Glacix Dragoons



  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    now that is a clip i enjoyed watching. Don't be surprised if you see me using it b:chuckleb:thanks
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Dear mods, please don't lock this up and let's all try to have a lovely discussion.

    Okay, so let's compare them to pot.

    You're hearing all your friends talk about this great new thing and you're feeling a little bit in the mood for "experimentation" and you go in promising you'll only just try it once and never again. Just to "see what it's like". Next thing you know you're getting hundreds of thousands of EXP points per pull and you're hooked.

    You've been told that it's "illegal", but you've never seen anybody get arrested for it - so why not go and do it some more?

    Abusing glitches is bad, but in the case of goons - who was getting hurt? If anything I can only imagine PWE was making more money from the whole thing. People were spending tons on hypers, tons to get end-game armor, people were just spending plenty all over. Not to mention how many HUNDREDS of billions of coins were spent over the time this glitch was at it's high point by people paying others to power-level their characters.

    1mil = 1$
    10mil = 10$
    100mil = 100$
    1bil = 1000$

    Multiply that by a few thousand and then multiply it by how many servers there are and what do you get? You get profit.

    Then not to mention when the glitch is combined with reputation sales. Thousands of level 100 and higher characters all with the worst gear imaginable desperate for the quick and easy gear-fix of R8 and 9.

    R8 alone is 72$. Multiply THAT by a few thousands. Multiply THAT by all the servers. More profit, yes?

    Now, let's compare it to masterbation. (Purposefully misspelled because of censors)
    We all do it. The more anybody denies it, the more they do it in private.

    I'm going to be 100% honest with you, I have more than "experimented" with this glitch. Not so much on my veno, as it was created and leveled mainly before all these game-ruining features. But I have done it on a few of my alts and I have to agree entirely it's extremely addicting.

    So PWE, you can go ahead and ban me. But at least bring down the hundreds of thousands of others also doing the same thing with me.

    Anyway, does masterbating hurt anybody? No, it doesn't.

    So how does powerleveling to 100 and not knowing how to play your class really throw the game out of balance? If anything it makes the powerleveler in question a complete nonfactor in any form of in-game related statistics.

    Everybody on the forums complaining to "fix the glitch", are the heaviest abusers of it. Everyone complaining that "nobody does normal FC anymore so they'll just glitch a bit" is a total lying lazy butt.

    If PWE released an item in the boutique that automatically leveled a player to 100 or even 105, would you be upset?

    I probably would be, but let's be honest.
    If somebody pays that money, they get what they bought.

    Let's say you're standing around at a vending machine. Somebody goes up to it and buys a coke. You want a coke and you can probably afford one - but you would chose to spend your money on something else. So instead of moving on with your day, you proceed to follow around and harass the person who just bought the coke.

    You're throwing temper tantrums, screaming, crying, throwing things around. You look like a 4 year old in an adult body. Of course, all the dude is thinking is, "why didnt he just buy himself a damn coke".

    Well why didn't you buy a damn coke?
    It's only $1,500.

    I don't really see how the goons glitch affected anybody or the game aside from providing players with a new and more efficient way to level up. The majority of the server just won't get over the fact that they already bought their coke and drank it, and is now showing a level of rage that cannot be explained in terms understood by anybody over the age of 8 to people who are now going, buying, and enjoying their own cokes.
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited November 2011
    I don't really see how the goons glitch affected anybody or the game aside from providing players with a new and more efficient way to level up. The majority of the server just won't get over the fact that they already bought their coke and drank it, and is now showing a level of rage that cannot be explained in terms understood by anybody over the age of 8 to people who are now going, buying, and enjoying their own cokes.

    That's like justifying a crime because it didn't hurt anybody. Fact is, it breaks the rules. You might enjoy it, it might break the dull grind... but it's against the rules, and has been. Just because the cops don't immediately take you to jail doesn't mean you should drink while under age. Does it hurt anyone? No. Is it against the law? Yes.
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    That's like justifying a crime because it didn't hurt anybody. Fact is, it breaks the rules. You might enjoy it, it might break the dull grind... but it's against the rules, and has been. Just because the cops don't immediately take you to jail doesn't mean you should drink while under age. Does it hurt anyone? No. Is it against the law? Yes.

