Ability Wishlist



  • LegoverLass - Heavens Tear
    LegoverLass - Heavens Tear Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Archer

    Skill Suggestion - Self heal

    Logic - Every other class has the ability to recover HP fast ,, i accept veno's dont but they can heal their pet and we all know a veno with no pet is only half a character ,, barbs only have flesh ream but still recovers lost HP
  • Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear
    Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear Posts: 998 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Archer

    Skill Suggestion - Self heal

    Logic - Every other class has the ability to recover HP fast ,, i accept veno's dont but they can heal their pet and we all know a veno with no pet is only half a character ,, barbs only have flesh ream but still recovers lost HP

    venos have "metabolic boost"... :)

    Thanks to Torhn for coloring!
  • Cyanea - Lost City
    Cyanea - Lost City Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Archer

    Skill Suggestion - Self heal

    Logic - Every other class has the ability to recover HP fast ,, i accept veno's dont but they can heal their pet and we all know a veno with no pet is only half a character ,, barbs only have flesh ream but still recovers lost HP

    I wonder if you meant other classes have class specific skills for recovering their own HP quickly where archers without backup mst rely on their apothecary skills?
    UR KIDDING ME RIGHT? wizzy is so gimp
    an average bm could probably own a average mage

    I believe everyone can sometimes be defeated, and I also believe many people can sometimes be defeated easily.
  • yellownumberfive
    yellownumberfive Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Cleric

    Skill: Self Ressurection

    Logic: When doing dungeon squads, we need as many dd's as possible. 1 cleric is enough if they are good. If we die, it costs us a guardian angel and a 50K coin ressurection scroll to get the same treatment as any other player getting a level 10 ressurection. The skill could be cast like a buff and last 30 minutes. It should give the same amount of exp back as their current level of ressurection. This also applies to fields but not so much as sometimes there are clerics around to give a helping hand.
  • blo0dyyay
    blo0dyyay Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    Chain lightning

    an aoe skill which requires 1 spark shooting several enemies at once, the lighting gets weaker as it passes trough enemies with a % of chanse to stun (% lowers as it passes trough more enemies, 1 = higher than 2 and 2 beats 3..)

    30 sec cooldown
    1 spark
    X mana


    a lighning beam striking the cleric's hand which is in the air (like spark burst), the lightning twirles around the cleric and the cleric throws his hand at the direction to the enemy where the electric follows it ( posible the lighting around the cleric shooting small electric beams at all directions
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Blademaster (Fist branch)
    Skill: Grasp Target - a skill that locks the caster and a target together so that movement of the target moves the caster as well for a period of time. Perhaps the skill could also increase chance to hit by a percentage.
    Reason: The blademaster skill tree seems designed to have four branches with their own specializations and best uses. But, fist seems dominated in most respects by the skills of other trees. Giving fist users a skill to negate kiting would give them a unique advantage and a new niche use in PvP/TW settings.

    Class: Blademaster (sword branch)
    Skill: Pull - reverse of a knockback possibly with small damage relative to Atmos Strike or with no damage but a high probability of spell interrupt.
    Reason: Like the above, this skill would help further diversify the blademaster skill branches and open new niches of applications for this type. It would also compensate for the weakness in the existing skill tree that one of the sword user's strongest attacks has a knockback feature that is generally not desired for a melee class. A pull skill as a follow-up would let Atmos Strike approach the effectiveness of equivalent skills in the other branches.
  • Hikari - Heavens Tear
    Hikari - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Wizard
    Skill Suggestion: Party Teleport, teleprt anyone i your party to your current position
    Logic: "Hey man lets Zhen at Rockenwolf"
    "Dang... I'm at dreamweaver and that teleport suck *****"
    "Hey Dont worry"
    "woah coooool"

    And they zhened happily ever after b:chuckle

    I like that one, more or so often everyone's spread out. Doesn't have to have a fast cool down, maybe like an hour or so. But it's still cool.

    Class - Wizard
    Skill Suggestion - Mana Transfer
    Logic - Wizards depend on Mana more then anything else, and when fighting with other wizards especially ones who are tanking for you or something, mp drains like water. Why not have an ability that can transfer your mana to them. Like veno's can transfer sparks for chi.

