Ability Wishlist



  • Holy_Wraith - Sanctuary
    Holy_Wraith - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Cleric

    Skill: Self Ressurection

    Logic: When doing dungeon squads, we need as many dd's as possible. 1 cleric is enough if they are good. If we die, it costs us a guardian angel and a 50K coin ressurection scroll to get the same treatment as any other player getting a level 10 ressurection. The skill could be cast like a buff and last 30 minutes. It should give the same amount of exp back as their current level of ressurection. This also applies to fields but not so much as sometimes there are clerics around to give a helping hand.

    ^^^^^Also this
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    mages are the most gimp class though...

    mage either needs to get a damage boost or a way better stun (one that limits moving/poting too)
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    or just one that lasts WAY longer
  • Hikari - Heavens Tear
    Hikari - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I just read the whole thread b:surrender, and while I saw some interesting ideas, most of them were just dumb. First I'll talk about my class...

    Stop complaining about your buffs, you've got the best self-buffs in the game. 120% pdef, 200% accuracy, 120% physical attack... that comes from fox form. If you don't use fox form, frankly I think you're an idiot... that's like a barbarian not using tiger form, or a cleric not using heals. You're literally ignoring half your skills. I can hold my own against most barbs in fox form with leech, and BMs I'll (only class I really need to use this on) bramble hood and either watch and laugh as they suicide themselves, or nuke them as they run away.

    As for phoenixes, just make the damn pet bleed do 1/4 less damage... most DoTs are rendered almost useless in PvP, why should bleed be any different? Your phoenix is still the best attack pet in the game without bleed.

    Stop asking to be able to pull mobs. You're not just another DD, you've got sharpened tooth arrow - tell me ONE other class that can do 10-20% hp damage in one hit! On some of the higher bosses that could be well over a million damage. Say it's expensive if you want - all class' skills are expensive, get over it.
    Also, stop asking for a damn heal spell. You do ridiculous damage, and your winged shell-thingy is the only skill besides nature's grace that regens mana... AND it absorbs damage as well. Trade it with a cleric heal if you want, as by the sounds of it they have no idea how to use plume shell (80% damage reduction isn't enough?!) and want their own MP regen.
    And just for clarification when you say you're the weakest class because your armour defence sucks, while mag mobs attack arcane users (their best defence) and physical mobs attack heavy armour users (also their best defence), one ranged melee mob will drop an arcane user in like 3 hits, and mag mobs still use magic in melee range, and half of them kite you as well.

    Stop asking for more buffs. You've got the most buffs in the game. As for increased movement speed... while I agree that would certainly be helpful, I do see a point in keeping you slow. Pretty much, if anyone runs ahead and goes leeroy jenkins, they die, because you can't keep up. Then you get to point and laugh and say if you'd only just waited you wouldn't be dead. Of course, you're going to end up having to res them anyway, so that kinda destroys this whole idea. I can still see it from a designer's point of view though - the person who keeps the party alive needs the party to keep them alive, because they themselves are somewhat defenceless.

    You've got a ranged skill, you've got a stun. You've even got a slow to catch those kiting buggers. You've got sunder for healing, and if you can't heal enough with sunder you should have a cleric as you're probably killing a boss.

    Not much to say on this one... just PLEASE no more AoEs. As a veno, I've got a grand total of one that's actually useful, 2 more that require 2 sparks to cast and a really weak fan AoE that you have to be in fox form to use. You don't need more ranged skills either, you've got a ridiculous amount of stuns to keep someone from running, drake's ray, and if you've got a spear on you like 3 more ranged skills.

    Like it or not, you've got the highest skill damage combined with the lowest physical defence. Archers might out-DD you if you factor in crits, but you've got the highest damage, hands down. Don't ask to do more. About the stuns, undine strike and the seal thing is probably good enough... as a veno my MAXED stun lasts 2 seconds and still misses sometimes. Yeah, I've got a pet, but they die sometimes. It happens. I can't exactly stun my attackers and run away, let alone AoE knockback them and teleport away...

    Good comments I've seen for my class (can't really comment on others) I've only seen one of - that being the veno version of Dragon's Breath that only poisons your enemy. It would do almost no damage probably... but it would be really, really funny to see.
    I also have an idea of my own - fix pet skills so there's no 2 second delay using them, making shriek useless - that wouldn't really be overpowering in any way, just make the damn skill actually work.

    I'm sure there have been other decent suggestions, but I'm tired from reading the thread and can't remember them. Sorry if I've offended anyone, but there's been a lot of ridiculous comments here that just make me wonder (case and point: 10 second 15m AoE archer stun or something like that... what the hell?! a 10 second stun, and - as if that's not overpowered enough - a massive AoE as well?!), and I'm kinda angry at people who don't know how to use their own skills and ask for skills they already have.