    Are all the GMs ex-weathermen? It seems they can always be wrong, never do anything, make very quick hellos / goodbyes, and never get fired from their jobs as a result.
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    That's like justifying a crime because it didn't hurt anybody. Fact is, it breaks the rules. You might enjoy it, it might break the dull grind... but it's against the rules, and has been. Just because the cops don't immediately take you to jail doesn't mean you should drink while under age. Does it hurt anyone? No. Is it against the law? Yes.

    But I don't understand why everybody is screaming and crying about how it's destroying the game so bad when in reality it's only just creating more higher leveled characters.

    Yes I agree that people who abuse glitches should be banned, myself included. But to be honest, goons has so quickly become a new change in the game that changed leveling forever. To ban everybody who uses or used it would be to decrease every server's population by 90%, leaving the other 10% as inactive accounts and catshops.
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    holy, by the time i finished reading this it had 3* replies already b:shocked

    * fixed...
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    holy, by the time i finished reading this it had 3* replies already b:shocked

    * fixed...

    Forums heat up when servers go down.

    Also Kritty, I have newfound respect for you for not autoclosing this.
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    That's like justifying a crime because it didn't hurt anybody. Fact is, it breaks the rules. You might enjoy it, it might break the dull grind... but it's against the rules, and has been. Just because the cops don't immediately take you to jail doesn't mean you should drink while under age. Does it hurt anyone? No. Is it against the law? Yes.

    Drinking while underage can stunt brain development...

    And ironically, so can glitching goons. o.x
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Drinking while underage can stunt brain development...

    And ironically, so can glitching goons. o.x

    I play a PVP server, so everyone is a target and you're also everyone's target.

    So this brings me back to my original point of, how are a few hundred thousand level 100s who don't have a single clue of what they're doing and don't know how to PVP or play their class and have **** gear a threat to the balance of the game?
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited November 2011
    Oh, and I can tell you all for a fact, I am completely against the glitch, and completely for any punishment the GMs decide upon.

    Also, I have never even tested the glitch, not even to see what was being referred to.b:bye

    *polishes armor some more*
  • Neodaystar - Sanctuary
    Neodaystar - Sanctuary Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I must say I will be one of those people who misses it. Instead of complaining about this glitch, I used it as an opportunity to buy herbs and make Vacuity Powders to sell. Made around 260 mil in net profit, ~10 mil per week - selling those anti stun apoths for the past 6 months or so. These apoths will sell for much less, and the value of the herbs to make them will also decrease after this update. b:sad
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Oh, and I can tell you all for a fact, I am completely against the glitch, and completely for any punishment the GMs decide upon.

    Also, I have never even tested the glitch, not even to see what was being referred to.b:bye

    *polishes armor some more*

    I guess I've kind of gotten to the point where the forum is more fun than the game itself so I don't really mind if I get banned for this or not. But it would be quite silly to ban me and not the other thousands of glitchers just because I actually came clean about it.

    I'm actually surprised to see that people are still making butt-kiss threads about "BAN ALL GLITCHERS" trying to get imaginary brownie points with nonexistant GMs when they're the biggest glitchers of them all.

    xxStormy on Harshlands who used to glitch to secure a spot at the top of the Psychic rankings for the server for life actually often spoke against it in world chat. Then advertised an "SFC" party the next hour.

    People are all hypocrites, I'll give you that.
  • CRYSTY_III - Sanctuary
    CRYSTY_III - Sanctuary Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    now high lvls will have more time to help lower lvls for bosses quests (culti or chrono or challenge..) b:laughb:victory
    Devs should make shareable the bosses quests and high lvl to earn special points or an item, THEN these points or items reward to allow high lvl to get exp bonus . (something like MENTOR POINTS in Forsaken World)
    PWI is not only FCC b:chuckle
    Srry to say it but im agree 150% with lowering the exp in fcc .A wise move from devs before its not to late ;)
    High lvl will have more time now to farm lunar, tt or nirvana for gear/mats :)
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] srry about my english, im sure you'll get the point what im trying to say b:chuckleb:bye
    Happy Holidays ! b:victory
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    now high lvls will have more time to help lowe lvls for bosses quests b:laughb:victory
    Devs should make it shareable the bosses quests and high lvl to earn special points or an item, THEN these points or items reward to allow high lvl to earn an exp bonus .
    PWI is not only FCC b:chuckle

