Stop the random pk's
switch servers0
@ OP: are you an idiot?0
I support the idea whole-heartedly. I registered to a PvP server, because I was under the impression (though I read the information) that it's going to be as much fun, as it was on my previous online game, which we all know, and every gamer played it at least once, but I can't say it's name because of the TOS. :P
Problem is, that you have no safe questing/grinding area after hitting 30. And if you can't finish your quests, you won't level up, if you can't grind, you won't have money for skills, weapons, etc, all because you get ganked and one-shot killed by some 20, 30+ higher players all the time. Where is the fun than? The new player gets tired, send the whole thing to hell and instead of reroll, go to another game, where there are some fair rules for PvP. Thus the old players will cry, becaouse there is not enugh challenge for them, no new player around their level, they leave before reaching "more-PK-safe" times.
Just a question: What do you think, a PvP is?
Player versus Player OR Player kill Player (with one/two shot)?
Do you think about it as an interesting challenge or as a simple "man hunt"?This is the dark present, this is who I am,
Long forgotten dead, deep in a cold cavern.
Errant who got swallowed by volatile time,
Fallen angel on the brink of endless abyss.
Kephras - Heavens Tear wrote: »YOU PICKED THE SERVER.
this .Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
wow i cant believe no one has said the answer to his problem
make a high level friend so they can protect you ^^Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze0 -
I don't agree to that leveling restriction. It was on another game and I hated it. All they did was run away from the danger zone where if your 11 levels higher you can't attack them anymore. It's irritating and they just stand there and grin because your too high a level.
And what if your helping a lowbie with his quest and and all of a sudden he gets killed by a player in his level range. You can't do anything to avenge him and you cant try to get back his stuff if his stuff drops. And that boss died so you have to waste your charm and time to fight it again. Since you arent in that persons level range then you couldnt have stopped him from killing your friend. But if you had no level restrictions... See my point?
Why So Stupid?
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jokerxdude wrote: »All they did was run away from the danger zone where if your 11 levels higher you can't attack them anymore. It's irritating and they just stand there and grin because your too high a level.
This is why I said, maybe a safe Questing/Grinding zone IN the Danger zone would help, and not a Danger zone IN the big quest zone. That would be ridicolous for a PvP server. See, where I'm coming from? I don't agree with making the whole map sugar-coated and level restricted, but only a few spots in it. It would work like a Safe Zone in towns, with the exceptions you wouldn't be safe, BUT you would be only forced to engage in fair battles. Of course, in this special zone there would be no elits, bosses and such. Only the regular mobs for quest. So the player can level up, and at higher level he/she will more than happy to get in the real fight, becaouse the "big ones" don't attack this higher levels (like 50/60+) more than once or twice a day (caouse the're scared of a real fight's outcomes, hehh). They won't come out to steal your loots ot boss kill, they know they get killed in that instant.
And trust me, it's not the low levels who PK other low levels, they are too busy trying to hide themself of the 80-ish meanies. The ones you mentioned, who kill "lowbies", are sadly, the very high levels, in which case you may won't be enough. There was once a guy on faction's KOS list who required a group of like three or four level 70 to kill. Yeah, the guy was a "low lvl PK-er" with lvl 95+ and full HH armour set.
If somebody enjoyes getting one-shotted then good for him. I, myself and many other look for a true PvP experience.This is the dark present, this is who I am,
Long forgotten dead, deep in a cold cavern.
Errant who got swallowed by volatile time,
Fallen angel on the brink of endless abyss.
jokerxdude wrote: »I don't agree to that leveling restriction. It was on another game and I hated it. All they did was run away from the danger zone where if your 11 levels higher you can't attack them anymore. It's irritating and they just stand there and grin because your too high a level.
Does the game you're referring to happen to have 2 favorite pastimes of PKers when things go wrong, those being "Run, escape"?0 -
Being on a PvP server this is going to happen, while most PvP players are pretty decent and play on those servers for the added excitment of PK and will only PK people within or slightly lower than their level range, you are always going to have your idiots.
Sadly being high level doesnt stop people being n00bs. So you are always going to have some players with the attitude of "OMG 30+ levels higher than you , ROAR feel my godlike power as I one hit you ".0 -
lol i would be glad to kill a lvl 30 ^^ just for the fun ^^ i would be liek rofl and he would be like nuz leave me alone pweeez all-powerfull-master i will give u moneyzzzz
me:roar nu xDClerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
White_Puma - Lost City wrote: »Don't tell me to switch servers or anything else like that, I'm fine with my current server, just tired of the random pks
Threads like this are the reason I read these forums. b:laugh
Yes, high levels are posting to say QQ moar because High levels are the ones smart enough to pick the right server, accept it for what it is and deal with it. b:cuteLuxado_Ranks - Harshlands wrote: »Lol really hard at the OP. God bless you, people like you make the pvp servers fun. Keep posting.b:victory
Hell Yeah0 -
for all the noobs that said we like to gang 3x ppl
yes, I like to drop on newbs and aoe them to death or stun them and let them die from the mobs
PvP servers aren't meant to be fair[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
TheGoliath - Heavens Tear wrote: »for all the noobs that said we like to gang 3x ppl
yes, I like to drop on newbs and aoe them to death or stun them and let them die from the mobs
PvP servers aren't meant to be fair
PvP servers aren't meant to be unfair and swarmed by idiots.
