GMs, fix our bramble. Seriously.



  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited November 2011
    well stealth does work as intended bramble doesnt.

    Actually, this is how Bramble is intended to work. Just because you think it should work differently doesn't mean it's not working as intended.

    If it were changed, then whatever it would be changed to would be the new way it would be intended to work.
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    in tw u might think it is all there is i dont much care for TW but i do in pk and the only reason there so many fish is cos there is no real counter to stealting aps fishies.

    and no just cos sin are the baby of the devs dosent mean bramble should not work as intended it actually should sin have way to counter somethin gas simple as bramble.

    Not all barb are aps dont invole my r9 barb into that crappy aps tyvm.
    i am demon axe babr as main and i do not like how aps is working on its current form in pk. as u said every kid and there mum is using aps to kill there victim and i dobt its how it should be. and demon barb as i have said have also demon roar wish is bramble based.

    when u use skill you can still counter bramble what you may have hard with is aps but
    i dont think aps should we so easy to kill ur victim with and in the case of a veno its there true defence wtf its there main defence so how can u say it should not work.

    its like taken away sin deaden nerv and i can tell u sin are way more stronger then a veno
    with or without it.

    then kittycat may you tell me how you will make aps less usefull as i recall you guys did say you were working on making aps less usefull when and what would u use.

    and bramble is intended to work in tw and duel wow lame.
    maybe you should visit a pvp server you might change ur mind when u see how aps is working atm.

    and i tho it is a good counter to deal with the currnet aps and you guys didnt in any ways need to nurf it.

    i will have to look where one of u guys did mention to say you where working to make aps less usefull.
  • Nubispotze - Heavens Tear
    Nubispotze - Heavens Tear Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    then kittycat may you tell me how you will make aps less usefull as i recall you guys did say you were working on making aps less usefull when and what would u use.

    and bramble is intended to work in tw and duel wow lame.
    maybe you should visit a pvp server you might change ur mind when u see how aps is working atm.

    and i tho it is a good counter to deal with the currnet aps and you guys didnt in any ways need to nurf it.

    i will have to look where one of u guys did mention to say you where working to make aps less usefull.

    why are u asking him anything, hes just a mod. he knows of nothing they are doing b:laugh
    Exegesis-103-Psychic--blackballs, blueballs, pinkballs, hairless balls. You got a lotta balls to be applying to Enrage...AND ask for a private denial reason? gg man. gg.
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited November 2011
    then kittycat may you tell me how you will make aps less usefull as i recall you guys did say you were working on making aps less usefull when and what would u use.

    and bramble is intended to work in tw and duel wow lame.
    maybe you should visit a pvp server you might change ur mind when u see how aps is working atm.

    and i tho it is a good counter to deal with the currnet aps and you guys didnt in any ways need to nurf it.

    i will have to look where one of u guys did mention to say you where working to make aps less usefull.

    You realize (as Nubis said, as much as it pains me to agree with him) that I am only a player/moderator, correct? I have no more knowledge of what's going on behind the scenes than you guys do.

    Also, are you aware where my current main character is? If you were, you wouldn't be telling me to visit a PvP server. Stop acting like you know everything about me, please... it isn't becoming.

    As for that "APS being made less useful" statement, it came from a translation of a Chinese Q&A with one of the developers. As far as I was told, the nerf made it into their test version, and the uproar against it was so bad it never made it onto their official servers, much less over here. None of the GMs made an official statement regarding it, so you can stop looking.b:surrender
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I suppose I could agree around "these days" on how aps has wtfpwnd the game, having venos bramble hood them selfs and just watching some sin insta kill them self unless their reactions were quick sharp so to speak, or you know, tele stun them and aps them before they can move as per usual, I'm fairly sure it was removed all that time ago from normal world PK due to the fact that it was just insanely OP, when I used it on my veno, it was just totally daft, any melee user couldn't kill me unless it was unexpected or I didn't have sparks ready.