    I have to say I agree with you, I'm a wizard and I don't really need any phy. defense if I use my attacks right. I can kill and still survive, I can also heal myself so I don't see what the big deal is. If we die it happens, no point in getting pissed over it. =_=; Learn to laugh at a mistake if you die, 'cause obviously if you see your health getting low, either flee or use a hp pot or something. Not to expensive if you fight the right mobs. Also our FoW skill doesn't take much casting time, so I don't understand why we need more then one. Also if we're worried about getting crit. why not raise DEX? I have mine to like 49 and I get a lot of crit. hits. And we don't need a battle pet, if we want one, become a veno!

    I don't mean to offend anyone, just speaking my opinion and agreeing with Hari.
  • Chuck_ - Lost City
    Chuck_ - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i cant believe this but i have to agree with Pandora here, i mean really ok yeah the damage they cause is better then the squishy's (Clerics), but we have far to many seal for the buttons, why dont you share some with the mages, or better yet,b:beg

    Different element attacks,
    Why Cos if we come up against a metal element mob with increased defence we are stuffed as plume shot deals low-mid phys damage, and the rest of our attacks are metal based i think just one of each element attack would suffice, as then we could hold our own rather then dieing or relying on others to do the fighting for us.b:beg please developer's and gm's hear our plea
  • _Tigger_ - Heavens Tear
    _Tigger_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Specific (Tiger,Wolf,Panda,Lion) skill...

    1st suggestion is if you build your character out of a Panda and transform into (White Tiger) you should actually turn into a Panda and have some Panda specific skills, or Lion turn into a lion etc... each with their own specific abilities.

    Have (1) Passive, (1) Defensive, (1) Attack specific skill for each Form
    Tiger Passive - Faster movement speed
    Wolf Passive - Increased Evasion
    Panda Passive - Increased HP
    Lion Passive - Increased Physical Defense

    Tiger Defensive - Bramble Buff - Similar to Veno Buff.
    Wolf Defensive - Evasion Buff - 30 mins of increased evasion
    Panda Defensive - Armor Buff - 30 mins of increased Phys Defense
    Lion Defensive - Stun Immunity skill

    Tiger Attack - Increased attack rate
    Wolf Attack - Pack attack - Summon a wolf pack to attack all enemies within range for 30 seconds.
    Panda Attack - Increased attack damage.
    Lion Attack - Fear Roar (Stun) Similar to BM's Pride Roar Stun.

    These are just some ideas, the overall concept is that Barbarians have reasons to choose between Lion, Panda, Tiger, Wolf etc...

  • Bows_Spirit - Lost City
    Bows_Spirit - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Wizard
    Skill Suggestion: Concentrate
    Description: Make caster immune to innturuption/damage/stun for 30 seconds
    Cooldown time: 15 seconds
    Logic: wizards always get inturupted or killed before a spell goes off

    Class: Wizard
    Skill Suggestion: rage
    Description: cost 2 sparks to cast and lasts for 5 min. all spells take 5 times the usual mana to cast but will do twice the damage

    Class: Wizard
    Skill Suggestion: will to live
    Description: self buff. a chance to gain 75% of full hp if inturupted during casting at the cost of 4 mana per hp

    Class: Wizard
    Skill Suggestion: hp/mana suck
    Description: when cast, targeted player loses set amount of hp/mp per second for 10 min or as long as the target is within 200m of the caster. 2/3 of the hp the player loses will go to the mage and his/her squad. skill can not kill

    ok i have to say this... if wizards had a skill like that they would be pretty much immortal... a skill that gives 30 sec immunity AND haves a 15 sec cool down? pfft if wizards were like that all you would see are wizards in the game xD
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    lol, no damage for 30 sec, that's hilarious. especially since you could cast it again before the immunity goes away. Might as well just give you a god mode skill.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    with the cost of 4k mana and 2 spark?
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I've never seen a duel that has lasted 30 seconds, maybe it's more common at higher levels?
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • Nimrrod - Lost City
    Nimrrod - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: BM (Poleblade)
    How about a skill that Draws somone close to me...the opposite of push (eventhough push doesnt work in pvp)
    Reason: that would be so usefull against ranged players lol.

    yah I like that to and what about pets for other classes to. that will be fear otherwise venomancer are invensible.
    Learn the rules so you can brake'em properly!
  • Ygramul - Heavens Tear
    Ygramul - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Skill:well,not exactly a skill,but because we're so squishy,WE NEED A BATTLE PET!
    Logic:Venos aren't squishier than us,HAVE a pet AND a higher dmg potential.So why not make a wiz pet?
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    38 pages wow...dunno if this was suggested or not but..

