hunts nef would go on searching for our nonexistent spy in their faction.

    The game is over. Nef has finally bought their way to the top. Grats I suppose for winning a game that no one cares about. Perhaps I sound defeatist, but at this point I don't really care.

    Just want to say I am extremely proud of Legendary for overcoming all their adversities on their own. Using their own strength, knowledge, effort and unrelenting tenacity to become the best. For that, I am proud of the time I have spent with you all :)

    Nefarious, didn't hate all you guys. Just most of your idiots. Enjoy charging absurd amounts of money and floating along on this dead corpse, hopefully the waterfall that is realization that awaits you all won't kill you in the end. The money spent was totally worth it, right? As long as it's worth it to you, well, guess that is all that really matters.

    Spying is a war tactic, so i dont really see a problem with that. This is a territory 'war' after all, and its not like that we r the only one spying others. It is the faction's responsibility to filter spy applications and hunt down spies.
  • xlashesx
    xlashesx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    It becomes a bit meaningless

    Leg can well defend it's Terriortories, however well after Aka and the taking over of Ast, things go all the way down. Leg is just unlucky to have Ast as the leader, cool that he is leaving. Perhaps GM should relook into this TW, I feel that the whole sever is giving up. GM seems to have conflict with the rules of TW, allowing 2 lvl 1 Territories to be hold under 1 faction ( I guess the rules prevent domination and makes the game lively). This game becomes, if you are not Nef, you will hate this game.

    Have given up on this game, charging zen now becomes meaningless. Perhaps allow Nef be the only ones in this sever, with all the lvl 100s , let them fight among themselves, this game has become too boring for me. Will not charge zen until I see meaning in it
  • Miriade - Sanctuary
    Miriade - Sanctuary Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Why this anger against Ast??? He isn't the only member inside Leg and I'm sure he is doing what he can do. You cannot input the fault over the leader and think things are solve. All problems we have inside Nefarious, for example, cannot be just Deva's fault, he is the leader, he must control things, but also he isn't the only one in Nef.

    Ast is the leader, but he isn't the whole faction. If he did some mistake, learn that above all, he is humam also.

    And learn to share that Leg has 200 ppl inside it. You cannot blame one and think is everything ok.
  • xlashesx
    xlashesx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    What ever you say the game is over. With Nef being the only power, this game becomes boring. Many ppl asked Ast to step down, but he refused causing ppl to boycott TW.

    If he is not 100% responsible, he is 70%. No1 can do anything to the leader.
  • Akasera - Sanctuary
    Akasera - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Sigh. Ast and I are very different people, and it is fair to say we did not see eye to eye on everything nor that I agreed with all I saw happening in Leg following my stepping down, However, I do not think everything that has happened to Leg should be blamed on him.

    If anything, blame me. I did him no favors by the way I handled my own departure, rushing it instead of trying to facilitate a smoother transition. I was just tired of dealing with a position I never really wanted (director suited me just fine, let someone else get all the attention/flak b:surrender), burned out after trying to do and juggle too many faction initiatives on my own, the game had lost enjoyment for me, and I was fed up following the actions of some long-time members. I did not feel I was suited to lead the faction anymore given my complete lack of passion, I didn't even want to plan for and run TW anymore, which had normally been my favorite part of the game, and moved too hastily to replace myself given my frustration and belief the faction needed someone with more motivation than I had left. With Mil also stepping away at the same time and most marshals unfortunately also on hiatus or facing changing schedules, Ast basically got it dumped on him by default with few other immediately available officers for support. Apparently, the new regime was a bit overwhelmed by TW coordination from what I heard, Leg lost land for the first time ever that week, and then began a snowball effect.

    That's one of my biggest regrets from this game, not trying to endure for a little longer and enact a more deliberate leader transition, if for whatever reason people think I was such a great leader and especially given Mil's concurrent departure. In any event though, what's done is done. Ast did as best as he was capable of doing, let him move on in peace.
  • xlashesx
    xlashesx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I will not blame Ast, he still got a long way to go. Apparently he should not be the leader, as he is too self centered, demote all the executors on his first day as leader and force the departure of many valued members. He even restrict people who got second comment about him in faction forum.I cannot blame him but his inexperience as a leader.