    Class - Wizard
    Skill Suggestion - Mana Drain
    Logic - Wizards like said use mana up like water, why not have a skill that lasts for at least 5 minutes to where if you're attacking a magic monster you drain their mp and restore yours a little bit?
  • Xerela - Heavens Tear
    Xerela - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Wizard
    Skill Sugestion: Replace Emberstorm with Mana Blast. Same skill description as emberstorm but use MP instead of HP
    Logic: Wizards have hardly any HP to begin with. No wizard in their right mind is going use emberstorm. 60% reduction is MP is fair trade for a high damage skill!
  • blue
    blue Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: All except Venomancers
    Skill Suggestion: Aggressive Annihilator Drone
    Send out an Aggressive Annihilator Drone that can be controlled easily by the summoning player with a speed of 11m/s. The Aggressive Annihilator Drone can also attack with variety of skills, the most significant are listed as such:
    Devastation: Aggressive Annihilator Drone deals a total of 8000 cumulative damage to target over the course of 12 seconds. This damage ignores the PVP damage reduction rate applied to most skills.
    Shockwave: Aggressive Annihilator Drone deals damage equal to base value of its normal attack value and stuns target for three seconds.

    Note: This skill would be available in the cash-shop only, costing around 200 gold or so for each Aggressive Annihilator Drone

    Logic: I'm too lazy to re-roll to a Veno
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Here's a random one.

    Class: All
    Skill: Marriage Teleportation
    Logic: Sometimes my spouse would ask me to come all the way to where he is, and I'd have to fly all the way across the map. Of course, this should only work in certain circumstances. Marriage teleportation into Cube of Fate for example, would not work, but maybe limited to the world map. And it would utilize the town teleport, like the territory warp.
  • Ammerex - Lost City
    Ammerex - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Cleric
    Skill Suggestion - Pre-resurrection on self
    Logic - Clerics can resurrect others when they die, BUT... Squad members will expect a cleric to always hold a guardian angel, a 50k self-ress scroll, or have them go back to town if they die to go BACK once again to ress the remaining squad members.
    Nobody else will be willing to pay for the ress scroll, and its not our SOLE duty to avoid wasting melee HP charms/angels while for clerics, MP tick+ guardian angels+ 50k scroll + go-back-to-town. I think it would do justice for everyone if the cleric had a spell to cast a 'pre'-resurrection in case they die.

    I actually really LOVE this idea.

    Like say, it has to be cast 60 seconds before the death, or you'll have to recast it, and it will take two sparks.

    But I really love this idea, I really hate it when the whole squad starts bashing that the poor cleirc justs because everyone else ran ahead and left him to get hit, or expecting him to run right after them into a mob to heal for their suicidal reckless actions.
    This will be a nice little safety lock!=D
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh new idea


    MP preservation skill,

    passive or some kind of casting skill that reduces mp costs by 25-30% maybe for 5 minutes? I find they burn through MP rather quickly and some of us cant afford to buy charms when we wanna level.
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have read a couple of posts here that I love like:
    Wizards should be able to raise an elemental guardian of some sort yeah that would be cool.
    logic-to be less squishy.


    Wizards can raise the dead to aid them in battle for a short period of time depending on the lvl of the skills being a necromancer have always been considered a path in wizard teaching why not actually use it.

    and this one is all me:

    Like clerics have somewhat of a similar damage to wizards then we should have a similar somewhat of similar heal to clerics like atleast reduce our healing spell channeling (morning dew) by 50% this should give us an advantage.
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Blademaster
    Skill - Skill that lowers enemie's max HP by around 20%
    Logic - 10 bucks says they already have all the skills planned out and this might be beneficial for DPS on bosses and high HP mobs
    I have read a couple of posts here that I love like:
    Wizards should be able to raise an elemental guardian of some sort yeah that would be cool.
    logic-to be less squishy.


