Upcoming G17/R5 weapon release in PW-CN Discussion
What's the point for converting now that we have G17 on the horizon, both R9 versions look pale in comparison to G17R5. Should just put the money on the new stuffs for leveling houses instead of converting to CN R9RR unless that's a requirement.
Maybe PWI is done with gear exclusivity now, like vana g3 and pwi r9rr. Ever since PWI decided to go with that, newer contents for gears were obsolete from the getgo. Like trials for rr8 mats, since noone did trials anymore the mats were then put on NW furnace for anyone who wants them, Hidden Dragon Den (this instance was closed and the mats moved to UCH, but who would want to upgrade their vana gears to r8r when there is vana g3, well some like sins might use it for aps or other class for def levels on r8r weapon, but it wont be their main gears), QSM 100.
I wonder if there will be G17 armors, robe, helm, and rings too in the future. I think ppl with G17R5 and new upgraded skills can oneshot each other or if not, then much faster kills. But the game has ever been in a situation with higher grade weapons and lower grade armors just fine (R8 era with g12 armors, and some g13 like rings and helm, with G14 R8 weapons). I read someone said there are 4 big updates for PW, dunno if this g17 is the fourth or there will be more.
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Well for some classes the r9rr CN weapon would be a fairly solid upgrade. If you can convert between them from +12 to +12 for say sub 500m then it would be a great deal if g17r5 is expensive. Even if they eventually swap to g17 in 6 months it was still a fairly decent use of coins for a few classes.freygin said:What's the point for converting now that we have G17 on the horizon, both R9 versions look pale in comparison to G17R5. Should just put the money on the new stuffs for leveling houses instead of converting to CN R9RR unless that's a requirement.
Maybe PWI is done with gear exclusivity now, like vana g3 and pwi r9rr. Ever since PWI decided to go with that, newer contents for gears were obsolete from the getgo. Like trials for rr8 mats, since noone did trials anymore the mats were then put on NW furnace for anyone who wants them, Hidden Dragon Den (this instance was closed and the mats moved to UCH, but who would want to upgrade their vana gears to r8r when there is vana g3, well some like sins might use it for aps or other class for def levels on r8r weapon, but it wont be their main gears), QSM 100.
I wonder if there will be G17 armors, robe, helm, and rings too in the future. I think ppl with G17R5 and new upgraded skills can oneshot each other or if not, then much faster kills. But the game has ever been in a situation with higher grade weapons and lower grade armors just fine (R8 era with g12 armors, and some g13 like rings and helm, with G14 R8 weapons). I read someone said there are 4 big updates for PW, dunno if this g17 is the fourth or there will be more.
The armor is also completely not covered by g17 so g17 isn't very relevant to that conversion. admittedly I think the armor is overall worse for basically everyone but that's another issue.
Frankly I don't think it's unreasonable for them to try and unify our gear with CNs. As you say having PWI only gear means unless they change gear to have PWI only stuff with every release they wind up with gear releases where the gear is 90% useless.
Also with the way dual procs and 80 def level weapons work I think tanky players will be if anything become tankier.
Glass cannons will shatter each other very quickly for sure, but they already do that in many situations. The meta may wind up leaning that way I'll admit but frankly if it does I think it'll mostly be because 90% of people will get attack weapons.
We may get g17 armor eventually. Hell eventually it's almost a certainty unless they halt dev work completely. I personally think it'll be awhile even for China however. Keep in mind almost all of them will be working on their g17 weapon for quite some time still. No point putting out the armor if only 4 people per server actually try to get it because they are all still doing the weapons.0 -
Now that you mentioned it, yea I think it could be an upgrade, CN r9rr Ring and Belt can be refined to +12, that would add a lot of base defenses. Sin R9rr CN weapon has -0.1 intervals. But whether one outperforms the other needs to be tested for sure. Converting won't be cheap though, as posted by asterelle on page 11, need 5347 chienkuns or 2406 gold on sale. Not really surprise me because I know how hard it is to upgrade the CN version.
I wonder if we can switch atk level and def level after we crafted the weapon, I play a cleric and while I like how 80 atk lvl sounds but 80 def lvl would be very useful for support.0 -
I wonder, how do all those housing items we get from doing World Quest play into things?0
If the housing is a coin sink, let's hope people actually start sinking coins into it. Otherwise our woes will still remain. I do find the new house system interesting. I wonder if people with high level houses will start selling quests to other players? Still confused on the details. Wait and see.
Thank you @attackerv for the info you provided.0 -
It's a coin sink for lower levels followed by a gold sink for higher levels as implemented in China. Which one will have a stronger influence depends on our local implementation in terms of numbers along with rewards for each level.jabq said:If the housing is a coin sink, let's hope people actually start sinking coins into it. Otherwise our woes will still remain. I do find the new house system interesting. I wonder if people with high level houses will start selling quests to other players? Still confused on the details. Wait and see.
Thank you @attackerv for the info you provided.
All else being equal it should have a mild deflationary effect. However I could easily see them doing it in a way that actually pushes gold up further despite the number of coins in circulation dropping quite a bit.
The biggest influence will mostly come down to if g17 mats can be directly cash shopped. If they can then gold demand will be very high. If they can't then the new high demand farmable items may counteract the gold cost of the house upgrades as cash shoppers will need to trade gold for non gold related items, something which is mostly lacking currently.
EDIT:Mostly unrelated but decided to not double post.
So after spending far too long on Chinese servers and the db I have some numbers for people who might be interested. Some of this will in part overlap with previous posts from others so that it makes more sense by itself.
Three house mats are used to craft g17 mats. Blue (BHM), green (GHM) and gold (GoHM). These are all non tradable.
http://www.pwdatabase.com/cn/items/50237 (blue)
http://www.pwdatabase.com/cn/items/50238 (green)
http://www.pwdatabase.com/cn/items/50239 (gold)
Current CN pricing going off the lowest sell prices on my server (buys aren't much lower unless otherwise stated):
Blue mat (http://www.pwdatabase.com/cn/items/50246) is 465k and made form 1 BHM + a drop
Purple mat (http://www.pwdatabase.com/cn/items/50252) is 1.37m and made from 5 BHM + a drop
The first yellow mat (http://www.pwdatabase.com/cn/items/50258) is 5m and can be crafted from 40 BHM, it also drops.