    I believe Leg forums is full of post asking him to step down and he pose himself the only one who can save leg. He is simply a joke and young kid to me. What is gone is gone, no point crying over split milk , hope he wun even attempt to be a leader in his next game
  • imakeyouqq
    imakeyouqq Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I feel that the whole sever is giving up

    I don't know about the rest,but if it's the war vs nef your talking about know we never gave up for a moment,no matter how bad things got,or change in leadership. I know I didn't,no matter who was the leader I'd do my best to try and support him/her with what little info I had about some pvp specifics that might help in TW planning. I'll say this: I have both aka and ast on friend list ; I enjoyed chatting and working with both of them and whatever disputes they had among themselves I didn't wanna take either's side.I don't like it when faction members fight among themselves instead of working together.

    You can keep on fighting vs another faction, as strong as it is there's always hope,but there's one thing that you can't fight against or attempt to change it and that's the GAME itself. Legendary didn't loose to nef,or any other faction,we had as much,mby even more determination,as regi as we kept fighting the same opponent no matter what ; Legendary lost to the GAME.

    All faction to faction flame wars should now stop,it's pointless to keep on arguing,every1 just do what you must .... but I would like to make a last request towards nef, just like mist said "take the whole map and allow for a possible map reset" yea that's what allot of ppl hope for but here's a 2nd option too: if other factions get lands from leg. don't clean them off like you did in the past with reg and dreaming,give them a chance to grow and challenge you or I'm sure you'll be very bored yourselves having no1 decent to fight. I'm sure that at least the old nef members if none of the newer ones and some of the pkers like challenges just like I do.

    (yay finally found something that made me post b:victory )
  • xlashesx
    xlashesx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I will like to have that day coming . Apparently, with the downfall of Leg, Nef will go unopposed. Btw, I am not in Leg.

    TW will become predictable, Regicide is not Nef's match yet. Thanks to Reg's contribution to make Nef unstopable. Perhaps, it is just a game and The Dan cannot see the big picture. This posed 2 examples of how guild falls becauses of Leaders. It is over.
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    not really, all you need is to make another steel faction :P
  • ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary
    ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i would love to see if 1 day i come back and the guild holding map is Carebear.b:pleased
  • xlashesx
    xlashesx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Indeed, the real problem is , the opposing power are seperate in different guilds. Reg had some but lead by a silly leader, Recluse got some but no strategy, The rest also got some but so what ?

    Nef still possible to end it off within 10 mins.

    There are only a few options
    1) Reinforce Leg which already has mature tw strategy
    2) Start a totally new guild and amass high lvl under one roof, like what steel did.
    3) Join a accomplished guild (but definitely not Reg, no high opinion of The Dan) rather than to form many small fighting force that will not accomplished anything

    Without either one of the above, it is only passing time.
  • kopeck
    kopeck Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Skills>gear only goes so far.

    Have u seen BigP. i mean granted the guy is lvl 100 and is clearly good at the game, but with 26k hp and calloused lionhearts+11 (among an array of other impressive 'gold purchased items' b:chuckle) it would b kinda hard not to be a total god of the game. no offense bigp just using u as an example...
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    xlashesx wrote: »
    I will like to have that day coming . Apparently, with the downfall of Leg, Nef will go unopposed. Btw, I am not in Leg.

    TW will become predictable, Regicide is not Nef's match yet. Thanks to Reg's contribution to make Nef unstopable. Perhaps, it is just a game and The Dan cannot see the big picture. This posed 2 examples of how guild falls becauses of Leaders. It is over.

    Perhaps you weren't online for the past three to four months. But we attacked Nefarious every weekend for two months, and the result? During this two month period of attacking Nefarious every weekend, Nefarious got weaker, Legendary got stronger, Regicide's morale dwindling and losing good 9x+ members to both factions. What was there for us to gain? Reputation? "The good guys?" Sad but true, nice guys finish last.

    I'm guessing the big picture for you is to stop Nefarious. Understandable. But the big picture from a domestic viewpoint, we must be able to hold our own when it comes to defending. Sure, you could get lucky and win land for one week, but we can't rely on luck to pull us through, or artificial strength. In order to truly overcome the big two factions, we must advocate growth within our own faction to challenge the two.