    /balanced game is balanced.
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    welll that i undertand it never become public cos non of the mods and cm did say much about it.

    but in true its what i think why bramble might work as its part of the class in this way nothing would need to be nurfed to make it less usefull aps would still be usefull just more on the pve part and less on the pvp part. i hope u agree in this.

    if not at least could u tell franky and even tell him if its not possible to make the buff so u can cast on player to be a self kinda buff for venos.

    it would mean it would only affect venos not every melee class and yes i would see more venos playing on pvp server then now but its good if less player play sin and more classes so its good right.

    i still think bramble is a good way to make aps less usefull i just dont see why you guys cant see it.

    it only affect a few classes and those classes benefit mos tfrom solo farming anyways so that they would qq about being less useful lin open pk when they get so much in pve is stupid to say the least.

    i still think bramble guard is the most effective becouse it last much longer.

    bramble guard still req two spark and only last 10 sec wish if you do not knew when a sin will strike he would have stun you 1st and even if u were to un-stun and put bramble hood on if the fish is not smart he should kill himself instead of stealth and wait for the timer to run out and repeat.
  • poorrboy
    poorrboy Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    i agree all the way
  • Maiira - Sanctuary
    Maiira - Sanctuary Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    this topic has been brought up sooo many times over the last couple years its kinda funny that people keep remaking the same threads b:surrender

    tons of people have complained and will complain but nothing is going to be done about it. nothing was done about it with any of the other threads that went on for pages and pages. so nothings going to change after this thread anyways so your all wasting lots of time for your precious post count. b:bye

    I'm all for having it added for pvp. its just not going to happen.
    lvl101 LA/AA demon veno ftw, 15251 hp buffed, 13508 buffed pdef in human. able to use tt100 fists at 5 aps w/ genie. all from 2 years of work... WASTED
    was fun while it lasted
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    this topic has been brought up sooo many times over the last couple years its kinda funny that people keep remaking the same threads b:surrender

    tons of people have complained and will complain but nothing is going to be done about it. nothing was done about it with any of the other threads that went on for pages and pages. so nothings going to change after this thread anyways so your all wasting lots of time for your precious post count. b:bye

    I'm all for having it added for pvp. its just not going to happen.

    yes well i tho now that the mod and cm did say that the dev where working on a way to make aps less usefull that they again might look into bramble from venos and barbs.
    its worth the trouble i mean i dont compute that the devs wish the fish to be op as to allure the player base as krittycat said. but bramble isnt as Op as they think it would mostly only affect aps wish is what the devs said there were looking for a way to make less usefull.

    it would mostly affect aps players nothing more and in a way make the one playing a fish make ather classes and make pvp live again.

    pvp spot is 90% sins WoNDER why and again sin fish who do not really on aps would still kill venos but it would not be as easy as before wish is the whole point.
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited November 2011
    Yes, well, i thought now that the mod and cm did say that the devs where working on a way to make aps less usefull, that they again might look into bramble from venos and barbs.
    It's worth the trouble - I mean, I don't believe that the devs wish the fish to be OP to allure the player base as KrittyCat said. Bramble isnt as Op as they think; it would mostly only affect aps, which is what the devs said they were looking for a way to make less usefull.

    I'll be honest. What you type is most of the time incoherent due to the lack of punctuation to separate sentences into thoughts... Is there anything I can do to convince you to use punctuation?b:surrender

    I fixed it for you (somewhat) this time...b:shutup

    Also, rampant double-posting is cause for a temp-ban from the forums. Please use the Edit button if you wish to add something to your latest post in the future, or wait until somebody else has posted.
  • Maiira - Sanctuary
    Maiira - Sanctuary Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    yes well i tho now that the mod and cm did say that the dev where working on a way to make aps less usefull that they again might look into bramble from venos and barbs.
    its worth the trouble i mean i dont compute that the devs wish the fish to be op as to allure the player base as krittycat said. but bramble isnt as Op as they think it would mostly only affect aps wish is what the devs said there were looking for a way to make less usefull.

    it would mostly affect aps players nothing more and in a way make the one playing a fish make ather classes and make pvp live again.

    pvp spot is 90% sins WoNDER why and again sin fish who do not really on aps would still kill venos but it would not be as easy as before wish is the whole point.

    your all preaching to the choir b:chuckle id love to have bramble again like i did when id sit in secret passage :D was fun being mostly afk and watching people kill them selves on me without my having to do anything because of their stupidity.