The second yellow mat (http://www.pwdatabase.com/cn/items/50260) is 170m. Only one was for sale on my server. the buys went up to 111m with decent volume. It can be made from 40 BHM + 40 GHM or 10 BHM + 10 GHM for the non tradabe version. This mat along with the rarer ones under it are available in tradable form from the new tournament however the volume is very low.
The first Red mat (teeth) is not for sale at all that I could find. Buy orders go up to 190m. It's tradable form is a rare drop and cannot be made via the housing mats.
The second Red mat (marrow) is also not for sale and has no buy orders. A relatively conservative evaluation based off it's crafting requirements place it at roughly 3.1b. It requires 250 GoHM for the tradable version or 62 for a non tradable version.
To the best of my understanding all housing levels get blue mats. Green requires 7+ and gold requires 10.
You get 2-7 blues depending on your house level and 2-6 greens and 2 golds if you have a high enough level.
Housing upgrade costs:
0-1 0.8m
1-2 4m
2-3 20m
3-4 100m
4-5 500m
5-6 250 gold
6-7 500 gold
7-8 750 gold
8-9 1250 gold
9-10 2000 gold
Total 1-10: 4750 gold and 624.8m
These numbers are for a single upgrade. There's more than one for each level and I'm not sure on the practical diffrences or if you need more than one.
Based off war avatars, star charts and r9 the gold component for us will likely be between 1500 and 4000 if they don't drop is massively like r9. If they do then more like 500 gold.
Yes if you look at the numbers someone with a level 10 house does make quite a bit from these mat values if they sell them. However due to the high setup cost you're talking quite a long time to actually pay off the cost, hence why the mats are worth so much.
Based off the above the cost of g17 weapons r2-5 is roughly as follows in China right now:
g17r2 1.09b
g17r3 16.05b
g17r4 43.14b
g17r5 115.81b
g17r5 If marrows were magically free for some reason. 75.51b
This is if you could find sellers for the mats, which you can't in the volumes needed.
Frankly the situation is kinda ugly.
I think it's reasonable to say they are likely to make some large changes. If they don't then all but about 12 people per server will completely ignore the new weapons other than perhaps selling some mats. It's 43b to get an upgrade over r9rr weapons. That upgrade isn't worth even close to 43b unless you already have a rb1 portal set, full +12, full josd/deity and a 350+ spirit star chart. Personally my preferred solution would be to add 30 attack levels to g17r1-3, perhaps 25 to the r3. Alternatively they make all of it much, much easier to get which I'm not a fan of but I could see happening.
In China it's much more reasonable because a weapon that beats 17r3 or even g17r2 is much more expensive. For context they don't have nv3 and an adv WS weapon is in the area of 7b if not more. Before people go thinking they have way more inflation that's not really true. Frankly we've been so much more lax about it that I think we actually have more inflation overall. For context gold is around 2.2m over there right now and quite a few things like dods, dots, creation stones and most farmable mats we obtain the same way are cheaper.
Post edited by standoffishman on0 -
when u main go high level quest, won't get low level quest. So alts can have low level property value house for low level quest and low mat and main's house for high level quest and matsasterelle said:The blue stuff is tradeable version like with FSP coins. The version you actually need to make weapons though is untradeable.
@attackerv so if you invest in expensive housing and unlock 100% red quests every day, can you invite alts to your house and do red quests on them as well or do you need expensive housing for every alt?
Main Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
Any chance you could take a look at my post directly above yours, the EDIT part, and point out any big errors? I'm curious if anything conflicts with your understanding of the system.attackerv said:
when u main go high level quest, won't get low level quest. So alts can have low level property value house for low level quest and low mat and main's house for high level quest and matsasterelle said:The blue stuff is tradeable version like with FSP coins. The version you actually need to make weapons though is untradeable.
@attackerv so if you invest in expensive housing and unlock 100% red quests every day, can you invite alts to your house and do red quests on them as well or do you need expensive housing for every alt?0 -
Ah blargh this nonesense. When g17r5 comes out I will keep pvping and doing stuffs like creating alts or so until the first ppl will get their g17r5, then I will beat them nonetheless (cause most will go for attack and if they get outplayed that tiny bit of predictable more dmg wont change the outcome of a fight (cause the first ppl will be braindead, noskilled cashers anyways)) and when everyone and their mom has the new weapons I just quit. That could be (based on Asters estimation) over a year from now. Fair enough.
Besides the only really dangerous G17 weapons are the fists. A full r9 APS-Barb with those bad-boys (even when he is just 4.0 sparked then) will eleminate everything in a 1on1. 80 Att-Lvl, such a base dmg, 0.1 int and GOF? Holy Mother. 4 Seconds of paralyze should be more than enough time to kill any selfbuffed LA/AA class even unsparked. Why? Cause those stupid defs wont upgrade our survivability ofc. With the current meta of tankieness...seriously. APS Barbs will end everything if they can demon spark on you unhindered.
Why do APS-Barbs are so OP and not sins since they also have -int on their weapon? Well, barbs can wear their full r9. Sins can't. Easy enough. Barbs could just use solid shield and/or switch to a 80 def lvl weapon with the immunity proc and just laugh at you when their aps-attempt fails. APS-Geared sins will always be squishy and they also dont have solid shield =P
That's the main reason WHY WE SOULDNT GET THIS GARBAGE UPGRADE. Was it too hard to implement a farmable (with a reasonable time frame like 1 month of daily instances and 1-2b coins) weapon upgrad that still has the 80 att lvl and higher base dmg and maybe even fixed stats (cause random stats suck big time) and ofc the procs they have now..with the chance of getting the new ones (if you so want them) but only 1 PROC, not 2! This would actually keep the balance at endgame and gives a little counter to dusks (if you have the tankieness the immunity def proc should be the best option vs dusks as a caster/LA). And ya, all classes should be able to get all procs. IF you wanna be a glasscannon caster, sure go ahead and get your gof, but no purify, aso ... then. Barbs with purify? Well why not actually. They wont be able to deal dmg anymore as they could only have 1 weapon and that would also implement the need of disarming a target and thus add a deeper strategical level to the game.
they could also get us a forge where we can reroll (most likely randomly cause PWI) to the proc we want for a decent fee like 100m each try. Would also be a great coin sink. Too bad they wont like players suggest things and instead **** the game up more and more and more. Might be that the chinese players love to farm for years to only get a WEAPON. Western civs are a bit different tho. Having to spend so much money or to farm your butts off for a weapon that still doesnt make you a god wont be that well received, trust me.
