Ability Wishlist



  • blo0dyyay
    blo0dyyay Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Cleric
    Skill Suggestion - Heat thunder (atribute fire)
    Logic - for some change, since a cleric can only do metal skills

    lvl req 49

    MP X

    Chi 0

    Shoots a strong electrical force in the air which falls appart in the sky and blazes down as a fireball to our opponents.
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Now that you are 8x and have stream of rejuvenation do you still find yourself using Blessing of the Purehearted?
    No, i only dont use it because i lack hotkeys, clerics have too many healing skills and few hotkey options (E and Q hotkeys please).
  • blackdragonro13
    blackdragonro13 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Wil be nice to ad some pasiv decres casting and chanel for mages or just some custom class buffs b:thanks cuz it takes ages to cast spel for sorcs b:cry
  • Niddle - Sanctuary
    Niddle - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Originally Posted by Klath - Sanctuary View Post
    Class: Cleric
    Skill: another elemental damage skill
    Logic: clerics only have 5 elemental damage skills: cyclone, wield thunder, thunder ball, sirens kiss and tempest. Tempest you need two sparks to use and takes forever to cast so you don't use it much, thunder ball is a crappy damage skill which no one ever uses or levels, sirens kiss takes 1 spark to use and doesn't do much damage either which leave 2 elemental skills. When attacking heavy armour classes this is bad since there is a moment where you are waiting for both of these skills' cooldown to be up so you can use them again. Just need another skill like cyclone but reduces attack damage maybe or something else.
    You touched an interesting point there.
    And my suggestion here goes to reduce thunderball casting time (2.4 seconds, wield thunder is 2.5 a lot more devastasting), since wizards have 2 Damage over Time spells with 1 second cast only.
    Siren kiss, make it so we DONT need to get closer to any target, just click and cast it wherever we are (same goes for wizard's dragon breath and emberstorm).
    Indeed, you guys are both right somehow. Clerics really suck at chaining skills, due to the huge cast time or cooldown of the base magic skills. Thats why they do have a hard time killing high HP classes like blademasters or barbs, even more when they have a charm which totally screws the process.
    If clerics want to keep their attack chain up, (which remains slow anyhow) they have to use plumeshot which is ineffective versus melees.

    So yes, basically giving Siren's Kiss more range, could make this skill actually usefull and give Clerics an fast cast aoe skill. Maybe add a chance of casting without spark? Why does it even need a spark anyway ?
    Last thing would be an extra elemental skill that could help clerics build chains of attacks.
    Even though Clerics are not made to attack in the first place, classes should be fairly balanced. Any class should have the possibilty of killing any other.
    So :
    Class - Cleric
    Skill suggestion - Siren's Kiss : 27 meters radius / chance of casting without spark
    Logic - see above

    Class - Cleric
    Skill Suggestion - New magic skill : Cast 1.0 seconds / Cooldown 3.0 seconds
    Logic - see above

    i d prefer siren's kiss as a skill fix and a movement buff as a new skill. We are so damn slow causin death to ourselves and to others.Also xXKevynXx or whatever ur name is dude u posted the same skills like 100 times each quit spamming we got ur msg u want more crit and heals for archers.
  • Wanyudo - Lost City
    Wanyudo - Lost City Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    cant you fix the delay melee classes have when we try to hit someone flying while chasing them...
    i would adore this game if they did that..
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I didnt read all, but i have one problem with cleric more then its lack in instant dmg skills.
    Its my mp pool and the time it takes to drain it. 30-40 sec and it can be gone makes me so useless /healing/DD.
    So my opinion is to add a skill that can regen our mp fast even in battle.
    Lets say 25in battle and 50 out of it and ofc + the other buff we have for that would make our down time slower while grinding or any other thing

    Class - Cleric
    Skill Suggestion - buff that increase our MP recovery and does not suffer 70% effectiveness loss in battle but does double in meditation. Does not over write any potion that recovers MP. Would be nice that its around 50 per second.
    Logic - I think any cleric can confirm that MP drain is an pain in the neck and MP charms cost to way much to be an all time option.

