Some DQ System Changes (items added/removed)



  • FallenSnow - Raging Tide
    FallenSnow - Raging Tide Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Typical of PWI's lazyness. WHY NOT FIX THE BUG INSTEAD??????

    AGAIN, where the f*** is the difference? They been tradeable indirect as well due DQ selling. b:beatup
    retired 11/11/2009 cause of packs. came back 8 months later just to realise it got worse. retired second time 10/11/2010.
  • rooneyquaresma
    rooneyquaresma Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    couldnt Have At Least Waited Till Maint? I Mean Seriously... No Warning. Did You Take Any Business Classes About Change And How To Go About It? Faaaaaaack You

    Lol!! True!
  • Trinh - Heavens Tear
    Trinh - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    charmblssm wrote: »
    how embarrasing, pwi. b:beatenup

    I cant believe how stupid 90% of the people on forum are. First of all the chest is no longer a reward you get from the cube. Dumb over site again on devs part.
    However you people can't read or are challenged in some way if you can't understand that the chest which you can open with a hammer, making it useless before now, because of the cost of the hammer.
    Instead of throwing away the chest you npc sell it. Just like you would a DQ item and they give you Dragon points for the chest. You don't buy chests you sell them DUH!!!
    Now back to devs why the hell do we care if we can sell chests if we can't get good items for the points???
    The metals of Honor were a way for people to strive for something in game they could farm points to obtain high level gear work for it or if they so choose buy from people who did the farming.
    it was a real goal and an obtainable one with some hard work. you took that way from people who worked hard and spent real money and / or real time in your game to obtain them.
    regardless of how the metals were obtained time and money were spent in the game to get them by some one. theres always some one willing to spend real money to get new charms vend store items ect... fix the glitch make them bound items what ever the case may be. but don't penalize the people who worked hard to get them.

    all i have to say is I can't wait for Guild Wars 2 this game will be a distant memory... and i know a lot of people who will be joining me on this migration. $50 to buy a game that will be truly forever free after that. With obtainable goals and great supportive staff. instead of $50 a month for frustration no support and highway robbery at every turn of the game.
    its a no brainer ps.. for you peeps who love to play with color over 400 unlockable colors with 4 areas on each item to dye with textures like metal leather cloth all free... can you imagine!
  • Clericfreaky - Sanctuary
    Clericfreaky - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I VOTE THAT WE ALL SEND A TREND TO GM TO MAKE A PETITION ON THEIR FAILUREb:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrender
  • ZDaniel - Heavens Tear
    ZDaniel - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    all i can say is offence PWI but u make "NCSOON" look like a pro company compared to ur's hell u make the shop where i buy my smokes look better. Get a new "Marketing" team or just shoot the one u have. And i thought PWI can't go any lower seems i was wrong . U are not able to fix something that noob devs can on private servers?
    I have an ideea why don;t u just train some monkeys to do developing for the company i bet they will rock
    ....ah and let them do u'r marketing strategy too .

    And don't blame GM's guys and girls they are just following orders....the GM's power to change smtn in this game is equal to the cash i will charge in this game and that is a BIG ZERO.
  • PerfctOne - Dreamweaver
    PerfctOne - Dreamweaver Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I have read every last entry and have only one thing to say....

    This not only sux but is way beyond PW's normal of the players.

    Granted I do not have rank9 or even Rank8 gear, but the fact that I have seen/read how peeps were working so hard to get gear only to be told..

    PWI: now now.. do you really think we gonna let you have gear THAT easy? shame on you.

    I am happy for those that did get their gear... gratz.

    But for the many that haven't and because of this fiasco WON'T have their gear no matter how many hours, days, weeks, months they put into trying ( JUST FREAKING TRYING) to get their gear, I am so sorry and feel for them.

    PW, I know that you are a company and as such need funds, but the way you going about it is just wrong and unfair to lots ( if not most) of your playerbase.

    There are peeps here who do not work, can't afford to buy zen, rely on farming and grinding to do what they can to not just play - but to play competitively w/those that can afford to pay cold hard cash. Now we can't.

    pw this just reminds me y i left for awhile and seriously debated coming back.

  • Steopie - Heavens Tear
    Steopie - Heavens Tear Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Super quick QQ free solution: Put the medals in the cashshop for a reduced price.

