Client Download & related FAQs



  • docduko
    docduko Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Okay so i can get it started and everything, but i can only select Dlephi and Oracle. I want to play on Heavens Tear, how can i get onto that server??? (online gaming noob)
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You downloaded the wrong client, from a different company. That is the Malaysian client, for that region.

    Uninstall and completely delete that version off of your computer.

    Then go here:

    And come back here to the forums and read up if you have any problems.
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  • necroreaver
    necroreaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Im having promblems with extracting all the data packs, i got the background and icon and installer etc, but cant get data packs 1-4 it just freezes my computer. Also when i tried the direct download it gave me an icon that looks like a computer window that opens up a command screen but closes it it like 1 second. i have stayed up for 24 hours trying everything listed in the forums. :(

    ok i figured it out that icon that brought up the command promt window, i had to use 7-zip to extract the files from it even though i couldnt see them. TY ryuuzaki without your guide i would be screwed :D
  • heirofglee
    heirofglee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    My patch is not working.
    i have game version 8 and try to patch with ec_patch_1-5
    and of course i get the update was lower than the client

    how do i solve this.
    I see the servers and everything looks fine. Till i hit the start
  • zenok
    zenok Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    when i go to install it i click next then it tries to install it and it says

    access denied with 2 buttons retry and cancel
    i keep clicking retry but same message pops up

    nevermind.....i found out that my anti virus blocked it
  • thameng
    thameng Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    tried numerous mirrors , and even the parts of game client I get to about 1-2% and IE craps out on me... turned firewall off, added IE exception to site, maybe bcuz Im trying to dl it during peak times?? lol
  • gigabyte4
    gigabyte4 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    data1.pck data2.pck data3.pck data4.pck fails are damaged I don't know how I can fix them by the program 7-zip I had?
  • hdr2nd
    hdr2nd Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Ok, I got the client and the whole 2 gig download and when I go to extract the files I get a message that tells me that it cannot be opened as an archive. As far as I know I did everything correctly but now this comes up. Any suggestions?
  • vi11ageidiot
    vi11ageidiot Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    after my 2 hour wait the game downloads and i start to extract, but when the extract is almost done i get a message saying that theres a prob. i choose ignore the extraction conitnues and finishes and nothing happens.
  • audrie
    audrie Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    im having a bit of difficulty extracting my files i keep getting this message =/
    CRC failed in PW_International\data2.pck
    Unexpected end of archive

    i read that 4 can be reaplced but is there a link to two?
  • merbear
    merbear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ok so i tried to downlod it using bit torrent. everything was going fine until i opend the file that i had extracted and them i clicked the instal thing.

    the black box popped up and said not enough space, so then i deleted a bounch of space and tried it again.

    now when i try to click the install thing the block box comes up and imediatly goes away:mad:

    pls help me with this:confused:
  • bubbblebutt
    bubbblebutt Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ok i downloaded the perfect world downloader v3 and i extracted it and everything but theres no perfect world icon that pops up on the desktop that every other game does D; what do i do??
  • noxnoctis
    noxnoctis Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hello. I downloaded the client from the website on the complete download, not pice by piece. When it gets to 93% it disconnects and when I try to connect again to dowload the rest of it, the downloader keeps disconnecting from server. Any one knows if this is by server maintenance? or just a bug?

  • vi11ageidiot
    vi11ageidiot Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i have the same exact problem as bubblebut lol
  • calico
    calico Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The torrent file is corrupt. Get ur **** together pw.
  • fleetcommand
    fleetcommand Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    help me please!! my friend has downloaded Perfect World, and i am talking to him via Ventrillo.
    i repeat, it is downloaded, but NOT installed. whever he tries to install it, he is successful upto the point wen it asks for a "path". the default path is:

    C:\Program Files\Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World International

    when he clicks next, it ALWAYS says " failed to create folder"

    how do we remedy the situation? please reply, its very urgent =/
  • ashkala
    ashkala Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ok the little box called 7-Zip: Diagnostic messages says "Can not open file 'C:\Users\mycomputersname\Desktop\Perfect_World_International.exe' as archive"

    ok I dunno anything about computers but for help I'll give you a free hug :D because I'd like to try out this game it looks cool :cool:
  • devildanzig
    devildanzig Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hdr2nd wrote: »
    Ok, I got the client and the whole 2 gig download and when I go to extract the files I get a message that tells me that it cannot be opened as an archive. As far as I know I did everything correctly but now this comes up. Any suggestions?

