How to be successful on the new servers!

chipsing1234 Posts: 205 Arc User
edited March 2009 in General Discussion
Hey everyone. As many know, two new servers are going to be coming out soon. So, how do you be successful on there? How do you exploit the imbalance of the game to quickly rise to the top? Here's a thorough guide on how to do that. Well, it's actually quite simple:
1. Make a venomancer. Who cares if you hate them, after you follow this guide, you're free to make another main.
2. Level. Not hard, as venos are easy as cheese to play.
3. When you reach lvl 18, catch a crystalline magmite. These are at volcanic purgatory above Etherblade. You need this.
4. Level to lvl 60. Quick as you can, before other ppl in the server (at least non-venos) can. Shouldn't be hard, cuz venos are easy as cheese to play.
5. Yay, you can farm TT now. Solo mode. The magmite is able to tank Chintien, and with ultis, you can get as many edges as you want.
6. Sell them. At this early stage, they'll be rare and at premium price. 250k each. TT for a day, get bunches of edges, make millions. And all you have to do is repeatedly press "heal pet".
7. Keep doing this until either: 1. you're satisfied with the 15 mil in your pocket, or 2. (advised) get enough money to buy a hercules.
8. You're basically set now, go start your main. Well actually, keep leveling and get to 70. Level your hercules to that too.
9. Woo, time to tank TT 1-2 and 2-1 and whatever else only venos can solo. With herc, start piling on the gold shards and snake skins. Drummer and tent with a cleric, if you find one.
10. By now, you're probably so high ppl on the server don't need TT 70 mats yet. Put them in your bank.
11. Wait till they're in demand - in the meantime, level your main or something - and sell. I know someone who made 20 mil in 9 days farming TT. With a hercules.
12. Woo, with all this cash, buy a phoenix. Now you can kill mobs, and therefore get even more gold like cheese. Cheese + cheese = ? Dunno.
13. If you ever drop below, say, 10 mil, keep farming TT. Poor other classes will always need them, and they have to go through the difficulty of organizing a squad with a barb, a cleric or two, and DDs. But you're a veno, and developers love venos with hercules. Cuz that means they got $$ even if it means imbalancing the game.
14. So now you're filthy rich. If you wanted to be a veno to begin with, well, keep going. You'll probably be highest on the server with your phoenix. If you wanted some other class, go make it.
As we know, money makes the world go around. By now you can get probably any equip you want, any weapon, anyTHING. Nothing can't be purchased with coin. So go ahead, level your main archer, and give him all the best equips. After all, you have an infinite source of money as a venomancer. And people are slaves to money. Thus we are all slaves to venos. Good job developers. It's too bad no other class has the option of super possessions. I'm sure you'd make a lot more money that way, and people wouldn't complain so much.
Oh, forgot to mention the one downside to this. Other classes will hate you. But why do you care? You kick **** in PvP with your phoenix and its bugged bleed, and kill mobs faster than anyone. Heck, you don't even have to cast a single spell for the phoenix to demolish a mob. Just an occassional "f1" or whatever hotkey you have heal pet set to. Then you can sit on your lazy bum and watch a veno-exclusive cash shop pet play the game for you!
So follow this guide, and I promise you'll be glad you did it. If you don't like people hating you, make the alt, and channel your wealth into it. You'll be full legendary all the time! And people will respect you for not being a veno and making that much money - and not using rl money. It's too bad they won't know you really are a spirit.
Post edited by chipsing1234 on


  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Is this a "QQ venos are OP" thread disguised as something useful? b:puzzled
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yeah...and you make it sound like people can get to level 70 in like 4 days.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • chipsing1234
    chipsing1234 Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh, i didn't imply that. But with normal playing, i'm sure you'll get there faster than other classes.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Thinly veiled Veno whine by an idiot.

    Go kill yourself.

  • chipsing1234
    chipsing1234 Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Go kill yourself.


    Interesting how you quoted that as me saying it, when I never said it..
  • chipsing1234
    chipsing1234 Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'm impersonating people.


