Money making : How to do it.



  • Destini - Dreamweaver
    Destini - Dreamweaver Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I should have read this before I got Hailstorm. :P Well, I won't be levelling that for a while, if at all.

    And I save most of my DQ items too. I might keep 5 of each and give them to the banker then sell the rest. I think I have 10 soft furs or something.
    Of course I want to make you giggle, but this is serious. b:chuckle

    Other Characters:

    Ivy_>Psychic>Level 92>Sage>Active
    Serenata>Venomancer>Level 44>Inactive until further notice
    Avocet>Cleric>Level 25>same as above
    Descorian>Blademaster>Level 5> The love child of Destini and Escorian...but I hardly play her...b:surrender

    PS: Caffeine Detox sucks!
  • Kobetae - Sanctuary
    Kobetae - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Like most games I play I jump right in and make 2000 mistakes or hobble a toon to the point that a certain level it becomes impossible. I should read more and play less I guess.

    The quest items for this dragon quest thing gets you what? I see so many items relating to it, yet I dont see where to get the quest or do I even want it?
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Talk to the Dragon Director/Dragon Herald in the beginner towns (where you spawn after making a new char) to learn about DQ's. They're 21+ btw.
  • onn
    onn Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'll rich soon b:kiss
  • Sweetcherry - Dreamweaver
    Sweetcherry - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yep, seems like I've beeing playing the right wayb:victory
  • Drowic - Lost City
    Drowic - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Hi-this is my 3rd day playing PW and atm still heavily into figuring things out in this game. I read ALL 16 pages o this post,and glad I did,cause I figured out why I cant buy that exp scroll 4sale in teh boutique-it is 4sale @ 40 silver-I thought it ment 40 coins and was perpleckst{sp} @ why I could not buy it.
    So if 1 gold is worth 100,000 coins-how much is silver worth. Can u buy silver and how many silver is in 1 gold
    i really want some of those exp scrolls before they go off sale
    and yes.peeps leave all kinds of drops behind,which i pick up and sell-money drops as well-One thing though,is there anywhere i can get a price guide on items value in player shops-i think i've sold some things already that i could sell fer more in a shop and some things prob not sold @all
    BTW-GREAT GUIDE-and I already do alot o stuff in here-meditate fer health,fly not tele,ect b:pleased
  • hunterr
    hunterr Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    well i agree with mostly everything except for the fact that most NPC armor is cheaper than in the auction house for the same item. well maybe its just me oh well its still good help to new players
  • Desultory - Lost City
    Desultory - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    uuh thx for this awsome guide!!!^^
    it helped me a LOT !^^
  • Varriana - Dreamweaver
    Varriana - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    As many other people in this thread, I somewhat disagree with the "never, ever use teleport" rule. It can actually save you money by saving time :).

    And I would like to add a suggestion: max out your inventory size as soon as you can afford it. And if you have only 10 real-life dollars to spend on the game, spend it on buying a super inventory stone. It will pay off very soon. I don't know how many times I had to leave good items (good for my level, that is) just because I the inventory was already full.
  • Xcookienl - Harshlands
    Xcookienl - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Quoting myself : Do NOT ignore the money drops, even though there seems to be so little money. It builds up. A player lvling from 1-20 without picking up any money missed out on, on average, about 50-60K. And those are the easy no-grind lvls.

    So yeah. Pick up cash.
    Also, focus and life powder may be better than potions, but what's even better is not using ANYTHING. Meditate. It doesn't take that long really.