    As a Leader, we're bound to helping out our own. We could help another faction, but our priority resides along improving Regicide. We fight for us, for Regicide. That's the bottom line. Have I not done what's right for my faction?

    We are always open to suggestions and ideas. You can always contact me or another Officer regarding our foreign policy or other political standpoints. But keep in mind, don't expect us to do something without proper reasoning, because our main incentive is really to improve our own faction, as should be expected out of any other Territory War faction.

    BM PvP Guide:

    YouTube channels: and
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    xlashesx wrote: »
    Indeed, the real problem is , the opposing power are seperate in different guilds. Reg had some but lead by a silly leader. Join a accomplished guild (but definitely not Reg, no high opinion of The Dan) rather than to form many small fighting force that will not accomplished anything

    Do you not have anything better to do than to troll the forums and belittle people and their factions? You don't have to agree to anything we do, but I'd appreciate it if you would have the decency to have some common courtesy to at least respect our decisions. You don't have to like me, I'm not asking you to. Your last several posts have been uncalled for.
    BM PvP Guide:

    YouTube channels: and
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Shockwave was the first to employ spies, they sent alts into Legendary weeks before the first PvP TWs started on the game. Legendary avoided using the same tactics at the time, being more honorable at the time.

    Leave ShockWave out of this I don't care if it is true.
    Orignially Posted by imakeyouqqI don't know about the rest,but if it's the war vs nef your talking about know we never gave up for a moment,no matter how bad things got,or change in leadership. I know I didn't,no matter who was the leader I'd do my best to try and support him/her with what little info I had about some pvp specifics that might help in TW planning. I'll say this: I have both aka and ast on friend list ; I enjoyed chatting and working with both of them and whatever disputes they had among themselves I didn't wanna take either's side.I don't like it when faction members fight among themselves instead of working together.
    There has not been one challenger to go up against Nef. most are targeting Leg. only.The only way to do reverse some of this is if faction started targeting Nef. and leave Leg. alone as they seem a little unorganised atm.You can look at this weekend everyone is targeting Leg. but no one is targeting Nef.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Miriade - Sanctuary
    Miriade - Sanctuary Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    xlashesx wrote: »
    I will not blame Ast, he still got a long way to go. Apparently he should not be the leader, as he is too self centered, demote all the executors on his first day as leader and force the departure of many valued members. He even restrict people who got second comment about him in faction forum.I cannot blame him but his inexperience as a leader.

    I believe Leg forums is full of post asking him to step down and he pose himself the only one who can save leg. He is simply a joke and young kid to me. What is gone is gone, no point crying over split milk , hope he wun even attempt to be a leader in his next game

    Look, for sure you are some Leg member that is too afraid to show who you are and put a point of your deception with Leg in PWI forums. But this sort of behaviour is what break a faction inside: ppl that start public drama about things that should be just inside faction forum and start blaming one person for all the mistakes inside the guild. This is bloody ridiculous and this is the sort of behaviour that is too disgusting for me.

    If you have some problem with Asterelle, why don't you talk personaly with him? Why don't you show who you are beside keep hiding behind a fake char? Why bring it to public forums? Do you want to make Asterelle be ashamed? This is too poor for me.

    Legendary is a great faction and don't desearve members doing what you are doing.
  • Akasera - Sanctuary
    Akasera - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    xlashesx wrote: »
    I will not blame Ast, he still got a long way to go. Apparently he should not be the leader, as he is too self centered, demote all the executors on his first day as leader and force the departure of many valued members. He even restrict people who got second comment about him in faction forum.I cannot blame him but his inexperience as a leader.

    I believe Leg forums is full of post asking him to step down and he pose himself the only one who can save leg. He is simply a joke and young kid to me. What is gone is gone, no point crying over split milk , hope he wun even attempt to be a leader in his next game

    I would love to know where you're getting this information, or at least have you stop posting behind the pseudonym. Hard to take someone seriously when they are afraid of being known themselves. If you aren't in Leg, as you say, what exactly makes you feel qualified to speak for it? While my in-game activity fell off dramatically following my resignation, including TWs, I've retained full site access this entire time and kept in touch with friends, and I recall none of your accusations.