I'm wondering, what is so good about one-shooting somebody? No challenge, no points, no rep, no bigger p*nis. :P You achieve nothing with it.
Perfect figthing style for those, who elseway get easily defeated by similar level characters.This is the dark present, this is who I am,
Long forgotten dead, deep in a cold cavern.
Errant who got swallowed by volatile time,
Fallen angel on the brink of endless abyss.
Queelen - Lost City wrote: »PvP servers aren't meant to be unfair and swarmed by idiots.
I'm wondering, what is it so good about one-shooting somebody? No challenge, no points, no rep, no bigger p*nis. :P You achieve nothing with it. Perfect figthing style for those, who elseway get easily defeated by similar level characters.
this is what I wanted to screenshot while observating my friend doing some random PK but he had many other insults like that
it's funny as hell[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
b:chuckle Another thread filled with whinners who dno't like to be PK'd on a PK server. I am like cannonfodder when I am out there and I enjoy it. Who cares if you are being PK'd, you do not lose anything (only 1% chance, I only heard one white name lose something). Heck I love it now as I build my character to make it so I am not a 1 shot anymore. It is rare that I can be one shotted by most PKers out there and that is what I strive for.
It's like joining a football league and saying, "when I get the ball, noone is allowed to tackle me because it not fair that you are all bigger than I am."
5 words of wisdom for all of you.
Shut up or Get out b:shutup
This topic is definitely in the top 5 of the most dumb QQ's on the forum.
1. Flesh Ream
2. Don't PK its not fair b:cry
3. Gold is to high
4. Why won't the GM's put my suggestions into game
5. Where do I find my screenshots (not a qq but happens a lot this one)tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.0 -
TheGoliath - Heavens Tear wrote: »this is what I wanted to screenshot while observating my friend doing some random PK but he had many other insults like that
it's funny as hell
Ahh, now I get it. You enjoy the people's reaction for being PKed? Yes, I admit that some are very immature and can't stand to loose. But how many times do you do this to the same person? As a weak Veno for example (well, weak if ambushed directly, ignoring pets) most of the time I was one-shot killed by the same players, my record is 31(!) PK from somebody who watched and waited for me to leave Archo/Hidden Orchid after holding in and getting new quests, or land with my aerocraft and start killing the mobs. When I mentioned this to others, they told to get ued to it. Finally, some faction members raised one tough hell of PK day for him, and I never seen him after that.
This still considered to be fair, righteous and okay?This is the dark present, this is who I am,
Long forgotten dead, deep in a cold cavern.
Errant who got swallowed by volatile time,
Fallen angel on the brink of endless abyss.
OMG get over it, if you picked a pk server and hate pk maybe u should reroll on another server. I think the problem is that ppl only wanna pk when they are READY for it, they hate when others surprise them. Ive only ever played on LC and I love it, I pk, I get pked... its a never ending cycle (of death
). Its really not that bad, i rarely got pked from 30-60 (swamps was a bit worse) and i rarely get pked now. Its not nearly as bad as some ppl would have u believe.
PLUS, i see plenty of 30-40 players with rednames, according to some ppl here low lvls never pk other low lvls, so who are these 3x-4x players killing? 7x's? LOL[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sup?0 -
Tatuaje - Lost City wrote: »It's like joining a football league and saying, "when I get the ball, noone is allowed to tackle me because it not fair that you are all bigger than I am."
Nope its more like.
" We are an adult pr0 team, lets go have a match against a Under 11 kids team, since we cant beat anyone else "
b:chuckle0 -
Queelen - Lost City wrote: »Ahh, now I get it. You enjoy the people's reaction for being PKed? Yes, I admit that some are very immature and can't stand to loose. But how many times do you do this to the same person? As a weak Veno for example (well, weak if ambushed directly, ignoring pets) most of the time I was one-shot killed by the same players, my record is 31(!) PK from somebody who watched and waited for me to leave Archo/Hidden Orchid after holding in and getting new quests, or land with my aerocraft and start killing the mobs. When I mentioned this to others, they told to get ued to it. Finally, some faction members raised one tough hell of PK day for him, and I never seen him after that.
This still considered to be fair, righteous and okay?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Here's alink for all you PK haters that are on Lost City or Harshlands.
There a few lyrics in there meant just for you on this raining QQ friday. b:crytatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.0 -
Threads like this are the reason I read these forums.