    I have no idea what you just said but I love your signature.
  • CRYSTY_III - Sanctuary
    CRYSTY_III - Sanctuary Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    thank you aijou b:thanks
    It was (before the new patches came and modify alot the UI or menus) the hp bar of a boss in lava area b:laugh but modified a bit by me b:laughb:victory
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] srry about my english, im sure you'll get the point what im trying to say b:chuckleb:bye
    Happy Holidays ! b:victory
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    thank you aijou b:thanks
    It was the hp bar of a boss in lava area b:laugh but modified a bit by me b:laughb:victory

    Love is my favorite element.
  • dookwah356
    dookwah356 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    i am the dook of angelus
    and soleblades and I approve this message!
    pls dont ban meb:chuckle
  • Vixter - Harshlands
    Vixter - Harshlands Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    i would have rather liked to see a fix of the glitch rather than the nerf of the exp of goons. because now whats the point in finishing FC past heads?
    vixter (101 Heavy Veno) ~ TT farmer
    Peachie (102 Mystic) ~ Main character
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I definitely think people overreacted. Especially when the one major benefit of max level flew over most people's heads. I don't even think they know what they were truly complaining about, as in most cases.

    But it was a glitch, and glitches should be fixed, I suppose. People may have enjoyed it while it was here, but well, it's time to say goodbye.
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    i would have rather liked to see a fix of the glitch rather than the nerf of the exp of goons. because now whats the point in finishing FC past heads?

    I actually have to agree with this entirely.
    Although I understand that it's a somewhat long process to go through Chinese developers to get fixes to various glitches and bugs within the game it's respectable that you're (finally) actually trying to make changes with them.

    But in all honesty simply reducing the amount of EXP gained doesn't really cut out the efficiency of using it. (Unless it's reduced to 1 EXP per goon or something like that) It just means it takes MORE goon glitching to level up.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    A) Not everyone does it, just because you do something doesn't mean you can speak for everyone. Just as there are people who do things, they are people who legitimately don't. And that is true of everything under this son cept breathing, blinking, eating, and other functions necessary to everyone's survival.

    B) it does affect other people because it ruins the game for others.

    C) It's more like gooners continuously shoplifted that coke and then claim that everyone shoplifts, and that you could have just shoplifted too. It raises the costs of making squads either through opportunity costs (standing in snowy for 40 minutes) and/or through actual coin (having to buy more teles because it takes longer to get a squad) for everyone trying to do it legitimately.

    D)When you get in squad with these people it can ruin your squad, and possibly your entire playtime for that day. It costs you money, and since you're not cheating, a lot more of your time than theirs. To say that people who cheat without even knowing their class aren't affecting other players isn't true. :P At least a lot of the powerlevellers knew before basic stuff about how to do FCC. Which meant they get their class down in a couple of weeks just by watching. Now you got clerics like the one who literally had this conversation with me:

    Me: Can you use IH instead of wellsping please, it stacks.

    Cleric: Okay, what's IH?

    Later in the run, after several deaths

    Me: You know you should use plume shell if you get heal aggro, that way I can get a chance to get to you

    Cleric: Okay. What's heal aggro

    Me: explains heal aggro

    Cleric: Okay, what's plume shell?

    Me: It's your shield

    Cleric: Okay...why should i use that?

    Also this lovely one:

    Me: Squad heal at this boss

    Cleric: Okay. What's that?

    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    A) Not everyone does it, just because you do something doesn't mean you can speak for everyone. Just as there are people who do things, they are people who legitimately don't. And that is true of everything under this son cept breathing, blinking, eating, and other functions necessary to everyone's survival.

    B) it does affect other people because it ruins the game for others.

    C) It's more like gooners continuously shoplifted that coke and then claim that everyone shoplifts, and that you could have just shoplifted too. It raises the costs of making squads either through opportunity costs (standing in snowy for 40 minutes) and/or through actual coin (having to buy more teles because it takes longer to get a squad) for everyone trying to do it legitimately.

    D)When you get in squad with these people it can ruin your squad, and possibly your entire playtime for that day. It costs you money, and since you're not cheating, a lot more of your time than theirs. To say that people who cheat without even knowing their class aren't affecting other players isn't true. :P At least a lot of the powerlevellers knew before basic stuff about how to do FCC. Which meant they get their class down in a couple of weeks just by watching. Now you got clerics like the one who literally had this conversation with me:

    Me: Can you use IH instead of wellsping please, it stacks.