Just compare it. If someone would get the endweapon and regular endgame gear with avg cards compared to someone who just farmed nuema portal 2nd rb and a max chart instead then you can be assured that you will still have absolutely 0 chance vs that guy. Even if you get the best roll possible on your weapon.
SOOOOOO MANY REASONS NOT TO GET THIS GARBAGE. Please, someone from PWE has to read and evaluate this. I love this game but that update will be its real downfall this time. Charts are farmable, Cards are farmable, heck everything is farmable and it doesnt take nearly as long as getting a new weapon would take - ALL Together. 100b+ for a weap? I rather endgame gear all classes in the game before considering such BS. "You could farm it blablabla!" Ya, I would rather invest the time to endgame gear all classes in this game.
The funny thing is..that would give me the opportunity to beat brainsless cashers (with the new weapons even) with 12 different chars. Awesome. They sell their house to get a weapon and I still floor them with all my chars. GG. WP.That might change when everyone also has a 80 def weapon at their hands (1on1s will be absolutely senseless when you play a class that cannot disarm. Unwinable. Another reason why those weapons are BS).
But ya, I will remain unheard and they will just go and do it anyways. While all updates so far didnt really imbalance the game (altho many ppl believe that but the game is actually balanced at very endgame, avg geared pvp is ofc not balanced, but that doesnt matter to me as long as endgame is) with the exception of the duskblade class for 1on1s...well the new one will break it with a 100%-chance due to the above stated reasons.
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dblazen1 said:
...Did you even read your own post before actually posting it?
You're on the verge of going full ****.
Dude, seriously. I had enough. Bring some valid arguments if you think that I am talking nonesense or just shut up. that you lot cant see obvious things is nothing new to me...oh well a disappointment every time.
Learn the actual game. Gain some knowledge. Then you can talk to the big ones little guy. FFS.0 -
So a few things you seem to be getting mixed up on.jsxshadow said:
If the weapon is as hard to get on PWI as it is in China right now then most people will never get g17r5. Even most people who are full +12 jaded right now will never get it. If they implement it as is on our servers you're complaining about something that will be rarer than full RB2 portal and likely not a single person will have for 8++ months after release.
If they make it much easier to get on our servers then everyone in end game pvp will have it but you'll find it reasonably priced.
I seriously hope they don't give us more PWI only weapons. You're asking for a 2b ish weapon with 80 attack levels and one proc.That would make r4 rather unnecessarily redundant for a start. Outside of that you're mostly just asking for r9rr weapons with an extra 15 attack levels. Why would we want to make an upgrade that's already expensive for what it does even worse? It's like asking for nv3 with 65 attack levels, yes nv3 not adv WS as nv3 is to r9rr what r9rr is to g17r5 in terms of cost.
With regards to APS barbs it will likely be viable but not that crazy. The core problem is barbs are still a STR class and you're still losing at least 500 weapon attack along with 5% crit. Comparing it with an endgame DB's skill spam with both using g17r5 against the same target it puts out around 20% more dps when sparked and in human form. If both are unsparked it deals around 20-25% less damage than the DB. This is with full RB2 portal on both characters. The relative numbers get worse for the barb as gear declines as they have less weapon damage on the weapon.
Against a phys class I have no doubt it would be strong. I think however DBs will have a stronger match up against AA and some HA depending on gear. It's tanky with an 80 def weapon sure but with the higher prevalence of blackhole aand caster zerks I'm doubtful it will be too crazy. Not to mention it's paying how much for two g17r5 weapons? None of this is to say it's bad, however I don't see anything overly broken.0 -
jsxshadow wrote: »
*snip a lot of junk*
...Did you even read your own post before actually posting it?
You're on the verge of going full ****.
Dude, seriously. I had enough. Bring some valid arguments if you think that I am talking nonesense or just shut up. that you lot cant see obvious things is nothing new to me...oh well a disappointment every time.
Learn the actual game. Gain some knowledge. Then you can talk to the big ones little guy. FFS.
Ok, let me attempt to dissect your... whatever.Ah blargh this nonesense. When g17r5 comes out I will keep pvping and doing stuffs like creating alts or so until the first ppl will get their g17r5, then I will beat them nonetheless (cause most will go for attack and if they get outplayed that tiny bit of predictable more dmg wont change the outcome of a fight (cause the first ppl will be braindead, noskilled cashers anyways)) and when everyone and their mom has the new weapons I just quit. That could be (based on Asters estimation) over a year from now. Fair enough.
Is completely irrelevant to G17 being released, so don't care.
Besides the only really dangerous G17 weapons are the fists.
That's just your opinion speaking, once again.
A full r9 APS-Barb with those bad-boys (even when he is just 4.0 sparked then) will eleminate everything in a 1on1.
Again, your opinion. It's not released, so untested. Also easily counterable, but I suppose you can't imagine how.
80 Att-Lvl, such a base dmg, 0.1 int and GOF? Holy Mother. 4 Seconds of paralyze should be more than enough time to kill any selfbuffed LA/AA class even unsparked.
Aaaah the hopeless typical joe argument about MUH ONLY SELFBUFFED PVP IS REAL PVP.
>Can eliminate everything 1 on 1
>Any selfbuffed LA/AA class
>No mention of other HA class
>No mention of whoever hits first
GGWP 10/10 logic
Why? Cause those stupid defs wont upgrade our survivability ofc. With the current meta of tankieness...seriously. APS Barbs will end everything if they can demon spark on you unhindered.
That's a really ridiculous assumption and big if you put there.
Why do APS-Barbs are so OP and not sins since they also have -int on their weapon? Well, barbs can wear their full r9. Sins can't. Easy enough.
That has always been the case, and thus again irrelevant to G17 gear...
Barbs could just use solid shield and/or switch to a 80 def lvl weapon with the immunity proc and just laugh at you when their aps-attempt fails. APS-Geared sins will always be squishy and they also dont have solid shield =P
Said situation can already be done, also you said just a bit above that the def levels won't upgrade our survivability, make up your mind. Also, immunity proc? Could be that i'm missing new procs here but there is going to be some proc that ensures you receive 0 damage? That would be broken beyond **** levels.
