Main Discussion about NW pricing and effect on game



  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Then if it's "Working as Intended" whoever decided on this course of action needs a giant kick in the head to give them some common sense to realize just what an idiotic idea it was.
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This is the worst thing that could happen to the game: free endgame gear.
    You can't be serious about this "gear for all" thing. There is no fun, no challenge, no use in playing a game, that does not give you a goal you have to work for. There is no fun in getting everything for free and without any effort.

    In my opinion you should call the nation war off for this week until this issue is fixed. I'd rather wait on the wars than ruin the economy in one night. Think about what you do to players who worked hard for their gear. If this token/canny/rap issue happens tonight, I will certainly not come back.

    It's happened before. Remember r8?

    There's a reason for this.
    3rd recast nirvana becomes dirt cheap. People are happy because they see drastic improvements to their gear. If they should truly be happy or not is up for debate, but most people will be. They simply know their gear has improved.

    Meanwhile, 3rd recast r9 becomes a sinch too. This is PWI patting people on the back who made the $1500 or whatever investment to get r9. Now, while 3rd recast nirvana is great and all, 3rd recast r9 is better. Why? r9 is more offensive and the weapon always has a blessing on it. Typically offense > defense in this game and those weapon enchantments are absolute game changers. People who realize this suddenly want to buy r9, knowing they can have 3rd recast in a matter of weeks.

    What else? Refinements. I guarentee you there will be an orb sale soonish, because everyone will have new armor and will want to refine. Gold price is gonna jump (at least initially) because people need it for r9 or refines, and when gold prices are high, more people buy with real money.

    Customers are happy because most of them see gear improvements (though again, not everyone is happy, depending on their standing and overall outlook and concerns).
    PWI as a company profits because people are cash shopping.
    And while the economy will definitely be incredibly drunk for a good 2-3 months, it'll stabilize.

    Long-term, the issue this change produces is for refining and for going base r9. If you don't cash shop, you can easily managed 3rd recast nirvana +7. If you do, you can easily manage r9 3rd recast +10. The "class warfare" arises in that the r9 3rd recast people will be the ones with God of Frenzy, Purify Spell and Purge on their weapon. We can damage them now, yes, and technically the power gap HAS shrunk (in TW especially). However, there's still a power gap.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hit something once or twice per battle. You'll get tokens. You can support all you want, more damage = more tokens but you'll get something as long as you do some damage.

    Can you give us a rundown of how these work then?

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    on EU server Loth after NW
    Cannys are 35k~
    raps are 50k~
    r8r mats are dirt cheap
    So yeah b:bye vana
    enjoy the NW though it was a lot of fun
    How do i amuse myself?
    Sometimes i count to 1000 and back down again, usually i get stuck on 3

  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I chose a while ago to have r9, was the worst decision of my life based on what is happening now. Refines and shards do cost money that I can't get with cannies and raps (or can I? please patch it in as well).
    I wanted to slowly achieve my last goal, getting my r9 weap and refining everything. I know a lot of ppl farming for ages for their armors, for their weapons and now you can have it for free. I can get all my chars nirvana 2nd cast and then I'm stuck, no money for refines and shards. Way to **** it PWI.

    This game is ruined, I'm European, I should be happy about TW time changes but now this means every Saturday I have to sit home not planning anything before, because we might have TW.

    Unless this changes in 1 week (the token case) I will no longer stick to this game, because I got no future in it.
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The cheap as hell exchange for raps and cannies are custom made for our version.

    I'm pretty sure this is all working exactly as intended.

    Hope thats not true....

    Agree with Zanir here but i say the warsouls have to be removed also as now cube neck is only a question of cogs.

    For me this is a killer and idk if game is worth playing anymore, need to see where this is going if not removed.