Yes, high levels are posting to say QQ moar because High levels are the ones smart enough to pick the right server, accept it for what it is and deal with it. b:cute
Hell YeahTheGoliath - Heavens Tear wrote: »for all the noobs that said we like to gang 3x ppl
yes, I like to drop on newbs and aoe them to death or stun them and let them die from the mobs
PvP servers aren't meant to be fairTatuaje - Lost City wrote: »b:chuckle Another thread filled with whinners who dno't like to be PK'd on a PK server. I am like cannonfodder when I am out there and I enjoy it. Who cares if you are being PK'd, you do not lose anything (only 1% chance, I only heard one white name lose something). Heck I love it now as I build my character to make it so I am not a 1 shot anymore. It is rare that I can be one shotted by most PKers out there and that is what I strive for.
It's like joining a football league and saying, "when I get the ball, noone is allowed to tackle me because it not fair that you are all bigger than I am."
5 words of wisdom for all of you.
Shut up or Get out b:shutup
This topic is definitely in the top 5 of the most dumb QQ's on the forum.
1. Flesh Ream
2. Don't PK its not fair b:cry
3. Gold is to high
4. Why won't the GM's put my suggestions into game
5. Where do I find my screenshots (not a qq but happens a lot this one)
Tatue, your response is equally as dumb of a QQ. Do you realize you've taken this opportunity to QQ about QQers? Your advice of shut up or get out, is most likely what 80% of the people who choose PvP servers do. And sadly, its people like you who make them do that. You can not tell me at level 30 when you were trying to kill mobs or do your fb 29 that you enjoyed being repeatedly ganked? If you did, I'd likely say you had some mental problems. No one would enjoy being harassed and killed time after time not even being allowed to get to their questing spot let alone do their quest. There is a difference between 1 lvl 90 killing 1 lvl 30 one time as a right of passage and a group of enraged lvl 90's from the same guild continually harassing a low lvl so they can't get anything done.
If you kill someone that many levels lower than you, you should have a good reason and your weapon should auto shatter. Meaning if you do it, it had better be worth it to you.
Remember those you tell to shut up or get out, are the very people that could make or break this game financially. I'm quite sure the Gm's dont share this sentiment. However; they need to balance Pvp.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I like lost city, the 30+ pk rule makes the game more challenging with the "kill or be killed". Okay annoying in circumstances when grinding, or getting repeatedly ganked or something like that and we get sent a long way from where we were, but least we don't lose exp. If you get annoyed just call from your guild, there's always someone willing for a pk, or wait in safe zone til others do it, or go somewhere else and come back later. If you pick a pk server, what else do you expect? That's like saying you walked in front of an on coming car barely stopping distance away from you and expected not to get hit.
i don't even get pk'ed that much anymore, seems the higher you get, the less attention you get, which is fine by me0 -
BratFury - Heavens Tear wrote: »However; they need to balance Pvp.
Although I prefer to avoid PvP at all costs, here's how I would balance it. Make it so you can't attack any player more than 10 levels above or below you. So if you're 50, for example, the range of player levels you are allowed to take on is 40-60.0 -
I love how the people preaching from the PVE servers, think that there is some kind of squad that pks you as soon as you hit lvl 30.
Random pk happens, you go back to town and deal with it. If you die 5 times in a row you are doing something wrong. Go and get another quest or kill some different mobs for 5-10 mins but the amount of people that just run straight back to the person that killed them is laughable.0 -
BratFury - Heavens Tear wrote: »Well at least you admit you are a jerk.
*eats rage* u are just like those 3x[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Oh Bratfury,
So full of yourself as always.
I will be happy if all the whinners leave Lost City then atleast we are left with people who are there for the right reasons. Those people who leave will just go to a PVE server and a few will just leave, such a small bit amount with no effect on the community as a whole.
I enjoy being pk'd because whatelse is there to do? It's a pvp server.
There is a difference between pking and harassing. If people are camping you then you can call upon a GM and they will determine if what the campers are doing is legitimate. If the GM determines its ok then you have to deal with it. The GM's are there to police the servers. Use them if you feel you are being wronged.
Only a small % actually come to the forums to QQ so don't worry about the game falling apart if .01% leave the game because I "bullied" them out.
I will not even comment on your thoughts about shattering weapons...Not worth the time since its so silly.tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.0 -
TheGoliath - Heavens Tear wrote: »
I still can see your name on the chi bar xDHappy Sauce face
Manufactured by Konariraiden0 -
Dominatiger - Sanctuary wrote: »I still can see your name on the chi bar xD
I've been pwned
oh well it was just for his own privacy <_<
fail[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Kephras - Heavens Tear wrote: »Sorry to sound insensitive bub, but:
You're not sorry. Not even the slightest.
I believe the startup screen (the initial help screen when you start a char) should be changed on the PvP servers to read:
RedA human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
Robert A. Heinlein0
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