    Lol meditate and if u got a high lvl i think it could be long b:sad
    But why you save that much money if you only buy equip b:chuckle
    Hmm i pick up a lot and i use the pots that i get from monsters, ty for the guide may I use it
  • Argenthol - Heavens Tear
    Argenthol - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Wow, this is a great guide. I really appreciate you taking time to make this, it has really helped me out. I used all the tips here and am now making lots of money!!! This deserves a guessed it... bump.
  • Xenaphis - Dreamweaver
    Xenaphis - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Very nice and very helpful, thanks :) selling the DQ items brings in quite a nice sum of money >.<
  • Cherto - Sanctuary
    Cherto - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    A lot of this is common sense, but it's good to have an organized reminder like this.
  • Henasraf - Sanctuary
    Henasraf - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    This is a great guide -- you helped me save a lot of money! Now here's a tip you might wanna add to the list, there are still a lot of people who leave their drops, especially in crowded places where there are a lot of kill quests, such as Broken Bow Bluff - I once made around 40k from just running around picking up other people's left out drops! That's easy money right there.
  • Kaosknight - Heavens Tear
    Kaosknight - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Easiest way to get money - Scam noobs
    Easiest way to keep money - Don't get scammed by noobs :P
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Disregarding the fact that you'll get banned if you scam, that gets you money decently I suppose.
  • Divine_Demon - Heavens Tear
    Divine_Demon - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Hello all, Amiris here. Felt like making a short guide on moneymaking, because it seems the majority of newer people have trouble keeping up with equipment, and nearly every high lvl player complains about skill costs. First of all, don't mind my avatar. My main is NOT lvl 42. She's higher. Amiris is my forum char because the rest of my avatars are bugged.
    Anyway, on to the actual guide. I'll divide the concept of money making into two subcategories.

    1) Making money
    2) Saving the money you've made

    Should be reasonable enough. Alright, on to making money.
    I'll list several effective ways to do this.

    A) Grind.

    Fairly obvious. When grinding, you get lots of money and item drops. Pick them ALL up, unless there's some insane swarm of monsters on top of it and you can't handle them. Do NOT ignore the money drops, even though there seems to be so little money. It builds up. A player lvling from 1-20 without picking up any money missed out on, on average, about 50-60K. And those are the easy no-grind lvls.
    Also, sell any drops you may get to the NPC. This includes Dragon Quest drops, unless you're actually able to sell them to other players. I wouldn't count on that. From my own experiences, it's best to sell every single DQ drop to the NPC, unless you're really desperate to upgrade your bank.
    Items you should keep :
    -Things you may need, such as potions
    -Good equipment (good equipment is any BLUE two-star item or better. Explanation below.)
    -Materials if you need them
    Just for comparison, at lvl 45, my Venomancer made about 100K while grinding 30%.

    B) Help people

    Sounds odd, doesn't it. "But Amiris, I don't want to get paid for helping people." That's right, you don't. Helping people just because they'll pay you isn't exactly nice. However, it does work the other way around. People may pay you just because you helped them. Like a Ch'in squad needing a Cleric, those aren't exactly rare, and they'll often end up paying the Cleric for their help. Other such occasions are helping people with a dungeon (without wine. You don't get paid for a wined run.), or crafting items for others (provided they give you the materials).

    C) Sell the good items

    To players, that is. If you got a nice equipment drop from a monster, your best option would be to sell it to a player, because they're usually worth a lot more than the NPC will pay you. Good equipment is usually a blue-named two-star item with decent stats (By which I mean a magic weapon with accuracy does NOT have decent stats). Now, there's three types of people:
    -People who sell their items through chat. This is usually not a great option. Trade chat in West Archo can get you a buyer sometimes, but it's usually not very effective.
    -People who sell their items through a 'cat shop'. This is a good option for the medium-priced items.
    -People who sell their items through the auction. This is a great option for the medium to high-priced items. You can set a minimum bid (and a buyout price), then just go grind. After 24 hours, the item will get sold to the highest bidder (earlier if someone payed the buyout price). Downside is that you have to pay to use the auction. Costs are negligible though, just make sure you'll get more money out of it than you put in.

    D) Farm
    "What, I'm not a farmer!" No, but you should farm materials. Anytime you see a material, grab it. They sell high and they're quite common, especially at the higher lvls, when you're the only one around to grab it. It's usually best to decide what materials you'll grab though, as bank space is limited. If you have to decide, pick either herbs or the rest.