    it only ended cause some1 who had me kos discovered that if they used iron-guard/sutra/ad when they'd attack me they could resist it. but was fun knowing they had to waste genie energy or apoth to kill some1 that was afk lol
    lvl101 LA/AA demon veno ftw, 15251 hp buffed, 13508 buffed pdef in human. able to use tt100 fists at 5 aps w/ genie. all from 2 years of work... WASTED
    was fun while it lasted
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    well i live in sweden and i never ever and would never need to learn english.

    and its not even in english i just never did go to school past a certain age for rl issues.

    some ppl do get pissed when i do not write as correct as the ywould like it when i just write as i think i should not as i knew i should.

    this is a game and as such i would never need to learn i but i do apologies if my writting does make it hard to understand.
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Every post after page ~6 is contributing to the death of this thread.
    including this post.

    seriously the only valid point was that veno's are the most durable casters since they have more natural hp than wiz/psys/clerics/mystics who get only 10 per vit point.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited November 2011
    well i live in sweden and i never ever and would never need to learn english.

    and its not even in english i just never did go to school past a certain age for rl issues.

    some ppl do get pissed when i do not write as correct as the ywould like it when i just write as i think i should not as i knew i should.

    this is a game and as such i would never need to learn i but i do apologies if my writting does make it hard to understand.

    Even the spacing helps, thank you. It's just hard to tell when one thought ends and another thought begins when it's all mashed up.b:surrender
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    agree but this old man cant help itb:chuckle,
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I don't know when you fell in love with me, and decided everything I say is somehow addressed to you, but it isn't. Your responses are neither constructive, informative or invited, and I don't love you back.

    I'm trying to tell you that the bit in red applies to just about every post you have ever made on these forums.

    I'm sorry you don't love me back. b:cry I'm going to have to go join Yulk, playing dollies in the fast lane of the freeway now.

    Indeed, I have never once EVER seen you make a constructive post ever. Just flames. Take a Xanex. Put it in your ice cream. Chill while you Chill. Seriously, if the forum ignore feature worked, I would LOVE to add you to it, so you could join tweakz, alasen, and Yulk's original account. >_>
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Mmmmm okay time for my input on bramble b:cute

    I read a few pages of this and venos are fairly strong but they ares still very weak mages. b:surrender you cannot say its not true because we get nowhere near the magic attack a wizard or a psy does. Case in point I have never been hit by a veno for more then 11k and that was the really powerful venos on the other hand I've been hit for 20k easily from a wizard they just scale up insanely more.
    So yes venos are weak mages what makes them good DD is their pet it has what was it like a 3 or so second stun and thats if your pet has that not all venos have nixes mind you. Bleed can be gotten on all pets but short of a level 100 nix even someone in TT 90 never died very easily from it. Bleed isn't broken it ignores some pvp reduction because its a pet but in PvP nowadays being TT99+ nix doesn't really do much but add a couple thousand more damage to them. Its not like a skill any other class has it can be killed and stopped and slowed. Basically don't let your ideas on how strong nix is because that has to be trained for weeks to be useful it doesn't start strong.

    Speed? its not 15m/s constantly to do that you have switch between fox and human form which while your fast still leaves you a bit vulnerable. And thats only for demon not for sage all those other classes have buffs that work regardless of cultivation.

    Bramble isn't as strong as melees make it out to be either what bramble does is take 70% of the damage we take and send it back at the melee. You see thats where its not broken It hits the veno the veno returns then said damage has to go through the opponents phys defense aka melees hit themselves with a small fraction of their power and still have the power to resist their own damage. 1k damage deals 100 damage back to its owner if that lol

    I know we are strong its not like we are asking for hood back even though we deserve to have our skills not constantly gimped. We are totally useless underwater our speed means literally nothing underwater as we don't have our water mastery. Our hood our two spark save our *** skill only reduces damage and doesn't last very long and has been gimped to not return any damage. Our bramble has been literally taken away outside of pve and TW our nix was also going to be taken away but thank god it tested badly and sins came out or venos wouldn't even have nix to rely on. Our fox skills short of literally the fox form itself and amp and purge the rest of the attacks in that form are useless as we can't go into that form with a melee weapon and go up and attack.

