v182 Update discussion thread.



  • Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    My main problem here, is that the gap between cash shoppers and free players is now far too large. Until now the game was fairly well balanced between them. Now however, cash users have FAR to great of an advantage with the ability to get mysterious chips 10 million coins, the equipment, and grade 11 shards to name a few.

    The price of gold is far too high for the average player to be able to take advantage of this, throwing the balance of the cash shopper vs non cash shopper, out the window, not to mention the balance in pvp.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I've been playing this game for a while, and I've always stayed confident and calm that this game would make correct decisions, but this new event is pretty disgraceful to say the least. However, I have confidence that the PWI staff altogether will strive to correct this horrible decision.

    I know the GMs/mods will not like it, and will strongly disagree when I say that a lot of people will be quitting this game, but just log on the game yourselves and see what is happening. This event of giving out items that we've all worked so hard for... for a dollar, is a little overboard.
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I do understand that, why would I not? That doesn't change the fact that if you go down to the dealership and slap around an employee that the MSRP is going to change due to your actions.

    by the way i just imagined that and it was pretty funny

    Yes it's not going to change anything.

    The way to fix it is either refund the money to the customer (don't know how to implement this to game, reward people that spent loads of time to get stuff somehow)

    Go back in time (science fiction b:chuckle) Roll-Back and never implement the sale to game.
  • Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    My main problem here, is that the gap between cash shoppers and free players is now far too large. Until now the game was fairly well balanced between them. Now however, cash users have FAR to great of an advantage with the ability to get mysterious chips 10 million coins, the equipment, and grade 11 shards to name a few.

    The price of gold is far too high for the average player to be able to take advantage of this, throwing the balance of the cash shopper vs non cash shopper, out the window, not to mention the balance in pvp.

    For once I agree with Zoe b:surrender
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rsin wrote: »
    mercedes didnt make you work hard for that car. it is the buyers choice. if the demand is high enough and people feel that they need the newest and greatest thing then yes they will do what they can to get it...but that doesnt make it the car companies fault. because its their choice to sell it and its your "choice" to buy it.

    What i mean is that Mercedes is not for everyone.
    People who spent dozens of hours to get that items are being screwed the most now.
  • Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    My main problem here, is that the gap between cash shoppers and free players is now far too large. Until now the game was fairly well balanced between them. Now however, cash users have FAR to great of an advantage with the ability to get mysterious chips 10 million coins, the equipment, and grade 11 shards to name a few.

    The price of gold is far too high for the average player to be able to take advantage of this, throwing the balance of the cash shopper vs non cash shopper, out the window, not to mention the balance in pvp.

    Somethings not right when I agree with Zoe. b:cry
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    What i mean is that Mercedes is not for everyone.
    People who spent dozens of hours to get that items are being screwed the most now.
    There will be no rollback and I'm pretty sure about it. So the only solution they will probably provide right now is remove the end-game items that can be obtained from it. Thus leaving those some "luckers" with billions of money if they sell the items.
  • Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Somethings not right when I agree with Zoe. b:cry

    I know right?

    Pvpers agreeing with zoe, I'm scared b:shocked
  • Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rsin wrote: »
    With the release of new mounts, older mounts are reduced in value. now a newer player can buy panthers and polarbears for 700k instead of 2mil. Alot of happy campers just happy to be able to afford them now.
    This "might" apply to the newer servers, I'm not sure, but with older servers those mounts were already around the 700-800k prices even when they were 10gold in the cash shop.

    They lowered the prices of those mounts simply because no one wanted to buy the mounts directly from the boutique anymore for reasons you have mentioned; newer/exclusive mounts making the older mounts on the server less popular, therefore we have a large number of unwanted mounts that players want to sell. You'd be silly to buy an old unpopular mount directly from the cash shop with gold prices so high, you could sell the gold and buy from another player instead.

    So your point is not exactly valid.
    My main problem here, is that the gap between cash shoppers and free players is now far too large.
  • Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    What i mean is that Mercedes is not for everyone.
    People who spent dozens of hours to get that items are being screwed the most now.

    no different than someone buying a big screen tv at full price one week.
    following week someone else buys it on sales at 50% off. Been that way for a long time and it wont change anything.
  • Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Here's my issues (in no particular order aside from #1 and #2):
    1. Duke spam - You've already stated something will be done about this. That doesn't change it from being #1 on the list though.

    2. Whisper color - Please please please let us customize this, or change it to something else. A lot of people are having quite a bit of trouble reading them with this color. Customized colors would be preferable as everyone would then be happy.

    3. Unknown rates on packs - This is the only event I can think of since I started playing in february, where players didn't know the rates (or atleast a close approximation) of items that could be obtained. I think it's unfair to expect people to spend money to gamble when they don't know (or rather, can't find) the odds of various payouts.