    *self buff only*
  • StellarAshes - Heavens Tear
    StellarAshes - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Archer
    Skill Suggestion - For X minutes, the hit % on the monster stat screen is actually accurate.
    Logic - I find it silly that the class with the supposedly highest accuracy miss often on PvE mobs.

    Class - Cleric
    Skill Suggestion - A passive skill that reduces exp lost from death, with the same percentage as his/her own revive.
    Logic - Incentive for clerics to actually level up Revive. And in cases of dungeons and such, clerics who have to end up going to town wouldn't be losing nearly as much exp.
  • cyberboy
    cyberboy Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class : Veno
    Skill: AoE, more AoE ( no matter the name :P )

    and higher elemental def.. because at high lvl it starts to suck ^_^
  • GodHatesYOU - Sanctuary
    GodHatesYOU - Sanctuary Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Cleric
    Skill Suggestion - A passive skill that reduces exp lost from death, with the same percentage as his/her own revive.
    Logic - Incentive for clerics to actually level up Revive. And in cases of dungeons and such, clerics who have to end up going to town wouldn't be losing nearly as much exp.

    I totally agree with that 100%. It's so stupid that clerics have to lose 2-3% exp when their party screws up and everyone dies including you so they can only lose .2%. We should be able to revive ourselves but have a 30 second seal like in TW so we can't abuse it. Or just only lose .2% exp when we die like our res does.
  • talius
    talius Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Cleric

    Skill: Instant Res

    Logic: Similar to a res scroll, allow clerics the ability to use a guardian angel to instantly res. Would save long trips back through dungeons and still have a high cost.

    Also, either lower the mp cost of skills or increase the effectiveness of them, we burn through charms way to fast.
  • Missromania - Sanctuary
    Missromania - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class : Venomancer
    Skill: Pet's Mind Control (you can find a better nameb:chuckle)
    Logic: i want to control myself the pet...i think is a good skill in Dungeons...when the pet is tankb:bye
  • Lorsis - Lost City
    Lorsis - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    before u post anything think about ballance in pvp not about making your character immortal.
  • Lunaraegis - Heavens Tear
    Lunaraegis - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Wizard
    Skill: Summon. IE like a pet but after a certain amount of damage or time it fades away. It can assist the mage in attacks and draw agro off the mage like a veno's pet can. Face it mage's burn way too much HP and MP making nearly impossible to make any kind of in-game money to replace charms and repair and such. Have the summon pet burn up a chi spark.

    Skill: The shields we have. When attacked have them also do damage. IE fire=fire damage or burn.

    Skill: Knock back of some kind. All other classes have one.

    Class: Wizard
    Skill: Teleport to town. A skill to teleport an entire group to town. saves money lol and time.
  • Megla - Sanctuary
    Megla - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Archer: Something that can heal and gain good amount of hp & mp

    Logic:A venos who has a pet for front line & can gain MP and HP, a Barb has lots of health as to the BM. The cleric can heal, buff and get rid of posion/bleed ect. Wizard can heal and the ranger, well if there low health and MP all they can do is meditate!! b:angry

    Also the archer has the hardest chance to get away from mobs when low health. BM speed run, wizard gets that superfast thing, Barb has a problem with this but has lots of health, venos can goto sleep and let there pet do work on easy mobs!!! If it dies they have a lot of time to get away -.- , cleric can just heal. The archer... when running you just stop and try to re-shoot, cant run cant heal cant anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And by that time your dead! :(

    BTW this is mostly when you dont have potions or a squad helping you.
  • trykster
    trykster Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    health drain
    something like wield thunder with heavy damage with a % given back to the caster in hp (like 25% or something) should be a heavy hitting nuke with a fast cast time (0.5s - 1.0s) and a very long cooldown (40s - 120s)

    clerics are kinda weak in the nuke department and the drain would just fit in with the character type.. maybe make it 89+ and have to have hell path or something

    other then that clerics could use a short stun to be more usefull for control but i would rather see a drain
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: All non-veno class
    Skill: Non-fighting Companion usefull Pet
    Logic: Because Venos use pets for fighting, other classes should have usefull pets for non-fighting use.
    Uses: You would have to pick a pet for either:

    A) tracking mats for you.
    b) picking drops for you.
    c) Carrying mats for you.
    d) tracking mobs.