    Class: Barbarian
    skill suggestion: weap throw
    description: throws the weap at a target has a 50% chance of stunning the target for (?) secs, also has an 80% chance of slowing the target for (?) secs. Range 6 meters
    Logic: helps in pvp against runners and such, helps pve because it gives barbs a nice range atk that can stun^^

    besides wouldn't it look really cool to be running away and next thing u see is an axe flying at u b:chuckle
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    but doesn't that mean you lose your weapon?
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    well hmm no the weapon would just appear back in ur hand hmm i wish i could vid some other mmorpg to show u but i'm pretty sure u get the gist of it, throw the weapon in a cool anime style then it just reappear back in ur hand
  • Lyzern - Lost City
    Lyzern - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You people all you want is stupid and nonesense skills.
    I've seen some posts and rembered some like for example:
    Pulling skills for BM's? WTF? You're already good at PvP, you want to completly own wizards with that?
    Or more Hp for clerics? How about putting some VIT?, that'd be an ideia, you already have buffs and a lot of healing spells.
    More Def~or attack for archers? Come on... You already have as much Def/Mag Def as any BM/Wizard, you're very balanced, what do you want more?
    More pets for venomancers? You've got to be kidding me. First, it'd be confusing to control 2 pets, second, you're already very good with one pet. So give good ideas, PLEASE.
    Oh, and try to play with a Wizard if you want a hard character.
  • Lyzern - Lost City
    Lyzern - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    My skills opinion are:
    - Class: Wizard
    - Skill suggestion: Life Tap, transforms HP into MP (Ex: Transforms 200 HP into 600 MP)
    - Reason: We all know how much MP a wizard spends, so why not removing Morning Dew and put Life tap, much more usefull as we really don't need HP.

    - Class: Wizard
    - Skill Suggestion: Mag ATK buff, gives a boost to M.ATK at the cost of gradual MP/HP~
    - Reason: Pretty obvious, we're considered the most DD Class and still, an archer deals almost as much damage as us, so what's the point? If we'd get a little ATK buff we'd be happier and I think I speak for all wizards.

    - Class: BM / Barb
    - Skill Suggestion: A skill that aggros mobs instantly.
    - Reason: It's very hard in this game to steal aggro from Wizards or Archers so I think more Aggroing skills could be usefull.
  • Lyzern - Lost City
    Lyzern - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    syl wrote: »
    well hmm no the weapon would just appear back in ur hand hmm i wish i could vid some other mmorpg to show u but i'm pretty sure u get the gist of it, throw the weapon in a cool anime style then it just reappear back in ur hand

    Even better to make it more realistic:
    The weapon stays near the drop location like a loot, then you'd just have to get it.
    And the ideia of watching an ace comming our way... Ouch.
  • NuNuie - Lost City
    NuNuie - Lost City Posts: 535 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I want the skill to tell the game creators to fix the bleed from the phoenix. It was bad enough that the bee could nearly 1 shot you but now the phoenix cold do the job?

    I look at some venos that were once garbage at pvp and now have a phoenix and just kite around while they're pet does the work.


    Or maybe you're waiting for less money to arrive into your pockets?
    Names given to me by forum folks. The most fail of fail
    3.r3tard__8.Wannabe Troll
    4.Xtacy__9. Meangirl

    Please keep on guessing who I am. I love this game!!!
  • godheadslament
    godheadslament Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Archer
    Skill Suggestion:
    Stormrage Eagleon - Remake

    Cause the opponent to suffer from the curse of the Stormrage Eagleon, dealing metal damage every 3 seconds based on how much damage they suffered since the beginning of Stormrage Eagleon.

    Lasts 12 seconds

    Requires two Sparks

    Level 1 - channeling: 1.5s - cast: 08s - mana: 250 - damage per tick: 600+ 20% of hp lost
    Level 2 - channeling: 1.5s - cast: 08s - mana: 260 - damage per tick: 675+ 22% of hp lost
    Level 3 - channeling: 1.5s - cast: 08s - mana: 270 - damage per tick: 750+ 24% of hp lost
    Level 4 - channeling: 1.5s - cast: 08s - mana: 280 - damage per tick: 825+ 26% of hp lost
    Level 5 - channeling: 1.5s - cast: 08s - mana: 290 - damage per tick: 900+ 28% of hp lost
    Level 6 - channeling: 1.5s - cast: 08s - mana: 300 - damage per tick: 975+ 30% of hp lost
    Level 7 - channeling: 1.5s - cast: 08s - mana: 310 - damage per tick: 1050+ 32% of hp lost
    Level 8 - channeling: 1.5s - cast: 08s - mana: 320 - damage per tick: 1125+ 34% of hp lost
    Level 9 - channeling: 1.5s - cast: 08s - mana: 330 - damage per tick: 1200+ 36% of hp lost
    Level 10 - channeling: 1.5s - cast: 08s - mana: 340 - damage per tick: 1275+ 30% of hp lost