Also, APS sins are rare in PVP, so said situation is unlikely to ever happen. Unless people on Dawnglory are like that ofcourse.
That's all fun and games, so the main reason is that a class is broken? Because that, apparently, has never been the case. At least according to you.
Also, you say that that is the reason it should not be implemented however, just below here you start ranting and raving about how it's not farmable in your suitable timeframe. So what is it, why don't you want it? Because it's not farmable fast enough for you or because it's broken?
Was it too hard to implement a farmable (with a reasonable time frame like 1 month of daily instances and 1-2b coins) weapon upgrad that still has the 80 att lvl and higher base dmg and maybe even fixed stats (cause random stats suck big time) and ofc the procs they have now..with the chance of getting the new ones (if you so want them) but only 1 PROC, not 2! This would actually keep the balance at endgame and gives a little counter to dusks (if you have the tankieness the immunity def proc should be the best option vs dusks as a caster/LA). And ya, all classes should be able to get all procs. IF you wanna be a glasscannon caster, sure go ahead and get your gof, but no purify, aso ... then. Barbs with purify? Well why not actually. They wont be able to deal dmg anymore as they could only have 1 weapon and that would also implement the need of disarming a target and thus add a deeper strategical level to the game.
I can't even comprehend what you are trying to say here. You ramble about barbs that are going to be absolutely OP if those fists are released then you say that's the main reason to not release it, but then you go and give reasons in the same paragraph about why it should not be implemented due to excessive farming? What?
Then you go on about procs and how they should not give 2, and you end up with the conclusion that it's not such a bad idea after all. Are you talking to yourself out loud on a forum or something?
Also, you basically just want what they did with R9rr differences between china and our version. That's not going to happen because they're trying to make the versions more equal, which is a good thing.
they could also get us a forge where we can reroll (most likely randomly cause PWI) to the proc we want for a decent fee like 100m each try. Would also be a great coin sink. Too bad they wont like players suggest things and instead **** the game up more and more and more. Might be that the chinese players love to farm for years to only get a WEAPON. Western civs are a bit different tho. Having to spend so much money or to farm your butts off for a weapon that still doesnt make you a god wont be that well received, trust me.
Yeah, because giving people the exact roll on weapons that they want isn't even remotely broken, right? Also, possible cashcow can be implemented here, so no it won't happen.
And again, you said yourself barbs will be absolutely OP with the fists, but now you say: "Having to spend so much money or to farm your butts off for a weapon that still doesnt make you a god wont be that well received, trust me."
But... OP barb destroying everything with those fists?
Just compare it. If someone would get the endweapon and regular endgame gear with avg cards compared to someone who just farmed nuema portal 2nd rb and a max chart instead then you can be assured that you will still have absolutely 0 chance vs that guy. Even if you get the best roll possible on your weapon.
But you said that barbs with those fists are the ultimate OP.
Also, it's well known that cards are incredibly OP, so yeah, ofcourse a weapon isn't going to change much against gear that enhances all freaking stats, jesus christ captain obvious.
SOOOOOO MANY REASONS NOT TO GET THIS GARBAGE. Please, someone from PWE has to read and evaluate this. I love this game but that update will be its real downfall this time. Charts are farmable, Cards are farmable, heck everything is farmable and it doesnt take nearly as long as getting a new weapon would take - ALL Together. 100b+ for a weap? I rather endgame gear all classes in the game before considering such BS. "You could farm it blablabla!" Ya, I would rather invest the time to endgame gear all classes in this game.
And the weapon is farmable too, no one said i would be cheap. Besides, you claim to make so much coins a day, this should be the least of your problems. Besides, no one said anything about 100b+. Stop exaggerating. Just buy the mats.
Also, you should be happy then if they release it like that, because it would pretty much mean those weapons won't be seen for another 3 years. Which I really wonder if PWI will make it that long still.
Also, we don't know what will happen with the pricing and/or farming for PWE. But I hope that it remains the same as China so those things won't see the light of day anytime soon.
The funny thing is..that would give me the opportunity to beat brainsless cashers (with the new weapons even) with 12 different chars. Awesome. They sell their house to get a weapon and I still floor them with all my chars. GG. WP.That might change when everyone also has a 80 def weapon at their hands (1on1s will be absolutely senseless when you play a class that cannot disarm. Unwinable. Another reason why those weapons are BS).
Again, you said the def levels do nothing for survival. Also, brainless egoboosting ego, have fun fighting a single proper decked out character played by someone who knows what he/she is doing vs your 12 semi-decked out ones.
But ya, I will remain unheard and they will just go and do it anyways. While all updates so far didnt really imbalance the game (altho many ppl believe that but the game is actually balanced at very endgame, avg geared pvp is ofc not balanced, but that doesnt matter to me as long as endgame is) with the exception of the duskblade class for 1on1s...well the new one will break it with a 100%-chance due to the above stated reasons.
Boohoo, so are a shitton of other legitimate good suggestions mr. special snowflake
If you still believe that the game is balanced, you're being delusional. Besides you contradict yourself here as well by saying "with the exception of the duskblade class". Even if a single class is out of balance, it still means that it's unbalanced.
But ofcourse i'm sure you will come up with some argument about how everyone does not understand what you mean because what you write is 3deep5youall.The only fitting image for this forum.0 -
I know theory and actual in-game experience can be very different, but so far I don't like these new weapons. Thus, I hope they keep things like it is in PWCN currently (or a little cheaper at best). I don't want to see these weapons pop up anytime soon.
They can make them easier to obtain later, much like they did with War Avatars (Nuema Portal is obtainable now, for CSers or mega-merchants) and will do with the Star Chart materials.0 -
My bad, judging from the sense of it you could've seen that def doesnt make any sense in this xD I ofc meant devs which also makes a whole lotta more sense. Or why should I also write that some classes are unkillable with those def lvl weapons if you cannot disarm then ._.
You dont get the basic Idea, which I have expected ofc. I suggested completely NEW Weapons. So a 3rd recast of r9 so to say. 80 Att lvl and a random proc would be closer to balance than the shet they want to implement with the G17. Also, if you would actually read, I said that it will take approx a year before someone shows up with a weapon like that. Read again.