    The way it would work is that you tell your pet for instance to find "gravel" and he would take you to the closest place.

    These pets should be quests award related and you have to pick the pet and you have to also upgrade your pet to find more advanced mats.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class- Blademaster
    Skill Suggestion- Skill that increases attack speed for a short duration
    Logic- it'd make blademaster more deadly ;D also might give us a better chance against wiz's/clerics

    I agree with this
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Blademaster
    Skill: Shadows of Deception.
    Logic: As a double blade blademaster, I get owned when mobs team up against me.
    Use: My suggestion is to allow my character to create shadows (decoys of me) that the second mob will try to kill rather than me, while I’m fighting the first mob. This skill of course will have a long cool down, similar to teletransportation and for limited amount of seconds too.

    It could also be good when fighting Venos with extreme powerful pets. First the Veno should determine which of me is real.
  • drag0nball
    drag0nball Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    People rushing to get first post, how useless.

    Here is your first real post.

    Class - Mage
    Skill Suggestion - Some sort of stun or reliable paralyze with a low cast time.
    Logic - Our class is gimped. Our damage is not spectacular, and our survivability is absymal. Worse yet, we have no reliable disables - we have a seal that has a huge cast time (and the can still move and pot...), we have a sleep that takes 20 apocalypse pages to get and only lasts 4 seconds, and our only stun takes a year to cast and 2 sparks. We need a simple disable skill that doesn't have a huge cast time - akin to the venomancer's stun or the archer's stunshot. There's no reason why we don't have some sort of utility skill past a heal that's useless in PVP and Force of Will which, although decent, is nothing compared to an archer's stun/paralyze, a priest's paralyze/sleep, and... Don't even get me started on warrior.

    I would like to say this one too but just a little bit more upgraded.

    Class - Wizard

    Skill Suggestion - Some very fast channeling/casting skill what deals physycal damage to the target as well and also stuns or paralyzes and lasts 8 secs

    Logic - about the stun I guess I don't have to say because Pandora said very clearly. And not to mention that our spells seems like taking ages to channel and cast it so we need more time.
    About the damage logic I say the reason because wizards are a damage dealer class and it must be harm the players that curse spell what wizards do. If wizards die so fast like a common house fly then at least let be deal some damage..and physycal because only 1 spell has physycal damage and it cannot be spammed so much..and we need something more chance against plume shot against clerics too...
  • Caelon - Lost City
    Caelon - Lost City Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Blade master (Pole-Arm)
    Skill Suggestion - Radial AoE, a spinning AoE perhaps consecutive hits to any Surrounding mobs, of-course the damage should be lowered for each hit to total a balanced damage, and after the skill there should be a de-buff where your accuracy and or other stats are lowered for 15ish seconds perhaps the de-buff could be named "DIZZY"
    Logic - Frontal/linear AoE's do make more sense for a Pole blade or spear, however i think that it would be very possible to lift your spear and go on a frantic spinning rampage, eventually falling to the ground....
    Plus, CMON! spears are way sexier than axes so give us a radial AoE pl0x

    Insanity has a nice ****..
  • Alyswyn - Sanctuary
    Alyswyn - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Veno
    Suggestion - pat pet
    logic - Imagine being in the middle of nowhere, attacking monsters...and you run out of food for your pet because you forgot to check it...its annoying...specially if your in an fb. So, the pat pet skill raises a pets trust just enough to keep it strong.