    E) FB's are great exp

    But they're horrible for money. Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT lvl doing just call to duties for the reward. There is NO money reward, and you won't get a lot of drops in dungeons. You may get lucky and get a mold, but don't count on it. Do an fb every once in a while, don't constantly stand in towns asking for call to duties.
    How does this make money? Because it relates to grinding. No fb's = more grinding = more money.

    There, that's basic money making. Now, how to save the money you've made.

    A) Walk, fly, run, swim

    "Uhh, I do that already." Yes, but not enough. Way too many people teleport around places. Put it this way : If you're paying to teleport around Archosaur, or paying the -I think- 5K to go from Sumor Camp to Swiftwind Tribe, you're wasting your money. You may think it's not a lot, but it really builds up. Teleporting is the number 1 mistake people make regarding their money. I generally only teleport between the following places :
    -The three main cities : They're relatively far from each other, and I'll admit it's quite dull to fly between them as much as you should. Therefore, I teleport between these.
    -City of the Lost -> Wellspring Village : My gateway to Archosaur. It costs 200 coins, and flying from there to Archosaur takes about 2 minutes. Saves you 2.8K.
    -The towns from lvl 1-20 : Eh, it's only 200 coins, you can make that back from a single monster. You have to walk too much at the lower lvls otherwise.
    Also, if you have TW teleports in your faction, use them wisely, because they're awesome.

    Edit: The FREE teleport to Archosaur. Starting at lvl 40, if you want to get to Archosaur, go to a main town (the lvl 1 and 2 territory towns) and go to the Adventure Assistant and Khatru Pup. Have either teleport you into the Cube of Fate, then talk to the Exit manager in there to warp to Archosaur. Free teleport, use it.

    B) Don't buy NPC items

    NPC items are NOT worth the price you pay for them, though I suppose shards are an exception to that rule. If you need items, buy them from players or the auction. This especially goes for equipment. Usually, blue two-stars in the auction are cheaper than white 1-star NPC items.

    C) Don't buy stuff cause it's pretty

    Too often do I see this: people buying three-stars with horrible stats just because they glow. Or imbuing elemental shards into your equipment, just for the looks. That's a LOT of money down the drain. And a blue weapon isn't really exceptional either - don't expect to be seen as a god just cause you have one.

    D) Boutique Clothes don't do anything

    So don't get them unless you really, really want them. And even then, make sure you can really spare the money. Boutique Clothes are only there to look nice. I suppose this falls under C a bit...

    E) Only get the good skills

    Don't waste your money just to try a skill out. Read the description, look it up, then decide whether or not you want it. For example, many wizards want to get Hailstorm, it's an AoE and all. However, the skill is totally rubbish. Money (and SP) wasted.

    F) Forums first

    Got a question? Ask it on the forums. Don't waste teleacoustics on world chat to get an answer to a simple question. I, for one, look at the forums every 30 minutes or so, to see if there's unanswered questions.

    So there you have it. Hope that helped some of you newer players, and maybe even a couple higher lvls. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, and feel free to submit anything you think should be added.

    love your guide but i need to get 5 mil coins and dont know either to farm or grind i dont need exp as i grind with my alts most of the time but what is better i never understood the concept of farming doesnt it take time to move to get mats worth like 1k?
    "When life gives you arrows give them back ", Divine_Demon b:sin
  • Altayr - Dreamweaver
    Altayr - Dreamweaver Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I never knew there's a way to teleport to Archosaur for free.
  • Thedarkrealm - Lost City
    Thedarkrealm - Lost City Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    love your guide but i need to get 5 mil coins and dont know either to farm or grind i dont need exp as i grind with my alts most of the time but what is better i never understood the concept of farming doesnt it take time to move to get mats worth like 1k?
    not really, a lot of lvl 1 mats can be sold for a lot, for example here some of what I've seen... Pig iron-1k-1.5k, grease 1k-2k, logs 1k-1.5k ect ect. So if you save them up and auction in packs of 10-20 you could make a nice bit of coin...

