TW Discussion - Twilight Temple



  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    how about this -> from now on choose who to attack by a coin toss ;) b:chuckle

    I already thought that was the plan. b:victory
  • Vincent_son - Sanctuary
    Vincent_son - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Tell me, are you going to man up and prove your might or shame the legacy you guys have built and let the last living memory of Legendary be that they cried for help when they faced trouble?

    How would you propose Legendary "mans up" Sinangel? Would it be through following your example and accusing Nefarious of hacking next time they lose? Or perhaps gaining access to Nef's site and stealing their TW strats would be more manly in your eyes?
  • Sinangel - Sanctuary
    Sinangel - Sanctuary Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Steal nothing. I applied to both guilds on two different accounts. I stopped playing that other account and I've been in the guild for 6 months. FYI my sis is playing now, she was the one who mentioned serums' brilliance. Not my fault=). Plus if you ever found out who it was, you would be in shock. As for accessing legendary forums, I am in the guild on my other account am I not? I do go to tws, but it's my sis there having fun. But this is all retribution to u guys planting spies and doing the same. Neither said will be open about it, but unlike legendary we don't hide behind masks. I had an alt in legendary but my sis plays it now. So obviously Momo and the others can't tell that she's my "spy". That and she's completely loyal, just her pass is ridiculously easy to guess, it's her most loved song. So if you guys will admit who your planted ironguard leak is, I'll tell you who my sister is playing. Bare in mind, you'll never see this coming lol.
  • Sinangel - Sanctuary
    Sinangel - Sanctuary Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    But enough of this flame thread, I suggest you man up and use own own land's resources instead of depending on someone you planted in another guild to feed you ironguard. Harima's camera's more or less cut off your supply and your guild bank is better spent on something more productive than trying to steal the ace of another guild no? As for manning up, stop crying on forums. It's completely disgusting, this is the tw report thread not your personal flame thread. I request that you make another flame thread if you wish to hate on me. But if you want, I can post both of our strategies on the forums and let sanctuary learn to tw and to laugh at our stupidity as well as be awed by our brilliance. Like I said, we have nothing to hide.
  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ...let Sanctuary learn to TW and to laugh at our stupidity as well as be awed by our brilliance. Like I said, we have nothing to hide.

    Typo in an inopportune place b:pleased.
  • Vincent_son - Sanctuary
    Vincent_son - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    laugh at our stupidity as well as be awed by our brilliance.

    Rofl. I forgot that frustration from people like you is one of the reasons I quit - the whole "shouldn't play a game that stresses you out" thing. Blah, enough of that, not going to respond here anymore here after this, for reasons outside of your request to make my own personal QQ thread.

    I've known you weren't a smart player from the moment you criticized Hap for not getting gold tt90 HA b:chuckle, but I never thought you'd do something as absurd as admitting to and trying to justify going on another faction's private website to steal their information.

    Anyway, "Ironguard leak" = Mini WB's.
  • Zuyue - Sanctuary
    Zuyue - Sanctuary Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Haha why do u care we get ironguards anyways.... if it was actually helping us i could understand but meh. Legendary isnt the only ones walking around with ironguards why dont u ask pinky and his faction and a few other factions that spam them in pk. Whoever is selling them outta your faction maybe not liking there pay? If it was us why we give to those factions >.<.
  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Steal nothing. I applied to both guilds on two different accounts. I stopped playing that other account and I've been in the guild for 6 months. FYI my sis is playing now, she was the one who mentioned serums' brilliance. Not my fault=). Plus if you ever found out who it was, you would be in shock. As for accessing legendary forums, I am in the guild on my other account am I not? I do go to tws, but it's my sis there having fun. But this is all retribution to u guys planting spies and doing the same. Neither said will be open about it, but unlike legendary we don't hide behind masks. I had an alt in legendary but my sis plays it now. So obviously Momo and the others can't tell that she's my "spy". That and she's completely loyal, just her pass is ridiculously easy to guess, it's her most loved song. So if you guys will admit who your planted ironguard leak is, I'll tell you who my sister is playing. Bare in mind, you'll never see this coming lol.


    You just blatantly admitted that you **** your sisters account to spy on Legendary in game and on their forums :OOOO

    Im....speechless D:

    Dude, get a life....seriously.

    You people never cease to amaze me at the desperation you go to. Do you know what life is? Or are you so badly sucked into the virtual world that your only nourishment is the glow from your monitor?

    Thanks for the laughs ^^
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye
  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    O.O that last post of mine was my 500th post! *pats self on back* b:victory
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye
  • Zuyue - Sanctuary
    Zuyue - Sanctuary Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Steal nothing. I applied to both guilds on two different accounts. I stopped playing that other account and I've been in the guild for 6 months. FYI my sis is playing now, she was the one who mentioned serums' brilliance. Not my fault=). Plus if you ever found out who it was, you would be in shock. As for accessing legendary forums, I am in the guild on my other account am I not? I do go to tws, but it's my sis there having fun. But this is all retribution to u guys planting spies and doing the same. Neither said will be open about it, but unlike legendary we don't hide behind masks. I had an alt in legendary but my sis plays it now. So obviously Momo and the others can't tell that she's my "spy". That and she's completely loyal, just her pass is ridiculously easy to guess, it's her most loved song. So if you guys will admit who your planted ironguard leak is, I'll tell you who my sister is playing. Bare in mind, you'll never see this coming lol.

    Haha that would also explain why serum's first hard push at start plan was so easily stopped. As all of nef where on defense right and left on our split attack just waiting for us to come. Here's what i don't understand fake bids aside if u do it or not who cares.... but u have the lvls.... and pretty good strategy.... why u feel u have to counter our attacks by reading our strategies. So as u said in previous post and quote "why don't u man up" and win on terms that don't involve reading our forum strategies. The question is are u good enough to do so? :D
    1. Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
      Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      I have to disagree with these two points.

      1. Legendary "expressed" their wish to dominate the TW Map just the same, as shown when they chose to attack Nefarious. The reason Legendary and Nefarious never attacked each other up until that point (Despite ample opportunities and moments of weakness for both factions) is that there were both tacit and explicit agreements made between the faction's leaders. It was understood that we were to split the TW Map as best as we could before we fought it out for the rest. Ask Milari about her agreement with Sasaki (which I upheld as well).

      2. I am fairly certain that Legendary attacked more factions before those factions attacked them or otherwise openly declared themselves enemies (Such as Sepp/Steel did to Nefarious). I know this because in my time as leader I had to attack exactly 0 factions that hadn't already attacked me. I know that Sasaki attacked only Amplified without reason.

      My point is; lets not paint anyone as saints here, most are guilty of greed, just some don't care to hide that fact.

      I'm talking about the present now,leadership has changed allot on both sides,some failed to see this outcome,some of us in leg were always asking to attack nef but it just kept getting avoided till it reached this point. Allot of ppl are at fault from both sides but we stand in the present now,where nef keep's threatening any guild that goes up against them while leg,despite that it will defend all it's lands against any attacker,will keep up the attack on nef,and no1 else.

      One perfect example is sinangel that should be put on a leash before making your faction look even worse.
      Zu zu I doubt he can even do a proper stun-lock ,despite being a 90+ bm,let alone "man it up".
    2. Joe__Biden - Sanctuary
      Joe__Biden - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      This is like "The History of Perfect World through the Annals of Dorkdom." Guys...who cares? It's a game. Play it to have fun. If you notice your peter wiggle while you play you should probably take a break.
    3. Falls - Sanctuary
      Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      I'm talking about the present now, Leadership has changed allot on both sides,some failed to see this outcome, some of us in Leg were always asking to attack Nef but it just kept getting avoided until it reached this point. Allot of people are at fault from both sides, but we stand in the present now, where Nef keeps threatening any guild that goes up against them while Leg, despite that it will defend all it's lands against any attacker,will keep up the attack on Nef, and no one else.

      That is kind of my point.

      Things *are* different now, Legendary wasn't playing the "Huge Nef Problem" Strategy a couple of months ago when they were just as big =/. Now all of a suddenly Legendary is a tender little lamb and Nefarious some menacing ogre?