    I'd like the skill just to be able to take screenshots of petting the pet. It'd be a nice emote for all classes, if you feel the trust boost might be too strong. (Or you can limit it to say 1 or five points, so that it is less useful than water. LOL)
  • Cheetiara - Heavens Tear
    Cheetiara - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    all class pets are useless. Used for decoration. All classes should have the option of using pets in battle.

    If someone is willing to pay 300k or more for a pet, let them use it in battle.
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    all class pets are useless. Used for decoration. All classes should have the option of using pets in battle.

    If someone is willing to pay 300k or more for a pet, let them use it in battle.

    There is no point in the Venomancer class then.
  • Cheetiara - Heavens Tear
    Cheetiara - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    There is no point in the Venomancer class then.

    as far as I know. I use my pets in battle. all the time. Are you saying that youi dont?
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If all other classes get a pet you they can use in battle. What is the point of a Venomancer class?
  • Alyswyn - Sanctuary
    Alyswyn - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Prepared for an essay? I hope so.


    Why all the protectives? Well, here's the overall reasoning:

    My wizard has been unable to solo since level 20. Completely. My husband's blademaster can go out just fine. My veno? No problem. If my wizard takes on a single mob of her level, and managed to survive, she has to hustle to a safe spot and meditate as she is down to about 5-10% of her HP and might be out of magic.

    Class - Wizard
    Pets- Allow tamable combat pets at 3/4 Wizard's level.

    This would allow veno's to still be the primary pet class, but allow wizards to kill something without being slaughtered once in a while. Also, there is precedent for a wizard/mage having a guiding/aiding spirit in animal form.
    I'd make this available around level 20, as that's when things started really killing my wizard.
    Also, you could make it so that a wizard has to get the pet from a veno instead of being able to tame it him/herself.

    Class - Wizard
    Metal/Wood spells & Greater variety of earth/water/fire
    An increase in the variety of spells would allow for more specialized wizards. (And make the class more likely to survive when facing certain mobs.)
    For example, a party is going into an area with a lot of metal mobs, "Hey, is there a fire specialist around?" Whereas, if they were going into an area with a lot of earth mobs, "Hey, who's our water mage?"
    Also, wizards could get bonuses and penalties on learning spells in alignment or opposite alignment. (i.e. they could apply to damage or spirit consumption. 10% off fire, becomes 10% added to water)

    Class - Wizard
    Mage Armor
    Reduces all damage, in increments of 5% to a max of 50% at skill level 10. Highest level (Sage/Demon) might absorb as HP heal or reflect as damage.

    Class - Wizard (Demon level)
    Raise Unholy Ally
    No, I'm not talking about a level 1 cleric res. I think it would be reasonable for an evil wizard to be able to raise a zombielike entity to assist in combat. I'd make the cooldown about 5-10 minutes, and the zombie disappear in about 3-5 minutes.

    Class - Wizard (Sage level)
    Raise Sacred Ally
    See above, but more of a guardian spirit than a zombie.

    Class - Wizard
    Whispered Advice
    The spirits whisper advice which gives about 15 minutes of 150% XP. Cooldown of 30 minutes. At least this way, when we lose the 5% for dying, we have a chance to get it back.


    Allows a wizard to research methods of producing items/weapons/armor.
    This research is then transcribed (Hmm.... I hear paper being bought in the boutique....) and can be used by a player with the appropriate crafting skill to increase the likelihood of a critical on crafting. Higher levels of this skill result in better percentage chance.

    I leave the cooldown and crafting requirements to you, but a sample of what you are wanting to boost is an idea. (i.e. Must have life powder or piece of armor to cast on, which is consumed.)

    Class - Wizard
    Random Chaos
    Allows a random spell to fire, hitting as an area effect. It may be a heal. It may be a massive fireball that wipes out the players around you.
    Why? Just for fun.


    That's it for me.
  • Cheetiara - Heavens Tear
    Cheetiara - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If all other classes get a pet you they can use in battle. What is the point of a Venomancer class?