    Same thing...please respond asap as this person posted days ago and after pulling my hair out for hours now...i need some RELIEF!!!
    Besides I'll need time to combat the myriad of other problems people are having I'm sure:mad:
  • devildanzig
    devildanzig Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Can not open file "C:\Program Files\PWI\Perfect_World_International.exe" as archive

    Exact message I get when trying to extract. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • moondisk
    moondisk Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Can not open file "C:\Program Files\PWI\Perfect_World_International.exe" as archive

    Exact message I get when trying to extract. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You're getting that error because you're trying to extract an exe. Thats not possible. All you need to do is double-click on it, and the application will open up.
  • devildanzig
    devildanzig Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    moondisk wrote: »
    You're getting that error because you're trying to extract an exe. Thats not possible. All you need to do is double-click on it, and the application will open up.

    I know but when i click on it extraction pop up box always opens. Any other advice?:)
  • moondisk
    moondisk Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I know but when i click on it extraction pop up box always opens. Any other advice?:)

    Actually, now since I finished re-downloading the game, I think its a whole different problem. I looked for the file you have a problem with. It turns out it is a 7-zip file listed as a exe. I had no clue the such files were listed as exes. I think your problem is that you don't have a program such as 7-zip. If you don't then download it at this link: But if you do have the program already, or something similar to it, then I have no idea.
  • devildanzig
    devildanzig Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yep tried with 7-zip and WinRAR both...same results:(
    Guess I'll go throw my money at another game until something is fixed.
    Would love to spend some time with this game but I have 128mB DSL so it takes 12 hours just to download and since the moderators on here have the same responses saved on their clipboards for everyones individual problems and no time to respond here guess I'll go play something else for a bit and see if they have it figured out down the road.
  • moondisk
    moondisk Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yep tried with 7-zip and WinRAR both...same results:(
    Guess I'll go throw my money at another game until something is fixed.
    Would love to spend some time with this game but I have 128mB DSL so it takes 12 hours just to download and since the moderators on here have the same responses saved on their clipboards for everyones individual problems and no time to respond here guess I'll go play something else for a bit and see if they have it figured out down the road.

    Then either there is something very wrong with the file you downloaded or both of the programs you're using. Or you're doing something wrong. But if not, I don't know what then. But if you have that slow of a connection, then even if you managed to succesfully download the game, you'll end up lagging alot most likely.
    Nevertheless, if you wanna go on to other games, then thats fine. But if you had problems with extracting a file here, you'll probably have problems with other games as well. Or any other compressed file for that matter. I doubt the game exe itself had anything to do with it...but then again its not impossible.
  • habalokito
    habalokito Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    well, my error says i cannot open the file as an archive, so then, i cant extract this ssshhhit
  • flameofanor
    flameofanor Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hello all.

    I have downloaded via the DIrect Download tool the game installation file a week ago.

    Mind you its an exe NOT a zip as the thread says.
    the direct download results in Perfect_World_International.exe (a self-extracting 7-zip archive)

    Sadly for a week I did not had the time to install and try this fine game.
    today at last I had time and I run the application that created a folder with the installation data for the game.

    BUT at the end of it I got a message that: CRC failed in 'Perfect World International\data1.pck'. File is broken.
    well I thought I still should install and let the updater take care of the inconsistency but - ALAS - the installer would fail - with or without the verify option - not liking the broken file at all.

    Please tell me there is a way to fix that instead of downloading again the whole thing - it took me about 8 hours to.
    As last resort it might be possible to provide a link to all dataX.pck files ?
    As I saw in this thread people get errors in any of those packed files.

    Thanks in advance and I hope I can meet you all in-game soon
  • slugger
    slugger Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    can you take me by this step by step starting from tha game client
  • meshi
    meshi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hello im not so new pw im lvl 20 but i went on on monday 21 of 2008 and my update server is down which it has never been my internet connection is up but my server is not working what is my problem
  • Artemiswing - Heavens Tear
    Artemiswing - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hey everyone.

    I've been having this problem where after the client is installed and I run it, while it's updating files it'll freeze on one file, then a window pops up saying "file download appear error" and asks you to retry.
    I hit retry, but it just continues to fail.:(
    I tried re-installing the client, and it got a little farther but then freezes and starts to fail again, this time on a different file.

    I've been trying this all day and it's getting extremely annoying:mad:. If anyone knows what to do, please tell me, before I starting punching my screen o_O
  • ultracool
    ultracool Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm having trouble with Downloading the game :( i have read the guides and forums and the FAQ...I have 7-zip, and uTorrent, and i just downloaded the client, now what do i do? :confused:

    any help would be appreciated,
    Ultra :)
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