    Logic: Stormrage Eagleon is a dot for 2 sparks with slow which deals moderate metal damage over 30 seconds. To make a long story short: it sucks.
    I know my suggestion isn't balanced yet but the concept would make the skill worth the money and spirit.
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Even better to make it more realistic:
    The weapon stays near the drop location like a loot, then you'd just have to get it.
    It'd be funny if you ended up losing a PvP fight though. There goes my HH60 wep.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • miznatt
    miznatt Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Wizard

    Skill Suggestion - Phantom's Veil

    - Allows player to be invisible for X amount of seconds. Cooldown will decrease and length of invisibility will increase as the skill progresses.

    - Can be cast on player or other players. During this time, the player cannot be seen/targeted by players & mobs cannot be aggro'd.

    - If the player has already been targeted by mob/PKer, player can still be attacked while invisible. If invisible, player still appears as a "green dot" on the mini map.


    - It is well-known that wizards have low survivability; combined with other "kiting" methods, this will help the wizard escape from tricky encounters.

    - Wizards cannot provide useful buffs (Frostblade...big whoop) and the fact that this skill can be cast on others will make Wizards more useful and requested.

    - Provides a new technique not only for PvE, but PvP. There are endless possibilities. Thank you for for your time developers!
    ( Classic Marshal )
    Image (C) ~lucaszoltowski on deviantART
  • glortor
    glortor Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Cleric
    Skill Suggestion - Protective barrier that collapses after a certain amount of damage. (Name suggestion: Gale Shield)
    Logic - Rather this than a pet really. The class seriously needs more solo viability.
  • sugarpants
    sugarpants Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Cleric
    Skill: heaven's blessing - a skill that would enable a cleric to cast revive on themselves that would last for 1 hr that would enable them to revive where they die and cool down time maybe 30 minutes.
    reason: clerics are vital members of squads in fb's, TT's, and instances where the rest of the party would all die if a cleric has to revive back to a town and takes forever to get back to where the party is at inside the instance
  • Darkmaggirl - Heavens Tear
    Darkmaggirl - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    sugarpants wrote: »
    Class: Cleric
    Skill: heaven's blessing - a skill that would enable a cleric to cast revive on themselves that would last for 1 hr that would enable them to revive where they die and cool down time maybe 30 minutes.
    reason: clerics are vital members of squads in fb's, TT's, and instances where the rest of the party would all die if a cleric has to revive back to a town and takes forever to get back to where the party is at inside the instance

    Isn't that what revive scrolls do?
    I'm here to kick **** and play card games...and I'm all out of cards.
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Cleric
    Skill Suggestion: Erase

    Erase a summon

    Requires 1 Spark

    Logic: Flesh ream is bugged, which makes phoenix overpowered, since you don't want to fix it for god knows what reasons I thought we could implement another overpowered skill to counter the stupid thing.

  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Isn't that what revive scrolls do?
    NOO, don't steal my job as a critic.b:cry
    And they want a self-revive because it's unfair that they have to buy scrolls to rez themselves while others can have the cleric do it for free.

    And it's unfair if only clerics get erase.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • raven2009
    raven2009 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Party purify for clerics would be nice b:pleased
  • kalebraf15
    kalebraf15 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Some sort of skill to increase magic resistance for barbarians would be nice.

    Being a tank, we need to be able to do just that; tank. That means magic mobs too (at least have a better survivability rate when it comes to them). This would also make a barbarian more useful in pvp.
  • Magicgabe - Lost City
    Magicgabe - Lost City Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    sugarpants wrote: »
    Class: Cleric
    Skill: heaven's blessing - a skill that would enable a cleric to cast revive on themselves that would last for 1 hr that would enable them to revive where they die and cool down time maybe 30 minutes.
    reason: clerics are vital members of squads in fb's, TT's, and instances where the rest of the party would all die if a cleric has to revive back to a town and takes forever to get back to where the party is at inside the instance

    I second that.
    and bro...fyi this isn't a story.

    All people are idiodic but some are more idiotic than others.
This discussion has been closed.