    Then what the heck is the point of an all class pet. When you go see Mrs.Zoologist, and you attack one of the baby pets, they attack you back. However, once you actually buy and hatch a baby pet, all it does is follow you.

    All I'm saying is...if the all class pets exist, so should the ability of non-Veno classes being able to use them.

    Plus...if this was the case, then the cost of said pets would rise dramatically as there would be more demand for them.
  • Alyswyn - Sanctuary
    Alyswyn - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: All non-veno class
    Skill: Non-fighting Companion usefull Pet
    Logic: Because Venos use pets for fighting, other classes should have usefull pets for non-fighting use.
    Uses: You would have to pick a pet for either:

    A) tracking mats for you.
    b) picking drops for you.
    c) Carrying mats for you.
    d) tracking mobs.

    The way it would work is that you tell your pet for instance to find "gravel" and he would take you to the closest place.

    These pets should be quests award related and you have to pick the pet and you have to also upgrade your pet to find more advanced mats.
    I like this too. But, in response, a more varied area for spawning mats might be good as well. How many times has a new player run around for hours looking for things because an experienced player is getting all the spawned materials?
  • Kingofdoom - Sanctuary
    Kingofdoom - Sanctuary Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    tawalaya wrote: »
    class: barb
    skill: modify 'True Form' so that the character morphs into the form of a lion, tiger, panda, or wolf. the different forms should have their own stats like the lion and panda form have more hp while in true form while the tiger and wolf have a faster attack while in true form.
    reason: it would be a cool way to distinguish between the characters since there you really cant personalize barbs. and its kind of boring that all barbs turn into the same animal. ^^

    I Agree with this, except it shouldn't affect the stats, just **** more variation to the barbs, which is something we really lack.

    Now for my Ideas:

    Class: Barbarian

    Skill: Ability to have pets that help us fight, but cannot draw agro

    Logic: Venos & barbs are both untamed right, so they should both have the ability to have pets.

    Venos pets should stay the same, using their pets to tank. But barbarians should be able to have the same pets as venos, as long as they cannot take agro, but just fight along side barbarians. This would help balance out the major disadvantage barbarians have when it comes to dealing damage.

    Class: All classes

    Skill: ability to teach all class pets non-combat skills

    Logic: making life easier to gather mats, he find items, warn you when you going near something dangerous or much higher level (boss for example) ect

    Class: Wizard

    Skill: Raise dead

    Logic: A cool skill that could raise, and control the spirit of a killed monster temporarily for a small period of time.


    Skill: A skill similar to barbarians slam

    Logic Clerics are weak up close, so when they get attacked by more than one monster they can use this skill to escape with their life.

    Should have long cool down time, assuring its only used for these situations.
  • plane
    plane Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Prepared for an essay? I hope so.


    Why all the protectives? Well, here's the overall reasoning:

    My wizard has been unable to solo since level 20. Completely. My husband's blademaster can go out just fine. My veno? No problem. If my wizard takes on a single mob of her level, and managed to survive, she has to hustle to a safe spot and meditate as she is down to about 5-10% of her HP and might be out of magic.

    Class - Wizard
    Pets- Allow tamable combat pets at 3/4 Wizard's level.
    I got one better, and better fitting:

    Class: Wizard
    Skill(s): Elemental Summons
    Reason: See above. There would be several critical differences between this and the pets. One, each elemental is, of course, of an element, while no pet is. Two, there would be a finite time limit, after which the elemental would disappear (this may increase with level, but would never go away). Three, while pets level up with the Venomancer, need to be fed, and get bonuses from their loyalty, the elemental's stats would be entirely determined by the level of the summoning skill. Think each elemental is disposable, and nothing carrys over from one summoning to the next. Elementals don't have loyalty, they don't gain experience, and they can't learn new skills (unless it's by improving the summoning spell). This would give the Wizards some tanks, let the Venos stay unique, and not pollute the arcane nature of the Wizard class with some monster taming.
This discussion has been closed.