    4. Gold prices - You guys say you're trying to do something about gold prices, yet every time there's a patch in the past few weeks, prices have gotten worse, and the player economy has declined. Going off of DW prices which ironically, appear to be the lowest right now (425k), a 12k hp barb now pays 14,280 coin. MP charms have priced themselves out of the market at 1.9267 coin per mana (963 coin for 1 tick of blue bubble for reference), that's almost 4x more expensive than what used to be the worst option, at .5 coin per mana, of condensed mana potions (ratio varies slightly by the level of potion). I could list more examples, but this will quickly become a large unreadable wall of text, so I won't go into more. The economy right now though just feels like it's in shambles between gold prices and to a lesser extent mat prices due to BH.

    5. Cash shop hype - This one probably isn't constructive or even solely related to this patch, but I have to say, the game atmosphere has changed little by little every patch. When I started the CS felt rather low key and optional, if you wanted it for a bonus. Currently I feel like it's shoved down my throat with constant pressure to buy, and that what I do spend on the game (~$15/month, same as any MMO) is nowhere near enough, or to put it another way... that I should save my money because it takes far more than $15/month to see a significant return from the CS making it nothing more than some minor game support. I understand the importance of the CS, it's how the game stays alive, but it just feels overbearing and required now. Almost the exact opposite of how I originally felt about it, when I used to praise it to people for being done well.

    Oddly enough, I have no issues at all with the packs themselves/the gear coming from them outside of wishing they would remain in permanently, I'm not a fan of temporary items like this, especially when it's end game gear. If you can't afford the packs now, but could in 3 months you're out of luck... endless farm for you.
  • Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Gold pricing was better when boutique had only clothes, angels, socket stones and teleports, teleacoustics, charms, mounts, some aerogear, mounts, upgrades and dragon orbs.

    what makes gold prices rise?
    1. player greed.
    2. JJ events. (example: there's a fair chance to trade an item worth 30 silver to a gem worth 240k coins)
    3. drop events based on cash shop items (like the event held now)
    4. coin chests
    5. TW, FB, BH and PKing (due to the higher demand for charms and angels)

    what makes gold prices drop?
    1. alternative ways to get high lvl items without gold (examples: after BH mold prices bottomed out, TT is easier since a recent patch)
    2. free events (examples: JJ blessing, snowmen, supply chests)

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The example doesnt need to use a Mercedes or BMW.

    Let's say it is extremely hard to get $$$ or even buy a CAR.
    you work hard for a long time to buy a car for $1000.
    Later on you find that the dealership is giving an infinite amount of coupons for $1 that contain a chance of earning a car.

    That is the point. (That way u take off the fact that "u dont need a Mercedes" thing)
  • Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Good job pwi. You have successfully killed your legit players. People don't need to work to get their flawless and perfect gems anymore, no they just need to spend $1. And they get those if they are unlucky. If they are lucky they get millions upon millions of coins.

    Oh, and for those who don't want to spend rl money on gold, well gold prices in the AH just keep getting higher and higher. So all your legit money grinding is getting more and more useless.

    You guys obviously have made it clear that you don't care about your game, only your wallets. There are other game companies, that have their game up for free, that don't do all the bs you've been doing. Good luck with your dying game, milk as much as you want from it while you can, but you won't get a penny from me.
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rsin wrote: »
    no different than someone buying a big screen tv at full price one week.
    following week someone else buys it on sales at 50% off. Been that way for a long time and it wont change anything.

    Mercedes = Lunar weapon= months of work
    Tv = HH weapon = few hours of work

    Buying TV at full price won't hurt as much and has 99% more possibility being discounted. It is really normal but selling the Mercedes for $1 is not ;)

    Also this patch besides **** the players who worked so hard to get their gear is **** players like me who enjoy running instances for profit. Why to spend lots of in game money on that weapon if you can get it "cheaper" using real money :..
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    My main problem here, is that the gap between cash shoppers and free players is now far too large. Until now the game was fairly well balanced between them. Now however, cash users have FAR to great of an advantage with the ability to get mysterious chips 10 million coins, the equipment, and grade 11 shards to name a few.

    The price of gold is far too high for the average player to be able to take advantage of this, throwing the balance of the cash shopper vs non cash shopper, out the window, not to mention the balance in pvp.

    zoe has said something sober-minded! this is serious business b:shocked
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Mercedes = Lunar weapon= months of work
    Tv = HH weapon = few hours of work

    Buying TV at full price won't hurt as much and has 99% more possibility being discounted. It is really normal but selling the Mercedes is not ;)

    i see your point. but what about those who worked hard to buy panther and cubs when they initially came. now someone can buy them for 700k because of new mounts and the value decreasing on older ones. does that make it unfair to those who worked hard to get the panther at a starting price compared to what players can buy them for now.
  • Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rsin wrote: »
    i see your point. but what about those who worked hard to buy panther and cubs when they initially came. now someone can buy them for 700k because of new mounts and the value decreasing on older ones. does that make it unfair to those who worked hard to get the panther at a starting price compared to what players can buy them for now.
    Those older mounts gradually/slowly depreciated over time, perfectly fine and normal.
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rsin wrote: »
    i see your point. but what about those who worked hard to buy panther and cubs when they initially came. now someone can buy them for 700k because of new mounts and the value decreasing on older ones. does that make it unfair to those who worked hard to get the panther at a starting price compared to what players can buy them for now.

    Everything is loosing it's value in time. New things come out and they cost more than the old ones.
    This patch made me not want to play anymore. So close to lvl 90 but it feels like no achievement now and putting Immaculate Shards in it sounds even n00bier..
    It pretty much made the game not fun anymore unless you like to kill mobs all day long for nothing ...
  • Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Can we has 400k coin Charms through NPC? :D

    It should stop the complaining regarding charm cost at least. But a lot of my faction doesn't see it happening cause of greed blah blah blah.
  • Posts: 720 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i actually see where sniper is coming from, every event/sale is making gold prices spike and the game harder and harder to play

    that's completely untrue, I play PWI and I earn all my coins I don't buy gold and I'm still doing fine (darn shadou, why must you be so ellusive...)
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I've been a gamer for a long time, and I am picky about what I play. I thought PWI was one of the better games I started playing. Sadly to say, in the month (Yes, MONTH) that I've played this game, I have had the pleasure of watching it turn into another greed factory. I've yet to find a game so biased towards older players, while completely ignoring the new ones in the "anniversary" scam. And, not to mention, that instead of being given gifts, you have to BUY THEM with real money. I say you STOP calling them gift pacts. They aren't gifts! If people want to pay to play, go pay WOW. PWI now is just taking advantage of players who want to spend money instead of actually playing the game to earn what they should for their chars. Heck, Requiem Bloodymare is a great game and is not biased towards players, no matter what they spend irl or how long they've been on game.
  • Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Can we has 400k coin Charms through NPC? :D

    It should stop the complaining regarding charm cost at least. But a lot of my faction doesn't see it happening cause of greed blah blah blah.

    TBH should be like a npc only copper charm, gives half the amount f a cash shop bronze but for little the cost, would atleast give people who cant afford cash shop ones a lesser option
  • Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The whole mercedes analogy fails miserably. Here's a much better one:

    An expert mountain climber finally gets permission to climb Mount Everest. It will be the climb of a lifetime. He trains for months, grueling workouts at high altitudes. Finally, it is time. He's planned his route, and has an expert crew. They make it to base camp, weather a vicious storm, then the weather clears and they're free to ascend. There are a few tough patches, days of pure climbing up sheer cliffs with nothing but ropes and pitons to hold them to the mountain.

    Eventually, exhausted and drained, they reach the summit! Climbing to the very peak, they look down the other side of the mountain, and see: an escalator. b:angry
  • Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Talking about 10 mil coins does that actually sell for 10 mil?
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    no offense but i dont see y evey1 is QQing bout gold prices. U dont HAVE to get ANYTHING from the cash shop.
    Players set the prices
    even if the they make another sale. the PLAYERS set the prices.

    btw will there ever be a way to trade gold O_O

    Thank goodness!!! Centetric <3

    Anger is directed at the wrong people....it is the other players people should be mad/angry with.

    NOT the Gm's who have nothing to do with content put in the game.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The whole mercedes analogy fails miserably. Here's a much better one:

    An expert mountain climber finally gets permission to climb Mount Everest. It will be the climb of a lifetime. He trains for months, grueling workouts at high altitudes. Finally, it is time. He's planned his route, and has an expert crew. They make it to base camp, weather a vicious storm, then the weather clears and they're free to ascend. There are a few tough patches, days of pure climbing up sheer cliffs with nothing but ropes and pitons to hold them to the mountain.

    Eventually, exhausted and drained, they reach the summit! Climbing to the very peak, they look down the other side of the mountain, and see: an escalator. b:angry

    Beautifully said! Thank you!
  • Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Talking about 10 mil coins does that actually sell for 10 mil?

    Yes. It sells at a npc for 10mil
  • Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    so another idea i'm hearing is gear that is only almost comparable to the drops in-game, as opposed to the same level.

    Keep the new ideas coming, and keep the flames out, they don't help.

    I know that people think that we are "doing nothing" but changes can't be made instantly, this is why the process of voicing true concerns constructively is so important. Stuff isn't going to be resolved in the next 5 minutes, so we do have time to formulate a more complete picture of player concerns before taking action

    Maybe lunar weapons and the other stuffs (cloacks/boots etc) can be modified in order to make them as-quest reward: unable to be traded or refined, or maybe impossible to be bound (this will stop RPKers from using them).
  • Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    *looks at the amount of posts in this thread*

    *looks at the amount of closed threads*

    So what happened?
This discussion has been closed.