    All in all we are the victims of a time when we were enemy number one to make us less powerful in the short run they took away our skills which is not fair to do and then released a psychic that does the same thing with melee and magic and its not even purge-able bramble is........and only has a 10 min timer
  • Dralighte - Harshlands
    Dralighte - Harshlands Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Weak casters? >.>
    I know someone with +10 Light Nirvana armor that kill alone almost all R9 +12 people.
    I doubt I can do that with a wizard +10 L. Nirvana.
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Broederjr - Lost City
    Broederjr - Lost City Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Weak casters? >.>
    I know someone with +10 Light Nirvana armor that kill alone almost all R9 +12 people.
    I doubt I can do that with a wizard +10 L. Nirvana.

    cmon we both know they put blazing scareb vs blade tempest i ahve more probs with venoes then any other casters but then again ppl in lsot city know how to play their classes unlike pve ppl.Veno is the most op caster if they know how to play lets nerf them more b:angry
  • Allynna_ - Dreamweaver
    Allynna_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Not sure why people keep saying bramble reflects damage taken back. Unless the Devs have done some Ninja nerf, bramble reflects damage DEALT not TAKEN.

    I've gotten bramble on my BM and seen mobs get reflected more damage than they dealt (and that's a non-crit reflect). Some guildies who use to TW mentioned popping AD when sins drop on them and watched thing Kill themselves on reflect while they have resists over their heads.

    Though bramble should work in open PK like it does in other forms, a slight PK related nerf might be neccicary.
  • Dralighte - Harshlands
    Dralighte - Harshlands Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    cmon we both know they put blazing scareb vs blade tempest i ahve more probs with venoes then any other casters but then again ppl in lsot city know how to play their classes unlike pve ppl.Veno is the most op caster if they know how to play lets nerf them more b:angry

    Since when people are pro with the FC lvl 1 to 101?
    If I could take Blade tempest or purge on wiz, I would take purge...
    YES, you cant purge psy, barb's ult, seeker buffs ( I think?), etc.
    BUT, you remove any noob with cleric's and barb's buff!!

    Veno have 2 second stun (3 sec demon) + x sec pet
    Veno have the best HP
    If you want to PvP, DONT TAKE SAGE
    Veno is weak if you compare 1 spell for 1 spell, but you have less CD
    You have an AoE silence + paralyze
    A skill that reduce incoming domages
    A skill that make you immune
    Demon Venomous scarab reduce de wood's resist

    I AGREE to buff the pet EG, but NOT bramble.
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Otonio - Heavens Tear
    Otonio - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Veno is the most op caster


    I don't want to repeat myself because I don't feel it's necessary.

    What I really wish is that we could be provided with some way to talk to someone who might have some influence over it. Fifteen pages later, I still haven't gotten a very clear answer as to why we've been jipped on our skill other than a lot of aps users crying that they suicided at some point in time... which in my humble opinion makes them a little daft and probably not very observant.
    me lavo las manos con la sangre de newbitos
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    I don't want to repeat myself because I don't feel it's necessary.

    What I really wish is that we could be provided with some way to talk to someone who might have some influence over it. Fifteen pages later, I still haven't gotten a very clear answer as to why we've been jipped on our skill other than a lot of aps users crying that they suicided at some point in time... which in my humble opinion makes them a little daft and probably not very observant.

    What I wish is that Venos would stop complaining about being sooooo underpowered in PvP and that their pets are way too weak. A 200 dollar pet not doing a lot of damage against well refined R8/TT99/R9? Go f*cking figure. Oh no, your Bramble doesn't work in pk? You can't just sit there and laugh while a melee suicides himself on you? Well neither can I. Get the hell over it already, you have it in TW and in PvP instances and it wreaks enough havoc there as it is. Stop complaining because if you're REALLY as underpowered as most Venos state then even Bramble wouldn't save you so crying about it isn't gonna help.
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Since when people are pro with the FC lvl 1 to 101?
    If I could take Blade tempest or purge on wiz, I would take purge...
    YES, you cant purge psy, barb's ult, seeker buffs ( I think?), etc.
    BUT, you remove any noob with cleric's and barb's buff!!