    Till now i saw some hope of farming R9 but now....
    ok, we have now nv 3rd recast easily reachable or maybe even warsouls weapons but how the hell is someone who is none cs supposed to farm r9 now? (that vana is doomed if no change)
  • Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I would trade nirvana runs to warsong runs anytime.
  • Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I just read what happened and HOLY HELL did PW really did this?
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just logged on Lothranis and Momaganon....there are no more catshops in Raging Tide that sell raps/cannies. b:surrender
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I chose a while ago to have r9, was the worst decision of my life based on what is happening now. Refines and shards do cost money that I can't get with cannies and raps (or can I? please patch it in as well).
    I wanted to slowly achieve my last goal, getting my r9 weap and refining everything. I know a lot of ppl farming for ages for their armors, for their weapons and now you can have it for free. I can get all my chars nirvana 2nd cast and then I'm stuck, no money for refines and shards. Way to **** it PWI.

    This game is ruined, I'm European, I should be happy about TW time changes but now this means every Saturday I have to sit home not planning anything before, because we might have TW.

    Unless this changes in 1 week (the token case) I will no longer stick to this game, because I got no future in it.

    You're absolutely right. Unless they fix this (With a server rollback) this game is dead. Everyone will be running around in the same gear only difference being shards and refines which nobody can afford now unless they charge gold. To anyone saying this is good...what is wrong with your brain that you can't see the ramifications of this decision by PWI?

    Think of it this way...

    The US dollar has a set maintains that value based on the amount of gold in the treasury to back up said value. The more bills that are printed the lower the value drops since the value of the gold doesn't change, yet it has to accommodate a higher number of bills in circulation. Would you be thrilled if you just got your paycheck on Friday for $500 and then on Saturday it now depreciated to being the equivalent of $5? Mind you, the prices of everything are going to stay the same, a gallon of milk would still be $2.50, a gallon of gas would still be $3.50...

    This is the same thing that's going on in game. Raps and Uncanny were the staple farming products for 99% of the community. PW just made them absolutely worthless.
  • Posts: 2,280 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    heres whats going to happen.
    Nation Wars are going to give everyone a huge mass of supply tokens, so everyone gets strong really fast. but then they are going to release....something new and much much better (i pray not those new +70 attack level daggers with interval) that, of course, is cash shop only. Everyone will have gear now, but economy dead, so shards and refines will need to be cash shopped, and new even better geared cash shopped, WOOOPPEEEEEEE
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I chose a while ago to have r9, was the worst decision of my life based on what is happening now. Refines and shards do cost money that I can't get with cannies and raps (or can I? please patch it in as well).
    I wanted to slowly achieve my last goal, getting my r9 weap and refining everything. I know a lot of ppl farming for ages for their armors, for their weapons and now you can have it for free. I can get all my chars nirvana 2nd cast and then I'm stuck, no money for refines and shards. Way to **** it PWI.

    This game is ruined, I'm European, I should be happy about TW time changes but now this means every Saturday I have to sit home not planning anything before, because we might have TW.

    Unless this changes in 1 week (the token case) I will no longer stick to this game, because I got no future in it.

    Breezy imma go with you ~_~ I never meant to go for R9 but now I can't even enjoy farming T3. Wheee. I have no goal at all.
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Can you give us a rundown of how these work then?

    I'm not sure how you go about attacking someone else, got in late and didn't pay attention to that. What I do know is this.

    When you get in it'll tell you how to get into the battles, you press M to open the map then click on the area you wish to attack/defend if your nation is involved in a battle there. It'll give you a pop-up telling you how long until you arrive, don't close your map or it cancels this and you have to do it again.

    Once you're in the battle you have a total of 5 respawns, if you die a 6th time you're teleported out of that battle zone.

    These battles are a game of capture the flag, fairly straightforward. Pick up the flag closest to your end of the zone, take it to the enemy's side without dying. If you die it resets. If you get your flag to your opponents side you get a point, whoever has more points wins.

    Now for the part you really want, the damage. When you do damage you get contribution, more damage = more points = more tokens at the end of the game. When each battle ends it will tell you the total contribution of everyone on the team and your personal contribution.