    Wizards can raise the dead to aid them in battle for a short period of time depending on the lvl of the skills being a necromancer have always been considered a path in wizard teaching why not actually use it.

    make a veno if you want aid in battle. only thing wizards really need is some good kind of stun or escape plan skill :(
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    make a veno if you want aid in battle. only thing wizards really need is some good kind of stun or escape plan skill :(

    someone wants to stay special hehehe b:chuckle b:chuckle b:chuckle
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • demonicfire
    demonicfire Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I dont know what class this would fit, but it would be nice.
    I think it would be cool to be able to make any thing targeting you stop targeting you and teleport back a few steps. it would be good for pvp being able to make your enemy loose track of you so they would have to find you again, it would give you time to recover.
  • demonicfire
    demonicfire Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Blademaster (although this would be nice for any class)
    Skill: Mirror
    Description: The mirror skill would simply be creating one or more copies of yourself that take monster aggro and copies your actions. The clones could have half your HP and do no damage, or just last for a certain time limit. It would just be very usefull for dealing with bosses, and also be fun to confuse people with it in PvP. This could be one of the uber lvl 100 or lvl 75 spells, although it would be more fun as a lvl 60 skill. To balance it out, creating a clone could cause bleeding on the user, or simply just take half the user's HP.

    i realy like this idea for any class at around lvl 30 would be nice, this would be like they said fun and handy.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i realy like this idea for any class at around lvl 30 would be nice, this would be like they said fun and handy.

    I also posted something similar but I called "shadows of deception".

    But it should be only for BM since we are the ones who have to face the mobs face to face and they team up against us. We are not as strong as barbs to take damage.

    That would help BM vs Venos and their pets.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Wizards
    Skill: Blood Sacrifice
    Use: Steals HP from enemies and convert it into MP for himself and/or allies.
    Reason: I actually proposed this for a total new class in another tread but since it is unlikely to get new classes. I think is good to at least get it as a skill for wizards. However, the Blood Sacrifice skill makes the wizard to lose some HP of his own too (double sacrifice).

    This would be really good to power up himself and allies during battles.

    This skill could have different results depending who is the enemy being sacrificed. For instance, if the sacrificed is a Barb or a Pet, more MP could be obtained as Barbs have more HP.

    A variation skill could be done taking sacrifices from allies (allies sacrifice gives better HP/MP conversion as it is your own blood being used).

    A good penalty for selecting this skill is that by selecting blood sacrifices path you lose the healings skills. You must pick your path "life and peace (healings)" or "death and war (un-healing)".
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Archer

    Skill: Mouse Attack

    Effect: fast attack with no critical chance and reduced threat level.

    Rationale: for high level archers when helping lower level squads. Probably has some other utility when leveled. (Maybe higher levels of this skill could potentially reduce your accumulated threat level by some fraction?)
  • Mastrmustard - Sanctuary
    Mastrmustard - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Archer
    Skill Suggestion - Blood arrow - A 30s buff that adds 5% hp steal to all attacks
    Logic - Pots are expensive and archers dont regen anything

    Class - Archer
    Skill Suggestion - Blinding Arrow - Decreases enemy accuracy for 15 seconds
    Logic - Archer defense is all about evasion / accuracy. If anyone should get an accuracy debuff it should be the archer.

    Class - Archer
    Skill Suggestion - Silence arrow - Seals the enemy for 8 seconds
    Logic - Archers evasion cant block magic dam

    Class - Archer
    Skill Suggestion - Luring Arrow - As good as pet lure for venos
    Logic - It will allow a veno alternative for FBs.. allows the archer to fill a role

    God I would LOVE all of these!! Archers can be the best in PvP hands down but the skills you suggested would make us a force for PvE as well.
  • kiray
    kiray Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Venon- double summon
    Use- able to have ur ride and ur pet out at same time
    Helpful- i mean is so horroble when i die because im riding and i cant have mypet defend me i mean it has hapeen alot can u help us out


    Also more buff please only one isnt helpign us out b:cry
    :pI luv my baby >I got typos< XD:rolleyes:
  • Xlance - Heavens Tear
    Xlance - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Blademaster
    Skill Suggestion: Double Threat
    Description: Allow the caster to instantly switch the currently weapon equip to another weapon in the inventory. Cooldown time: 5 seconds (It would be even better if they added an extra slot for Blademaster in the equipment section so there is no chance for equiping the wrong weapon in the inventory.)
    Logic: Blademasters are always trying to be good with two or more different kinds of weapon due to how each weapon has different advantages. For example, I see a lot of axe/polearm users. Personaly, I think it is quite a pain to have to open your inventory to change the weapon manually especially in the middle of a battle. Also, it wouldn't affect the other classes like how an another attack skill or buff/debuff skill might alter the balance of advantages that each class has over each other.