    Veno have 2 second stun (3 sec demon) + x sec pet
    Veno have the best HP
    If you want to PvP, DONT TAKE SAGE
    Veno is weak if you compare 1 spell for 1 spell, but you have less CD
    You have an AoE silence + paralyze
    A skill that reduce incoming domages
    A skill that make you immune
    Demon Venomous scarab reduce de wood's resist

    I AGREE to buff the pet EG, but NOT bramble.

    2 seconds is just enough to cancel channeling effectively or prevent someone from getting too far away it hardly prevents running or dying from your target again IF you have nix we aren't talking for venos that are 100+ r9 and all that we are talking EVERY veno from our low level alts to a new nublet veno.
    Venos have the best HP of the casters just barely but this is also because we are suppose to be half phys and we aren't we don't have the general capabilities to be melee effectively.
    I hate that argument Sage Venos PvP just as well as Demon massive amounts of chi increased damage on some 30% amp aoe purge :3 you don't know what your talking about.
    Our cool downs are slightly less *points to lucky scarab* not all of our skills have low cool downs in fact in actuality we have two skills that have fast cool downs everything else has quite long cool downs. We have venomous scarab that has a fast cool down ironwood is slower by quite a bit gas is even slower and everything else is 30 seconds+
    1 AoE seal to top off a total of 3 Effective AoEs and 1 of two damaging AoEs. Its not so cut and dry as look at everyone elses 2 spark AoEs the Wizard has 3 most other classes have massive damage AoEs, ours doesn't do as much damage but it does seal but only 65% of the time per target and leveling up our skill doesn't increase the chance the time it stays sealed.
    The one your talking about here is a two spark that has a nasty 3 min cool down and takes like 2 seconds to cast easily stunned trying to cast it.
    This one takes a total of 4 seconds to use 3 seconds to channel 1 second to cast it also stuns and only lasts 10 seconds and has a 5 min cool down.
    Again just demon battling the special effects of demon and sage skills aren't on trial here.

    I am for nerfing nix a bit and having pets for water/land/and air that scale up a bit better at the highest levels. But I want my bramble back its the only buff I can give to someone

    See Zanryu when you take it like that your taking it the wrong way what if we were to say suddenly your tempest got gimped of damage or your plume shell no longer could block quite as much damage. you would be annoyed at the lack of a feature thats suppose to be there. No one is saying venos are vastly underpowered we just aren't the most powerful class and bramble IS NOT a powerful skill its high time we got it back.
  • hiddenmonkey
    hiddenmonkey Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    What is this **** QQ?

    Bwah so one of the veno's overpowered skills gets nerfed. Boohoo.

    Veno's still have a skill that can hurt an immune to damage target. No other class can do something that OP.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    2 seconds is just enough to cancel channeling effectively or prevent someone from getting too far away it hardly prevents running or dying from your target again IF you have nix we aren't talking for venos that are 100+ r9 and all that we are talking EVERY veno from our low level alts to a new nublet veno.
    Venos have the best HP of the casters just barely but this is also because we are suppose to be half phys and we aren't we don't have the general capabilities to be melee effectively.
    I hate that argument Sage Venos PvP just as well as Demon massive amounts of chi increased damage on some 30% amp aoe purge :3 you don't know what your talking about.
    Our cool downs are slightly less *points to lucky scarab* not all of our skills have low cool downs in fact in actuality we have two skills that have fast cool downs everything else has quite long cool downs. We have venomous scarab that has a fast cool down ironwood is slower by quite a bit gas is even slower and everything else is 30 seconds+
    1 AoE seal to top off a total of 3 Effective AoEs and 1 of two damaging AoEs. Its not so cut and dry as look at everyone elses 2 spark AoEs the Wizard has 3 most other classes have massive damage AoEs, ours doesn't do as much damage but it does seal but only 65% of the time per target and leveling up our skill doesn't increase the chance the time it stays sealed.
    The one your talking about here is a two spark that has a nasty 3 min cool down and takes like 2 seconds to cast easily stunned trying to cast it.
    This one takes a total of 4 seconds to use 3 seconds to channel 1 second to cast it also stuns and only lasts 10 seconds and has a 5 min cool down.
    Again just demon battling the special effects of demon and sage skills aren't on trial here.