      I don't think I can believe that the entire mind-set in Legendary (Or any other faction for that matter) has changed, I think its just the circumstances.
    4. Falls - Sanctuary
      Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      This is like "The History of Perfect World through the Annals of Dorkdom." Guys...who cares? It's a game. Play it to have fun. If you notice your peter wiggle while you play you should probably take a break.

      You realize though that having fun and having my "Peter" wiggle might be one in the same ~_^?
    5. Zuyue - Sanctuary
      Zuyue - Sanctuary Posts: 188 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      That is kind of my point.

      Things *are* different now, Legendary wasn't playing the "Huge Nef Problem" Strategy a couple of months ago when they were just as big =/. Now all of a suddenly Legendary is a tender little lamb and Nefarious some menacing ogre?

      I don't think I can believe that the entire mind-set in Legendary (Or any other faction for that matter) has changed, I think its just the circumstances.

      This not true, i get 2 or 3 random pm's from ppl per day saying leg is horrible and everyone hates us. >.< I think ppl in this server hate both factions equally anymore.... maybe because we only 2 own land. Just got a pm right before maintenance at west gate telling me legendary sucks why am i in there. >.> You all are not the only ones hated anymore.
    6. Joe__Biden - Sanctuary
      Joe__Biden - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      If my peter starts to wiggle I get off post-haste and talk to my g\f. But what I'm saying is that if Hou Jenshi is making you hot n need to re-evaluate your entire being.
    7. Falls - Sanctuary
      Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      This not true, i get 2 or 3 random pm's from ppl per day saying leg is horrible and everyone hates us. >.< I think ppl in this server hate both factions equally anymore.... maybe because we only 2 own land. Just got a pm right before maintenance at west gate telling me legendary sucks why am i in there. >.> You all are not the only ones hated anymore.

      Yes, but I'm not in the faction *seemingly* trying to rely on public opinion to keep from getting attacked.
    8. Saveless - Harshlands
      Saveless - Harshlands Posts: 664 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      Why is this shenanigans 50 pages? QQless you damn carebears. b:surrender
    9. Falls - Sanctuary
      Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      If my peter starts to wiggle I get off post-haste and talk to my g\f. But what I'm saying is that if Hou Jenshi is making you hot n need to re-evaluate your entire being.

      Here Sir, we must agree to disagree.
    10. Joe__Biden - Sanctuary
      Joe__Biden - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      Have you touched yourself to Harpy Wraith?
    11. Zindane_ - Sanctuary
      Zindane_ - Sanctuary Posts: 59 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      Attention forums........ MTN DEW..........that is all
    12. Helcaterian - Sanctuary
      Helcaterian - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      Hmm well this thread used to be a good read when Holy then Emerald did the TW Reports, but now it just seems to be the place to Flame each other over what this Faction did or did not do and like for what that Faction ought to have done but did not. All in all this thread has become pointless Flame Feast.

      I call for the Forum Moderators to close this Thread and put an end to any more of this pointless Flaming.....
    13. _makina_ - Sanctuary
      _makina_ - Sanctuary Posts: 747 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      o.O flaming? Its pretty tame on this thread. They are sharing their opinions and so far its not overly vulgar. The carebear comments are just in fun. Thread will remain open!!! ....for nowb:victory
    14. VoidMainVoid - Sanctuary
      VoidMainVoid - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      I'm talking about the present now,leadership has changed allot on both sides,some failed to see this outcome,some of us in leg were always asking to attack nef but it just kept getting avoided till it reached this point. Allot of ppl are at fault from both sides but we stand in the present now,where nef keep's threatening any guild that goes up against them while leg,despite that it will defend all it's lands against any attacker,will keep up the attack on nef,and no1 else.

      One perfect example is sinangel that should be put on a leash before making your faction look even worse.
      Zu zu I doubt he can even do a proper stun-lock ,despite being a 90+ bm,let alone "man it up".

      we all agree that sinangel is a **** but from you thats even more funny.. i mean, if i was doing a comparison, you are the sinangel of legendary!.. you are seriously one of the most pitiful person i have read on a forum, not to mention that you sound really really imature and stupid . i dont play PWI, so i read you only here ( ppl most of the time seems less **** on forums than in game ) but you! omg ! you are the most full of yourself, stupid little kid with no life i have ever seen in games!

      thx for the good laugh ;)
    15. Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary
      Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary Posts: 508 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      Falls and void didnt expect such comments from you all well seriously i hate a couple of nef ppl and everyone here knows bout them ppl like Devalis miriade makeda and sin but yeah Falls you are the BEST leader nef had ever and comments such like this wasnt expected void you do know Sasaky very well and did you know Sasaky wasnt allowed back to nef well leave this QQ even if Sin hacks cracks the leg website who cares this game is over and done with with the stupid packs out every gets a lunar and frost item dont even need to work for it for months.. next 6-7 weeks leg is out of map and nef is there most of the leg i guess were leaving for **** and heard a couple of them quit today after new patch. this game is just for the gold brokers and its ruled by cash shop ppl. am gonna stick around on this server and see how fast the change takes place... this server is worst than lost atm i guess. well w/e HF with QQ.

      I want to go back to the time when innocence was Natural, getting high meant, on a swing. Drinking meant lemonade. Dad was the only Hero. Love was Mom's hug. Dad's shoulder was the highest place on earth. Worst enemies were siblings.
      Hurts were Bleeding knees. Broken things were only Toys. Goodbyes meant only till tomorrow!

      Life has changed a lot ....

      Hasn't it .. ?? ..b:sad
    16. Miriade - Sanctuary
      Miriade - Sanctuary Posts: 102 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      QQ... He hates me and my husband...
    17. Harima Kenji - Sanctuary
      Harima Kenji - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      did you know Sasaky wasnt allowed back to nef

      What? LOL. Ask Sasaki to pm me and I'll add her back anytime. LOL, i doubt u know who Sasaki really is.. You need to get ur info from a reliable source... Sasaki is currently played by his GF and has no intention of coming back.

      BTW, Its Sasaki not Sasaky. Its j a p :D
    18. Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
      Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      we all agree that sinangel is a **** but from you thats even more funny.. i mean, if i was doing a comparison, you are the sinangel of legendary!.. you are seriously one of the most pitiful person i have read on a forum, not to mention that you sound really really imature and stupid . i dont play PWI, so i read you only here ( ppl most of the time seems less **** on forums than in game ) but you! omg ! you are the most full of yourself, stupid little kid with no life i have ever seen in games!

      thx for the good laugh ;)

      Q_Q moar ,too bad for you,I didn't appeal to insults ,who's the pitiful,immature and stupid little kid here ? Me or you? Anyway it doesn't matter anymore,you can have your whole map unchallenged or mby by just a few. This week's update has gone too far.
      Enjoy your lands.
    19. Harima Kenji - Sanctuary
      Harima Kenji - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      Well, Dan made a surprisingly good point. However if nef dies, then who gains the most? Regicide? Rebirth? Basically it's the choice between 2 evils. Either domination by Legendary or Nefarious. Legendary isn't being overly clear and let me remind you, that Legendary attacked Nefarious first. We were perfectly happy with the land we had and even changed tw pay to reflect defense. Legendary basically turned it into a fight to the end. Tw isn't something that every guild can pull off. It is costly, requires past experience as well as people who know what to do and actually do it. If you don't remember, let me remind you. We lost 2 weeks in a row, got our acts together and pulled through. We faced attack from the entire server, now you are facing the same thing. Tell me, are you going to man up and prove your might or shame the legacy you guys have built and let the last living memory of Legendary be that they cried for help when they faced trouble?

      Surprised... This is the first time sin said something completely true. I cant remember how many spies LG planted in Nef at that time.. They thought Nef is going down and pulled their spies out. We managed to survive the attacks from the whole server. It was tough b:cry BTW, I believe LG was first to use spy tactics.
    20. MiniST - Sanctuary
      MiniST - Sanctuary Posts: 604 Arc User
      edited September 2009
      don't think this matter anymore. Ppl with their luck bought weapons....