    I farm some but not to much because its time eating and boring... I find it REALLY HARD to hold on to money between buying/selling at the auction house and armor repairs and then theres the crazy stone and every so often I'll lvl a skill... I've only have a mil 1 time, mostly even going by whats posted in the guide my bank might have 500k at most, normaly though its between 10k -200k
  • jaquania
    jaquania Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    What I need to know is exactly how much of a percentage is this Auctioneer taking from the sales. I put something in for 15k and only got 6.5 back. That's more than half of what I had it in there for. I've looked and nowhere besides the lil fee, does it say anything about it taking over half the money I'm supposed to make. The 15k was the Buy Now price. Will someone please advise me on this matter.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    When you list an item for sale in at auction, there's a starting price (which defaults to a bit more than the item's sale price to an NPC) and a buy out price. The lowest bid that can win is the starting price (if only one person bids on it). More than likely you set a buy out price but not a starting price. Other players then bid on your item starting at the NPC price, and the winning bid was about 6.8k, not the buyout price you set.

    When you place an item on auction, there's a listing fee. Going off memory here, an 8 hour auction costs I think 5% of the item's NPC sale price, a 24 hour auction costs 10%. If your item does not sell, you get half of this fee back. If you cancel an auction (useful if you left out a zero in the buyout price), you do not get this fee back.

    If the item does sell, 5% of the final sale price is deducted as a transaction fee. So you get 95% of the final sale price.

    I picked up some really nice arcane leggings (+6 mp regen with two average shards) for 15k buy out. I'm pretty sure the seller left out a zero and meant to set the buyout at 150k. So take heart, at least your mistake only cost you 8k.
  • Poisonedtip - Heavens Tear
    Poisonedtip - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Well written guide and everything said is true and works, so new players and lower levels listen as this advice is spot on ^^
    keep up the good work :)
    Rigante Leader, Fun, Helpful, Talkative Faction.
    We Do and Help With TT-FB-Bosses
    PM Me Questions Or For Info ^^
  • aramelita
    aramelita Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    hey guys thanks for the help im really exited to start playing =3
  • Meta - Dreamweaver
    Meta - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    (Should fit here)
    Used the search option, but... found no evidense about how a venomancer manages to make 3 mil a day. All listed in this thread works well for all classes.
    But a Veno manages to take out solo some bosses on its own, lvl's till 60's faster and its more a pve class (has pet's). So my question is, what mob drop's can make up 3 mil a day?
  • MadDawgggggg - Lost City
    MadDawgggggg - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I think this forum and especially this one that you have made is a exilent guide for new people. I think you did very well and put alot of time and effert into this Forum. Thanks for helping those new people out there. b:pleased
  • MadDawgggggg - Lost City
    MadDawgggggg - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    (Should fit here)
    Used the search option, but... found no evidense about how a venomancer manages to make 3 mil a day. All listed in this thread works well for all classes.
    But a Veno manages to take out solo some bosses on its own, lvl's till 60's faster and its more a pve class (has pet's). So my question is, what mob drop's can make up 3 mil a day?

    There is no drops that will make 3mil a day aspecialy at your level. You would have to be 70+ for that and I would sugest you go to Twilight Temple. There is some very good things there and you can make 3mil a day by doing this. It is very hard though. You have to work hard no breaks no noithing. ACCEPT KILLING THINGS THAT DROP VERY GOOD ITEMS. I hoped I helped and just to let everyone know this isnt my main my main is + way more leveles
  • Bitter - Harshlands_1240275180
    Bitter - Harshlands_1240275180 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    When you place an item on auction, there's a listing fee. Going off memory here, an 8 hour auction costs I think 5% of the item's NPC sale price, a 24 hour auction costs 10%. If your item does not sell, you get half of this fee back. If you cancel an auction (useful if you left out a zero in the buyout price), you do not get this fee back.