    There's a set amount of tokens to go out (ours was 45.7k or so) and the amount of contribution you get determines your share. Some people will get 70, some will get 500+, others will get none. Just depends on your damage as far as I can tell. You may get points for bringing a flag to the enemy's zone, but I didn't get a chance to get a flag there so I don't know

    That's pretty much how it works.

    To the guy from HT that pmed me on Loth, rewards were sent out instantly for us.
  • Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    good, *** nirvana and spending all my time there during 2x, boring and repetitive. good riddance to bad rubbish.

    I have a g16 5aps sin and BM as well as this character too. I was happy when they made BHaba/sot non-soloable and im happy about this too. I just hope coins stay somewhat in demand for cash shoppers so the gold market doesnt die, and a way for coins to be farmed, for the farmers.
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Wait, so EVERYBODY who has NIRVY GEAR IS SCREWED????

    And I just bought 150 raps to make S3 axes......... (217M for all raps)
  • Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    HT market is already down for those who havn't noticed, everything is bought up and catshops are already buying for low. Great way to ruin the game for us who still hang on to our loot from past 2xs or the ones who had catshops buying for future goals. U basically gave the finger to over a few hundred people over the different servers on a few hundred million coins each. b:kiss
    ~ Suspended on Silverwings ~
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    +1 for rollback - tho i think its not gonna ahppen so buybuys
  • Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    HT market is already down for those who havn't noticed, everything is bought up and catshops are already buying for low. Great way to ruin the game for us who still hang on to our loot from past 2xs or the ones who had catshops buying for future goals. U basically gave the finger to over a few hundred people over the different servers on a few hundred million coins each. b:kiss

    I was a little eager to spread the word in WC b:chuckle

    Just imagine how easy it is to manipulate the economy if this were actually all a lie.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i spammed wc with it after selling my nirvana stuff b:thanks
  • Posts: 8
    edited November 2012
    Well I was almost done with this game anyway. This completely killed it for me. -removed- for the win!!!!!!!!
  • Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Im glad that doing the same instance over and over days are gone, damned nirvana was such a annoying chore glad is now dead.

    Even if never got the server vs server part anything new is still better than anything.

    And yeaa to cheap vana mats no more of that annoying instance and greedy merchant profiting from it every 2x.
  • Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Killing the biggest market in game, way to go PWI.
  • Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I was a little eager to spread the word in WC b:chuckle

    Just imagine how easy it is to manipulate the economy if this were actually all a lie.

    It is...alot of people will have sold their stuff for cheaper than intended, or
    many lost hanging on to it. Either way if this doesnt get fixed I see no future for PWI in my personal case. No goals to acchieve as so many others mentioned. Even if you
    have a goal...its nothing everyone else can't catch up to now, in terms of best endgame gear. b:cry
    ~ Suspended on Silverwings ~
  • Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just go with it. *keeps buying raps*
  • Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I disagree with the OP....I like this new feature.
    PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Sanctuary going crazy...every1 tries to sell their nirvy mats b:cold
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    oh GMs.. what have you done... you have to change something about this.. either lower amount of tokens u get from event or make exchange rate higher or idk... this was just worst thing you could do to us. even your dear CSers are banging their heads on desk atm coz they spent so much on their recasts etc and now everyone got OP gears in one day. b:shocked
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This is the best update ever, not because of easy to get T3 vana, but because of the sheer amount of butthurt. This is almost as good as the forum apocalypse nearly three years ago.
  • Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I, for one, am freakin' thrilled. I can't wait to nirvy my gear for uber cheap b:chuckle
    PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)
  • Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Sanctuary going crazy...every1 tries to sell their nirvy mats b:cold

    I sold all mine to reasonable prices....almost no catshops still buys at old prices.

    I can't image the terrible sorrow on those who worked so hard thinking they had 200/300M worth of Cannies/Raps and tomorrow they'll found out this.....

    I made it in time,others won't its freaking unfair.
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry


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