    I am for nerfing nix a bit and having pets for water/land/and air that scale up a bit better at the highest levels. But I want my bramble back its the only buff I can give to someone

    See Zanryu when you take it like that your taking it the wrong way what if we were to say suddenly your tempest got gimped of damage or your plume shell no longer could block quite as much damage. you would be annoyed at the lack of a feature thats suppose to be there. No one is saying venos are vastly underpowered we just aren't the most powerful class and bramble IS NOT a powerful skill its high time we got it back.

    Wanna nerf Tempest? Go for it, no Cleric in their right mind would wast that much chi on one attack just to have it resisted. I'm the type to conserve chi and use it for defensive skills such as Shell or Guardian Light. My personal preferences aside....

    As long as I've been pking Bramble never reflected damage in open PvP, and I've been playing for a really long time, so even if it was taken they should have had time to adapt and be able to fight effectively without it. You know why Tempest and Plume Shell aren't nerfed? Because there's no need for them to be. I can't reflect an attacker's damage right back at them AND blast them into oblivion with nukes. Bramble wasn't supposed to work in open PvP and it doesn't, get over it. Oh, actually, I've seen the light. You're right, venos should get bramble and Wizards, Archers, and Psychics should be allowed to knock back in PvP.

    You wanna know what happens when you fight a veno with Hood? You kill yourself. I dueled a level 80 veno just to see how much I damage I could do and i killed myself before I could kill her, and that was without her attacking back. A level 100 8.3k HP BM killed himself on Hood alone, now imagine a Veno having that option for open PK. Fortify>Hood>Dead melee if the veno has half a brain and launches a few nukes. It's the same concept with just Bramble, where the melee will do quite a lot of damage to themselves, granted it won't kill them most likely, but it'll do enough that the veno can use whatever combo they choose and have a pretty easy time disposing of their attack if they're not smart.

    I've already pointed out that venos have skill to use in PvP to resist attacks or kite, and the smart venos that know what they're doing use them pretty well and manage to get kills even without Bramble reflecting damage. The fact that venos are getting kills even without Bramble only server to prove my point that it's not needed. Even if they're not the strongest Arcane they can still do some pretty decent damage, enough that bramble could allow them to faceroll most melees if they're smart enough to keep Fortify on their genie to resist whatever stun might initially come their way or to break a stun chain. Of course there's also Demon Summer Sprint>Feral Concentration or Absolute Domain or Faith or Badge of Courage... you see where I'm going with this...

    Long story short? Venos don't need Bramble, get over the fact that you don't reflect damage in open PvP, you still have it in TW, herpaderpderp.
  • Maiira - Sanctuary
    Maiira - Sanctuary Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Not sure why people keep saying bramble reflects damage taken back. Unless the Devs have done some Ninja nerf, bramble reflects damage DEALT not TAKEN.

    I've gotten bramble on my BM and seen mobs get reflected more damage than they dealt (and that's a non-crit reflect). Some guildies who use to TW mentioned popping AD when sins drop on them and watched thing Kill themselves on reflect while they have resists over their heads.

    Though bramble should work in open PK like it does in other forms, a slight PK related nerf might be neccicary.

    either way if its based on damage taken or damage dealt... if your immune to damage the person hitting you isn't doing any damage. its just based on damage.

    and if your not smart enough to recognize the channeling for bramble hood, then its not the venos fault. its just something else for people to work around. as a bm use roar or pride and take the opportunity to kill of pet. don't go all out on a veno with bramble hood. stun-lock them and play defensive till it runs out. though sadly very few bm's that i encounter even know what stun-lock is lol. ahhh the lost abilities of players that come from not learning how to do something besides auto-attack.
    and venos cant get through immune to damage. that's a mystic skill.
    lvl101 LA/AA demon veno ftw, 15251 hp buffed, 13508 buffed pdef in human. able to use tt100 fists at 5 aps w/ genie. all from 2 years of work... WASTED
    was fun while it lasted
  • Dralighte - Harshlands
    Dralighte - Harshlands Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    2 seconds is just enough to cancel channeling effectively or prevent someone from getting too far away it
    3 secondes demon, it does not stay much time, but you have it for NO chi,; you can also use Occult ice.
    hardly prevents running or dying from your target again IF you have nix we aren't talking for venos that are 100+ r9 and all that we are talking EVERY veno from our low level alts to a new nublet veno.
    Venos have the best HP of the casters just barely but this is also because we are suppose to be half phys and we aren't we don't have the general capabilities to be melee effectively.
    I hate that argument Sage Venos PvP just as well as Demon massive amounts of chi increased damage on some 30% amp aoe purge :3 you don't know what your talking about.
    I'm more scared to fight a demon veno than sage... OMG aoe purge!!! lol
    Yeah, you get 30% more Amp + 5% magic attack with masteries, BUT in PvP, demon shine more than sage