    If the item does sell, 5% of the final sale price is deducted as a transaction fee. So you get 95% of the final sale price.

    I wish i had read this before using the auction house. There is NO WHERE i could find out an 8 hour auction costs 5% of the item's NPC sale price, and 24 hour auction costs 10%. I was selling a few rare pets whose NPC sale price was... 1 coin. But I saw there was was 500coin fee ( of what? don't know.Definitely not 10% of 1 coin. it charged me atm i put my item up anyway) And i expected to get at least the minimum bid price i set, but that -transaction fee- secretly took 100k+ in total from me. Shocked me with a thunder.b:cry I wish no one bid my stuffs...Felt ripped-off... I wanna pk that auctioneer...
  • Knuxxie - Lost City
    Knuxxie - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Nice guide, man! Really helped me out. :D
    Especially because I just started.
    (as you can see) xD
  • $jaja$ - Heavens Tear
    $jaja$ - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Thanks A BUNCH

    This Guide Helped Me SAVE Money And Earn Money

    Thank you once again
  • miridar
    miridar Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Quoting myself : Do NOT ignore the money drops, even though there seems to be so little money. It builds up. A player lvling from 1-20 without picking up any money missed out on, on average, about 50-60K. And those are the easy no-grind lvls.

    So yeah. Pick up cash.
    Also, focus and life powder may be better than potions, but what's even better is not using ANYTHING. Meditate. It doesn't take that long really.
    One hundred percent agreement here. You don't get the quest to learn manufacturing skills until lvl 5, but there's some things I've learned:

    I'm a veteran of four characters altogether. One archer that I trashed, because I just didn't like being an archer, one cleric that is presently lvl 61, and two venos - one lvl 48 who is a standard PvE build, and one lvl 28 who is being built for PvP use.

    I figured out that if I stay at the newbie site - where you get your first quest to kill 10 lvl 1 mobs, and just grind for a little while, you can make it to lvl 3 before you leave for the city. If you pick up EVERY single thing that drops from your kills, You'll have more than enough money when you go to visit the elder for the first time to buy your pickaxe, with some left over. NPC everything that you can't use or won't sell in a shop, and when you can, set up that shop to sell things like grease. I've seen grease selling for 1,900 in cat shops in Lost City. So, if you put a price of say, 900-1,000 on it, it will sell fast.

    Whenever I'm out grinding, I pick up EVERYTHING. And those coins that other players leave behind? Grab them - as you said in the OP, it adds up. That shot and arrows that no one seems to want? Grab them. While the lowest level shot is only good to sell to NPC, the higher level shot can net you some money - sell it in a cash shop for half of what the NPC charges for it. It stacks in your inventory - so it doesn't take that much space.

    As for FB runs - yeah, they give you some nice exp and rep when you help out. But they net you hardly anything, especially if you do the "right thing" and give all drops to the tabber. You can get just as much exp and rep - more, in fact - by taking on the One Man Army quests, and just plain old grinding will net you good exp, with the nice, added bonus of making some significant cash in the process.

    Leave NOTHING behind. If your inventory fills up, then go to an NPC, sell off some of the drops in there, and then go back to grinding or questing.

    And there's one more thing that I do now. I start off my day with 100K in coins in my inventory. That's what I have for the day. For things like NECESSARY teleporting, EMERGENCY pots, etc. For the most part, before I log out, I always end up dumping 70K - 100K into my safe at the end of the day. That's how I can afford to buy things from the auction house that I really want. It's how I raised the money for my panther - in a fairly short amount of time.

    My only disagreement is about the manufactured pots. Take the time to level your apothecary skills, and make your own. Then, all it costs you is the time to farm the herbs. I spend one day every week doing nothing but farming for herbs and mats. Okay - I'll qualify that - it does cost to level up the skill, but in the long run, it pays for itself. But, I'm speaking from the point of view of having a healer as my main character...

    Everyone, Amiris has given some REALLY good advice here - this is an EXCELLENT post...