    Ast got lead dumped on him, pretty much exactly the same as happened to me. He did as best as he was able, under increasingly adverse circumstances given what has happened to the game. He's not perfect (nor certainly am I), but to hang all of this upon him is ridiculous.

    My honest opinion is that Leg would have started to decline regardless. While we certainly have some spenders, the vast majority of our players, and especially old guard and core, were mostly or entirely free to play, we don't and never have had many heavy CS users. This new climate of buy your way to the top does not really fit what the Leg I knew was about, and almost everyone I know is leaving for greener pastures anyway. Ast certainly isn't responsible for PWI electing to canonize expense over effort as the credo of the game.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    xlashesx wrote: »
    I will not blame Ast, he still got a long way to go. Apparently he should not be the leader, as he is too self centered, demote all the executors on his first day as leader and force the departure of many valued members. He even restrict people who got second comment about him in faction forum.I cannot blame him but his inexperience as a leader.

    I believe Leg forums is full of post asking him to step down and he pose himself the only one who can save leg. He is simply a joke and young kid to me. What is gone is gone, no point crying over split milk , hope he wun even attempt to be a leader in his next game

    as incendiary as ayano is, you dont think *he'd* have said something against ast by now if what you said is true?
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Shandelzare - Sanctuary
    Shandelzare - Sanctuary Posts: 732 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    xlashesx wrote: »
    I will not blame Ast, he still got a long way to go. Apparently he should not be the leader, as he is too self centered, demote all the executors on his first day as leader and force the departure of many valued members. He even restrict people who got second comment about him in faction forum.I cannot blame him but his inexperience as a leader.

    I believe Leg forums is full of post asking him to step down and he pose himself the only one who can save leg. He is simply a joke and young kid to me. What is gone is gone, no point crying over split milk , hope he wun even attempt to be a leader in his next game

    Tell us who you are first. Then we can decide how much BS you're spewing. Or better yet, PM me the links to the LG forum threads asking Ast to step down as I am sure you have access to those right?
  • Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary
    Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary Posts: 508 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Fine the battle is over Nef won and leg loose rathe nef won and the rest of the server loose.... but victory is for the day it is achieved what next ?? the TW fields gonna be empty... the legends are gone ....... but thats how it goes right..... But for how long .... the packs got u ur endgame gear TW is over now what ?? what do u plan to do ...... something left to be done ?? dont think so ..... what will u do when the next rebel comes ?? am sure we werent the only one who thought for a change there are more....... the day shall come and i be chkng the forums to see how it turns out ... till then gratz nef on ur victory .. and kudos to leg you all proved the worth of ur name ....

    I want to go back to the time when innocence was Natural, getting high meant, on a swing. Drinking meant lemonade. Dad was the only Hero. Love was Mom's hug. Dad's shoulder was the highest place on earth. Worst enemies were siblings.
    Hurts were Bleeding knees. Broken things were only Toys. Goodbyes meant only till tomorrow!

    Life has changed a lot ....

    Hasn't it .. ?? ..b:sad
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I wouldn't call it quits or over as there are many new players coming in.When it comes to the guilds new ones are being made as for the old one ones they could be rebuilding.

    To Akasera I once asked if I could join your guild as I know 2 of your clerics oh well.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • PandamoniumV - Sanctuary
    PandamoniumV - Sanctuary Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    A song that I listened to the other morning is just too fitting.
    Prelude to a dream by a skylit drive

    As legends go we are at the end
    Here's a column of my own so let's begin
    I thought this was all a part of the plan
    In the end we walk out
    Walk with me
    Talk with me
    This place we cannot erase

    I really hope it isnt dying out as it appears. I'd rather praise the Legend than mourn them.

    p.s. if you listen to the song, it's a guy singing not a chick...freeeeaky.
  • imakeyouqq
    imakeyouqq Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I wouldn't call it quits or over as there are many new players coming in.When it comes to the guilds new ones are being made as for the old one ones they could be rebuilding.

    To Akasera I once asked if I could join your guild as I know 2 of your clerics oh well.

    New players won't make a difference,maybe a very few exceptions but that's it; I personally haven't seen many myself. The old,core of legendary is getting smaller and smaller . What truly made us shine was our trust and work between these members,that did well both individually in-game + took the time to document themselves on TW situations and how to be the best they can be.

    If some don't already know this,leg has a policy of not recruiting on WC. Much of us didn't like the zerg faction idea. I won't say a zerg faction can't succeed but that's only if got the edge on your opponent as in better gears,lvls. If you are at loss at that part then you must be able to adapt to different strategies weekly,have players that compensate their lvl/gear lack with skill and know who you can work with best and who's really interested in fighting for the faction .

    I've seen in leg faction chat members yelling "let's do like nef does,zerg rushes!" ; those ppl are the fail ones who can't comprehend the fact that you can't win by exchanging zerg rushes with another faction that has quite a big advantage in gears/lvls,it all goes down to stat relying. It's ppl like that ,that leg doesn't need at all. Letting them walk by with yelling once is understandable,okay they did it again I can forgive that too... but when they keep on insisting by yelling on the same stupid thing w/o giving any arguments on their idea then complaining cuz' we lost since we didn't do what THEY SAID, I'm sry to say this but I'd like to give those ppl a big "SHUT UP,you have no idea what your even talking about,get the hell out of here if you don't like it". Amen ^_^

    Frankly ....if it was up to me,I'd like a war with only 30 vs 30 ppl,and a small faction too. I've always chosen quality over quantity,skill vs equipment. In smaller numbers like these,true skill and strategy would have a much bigger chance of winning,as well as constant communication between members to make sure each get's what they need since it's much easier to see to the needs of 30 ppl than 200. But....seeing the recent "events",not even this would help distinguish the proz from the nubs.
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    imakeyouqq wrote: »
    New players won't make a difference,maybe a very few exceptions but that's it; I personally haven't seen many myself. The old,core of legendary is getting smaller and smaller . What truly made us shine was our trust and work between these members,that did well both individually in-game + took the time to document themselves on TW situations and how to be the best they can be.

    If some don't already know this,leg has a policy of not recruiting on WC. Much of us didn't like the zerg faction idea. I won't say a zerg faction can't succeed but that's only if got the edge on your opponent as in better gears,lvls. If you are at loss at that part then you must be able to adapt to different strategies weekly,have players that compensate their lvl/gear lack with skill and know who you can work with best and who's really interested in fighting for the faction .

    I've seen in leg faction chat members yelling "let's do like nef does,zerg rushes!" ; those ppl are the fail ones who can't comprehend the fact that you can't win by exchanging zerg rushes with another faction that has quite a big advantage in gears/lvls,it all goes down to stat relying. It's ppl like that ,that leg doesn't need at all. Letting them walk by with yelling once is understandable,okay they did it again I can forgive that too... but when they keep on insisting by yelling on the same stupid thing w/o giving any arguments on their idea then complaining cuz' we lost since we didn't do what THEY SAID, I'm sry to say this but I'd like to give those ppl a big "SHUT UP,you have no idea what your even talking about,get the hell out of here if you don't like it". Amen ^_^

    Frankly ....if it was up to me,I'd like a war with only 30 vs 30 ppl,and a small faction too. I've always chosen quality over quantity,skill vs equipment. In smaller numbers like these,true skill and strategy would have a much bigger chance of winning,as well as constant communication between members to make sure each get's what they need since it's much easier to see to the needs of 30 ppl than 200. But....seeing the recent "events",not even this would help distinguish the proz from the nubs.

    i'm sorry to say you are an idiot. new members make a difference if you know how to use them right. in nef right now, i think there may be about 30 original members right now. recruiting new members isn't a bad thing, but what you need to do when you recruit them is important.

    If you don't integrate them into the way you do tw, of course new members suck ****. BUT if you do, try to integrate them, the things they can do when they work together is astounding.

    judging from all your complain of how leg act, we do have the same problem in nef whenever we lost. It's no difference, there will always be people who complain you can do nothing about it. But, wheat you need to make sure is you can come up with a different strategy or change who runs the tw to see if there is a different effect

    I can flatly tell you that, i'm sure nef won't mind, we used to have one person running tw all by himself, but now we have 2 person. And i have to say when that happen, the change we saw next week speaks for it self.

    bottom line is= adapt or die