    Our cool downs are slightly less *points to lucky scarab* not all of our skills have low cool downs in fact in actuality we have two skills that have fast cool downs everything else has quite long cool downs.
    and that's your main skills to DD =.=
    We have venomous scarab that has a fast cool down ironwood is slower by quite a bit gas is even slower and everything else is 30 seconds+
    1 AoE seal to top off a total of 3 Effective AoEs and 1 of two damaging AoEs. Its not so cut and dry as look at everyone elses 2 spark AoEs the Wizard has 3 most other classes have massive damage AoEs, ours doesn't do as much damage but it does seal but only 65% of the time per target and leveling up our skill doesn't increase the chance the time it stays sealed.
    Veno is a 1vs1 character and or purge people, wizard is there to Aoe people. Do you get it or you need more experience in TW/PvP to understand?

    The one your talking about here is a two spark that has a nasty 3 min cool down and takes like 2 seconds to cast easily stunned trying to cast it.
    This one takes a total of 4 seconds to use 3 seconds to channel 1 second to cast it also stuns and only lasts 10 seconds and has a 5 min cool down.
    Again just demon battling the special effects of demon and sage skills aren't on trial here.
    Like BIDS, Tempest, Mountain size, Tempest of the cleric, etc.
    I guess you never tried to get immune mouvement pots to not getting stun while you cast this skill, right?

    I am for nerfing nix a bit and having pets for water/land/and air that scale up a bit better at the highest levels. But I want my bramble back its the only buff I can give to someone

    See Zanryu when you take it like that your taking it the wrong way what if we were to say suddenly your tempest got gimped of damage or your plume shell no longer could block quite as much damage. you would be annoyed at the lack of a feature thats suppose to be there. No one is saying venos are vastly underpowered we just aren't the most powerful class and bramble IS NOT a powerful skill its high time we got it back.
    Really? Did you see the sins killing themself by bramble and bramble hood on my video? ( )
    It would be WORST than sins. Some said people would stop to use APS, but EVEN with axes/pole or w/e they will kill themself!!!

    Even with that, my opinion is Amp and purge are OP (even the other skills are good/very good). Learn your class =.=
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • _Morigan_ - Harshlands
    _Morigan_ - Harshlands Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    .........Well, in PvP a pet isn't the most useful thing against a melee class.
    Being a BM, I don't even remember hitting a pet, I just go straight to the source : the poor veno that has an average survival of 4 hits (charm tick included) and considering I'm 5 APS, it lasts like 2sec before the veno goes down.

    So yeah, not fair that bramble doesn't work in PvP.

    Go get them Otonio ! b:laugh

    I really really would love to see this.....

    Ignoring my pet (no matter if nix or not) and relying on your aps could lead to your death in less time then u think.

    u guys always think squishy AA venos cant tank your hits and wait patiently till your aps killed us.

    sounds like another bm who s dead in the dust and: o.o wtf???

    Bramble would be very nice, but reflecting up to 75% is to much.
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Um, really?

    Any intelligent PKer or TWer will kill a veno's nix first, so if a veno relies on their nix for defense, they're SOL as soon as it dies off. Ideally, it'd be nice to have a backup (bramble) for when the nix (or whatever other pet) is dead.

    Doesn't that mean a nix is a good defense... if it gets targeted first instead of the veno. But outside of maybe two venos... no one would target the nix first. It's much faster to kill the veno then the nix.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf