v182 Update discussion thread.



  • Ashera - Harshlands
    Ashera - Harshlands Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I've been a gamer for a long time, and I am picky about what I play. I thought PWI was one of the better games I started playing. Sadly to say, in the month (Yes, MONTH) that I've played this game, I have had the pleasure of watching it turn into another greed factory. I've yet to find a game so biased towards older players, while completely ignoring the new ones in the "anniversary" scam. And, not to mention, that instead of being given gifts, you have to BUY THEM with real money. I say you STOP calling them gift pacts. They aren't gifts! If people want to pay to play, go pay WOW. PWI now is just taking advantage of players who want to spend money instead of actually playing the game to earn what they should for their chars. Heck, Requiem Bloodymare is a great game and is not biased towards players, no matter what they spend irl or how long they've been on game.

    They're not biased towards older players, they're biased towards people with the fatter wallet.
  • _Ethereal_ - Lost City
    _Ethereal_ - Lost City Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The whole mercedes analogy fails miserably. Here's a much better one:

    An expert mountain climber finally gets permission to climb Mount Everest. It will be the climb of a lifetime. He trains for months, grueling workouts at high altitudes. Finally, it is time. He's planned his route, and has an expert crew. They make it to base camp, weather a vicious storm, then the weather clears and they're free to ascend. There are a few tough patches, days of pure climbing up sheer cliffs with nothing but ropes and pitons to hold them to the mountain.

    Eventually, exhausted and drained, they reach the summit! Climbing to the very peak, they look down the other side of the mountain, and see: an escalator. b:angry

    Perfect analogy for this situation.
  • SnowFalling - Dreamweaver
    SnowFalling - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    They're not biased towards older players, they're biased towards people with the fatter wallet.

    I've been hearing that only 1 year "plussers" are only being allowed certain mounts and whatnot. And yes, I do agree that they are only interested in those willing to pay them. People don't typically play free games if they have to pay. And I love how people are saying it's not the gms fault. Uh, the gms aren't DOING anything about it, but sitting back and letting gold prices continue to get out of hand.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rsin wrote: »
    i see your point. but what about those who worked hard to buy panther and cubs when they initially came. now someone can buy them for 700k because of new mounts and the value decreasing on older ones. does that make it unfair to those who worked hard to get the panther at a starting price compared to what players can buy them for now.

    panthers didn't go down to 800k in a day

    edit: i like the mob drop idea b:chuckle
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • LeirtA - Lost City
    LeirtA - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Sorry didn't bother to read through the whole thread as it was too long. PWI is actually a game from China right? China is still a communist country. Communism deals with dissent by shutting them down quickly. Get the point?

    Sorry Andra, this isn't meant to be pointed at you.

    I left a game I played for 3 years when the game company started getting greedy and kept making all the uber stuffs available in the cash shop. End result, the players who were using RL money left when they realised there was no way they could keep up with all the stuffs being launched to bleed the players dry. It was a never ending money sink.

    There was a fool in that game who spent USD30K so he could strut around with a big E ego while everyone else's characters could only deal 1 damage to his character. What challenge is there anymore? The only challenge is to see who has the fattest wallet and deeper pockets. Sooner or later, there'll be a straw that will break the camel's back. In the end we all know the fattest wallet will not be in the players' pockets.
    www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6J9LLe2Jlg<- One of my best loved piece of trance track
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    U look at the gameplay in PW and its perfect cant think of anythign better better every update is so hidden that if they pull something like this turns into hell.

    These packs as i have said and many have said gives too much advantage so i would suggest if this was my game a rollback (Make some ppl mad but most happy or content enough not to leave) give everyone that charged and spent gold their gold back issue a sorry and completely change how i bring about updates.

    if u keep the packs make them have less to no PvP big changers like their is now have extra stuff like mounts GAs and so on. Charms also.

    Also make it a mob drop TOO so the lazy ppl can buy them but the real players can farm them b:cute
  • Lenyel - Harshlands
    Lenyel - Harshlands Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Maybe lunar weapons and the other stuffs (cloacks/boots etc) can be modified in order to make them as-quest reward: unable to be traded or refined, or maybe impossible to be bound (this will stop RPKers from using them).