I dont know if I said it often enough..but oh well. Gonna say it again: THE ONLY IMBALANCED THING IN THIS GAME ATM ARE DUSKBLADES. Exactly what I've also written up there.
Maybe it was a bit too unspecified to say that APS-Barbs would be OP in general. Sorry. I take that back and correct myself. I WOULD BE GOD WITH A WEAPON like that. Cause I have the knowledge and skill to outplay anyone. IS that better? ok
Show me, as a caster how you would wanna protect yourself in said scenario when fighting a full deity, aps-Barb with such fists. Just tell me how. The DMG would be so massive that you would easily die while paralyzed. But sure. Catching caster is sooo hard. And they can use a genie skill every 5 seconds to save themselves...oh SNAP! They can't. Weird. YOU appear to be the casual FAITH-reliant person that would get outplayed by myself 1-2-3. In that scenario. Sure. Use Expel or AD. When I catch you slightly after that you are dead with 0 defenses left. Prolong it by using your class-specific survi skills and use another Expel or AD later on. They will be in Cooldown eventually. Then you are dead. Barbs are already quite strong because they can simply survive alot of stuff while others totally have to waste everything at their disposal firstly to stay alive and secondly to deal enough dmg to kill the Barb. Give the Barbs superior, high-DDing DPS and its over. Pretty much how it was pre-purify spell.
You are all talking about avg players. IDC about avg players. Look up, I even stated that I will most likely be able to kill other ppl with those weapons, even other barbs simply cause I am the better player. It's just the chance that there could be a great player that would actually beat me with this stuff while I cant do anything against it that gets me concerned. If I am beat then it has to be on fair ways. I wanna be outplayed, not outgeared, not outclasses (literally) and I surely dont wanna give tools to people so that they can actually beat me when they are in fact not better than me. Do you get it now? I want real competition. Nothing else.
But sure. For you it might be fun beating the same average "Joe" (muharhar) every now and then. But for me its not. I want to fight the absolute best. Nothing else. Game is balanced when you fight the best cause things that appear to be unfair at first can be reduced to equality simply by finding ways to do just that. Like using Occult Ice on a caster to actually get a shot at killing dusks (its just an example. It wont make you win it all the time, but you will actually have a chance. Still dusks are broken. OI works like a charm vs Barbs, BMs, Seeker, Archer, Sins as well if you are a caster and all of a sudden those matchups appear to be very easy).
I know why most dont listen to what I say and actually thats ok. Most dont wanna be the absolute best. They dont wanna win equally and fair and just enjoy a fast kill here and there. Legit. Thats totally fine. But mates, seriously, dont try to argue with me then cause I am talking from a way way different standpoint then you are and you have absolutely no right to claim that I am talking nonesense while it is actually true. If you cannot or dont want to keep up with the way I play its cool but then please refrain from BSing me all the time.
Equallity and Skill. that is all that matters for me. G17 doesnt supply that and is thus Garbage obviously. If not, everyone please feel free to explain to me how G17 would be actually balanced. Take all possible class matchups, multiple G17 weapon situations (att and def weapons) and compare the possible outcome of said matchups considering both players would be at the max of their playability. Oh? You don't wanna think that much about it? Oh well, but I did! Just shut upThank you!
0 -
Joe must be the most confusing person to me ever, Ive never seen anyone hype themselves up this much...
And thanks to cross-server NW I know hes just sum random noob thats not even slightly above average when in comes to actually ingame impact... FeelsBadMan0 -
don't forget to divide your numbers by 5-10. 4200 gold in china is gonna be somewhere between 800-1500ish for our version. Which is still a stupid amount that I wouldn't put coin into.
(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
Dawnglory's legendary Stormbringer ShockWave LV 105-105-103
7 year old Harshlands character, semi-retired Wizard Boomz
Will he reach 1800 spirit?0 -
I agree with some of the stuff you said, even if it's a bit overly inflammatory.dblazen1 said:
Saving peoples scroll wheels`
Just a small thing to clear up however. I actually got 115b as an estimate on g17r5 in China right now. I thought I'd say something since you said nobody was claiming it was 100b.
If you think the estimate is off I'd be interested to hear why. Frankly though it's rather conservative and largely based off the shop buy prices on the mats.
On a related note if they really do use the same system without changes nobody will be able to just buy the mats for a good long while.
I think you're underestimating how papery you are to casters using g17r5. I assumed you'd be running jades, which would make sense and not be horrible. In full deity a psy will literally one shot you on a zerk crit using g17r5 with both of you having even gear. That's with full buffs on you along with tiger form. They are rather close to being able to do it without sparking actually. This all kinda makes sense given they have nearly 200 attack levels on your def levels and just got a nice base damage boost. 1v1the barb might win, sure. In TW I'll take the psy every time.jsxshadow said:
Still snipping
Overall you seem very tied up with high DPS but seem to be missing the big picture. Since weapons are getting an upgrade and armor is staying the same two players with g17r5 attack weapons will basically melt each other.
Also if you want a fair competitive environment that's about equality and skill this is seriously the wrong game. You'll get about half a dozen people per server that max everything out and the average skill level for time played is exceptionally low due to the nature of mmos.0 -
And who do you think you are? You should watch my videos again and tell me how low of an impact I make in tw and nwdingo488 said:Joe must be the most confusing person to me ever, Ive never seen anyone hype themselves up this much...
And thanks to cross-server NW I know hes just sum random noob thats not even slightly above average when in comes to actually ingame impact... FeelsBadMan
Besides that, mass pvp is a bore. 1on1s are my specialty
You guys are so far from reality and display such lack of knowledge about this game that its shocking. I am not the one in a delusional state about himself nor the game. What I say is actually true but you all are in heavy denial obviously.
To this day I hope they will release xServer Tournaments, especially the 1on1 kind, combined with a ranking and reward system. Not hard to guess whos going to be no1. Sure. Save my words and quote me when it happens and I dont dominate. Do it. Save it. Prepare it. Whatever. I have beaten way way way too many people like you guys in so many different games that I dont really care anymore or have any reason to believe that anyone of you could really beat me in a fair scenario. There is just no reason for me to think that, seriously.