    Well, that part was mainly focus on my own character. Now, i also have a suggestion for the wizard class, seeing how my wizard friends always gets killed on the battle field. b:chuckle

    Class: Wizard
    Skill Suggestion: Numb
    Description: Make caster only take 50% of all physical damage recieved (can be upgraded to a max of where caster only takes 10% physical damage)
    Duration: 3 seconds (Possible upgrade to 5 seconds, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea)
    Cooldown time: 15 seconds
    Logic: Wizards are always getting killed by melee players (Blademaster, Barbarians, Archers.) Their physical disadvantage seem too great to be a reasonable class of choice. I rarely see a wizard defeat a melee player of the same level and it seems almost impossible for a wizard to defeat an archer due to the wizard's low physical defenses. Adding this skill might make more players more attracted to the wizard class therefore making the game more balanced in class ratio. Also it would help wizards in PVE against melee monsters.

    Be happy that I'm looking out for you wizards (Jammmy, mosabi, PetiteAnge, etc.) b:victory
    Death is something everyone haz to face.....I'm juzt helpin you get there a lil sooner b:victory
  • kudzuu
    kudzuu Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Wizard

    Skill Suggestion - Enhanced Concoction (Buff)
    For an XX amount of time, consumable items such as HP/MP potions will have an added XX% effect.

    Logic - wizard should have more buffs and if a cleric is not available then this skill could be an alternative to saving some HP/MP pots.
    ign: TlNA (Lowercase L >_>)
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Wizard
    Skill Suggestion: Concentrate
    Description: Make caster immune to innturuption/damage/stun for 30 seconds
    Cooldown time: 15 seconds
    Logic: wizards always get inturupted or killed before a spell goes off

    Class: Wizard
    Skill Suggestion: rage
    Description: cost 2 sparks to cast and lasts for 5 min. all spells take 5 times the usual mana to cast but will do twice the damage

    Class: Wizard
    Skill Suggestion: will to live
    Description: self buff. a chance to gain 75% of full hp if inturupted during casting at the cost of 4 mana per hp

    Class: Wizard
    Skill Suggestion: hp/mana suck
    Description: when cast, targeted player loses set amount of hp/mp per second for 10 min or as long as the target is within 200m of the caster. 2/3 of the hp the player loses will go to the mage and his/her squad. skill can not kill
  • Lydian - Lost City
    Lydian - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I say that each skill when increased in Lv. should look different than before. For example.. All skills from Lv 1 to 10 look exactly the same. With each Lv the skill is increased it should enhance the visual appeal. Thus the higher Lv you are the more impressive your attacks look.
    May god have mercy on your souls.. For I shall not.
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Blademaster
    Skill Suggestion: Double Threat
    Description: Allow the caster to instantly switch the currently weapon equip to another weapon in the inventory. Cooldown time: 5 seconds (It would be even better if they added an extra slot for Blademaster in the equipment section so there is no chance for equiping the wrong weapon in the inventory.)
    Logic: Blademasters are always trying to be good with two or more different kinds of weapon due to how each weapon has different advantages. For example, I see a lot of axe/polearm users. Personaly, I think it is quite a pain to have to open your inventory to change the weapon manually especially in the middle of a battle. Also, it wouldn't affect the other classes like how an another attack skill or buff/debuff skill might alter the balance of advantages that each class has over each other.
    You can stick weapons on your shortcut bar, you know.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • goldhouse
    goldhouse Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Cleric

    Skill Suggestion: Buff

    Description: Allow Cleric to have a body guard like a pet, but a less visible version that either blocks incoming damage or adds outgoing damage.

    Why: It would be nice to have because venos and barbs have pets, as well as it would help Clerics to survive better to offset their very low HP.