    Up b:surrender
  • Eviltwist - Lost City
    Eviltwist - Lost City Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The whole mercedes analogy fails miserably. Here's a much better one:

    An expert mountain climber finally gets permission to climb Mount Everest. It will be the climb of a lifetime. He trains for months, grueling workouts at high altitudes. Finally, it is time. He's planned his route, and has an expert crew. They make it to base camp, weather a vicious storm, then the weather clears and they're free to ascend. There are a few tough patches, days of pure climbing up sheer cliffs with nothing but ropes and pitons to hold them to the mountain.

    Eventually, exhausted and drained, they reach the summit! Climbing to the very peak, they look down the other side of the mountain, and see: an escalator. b:angry

    Fail or not fail, I'm here to express an opinion on what's going on not to write beautiful stories. Still the point is if they made it hard way and someone used escalator it makes you pissed of.

    PS. I didn't know this game was MADE IN CHINA that explains everything
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Maybe lunar weapons and the other stuffs (cloacks/boots etc) can be modified in order to make them as-quest reward: unable to be traded or refined, or maybe impossible to be bound (this will stop RPKers from using them).

    excellent idea.

    maybe changing the rank items to matching ones would help? since it's impossible to get rank 8 revamping it wouldn't be that bad...

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Ashera - Harshlands
    Ashera - Harshlands Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I've been hearing that only 1 year "plussers" are only being allowed certain mounts and whatnot. And yes, I do agree that they are only interested in those willing to pay them. People don't typically play free games if they have to pay. And I love how people are saying it's not the gms fault. Uh, the gms aren't DOING anything about it, but sitting back and letting gold prices continue to get out of hand.

    Making things you can only get through running high level instances available to lowbies (and I say lowbies instead of noobs) through an item available for one dollar does not favor high levels, trust me.
  • Otorien - Lost City
    Otorien - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Making things you can only get through running high level instances available to lowbies (and I say lowbies instead of noobs) through an item available for one dollar does not favor high levels, trust me.

    Yeah, it's funny because the QQ about not having free mounts has been pretty much lost in the sea of rage over the bigger issues b:chuckle
  • blindv
    blindv Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    To eatwithspoons,

    -This msg has been pmed to you as well but as it may be that you are checking this thread more then the private messages I took the liberty to reproduce it here-

    The following is a simple summary of the various threads along with my own comments about the newest patch:

    1. Boxes dropping end game items

    1a. - Individuals who have "wasted" (for a lack of better word currently) their time in various instances to farm for these items feel spited. Even though the drop rate from the boxes may be low, I do understand that it is still substantial as I personally have seen over 5 messages (I stopped counting) of various Lunar items being obtained.
    - Potential Solution -
    - Remove End game items from box or lower the drop rate. I have yet to see any warsoul or tomes to be dropped and therefore I believe that the rate of Lunar weapons should be reduced to something similiar to that of the items mentioned above.

    1b. - Concern #2 related to end game items
    - Individuals in factions who dominate the fields in different servers have a constant income (It has been mentioned that this income is used for various other items but for argument sake concerning to this box sale only) have a certain amount of advantage over those without a set income to put into coin --> gold trade. Therefore making already dominating forces alot more powerful.

    2. Increase in class difference between Cash Shop (abbr. as CS onwards) users versus Non-CS users
    - It has been voiced that there are several advantages which now CS users have over non-CS users:
    1. Access to better gear, skill books, and better charms
    2. Access to trading gold supply into greater amounts of coins for later use
    2b. Access to great amounts of coins (10 million coins for two best luck tokens)
    3. Access to exp scrolls such as oracles for later sales or quicker leveling.
    Are three main points being raised. #1 links in with point 1a mentioned above. All three of these points overrule what some consider the main point of RPGs - application of time in order to achieve a reward.
    Also, by being able to receive 10 million coins from the boxes, individuals are able to go buy more gold --> buy more packs --> increase their chances of obtaining items.

    -Potential Solution-
    Honestly, other then point 1 (i.e. regarding access to end game equipment and skill books) the other two points are negligible. Therefore refer to solution listed for problem #1.

    Ways to respond/counteract these circumstances, wholly in my opinion:

    1. Remove the pack from CS.
    - Might not work as well as it seems.

    2. Reroll One day
    - Will work. But never appreciated. Especially with the amount of cash transactions that probably went into play over this one day, the accounting department will have a headache.

    3. Remove end game equipment, such as lunar weapons, mystical pages, and mysterious chips from box (as well as game from previously rewarded individuals)
    - Keep the tomes in the packs but add a time limit to them to be valid only for 1 month.
    - Keep pack in CS (as now it matches with the 1 gold price tag as well)
    - Also make pack available as a drop from various monsters during the weekend period. This combined with the 2x exp events during the weekends will ensure increase in player count during the weekends as well as allow non-CS users to "reap" the benefits.

    I understand the amount of spam you must have to read through. I am not even sure if you will bother (or have time to) read this little letter. But I do hope that you do and would love to hear your opinion upon these ideas.


    You guys (GMs) owe andracil san a HUUUGE cake. The amount of spam she had to deal with before you guys got back from dream land is not funny or even fair. I apologise on the behalf of the community. My sincere kudos to her.

    -If I was wrong to post this message here as well as private message it to you, please feel free to delete this.-
    -Edited: For spelling mistakes and formating
    -Sorry andracil san =P (I thought you said account names should never be capitalised!)
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    well organized feedback is definitely what we're looking for b:victory
  • Otorien - Lost City
    Otorien - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    blindv's post is basically /thread.

    110% spot on
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'm gonna ignore all the talk regarding the end game gear...

    This game did provide a method of letting users who don't cash shop get cash shop items, I think there needs to be an alternate way for those users to get items. Since they rely on those who set the prices, it creates a clear gap of who can have what.

    People are reliant on cash shop for certain items, charms, dolls, etc. especially. Can we have a non gold related way of getting them? Is it really so much to ask for them to be implemented NPC-wise so that some people can continue to play the game without having to spend tons of time farming to afford one charm with these ridiculous prices?
  • Jeran - Harshlands
    Jeran - Harshlands Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    lolol ppl be real, the game isnt dieing anytime soon XD and i dont think u cant survive without the use of gold b:chuckle since its a free game after all u dont need all the other features to play XD and im sure ppl are quiting lol
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    it'd be kind of nice if charms, GAs, all the consumables for regular play that used to be in the boutique be buyable in-game at a set price in light of what's happening to the gold prices now. i'd be happy making them cost say, 500k coins per gold charm and say, 50k coins per GA at some npc. that way at least the f2p kids can still play and have fun.

    personally, i haven't been affected much by this: i don't pvp, i don't run on charms (none of that zhen, rebirth), i haven't farmed days on ends on TT, lunar, whatever, i didn't dq for the horses, etc etc etc. however, a lot of people have, a lot of friends have. it pisses them off when people can just get what they worked for a long time to get in so short a time. i mean, the time you spend in this game has to count for something, so that people don't feel playing the game is a waste of time. kind of ironic, because playing a game is wasting time b:chuckle

    Wonderful Idea - if you can buy charms with in-game coin this will relieve the pressure on regular players, and also help set a level for gold trading. If the 1M coin box/iron hammer had set the price of 5gold/1m coin (200K per 1 gold) then match that formula and sell HP and MP charms at an NPC for it's appropriate amount. It allows players to continue playing without having to ride the gold market rollercoaster, and it will help stabilize gold prices.

    Of course, the people who are screaming about "Where is my 120k gold!?" aren't going to approve, but it's surely better than 500k gold right now.

    Good luck, spoons. Hang in there.

    \wades through the torrent of tears
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • FadedChaos - Heavens Tear
    FadedChaos - Heavens Tear Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    blindv wrote: »

    - Also make pack available as a drop from various monsters during the weekend period. This combined with the 2x exp events during the weekends will ensure increase in player count during the weekends as well as allow non-CS users to "reap" the benefits.

    If they did that then it would have to either

    A) dropped from all mobs of all levels, to give everyone a fair chance and to stop spawn campers


    B) only add them to instance mobs
  • vagrant0
    vagrant0 Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You want a simple solution to the long term problem... Gold prices... The devs probably won't like it, but the only real solution is to make the prices of things like Angels, Socket Stones, Charms, Battle Pet Packs, Telecoustics, Teleport incense/stones, Inv/Safe/cupboard/pet stones, Exp scrolls, and similar change on a weekly/monthly basis around some sort of standard coin-gold price. Leaving all the other, special things like fashion, mounts, bonus packs, and similar at a set price which is occasionally downgraded as time goes on.

    The reason is simple. Many of those mentioned items are those things which people need to play the game. Having them as being something which is only available through gold, and having gold prices increase significantly with every "sale" only means that people aren't as able to maintain their playing of the game without having to shell out many times more than they were paying for a p2p game. It's fine for nice bits of bling to be expensive, but it's not nice when people who are unable to spend $50 a month, or who are just starting can't afford those things which allow them to continue to play.
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    It's Andracil, not Andrila, but thanks anyway ;O
  • rsin
    rsin Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    People are reliant on cash shop for certain items, charms, dolls, etc.

    People rely on those items because they want. Its been proven that those items are not even necessary at all. Maybe it takes a little more work or challenge but anyone can progress in game without them.
  • blindv
    blindv Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    If they did that then it would have to either

    A) dropped from all mobs of all levels, to give everyone a fair chance and to stop spawn campers


    B) only add them to instance mobs

    I agree with you. But I said "various" instead of all because some monsters probably should not have it implemented onto them. (Such as easily mobbed monsters)

    I left the discretion of which monsters they should be added to and not be added, to the judgement of the developers and GM. As much of a let down the DEVs may have been with this update, I still have hope that they will make the correct decisions.

    Also, along this point, I recommend making the boxes only drop from monsters of the same level as the person killing it. Hence stopping any abuse of players farming on monsters alot lower level then themselves.
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The whole mercedes analogy fails miserably. Here's a much better one:

    An expert mountain climber finally gets permission to climb Mount Everest. It will be the climb of a lifetime. He trains for months, grueling workouts at high altitudes. Finally, it is time. He's planned his route, and has an expert crew. They make it to base camp, weather a vicious storm, then the weather clears and they're free to ascend. There are a few tough patches, days of pure climbing up sheer cliffs with nothing but ropes and pitons to hold them to the mountain.

    Eventually, exhausted and drained, they reach the summit! Climbing to the very peak, they look down the other side of the mountain, and see: an escalator. b:angry

    So, given the chance you would ;a) make the difficult climb, test yourself, and have a huge sense of accomplishment when you reached the top or b) ride the escalator up to the top in 30 minutes, look around, yawn, and say "what's the big deal?", and walk back down?

    I would take the difficlut climb, *to see if I could do it*.

    Not to impress anyone else.

    \how is this so hard to see
    \\kids today apparently have no sense of personal accomplishment
    \\gimme gimme gimme
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rsin wrote: »
    People rely on those items because they want. Its been proven that those items are not even necessary at all. Maybe it takes a little more work or challenge but anyone can progress in game without them.

    ^^ This ^^
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • narc0tix
    narc0tix Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Again removing the rare gear from the boxes now is unfair since people already got them. The damage has been done, time to get real people. Suck it up and play or quit.
    Nova - Marksman / Bard
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    narc0tix wrote: »
    Again removing the rare gear from the boxes now is unfair since people already got them. The damage has been done, time to get real people. Suck it up and play or quit.

    ^^ This ^^

    Said everything in your last two posts that I have been trying to say all day!

    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Otorien - Lost City
    Otorien - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rsin wrote: »
    People rely on those items because they want. Its been proven that those items are not even necessary at all. Maybe it takes a little more work or challenge but anyone can progress in game without them.

    Oh hai there, So I heard you've never done this thing called Twilight Temple...

    I can destroy the underlined sentence with 4 words, you ready?

    Ancient Evil: Lethal Vengeance.
  • Carter - Lost City
    Carter - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rsin wrote: »
    People rely on those items because they want. Its been proven that those items are not even necessary at all. Maybe it takes a little more work or challenge but anyone can progress in game without them.

    You don't need a car to drive to work or school either,but it makes it more convenient and less stressful doesn't it?Just an example.
  • Parody - Harshlands
    Parody - Harshlands Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    b:shocked this thread has become a monster...83 pages

    the fact that CS items aren't 'neccesary for pve' doesn't change the fact that PVP is going to be more and more broken, with inflated gold prices (so non CS users can't afford charms/refines etc.) and people running round with lunar gear.

    Personally im giving this game until the week after the event.
    If things don't work out then I'm sure me and a lot of other people are leaving.b:bye
    There are three types of people in the world,
    Those that can count, and those that can't count.

    パロディー b:mischievous
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    narc0tix wrote: »
    Again removing the rare gear from the boxes now is unfair since people already got them. The damage has been done, time to get real people. Suck it up and play or quit.
    ^^ This ^^

    Said everything in your last two posts that I have been trying to say all day!

    mind showing what you 2 and your close friends earned since event started?

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
This discussion has been closed.