But hey, someone running around in NW with a squad loaded with classes that are just massive advantagous in NW (DBs, BMs, Venos) is telling me how I, as a storm, have no impact in NW when the majority of the time I am in squad with 4-6 other ppl, none being a BM nor Duskblade. And we still win most fights versus you Nublets in NW, I got it on tape. Several times. Please feel free to browse through my videos to get the proof you seem to be seeking so desperately.
BTT: Anyone that still believes that G17 is a good thing is neither worthy of a reply of me anymore nor any respect IF they also act as if they knew everything like those guys aboveGet my experience, get my knowledge, prove yourselfes. Then you can talk. TYVM.
1 Thing, that aside from the 1on1 aspect totally destroys G17 are yet again, Barb or in that matter maybe also Seeker and BMs but they lack the genie survivability variety. Imagine 1 year in, 10% of the former endgame people have their g17R5. One of them is a maxed out Barb with a 80 Def lvl weapon, the immunity proc (I'm assuming its 4-5 seconds each proc) combined with full jades and full vit statting and a decent card set (so ~1500 spirit unbuffed). Put him in a TW active guild and have some 80v80 TWs. If the immunity proc has the same chance (or even when it only has half or a quarter of the chance its still stupid) and this barb is at the base crystal holding a cata. 40 ppl are hitting on him and maybe there are some with a g17 weap that could deal some moderate dmg on ~200 def lvl (ya, think again) others, that dont have such a weapon, will only be dealing neglicable dmg and keep procing the immunity. How will you even disarm such a barb when he gets attacked by many? Time it with your whole faction to kill ONE Barb? Even if the immunity proc should fail sometimes...the barb still has ALL the genie, apo, own skills and def charms at his disposal to prolong his life. Duh?!
But ya, G17 is sooo awesome. Just epic that you just need to get 4 barbs like that in your fac and you always win due to them being unkillable. If you now place your bets on PW placing an internal CD on the proc then you guys are by far the most delusional crowd I have ever spoken to.
So now go ahead and live in your dreamworld. Keep trying to put me in my place and constantly failing. Keep proving that you wont ever reach my level if you dont get over your own egos. Why You guys are the ones with ego problems and not me? Cause you come here and redicule yourselves and others, claiming so much BS without having actualy Experience and knowledge about this game, forgetting to mention the most crucial facts and also just act like little kids when someone actually corrects you lot. I have experience and knowledge cause I tried everything out that this game possibly offers. I also did some research, asked some people from CN and so on.
You guys can accuse me for wasting to much precious lifetime in this game. Granted. But thats the only thing you can do. Actually display some skill and gather some knowledge. then we can talk on even terms. But please refrain from coming to the forums, spouting out random stuff that doesnt even make sense or is nothing but brainless flamebait, one could try arguments but I havnt seen one Argument from you guys. ever. All just blablablablablabla. Think before you post something please. Thank you very much.
PS: In the end you guys have never realised why I'm here and am doing what I'm doing. I am by no means here to show off how great I am and that I am the best of the best or boast around with my IQ of 140 or anything like that. No. Besides that would be a shame. there are ppl with an IQ far above 140. So nothing special. I am here to show you that YOU GUYS are not as GOOD AS YOU THINK! Thats the only purpose I haveTo crush your egos. If I have to do it with my own...well you know fire with fire works sometimes
+ It's a huge enjoyment to see you struggle against me again and again and again and I dont post that regularly anymore..but its alot of fun sometimes. Not boring at all. I love it. At the end of the day you will still think you have the upperhand..which makes me even happier cause one day. One lonely day you will eventuelly realise that all of you could#ve learned so much from this
0 -
*snip more ego maniac stuff*
Oh I will save it, maybe.
Just like I remember this:
And a 1
and a 2
and a 3
and a 4 is in this thread / page where you claim duskblades are unbalanced
Eat your words pretty please. bai.
ps: demhealsman posts and yours, because apparently ARC doesn't know how links workThe only fitting image for this forum.0 -
Ok children. Time to go outside for recess.
Seriously, don't make me split off another discussion again.0 -
Sorry, some people just cant stay on topic. I wasnt the one starting to derail things, just to get that out.sylenthunder said:Ok children. Time to go outside for recess.
Seriously, don't make me split off another discussion again.
LEts all keep discussing how broken G17 will be and that we should never get it in this form.0 -
I'm not saying not to reduce the numbers somewhat since the dollar is worth 6.5ish yaun and gold in China is more like 2.2-2.3m.tictic99999 said:don't forget to divide your numbers by 5-10. 4200 gold in china is gonna be somewhere between 800-1500ish for our version. Which is still a stupid amount that I wouldn't put coin into.
Having said that most, not all but most, things in the cash shop in china that actually matter are between two and three times the gold price rather than five to ten from what I can tell. Things outside this range generally serve a very different role on each server. Housing could be one of those things but it's hard to say.
0 -
624.8m + 4750 gold are just for only one stuff for property value( Chinese word is TuoSoul, idk how to translate it)standoffishman said:
Any chance you could take a look at my post directly above yours, the EDIT part, and point out any big errors? I'm curious if anything conflicts with your understanding of the system.attackerv said:
when u main go high level quest, won't get low level quest. So alts can have low level property value house for low level quest and low mat and main's house for high level quest and matsasterelle said:The blue stuff is tradeable version like with FSP coins. The version you actually need to make weapons though is untradeable.
@attackerv so if you invest in expensive housing and unlock 100% red quests every day, can you invite alts to your house and do red quests on them as well or do you need expensive housing for every alt?
lvl house needs far more 624.8m indeed. Also, there are some other CS stuff in BQ, which is mats pack ( not G17 mats, but for the house stuff mats).
Again, i don't have time and ability to explain all the details. Maybe i give u a example
If you want G17 mats, especially needs rare mats, u need a high level quest.
If you need a high level quest, you need a high property value
If you need a high property value, you need a high level house and a high level TuoSoul (624.8m+4750 gold for max level it)
If you need to level you house, you need more exp of house
if you need to more exp of house, you need to make more furnitures
If you need to make more furnitures, you need the craft map (consumable), mats and energy
If you need more energy, you need more property value
If you need more mats, you need to level you farm and other construction for produing mats, like wood, food et al, ofc, you can get them from BQ.