    Option: I don't think it should be a buff that can be used by everyone just for clerics. It would make sense since the clerics are the more spiritual character in the game.

    Possible Name: Bodyguard / Elven Spirit / Ghost Watcher
  • Holy_Wraith - Sanctuary
    Holy_Wraith - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Cleric
    Skill - "NONE SHALL PASS"
    Effect- A circular ring of force to push back attacking mobs
    Logic - Clerics in robes often get owned by physical damage this could push away melee mobs for a quick heal distance pushed should be xx meters +xx per skill level doing no damage but perhaps a chance to reduce enemies movement speed

    Class - Cleric
    Skill - Ward of Wind
    Effect - Has an xx% + xx% per skill level chance to blow incoming projectiles off course causing a miss
    5 sec duration +1 sec per skill level
    Logic - Anything with physical projectiles is the bane of my existence

    Class - Cleric
    Skill - Focus of Faith
    Effect - Buff - User has a xx% +xx% per skill level chance to avoid being interupted this skill should be long duration like most current cleric buffs
    Logic - the #1 cause of death for me is being interrupted (usually by a projectile) while trying to heal a little too late

    Class - Cleric
    Skill - Unleash Fury
    Effect - Increase the attack speed of target by xx% for xx sec + xx sec per skill level
    Logic - We need a buff to increase the attack speed of our melee allies

    Class - Cleric
    Skill - Focus of Clarity
    Effect Decrease channeling time of spells/skill by xx% for xx sec + xx sec per skill level
    Logic - for when those heals/Plume Shots are just taking too long

    Class - Cleric
    Skill - Miserly Focus
    Effect Reduces MP cost of spells/skills by xx% for xx sec +xx sec per skill lvl
    Logic - My spells take to muck mp I spend more time meditating than fighting/healing a long duration would be nice but even a short duration would help in a pinch

    Class - Cleric/Wizard
    Skill - Blink
    Effect - The caster teleports himself to a random location up to 10 meters +xx meters per skill level from his current position
    Logic - Casters could use a few escape skills

    Class - Cleric/Wizard
    Skill - Return
    Effect caster teleports to a pre-determined location the location is "marked" by the first casting of the spell the second casting teleport the user to the mark, optionally a squad member may be set as the mark by making them the target of the first casting
    Logic - See above

    Class -Specialized manufacturing skill??
    Skill - Enchant Item
    Effect - Spell has an xx% chance plus xx% per skill level to add a permanent enchantment to an item or to improve an existing enchantment on an item the added or improved enchantment is random but quality should increase based on player/related crafting skill/item/skill levels
    Logic - I hate wasting all those materials on a useless white named weapon - optionally the spell itself may also require materials

    Class - Specialized manufacturing skill??
    Skill - Convert
    Effect - Permanently convert any weapon type to a "magical instrument" version of itself stats would be equal to a comparable already existing magical instrument or....

    Class - Specialized manufacturing skill??
    Skill - Swap
    Effect - spell swaps the complete statistics of the selected item with the casters currently equipped equivalent (ex. weapon for weapon or leggings for leggings) this swap include all sockets,enchantments,
    damage,defense and requirements duration is permanent unless recast of the same equipment
    Logic - I would love to have a set of "caster" dual axes with wheel of fate stats.
    Note: We should have a page added to our skills tree for multiclass/shared skills

    K that's all for now do I want too much u think? I do like the pet/summon ideas I've seen as well the protector and the all class pets being able to gather items that would make it so people who didn't know they don't fight and bought one wouldn't feel ripped off so much I also want to put in a vote for some sort of speed/flight speed buff for the cleric when my party runs I'm left behind to die and likewise they leave me behind and I can't heal them. And yes I am very long winded
  • davedr
    davedr Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Many of us would like to see all class pets that actually do something. For eg. a pet that absorbs/prevents the owner from recieving a certain amount of damage physical/magic that you would take every minute or so.
    A underwater mount like a dolphin would certainly be cool too.

    A skill for archers that would make normal attacks pierce through mobs/players would be good too.

    A auto-target feature would be good too coz its hard to target venos and other chars with large pets.
This discussion has been closed.