    Cleric: Okay, what's IH?

    Later in the run, after several deaths

    Me: You know you should use plume shell if you get heal aggro, that way I can get a chance to get to you

    Cleric: Okay. What's heal aggro

    Me: explains heal aggro

    Cleric: Okay, what's plume shell?

    Me: It's your shield

    Cleric: Okay...why should i use that?

    Also this lovely one:

    Me: Squad heal at this boss

    Cleric: Okay. What's that?


    It sounds to me like you're describing FC. Why would a gooner cleric be doing FC?
  • Chadric - Heavens Tear
    Chadric - Heavens Tear Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    dude... i had TWO clerics in a squad a few days ago.... neither one knew what the frack a POT was and let thebarb die 5 times on the FIRST BOSS!.....

    and ya today had a cleric dindt' know what the hell IH was. then he died 3 tiems on dread. yada yada.. suffice it to say..... half the squad left. Me, the seeker and BM with NO HEALER killed runewolf, the next one, and oceania and got the heads and left...... lol

    But ya this is going to seriously suck if the dragoons in the back by holeen get nerfed with this..... they gave me half a LEVEL the other day >.<
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    dude... i had TWO clerics in a squad a few days ago.... neither one knew what the frack a POT was and let thebarb die 5 times on the FIRST BOSS!.....

    and ya today had a cleric dindt' know what the hell IH was. then he died 3 tiems on dread. yada yada.. suffice ti to say..... half the squad left. Me, the seeker and BM with NO HEALER killed runewolf, the next one, and oceania and got the heads and left...... lol

    But ya this is going to seriously suck if the dragoons in the back by holeen get nerfed with this..... they gave me half a LEVEL the other day >.<

    What was this a squad for?
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    It sounds to me like you're describing FC. Why would a gooner cleric be doing FC?

    Because she was too broke to finish doing it at the time, I get the feeling she dced during the run or something. I have no clue, but she did fully admit to being powerlevelled. I suppose I should be glad she was at least asking questions. She did ask if we were doing cookies. Didn't take her long to get to 100 afterwards either.

    edit 2: To be honest, I've also had a lot of runs where I have to tell people two or three times that we aren't doing cookies it's a normal squad, and they still try to just push for it anyway once we get to third boss. I also get people nervously asking "Why?" if I ask if we're going to do the third boss because they don't realize there are still boxes in there that have a chance for some nice stuff and are at least worth stacking up until you do a full run. :P
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Chadric - Heavens Tear
    Chadric - Heavens Tear Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    What was this a squad for?

    ummmmm what do u think? IT was FF.... We WERE going to do the whole thing..... legit run btw not glitching at ~85 rofl
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Because she was too broke to finish doing it at the time, I get the feeling she dced during the run or something. She did ask if we were doing cookies. Didn't take her long to get to 100 afterwards though.

    wat the hell is "cookies"

    Is that what PVE servers call it?

    Regardless, it only costs money to BUY powerleveling from other people. Depending on her level, couldn't she have just gone into normal glitch squad as a cleric?

    If not, then the person is dumb in the head just naturally and not necessarily from goons.
  • Chadric - Heavens Tear
    Chadric - Heavens Tear Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    one of the servers cals Goons glitching "Cookie FC"..... peopel come up with the dumbest names for things seriously.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    wat the hell is "cookies"

    Is that what PVE servers call it?

    Regardless, it only costs money to BUY powerleveling from other people. Depending on her level, couldn't she have just gone into normal glitch squad as a cleric?

    If not, then the person is dumb in the head just naturally and not necessarily from goons.

    Yes, shamefully that's what dreamweaver is calling it. b:surrender Alternatively they also wc for "FC" and Special FC. Although that last one is rare.

    edit: and the girl didn't even know why she should use it when I told her plume shell was as shield, so, yeah probably not the brightest bulb in the box. But this is a game, not rocket science. I'm sure she would have picked up if she at least had to do some runs legitimately.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver
    _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 753 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Oh, and I can tell you all for a fact, I am completely against the glitch, and completely for any punishment the GMs decide upon.

    Also, I have never even tested the glitch, not even to see what was being referred to.b:bye

    *polishes armor some more*

    I Miss the old days of PWIb:surrender
This discussion has been closed.