If you need craft map, you need do craft map daily
If you want to finish you G17 quest, you need some furniture to finish quest according to quest require
if you need some furniture, you need the craft map from map daily quest
so massive......................
OK, if you are a rich man, you can level you house faster. How?
first, main level property value by TuoSoul (600m+4750gold max) so that you have more daily energy.
second, use energy make furnitures so that get more exp to level house.
But you will find your energy >> mats production if you get high property value
Then you need to buy mats from BQ or...very cheap or free craft service for others or alts ( means, ppl provide mats, you lose daily energy and craft map to make furnitures for others, but you get exp)
you can also level alts house, let alts feed mats to your main, so your main can get exp by craft service.
if you level house every thing, so you get enough mats to make funitures and craft maps, you need coin coin coin....total is over billions.....even you do nothing but for maintain house, still need coins daily.
Main Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
There is a craft service function in housing system. you can put your service or requirement including price in that, similar AH.
At the beignning, many ppl freely provide crafte service even give money just for level their house faster.Main Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
Shows how utterly clueless you are regarding anything related to mass PvP. I seen SS of full JoSD barb getting hit for 107k by non deity psy. You purge, debuff and amp the barb before actually trying to kill it. But when you setup the kill properly, the barb drops pretty effortlessly, it really wont matter if the barb has extra 80 def levels or not. Though in reality that defense level increase will only be 50-60 as everybody is already pulling with r8r weapon.jsxshadow said:
1 Thing, that aside from the 1on1 aspect totally destroys G17 are yet again, Barb or in that matter maybe also Seeker and BMs but they lack the genie survivability variety. Imagine 1 year in, 10% of the former endgame people have their g17R5. One of them is a maxed out Barb with a 80 Def lvl weapon, the immunity proc (I'm assuming its 4-5 seconds each proc) combined with full jades and full vit statting and a decent card set (so ~1500 spirit unbuffed). Put him in a TW active guild and have some 80v80 TWs. If the immunity proc has the same chance (or even when it only has half or a quarter of the chance its still stupid) and this barb is at the base crystal holding a cata. 40 ppl are hitting on him and maybe there are some with a g17 weap that could deal some moderate dmg on ~200 def lvl (ya, think again) others, that dont have such a weapon, will only be dealing neglicable dmg and keep procing the immunity. How will you even disarm such a barb when he gets attacked by many? Time it with your whole faction to kill ONE Barb? Even if the immunity proc should fail sometimes...the barb still has ALL the genie, apo, own skills and def charms at his disposal to prolong his life. Duh?!
But ya, G17 is sooo awesome. Just epic that you just need to get 4 barbs like that in your fac and you always win due to them being unkillable. If you now place your bets on PW placing an internal CD on the proc then you guys are by far the most delusional crowd I have ever spoken to.
If proc rate is no more than what puri proc is, which I can imagine being safe bet, it really wont save even the big barbs for long. Remotely organized guilds know exactly how to get around such proc (If you arent heavy hitting caster/debuffer, you leave it alone). But you act as if there is mass of ppl mindlessly proccing the proc, which simply requires **** opposition.
Still I feel arguing over proc we know very little bout is silly and the 80 def levels isnt remotely scary in mass PvP, which is what Wanmei seems to least try to balance. Not saying they succeeding but its clearly their focus.
Ps. Over half of your post had nothing to add but to go on what a special little snowflake you are, which is honestly pretty sad.0 -
Thank you very much for the explanation. That was very helpful and I feel like the system now actually makes cohesive sense to me.attackerv said:
Snip because these pages get excessively long0 -
Hot damn, whats wrong with the servers you play on. In general, what is wrong with you guys? I already said I am not talking about friggin nubs, I am talking endgame here. So dont come and talk about a non-deity psy hitting a josd Barb for 100k when there is obviously other means of gear influencing this high number or a full set of debuffs ofc.saxroll said:
Shows how utterly clueless you are regarding anything related to mass PvP. I seen SS of full JoSD barb getting hit for 107k by non deity psy. You purge, debuff and amp the barb before actually trying to kill it. But when you setup the kill properly, the barb drops pretty effortlessly, it really wont matter if the barb has extra 80 def levels or not. Though in reality that defense level increase will only be 50-60 as everybody is already pulling with r8r weapon.jsxshadow said:
1 Thing, that aside from the 1on1 aspect totally destroys G17 are yet again, Barb or in that matter maybe also Seeker and BMs but they lack the genie survivability variety. Imagine 1 year in, 10% of the former endgame people have their g17R5. One of them is a maxed out Barb with a 80 Def lvl weapon, the immunity proc (I'm assuming its 4-5 seconds each proc) combined with full jades and full vit statting and a decent card set (so ~1500 spirit unbuffed). Put him in a TW active guild and have some 80v80 TWs. If the immunity proc has the same chance (or even when it only has half or a quarter of the chance its still stupid) and this barb is at the base crystal holding a cata. 40 ppl are hitting on him and maybe there are some with a g17 weap that could deal some moderate dmg on ~200 def lvl (ya, think again) others, that dont have such a weapon, will only be dealing neglicable dmg and keep procing the immunity. How will you even disarm such a barb when he gets attacked by many? Time it with your whole faction to kill ONE Barb? Even if the immunity proc should fail sometimes...the barb still has ALL the genie, apo, own skills and def charms at his disposal to prolong his life. Duh?!
But ya, G17 is sooo awesome. Just epic that you just need to get 4 barbs like that in your fac and you always win due to them being unkillable. If you now place your bets on PW placing an internal CD on the proc then you guys are by far the most delusional crowd I have ever spoken to.
If proc rate is no more than what puri proc is, which I can imagine being safe bet, it really wont save even the big barbs for long. Remotely organized guilds know exactly how to get around such proc (If you arent heavy hitting caster/debuffer, you leave it alone). But you act as if there is mass of ppl mindlessly proccing the proc, which simply requires **** opposition.
Still I feel arguing over proc we know very little bout is silly and the 80 def levels isnt remotely scary in mass PvP, which is what Wanmei seems to least try to balance. Not saying they succeeding but its clearly their focus.
Ps. Over half of your post had nothing to add but to go on what a special little snowflake you are, which is honestly pretty sad.
But good to know that on your server Barbs dont know what Evil Ward and Faith is. Heck, with a proc like that you pretty much just have to keep an eye on the debuffs, nothing else. Not in a slightest OP. No, no. That is exactly the definition of OP. IF you can just relax and play with the minimal effort and still have no problem in surviving/killing others. Heck with such a weapon a barb would most likely not even need to be healed to survive.
My Barb has mere 1470 Spirit and is just vit sharded and gets hit max 25k trip sparked from the strongest psy on our server with over 1800 spirit, better cards, gears, full deity and so on. Thats without the def lvl weapon. So go on and dream about your unrealistic numbers. That you guys always have to compare apples to pines. Holy cow. "trololol I dealt so much dmg on a char that is significantly worse geared than me, I am sooo OP, I am so pro." Then keeps talking about me boasting my egoAHAHA (yes, even when it wasnt you who did that. You just respond to me to put yourself above me, which is the worst type of egoistic cancer but you guys will never realise that, sadly).
Stop derailing this thread with your garbage people. You clearly have no idea about this game if all you keep spouting out is Biased nonesense. Start to compare things on friggin equal terms. EQUAL! Same with your "slightly organized guilds". Heck are you only having 80v40 TWs? Are only fighting the weakest of factions? Again, if you have an equally strong faction as your opponent then you WILL NOT HAVE THE TIME TO FOCUS ONE FRIGGIN PLAYER. talking about actual experience. Dont make me laugh. You all seem to be playing playmobile all day long. Obviously there is 0 endgame PvP experience judging from what you guys display. How dare you even responding in a thread like this with your utter nonesense.
"Squad 5 take down this barb after disarming him!" "Yes, Sir!"..."Sir we got killed cause an enemy BM and Storm kept CCing us and only a few of us could actually attack the barb WHICH ISNT ENOUGH BY FAR"! -> Dreamworld = "10+ ppl can just attack one player without getting stopped or interrupted by anyone while fighting 79 other ppl as well. Sure. Absolutely realistic. I agree." "But they could also use genie/apo to make them unstoppable!" you might say...sure. While the barb just has to press Faith + IG as well and all your ppl will be defenseless afterwards. GG.
No one cares if a returning jaded Barb with 400 spirit and such a weapon would still die like nothing. Put it on a MAX geared barb and see that it will be beyond broken. Why do I even have to say that? Thats common friggin sense.
G17 will be absolute ENDGAME and you guys keep talking about semi-Endgame. Such BS. If you dont have actual experience in the current endgame just SHUT IT FFS. Other people that actually come here to learn something might listen to your **** and become dumber instead of wiser.
Havnt I explained enough? Do you finally realise why G17 will break the game literally? I don't wanna waste the time actually..but if I have to then I will explain in detail which classes get way too strong then and how it will further effect mass- and regular PvP. Altho its common sense and shouldnt have to be explained..oh well ._.0 -
jsxshadow said:
Please stop talking smack about how other people shouldn't talk about absolute endgame without being endgame when you have 1470 spirit.
I'm reading 30k+ psy crits against a fully buffed fully maxed out rb2 portal deity barb when I simulate it using g17r5 weapons. Hence why I mentioned before that a zerk crit will actually one shot you on a triple spark. You'll take more hits with an 80 def weapon rather than attack but that's only while you leave it on. All that however is with 0 debuffs and full buffs on you, which is not really something you'll maintain in TW.
If you aren't aware rb2 portal adds far more to a casters damage than it does to your defense.
Feel free to check these numbers in the character builder. You won't see a big difference from what I'm getting however. You can also do the math by hand if you prefer but same deal.
On a side note what serious TW faction are you in that doesn't do at least half squad target calls in close TWs? Free target has it's merits in some situations but not calling targets ever is rather unusual for big TW factions in my experience. That is unless it's a roll or there are organizational problems.0 -
Are you drunk? I really dont know where your numbers are coming from and why you are comparing the DMG to a deity Barb when we are clearly talking about TW -> Thus full vit, magic ring and def lvl weapon.standoffishman said:jsxshadow said:
Please stop talking smack about how other people shouldn't talk about absolute endgame without being endgame when you have 1470 spirit.
I'm reading 30k+ psy crits against a fully buffed fully maxed out rb2 portal deity barb when I simulate it using g17r5 weapons. Hence why I mentioned before that a zerk crit will actually one shot you on a triple spark. You'll take more hits with an 80 def weapon rather than attack but that's only while you leave it on. All that however is with 0 debuffs and full buffs on you, which is not really something you'll maintain in TW.
If you aren't aware rb2 portal adds far more to a casters damage than it does to your defense.
Feel free to check these numbers in the character builder. You won't see a big difference from what I'm getting however. You can also do the math by hand if you prefer but same deal.
On a side note what serious TW faction are you in that doesn't do at least half squad target calls in close TWs? Free target has it's merits in some situations but not calling targets ever is rather unusual for big TW factions in my experience. That is unless it's a roll or there are organizational problems.
Here have a dmg comparision: http://mypers.pw/8/#322640/322643 (I used storm cause I had no intention to actually roll a psy (lazy =P) but you can go ahead and add another 25 Att lvl and 250 magic attack if you want to, wont change much)
In this scenario both are equally geared. A max geared full deity caster vs your typical full jaded, full vit, TW Barb (with my old crappy chart as well :P get a max chart with double mdef stats and the dmg goes down down down but the storm doesnt have that much offensives as well so it doesnt matter).
Max dmg I can see on the SELFBUFFED BARB is 16k (triple sparked) crit with downburst. 16k. With G17 zerk weap and g17 def lvl weap that would end up ~12k crit -> 24k zerkcrit. ON A SELFBUFFED BARB. Thats the numbers I know and have experienced.
Please roll a calc showcasing those 30k on an actual TW Barb. Go ahead.
Now take in Consideration max buffs (esp ink and wine), being constantly healed by Clerics/Mystics and has a chance to be immune for 4-5 seconds now and then and the option to remove his debuffs via genie and stay alive with apo and stuff. Totally not OPIts not like a maxed out barb with a decent chart will have 85k HP, 60k mdef and cap pdef while being fully buffed.
But ya, I am talking smack. Again. You people are unable to define equality. Just unbelievable.0
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