    Look i can do it too.
  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Want to know how to be a successful troll?

    Well, its actually quite simple:

    Post a sarcastic 20,000 word post clearly illustrating your obvious resentment toward venos.

    Two simple solutions to alleviate your pain;

    1. See a psych

    2. Go play WOW
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Interesting how you quoted that as me saying it, when I never said it..
    You just proved my point. Your an idiot. I REMOVED all that BS you wrote, and put in the statement 'Thinely veiled Veno whine by an idiot'. Sorry to have had to explain the obvious to you, but I guess your mental abilities are not up to making such an obvious connection.

  • chipsing1234
    chipsing1234 Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    There's yet a person to say my arguments aren't legit.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    There's yet a person to say my arguments aren't legit.
    Logic > meet Reason. I'm saying your argument is nothing more than one more whine about Veno's being overpowered and rich. I'm lvl 70.. wanna know something.. I'm FAR from rich in this game. FAR FAR from rich. I rarely have more than 200k and more often than not have less than 100k.

    Now.. if I did what you said, i'd likely even be more broke. You forget two things. One. Solo mode TT drops are ****. I spend MORE MONEY and time getting the matts for the ultimate subs, than I make off the runs. That is why I stopped doing the runs. Not financially worth the time.

    Unless you wine an FB, it's also not financially worth the time. SOLO FB59 un-winded at lvl 70 takes more than 2 hours. With a Hercules. My drops, are rarely ever worth the time I put in. Hell I can make more grinding mobs to sell DQ to NPC's per hour than I make off doing FBruns.

    Wine them and then they come close to breaking even. IF a mold drops, then I might make a little profit for a while.

    You don't know what your mouthing off about, so do yourself a favor and stop making yourself look more foolish and just shut up.

  • Aerilius - Heavens Tear
    Aerilius - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You just proved my point. Your an idiot. I REMOVED all that BS you wrote, and put in the statement 'Thinely veiled Veno whine by an idiot'. Sorry to have had to explain the obvious to you, but I guess your mental abilities are not up to making such an obvious connection.


    What I find amusing is that you never simply denied there was any truth to what chipsing said, but rather just started flaming him instead. You came into this thread with guns blazing, without even knowing what you're shooting at.

    Edit: Oh, you have explained now. Still can't deny that only venos can do so much of what the OP mentioned, though.

    By the way:
    Your an idiot.

  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Your an Idiot
    Refresh is your friend. Idiot.

  • Aerilius - Heavens Tear
    Aerilius - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You don't know what your mouthing off about

    Yes, apparently I am the idiot.

    Dude, calm down. Be rational. Stop flaming. It kills productivity and intellect.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    What I find amusing is that you never simply denied there was any truth to what chipsing said, but rather just started flaming him instead. You came into this thread with guns blazing, without even knowing what you're shooting at.

    Edit: Oh, you have explained now. Still can't deny that only venos can do so much of what the OP mentioned, though.

    By the way:

    All classes can do it eventually. Veno's can do it "slightly" earlier. Thats fine, I can't fly till i'm 30, maybe I should scream and cry how unfair an advantage that gives Archers and Clerics. Or how about "I can't AOE grind like a BM nerf them it's unfair. Or I can't tank Gargantakong like a Barb or Mantavip like a high level cleric nerf them.

    Shall I continue?

    Nuff said.

    *removed to be nice*

  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh, look.

    Another player with veno-envy.
  • Aerilius - Heavens Tear
    Aerilius - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    All classes can do it eventually. Veno's can do it "slightly" earlier. Thats fine, I can't fly till i'm 30, maybe I should scream and cry how unfair an advantage that gives Archers and Clerics. Or how about "I can't AOE grind like a BM nerf them it's unfair. Or I can't tank Gargantakong like a Barb or Mantavip like a high level cleric nerf them.

    Shall I continue?

    Nuff said.

    *removed to be nice*


    Slightly earlier, eh? Improper use of quotation marks, by the way.

    As an archer, I couldn't solo FB19 until I was well into my 50's. Venos can solo that MUCH earlier, as well as solo many portions of the game which are supposed to be tough, such as TT and various bosses.

    Notice how I'm not calling you an idiot? You aren't one. However, you're not helping yourself in the least by insulting everyone else, sometimes even without a reasonable basis.

    Please stop flaming.
  • chipsing1234
    chipsing1234 Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Logic > meet Reason. I'm saying your argument is nothing more than one more whine about Veno's being overpowered and rich. I'm lvl 70.. wanna know something.. I'm FAR from rich in this game. FAR FAR from rich. I rarely have more than 200k and more often than not have less than 100k.

    Now.. if I did what you said, i'd likely even be more broke. You forget two things. One. Solo mode TT drops are ****. I spend MORE MONEY and time getting the matts for the ultimate subs, than I make off the runs. That is why I stopped doing the runs. Not financially worth the time.

    Unless you wine an FB, it's also not financially worth the time. SOLO FB59 un-winded at lvl 70 takes more than 2 hours. With a Hercules. My drops, are rarely ever worth the time I put in. Hell I can make more grinding mobs to sell DQ to NPC's per hour than I make off doing FBruns.

    Wine them and then they come close to breaking even. IF a mold drops, then I might make a little profit for a while.

    You don't know what your mouthing off about, so do yourself a favor and stop making yourself look more foolish and just shut up.


    Jeez, such anger from...oh a veno.
    Notice the topic title? This is what to do when the new servers come out. As of now, on the old servers, yes I know edges don't profit anymore. But current venos with herc still make a living off TT70. On the new servers, the economy will take time to form.
    Who said for you to buy all your ultis? Thus far, I've farmed all of mine. Easy to do at Kings Feast while you have quests there. It's called planning ahead. I gathered stacks of mats in my 5xes.
    Plus. Solo mode. Sometimes there are no drops, but most of the time there's at least one. And I've been on TT runs in SQUAD mode with no drops from some bosses. Don't complain there.
    Remind me, when did I say to solo a fb? I mentioned TT runs, and TT runs alone. Squads for fbs aren't hard to find. At all.
  • Prewancker - Lost City
    Prewancker - Lost City Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I agree that the post is basically a complaint against venos' ability to solo, but seriously, this Saitada person needs to calm down and stop being an arrogant and contemptuous a-hole.
  • chipsing1234
    chipsing1234 Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    All classes can do it eventually. Veno's can do it "slightly" earlier. Thats fine, I can't fly till i'm 30, maybe I should scream and cry how unfair an advantage that gives Archers and Clerics. Or how about "I can't AOE grind like a BM nerf them it's unfair. Or I can't tank Gargantakong like a Barb or Mantavip like a high level cleric nerf them.

    Shall I continue?

    Nuff said.

    *removed to be nice*


    Tell me. Do you consider even what you say? Yes elves can fly. Does that do anything else but make traveling a bit easier? No. Who cares. BM AOE grind. What lvl can they do that? Not till lvl 6xes. Maybe 5x after you've learned your next axe AOE. And that's only axes. Did you forget the mp charm + repairs for that? Tank. Veno with herc can solo gargatong. What's your point of bringing that up?
  • Windlight - Heavens Tear
    Windlight - Heavens Tear Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    what i like about this thread is it shows exactly what i was talking about in my own thread 'Things I would change about PW'
    Where people are just bothered about getting to the top and making millions as fast as they can and not caring about anything or anyone else.
    Ty for further proving my point :)
  • Dusk - Lost City
    Dusk - Lost City Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i thought this post was quite funny. b:laugh
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Saitada is getting angry. b:avoid*Hides behind Saitada* She will never look here.
    **** she spotted me.b:surrender Be gentleb:sad
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Lirgorn - Heavens Tear
    Lirgorn - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    All classes can do it eventually. Veno's can do it "slightly" earlier. Thats fine, I can't fly till i'm 30, maybe I should scream and cry how unfair an advantage that gives Archers and Clerics. Or how about "I can't AOE grind like a BM nerf them it's unfair. Or I can't tank Gargantakong like a Barb or Mantavip like a high level cleric nerf them.

    Shall I continue?

    Nuff said.

    *removed to be nice*


    Veno tanked Kong today with a Herc in my guild and a arcane veno can tank manta just fine....just saying :P

    And last time i checked i cant solo TT1-1, yet a veno of my level would walk it not to mention TT70 runs. Just making sure the facts stay straight here, no veno hating from me b:victory
    Currently playing:
    Lirgorn - Heavens Tear - Lv.7X Wiz - Elysium
    Akkari - Lost City - Lv.4X Archer - Guildless (as of 19/02/09)

    Rolling Harshlands upon release! Archer all the way!

    Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day.
    Teach a man to fish and he can promptly forget he ever didnt know and call people "noobs" in the fishing forums.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Slightly earlier, eh? Improper use of quotation marks, by the way.

    As an archer, I couldn't solo FB19 until I was well into my 50's. Venos can solo that MUCH earlier, as well as solo many portions of the game which are supposed to be tough, such as TT and various bosses.

    Notice how I'm not calling you an idiot? You aren't one. However, you're not helping yourself in the least by insulting everyone else, sometimes even without a reasonable basis.

    Please stop flaming.

    I started soloing FB19 at about 45-47 (can't remember exactly). We are the class in the game that is DESIGNED to solo. That is the entire point. Veno's were designed to do things by themselves that would normally take a squad because we are THE soloing class. Does that make us overpowered? Yes and No. It really depends on the characters setup.

    When they brought out the Herc and Nix, I spent good, hard earned cash on them to get them. Why? Not to own in PVP. Not to own in TW. Nope, neither of those. To be honest, couldn't give 2 shyts about them. I bought them so I wouldn't need to have squads to do my questing and grinding with.

    That's just me, and I'm coming from my own viewpoint. I DO NOT like squading with people. I honestly feel most people just can't squad intelligently (Raid Rules FTW) in this game. That comes from bitter experience from when I first started, and often enough to reinforce it at higher levels. So I SOLO everything I can, and VERY GRUDGINGLY squad for what I can't.

    So yeah I solo TT's (well not anymore, just not enough profit in it for the time and cost), and solo FB's and much of the rest of the game... thats what I like about the Veno class. I am not FORCED to squad to do stuff in the game for the most part.

    Ironic... I created the Veno solely because it was a Pet Class, before I knew anything about the class at all. I've always played pet classes since my first Beastlord in EQ where I fell in love with them. Even if Veno were the most gimped class in the game, I would still play them, simply for them being a pet class.

    Meh anyway, I gotta go get my laundry out of the machine. Nuff said for now.

  • Aerilius - Heavens Tear
    Aerilius - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Veno tanked Kong today with a Herc in my guild and a arcane veno can tank manta just fine....just saying :P

    And last time i checked i cant solo TT1-1, yet a veno of my level would walk it not to mention TT70 runs. Just making sure the facts stay straight here, no veno hating from me b:victory

    Quoting this for emphasis. Veno + Herc = do anything in the game with way, way more ease than any other class. Tanking? No problem! Soloing FB's and TT? No problem! Grinding on mobs ten levels above your own? No problem! Make loads of money the entire time? No problem!

    There is a veno in my faction who hasn't had to touch an HP potion since his 20's after using a gold HP charm. He's nearly level 60 now. He still has over 100k left in the charm.
  • Aerilius - Heavens Tear
    Aerilius - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    When they brought out the Herc and Nix, I spent good, hard earned cash on them to get them. Why? Not to own in PVP. Not to own in TW. Nope, neither of those. To be honest, couldn't give 2 shyts about them. I bought them so I wouldn't need to have squads to do my questing and grinding with.

    EXACTLY. No other class has this option. You have the freedom to solo whatever you want, while every other class is FORCED to squad up for many things, because they don't have the utility, durability, and flexibility that a veno has.
  • chipsing1234
    chipsing1234 Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I started soloing FB19 at about 45-47 (can't remember exactly). We are the class in the game that is DESIGNED to solo. That is the entire point. Veno's were designed to do things by themselves that would normally take a squad because we are THE soloing class. Does that make us overpowered? Yes and No. It really depends on the characters setup.

    When they brought out the Herc and Nix, I spent good, hard earned cash on them to get them. Why? Not to own in PVP. Not to own in TW. Nope, neither of those. To be honest, couldn't give 2 shyts about them. I bought them so I wouldn't need to have squads to do my questing and grinding with.

    That's just me, and I'm coming from my own viewpoint. I DO NOT like squading with people. I honestly feel most people just can't squad intelligently (Raid Rules FTW) in this game. That comes from bitter experience from when I first started, and often enough to reinforce it at higher levels. So I SOLO everything I can, and VERY GRUDGINGLY squad for what I can't.

    So yeah I solo TT's (well not anymore, just not enough profit in it for the time and cost), and solo FB's and much of the rest of the game... thats what I like about the Veno class. I am not FORCED to squad to do stuff in the game for the most part.

    Ironic... I created the Veno solely because it was a Pet Class, before I knew anything about the class at all. I've always played pet classes since my first Beastlord in EQ where I fell in love with them. Even if Veno were the most gimped class in the game, I would still play them, simply for them being a pet class.

    Meh anyway, I gotta go get my laundry out of the machine. Nuff said for now.


    Well, that's good for you, Saitada. I couldn't care less for soloing fbs. Notice that your entire post was on your own preferences. My topic is about venos in general, and many, many venos use herc to get money. You were talking about time. Think about how much time is saved soloing higher lvl TTs instead of waiting for barbs and clerics to become available, then getting one mat from the split? Oh wait, you don't have to split with anyone, you wouldn't know. Think about Apocalypse pages, solo farming them. Yes, venos were made to solo, but to this extent so that they have such an implicit economic advantage over everyone else? That's the imbalanced part.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Correction to make here. Veno + Herc does not equal killing monsters 10 levels past you. It equals killing monsters 30 levels past you. lol

    Like Saitada, I started a veno so I could solo. Simple as that. I hate being dependent on other classes it means I can level when I want to.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    How about this radical thought for a change?

    Venomancers are a female class. Perhaps the developers of this game intentionally designed it this way because they know females are not as avid about MMORPG's and they wanted to introduce them to the game with a "friendlier" class.

    So they introduce venomancers, as a female class, and what happens ...

    10000 males create a female venomancer!

    Many females, including my girlfriend, are genuinely attracted to the venomancer class more than any other class. They are cute, can have cute pets, and are well suited for many females. Not all females mind you, but many of them.

    So why don't you testosterone filled, macho males, who want to prove how big and bad you are, especially these big PvP hombres, simply roll one of the other supposed "harder" male classes and "own" with them rather than come on the forums whining about "how they are being owned by venos?"

    In other words, be a man and quit whining about how easy one class is and create your own macho male class and own with it.

    You pitiful excuses for males!
  • chipsing1234
    chipsing1234 Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    How about this radical thought for a change?

    Venomancers are a female class. Perhaps the developers of this game intentionally designed it this way because they know females are not as avid about MMORPG's and they wanted to introduce them to the game with a "friendlier" class.

    So they introduce venomancers, as a female class, and what happens ...

    10000 males create a female venomancer class!

    Many females, including my girlfriend, are genuinely attracted to the venomancer class more than any other class. They are cute, can have cute pets, and are well suited for many females. Not all females mind you, but many of them.

    So why don't you testosterone filled, macho males, who want to prove how big and bad you are, especially these big PvP hombres, simply roll one of the other supposed "harder" male classes and "own" with them rather than come on the forums whining about "how they are being owned by venos?"

    In other words, be a man and quit whining about how easy one class is and create your own macho male class and own with it.

    You pitiful excuses for males!

    I'm afraid this post was so off-topic and fallacious that I wont bother responding to it.