    (Going on the HT economy) to buy enough DQ points for a medal set them at roughly 7mill. Put medals in the cashshop for around 5 gold each? Maybe 5 for 20 gold? Everybody would be much happier. The medals would once again be a minimal cost overall to getting r9 and the only people who would be really screwed would be the people who put a lot of investment into DQ points (but they can probably still get their moneys worth from the event gold cards) and the 'bad bad people' who bought the medals with DQ points and made them tradeable to merch them.
  • Underoath - Dreamweaver
    Underoath - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hey Devs back up all accounts/characters delete game and remake.... and this time dont fail at it... oh wait then it wouldnt be PWI
  • Underoath - Dreamweaver
    Underoath - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    and if thats too much work FIX THIS PIECE OF **** GAME NOW too many glitches and bugs to worry about but you keep coming out with crappy sales.(edit) As well as coming out with more things to do aka. new boss or new gear/characters and fix the old stuff. And do something about the dam bidding hall for instance put useful **** in it. k tnx bai
  • StormDragoon - Sanctuary
    StormDragoon - Sanctuary Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    lol, I guess i could step up and refresh GMs memory.

    TW change back to coin reward was due to noticing less activity in the server am i wrong?

    Now let's see, DQs are worthless now so now grinding spots that used to be full like spiders at avalanche village will become deserted like they used to be. 100k coins for 150 DQP? Are u serious? There is no reason to get the frigging DQP anymore.

    Now, if there is less money circulating for those that get coins from DQ which usually buy gold from AH from zhenners, then those zhenners will buy less gold since it's not selling as fast, slowing down that business. Besides all this was easily fixable with just not allowing them to stack. Even though as people have said before, 20k worth of DQ items = a tradeable Medal of Glory...

    What franky said of relying on player market for now...Seriously? Medal of Glory in sanctuary, in only shop I've seen is 50m out of the 10m it used to be.

    This is sad, as i thought game was becoming more lively with people wanting to play now that TW rewards were back as before. This will discourage a lot of people on the chance of ever having a fair playing field with all those that already got their rank 9 gear.
  • Dartwave - Sanctuary
    Dartwave - Sanctuary Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    what the hell ....i've been buying and farming dq for 2 months and i got about 7k of them ; i was keeping them to buy rank9 gears and now u nerfed it only because of ur u realize that lots of ppl wasted time on that ? this game is disappointing ... i never argued for all ur mistakes as gms but this is way too much...pls get some programmation lessons and fix this problem , wich is not so hard to correct...
  • sintide
    sintide Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    i download the new patch.. but.. it doesnt work. and it say update file corrupted/... i download is plenty times. and still says that.. update corropted file... i need help.. please
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    sintide wrote: »
    i download the new patch.. but.. it doesnt work. and it say update file corrupted/... i download is plenty times. and still says that.. update corropted file... i need help.. please
    1. Auto update.

    2. It's not worth it to even update lol. >__<

    On Topic~ Lets hope they realize their mistake and fix it...sometime in the next 3 years. When no one plays anymore. And PWE dies off as a business.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Graey_Rain - Harshlands
    Graey_Rain - Harshlands Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    wow... what a massive mistake for the gms/devs/pwe to make yet again.
    The ONLY reason DQ points were worth anything was because of the medals.
    Now you've removed medals nobody cares if you can get some DQ points from the chests.
    Now there's no medals nobody will bother grinding for dq items or buying dq points.
    You realize that people sell dq points for 3-400 each? your jolly jones quest is way overpriced.
    The trade and interest in medals ad DQ items was finally bringing back some open map play, lots of people grinding in heaven/hell/the desert etc. Which managed to bring back a bit of open map pvp in grind spots and rekindled a lot of interest in the game for a lot of people.
    GG taking that away, causing more people to quit the game, and ****ing over your player base once again.

    It's totally unfair to give a bunch of people the chance to grind their medals and then say to the rest of us that we can't anymore.
    I've already got 6-7 medals from grinding DQ and I have about 50 thousand DQ points saved to spend on medals between mine and my brothers accounts. I seriously don't get what's so bad about having trade-able medals. If I want to farm medals and give them to my brother, without having to trade every single dq item i get onto his toon, what's so wrong with that? No body buys them anyway because it's waaay cheaper to just buy DQ items off people and sell them, then use the DQ point page to get your own medals. Seriously, there were loads of people trying to sell medals for 10mil+ in catshops on HL NOBODY bought them. You can buy enough DQ items to sell for 1 medal for like 7mil, then make 2-3mil back selling them to npcs, so it's half the price of buying a medal from a player. You'd have to be a complete moron to do that so it really wasn't a problem at all.

    You claiming that this is some big problem damaging the economy is complete drivel. Lets not forget that all other DQ rewards can be traded in the exact same way, so try fixing the ****ing problem for once instead of just **** us over like usual.

    And stop coming out with these bull**** excuses. Just admit you took out the medals so that you could put them in sales and make people cash shop them instead of being able to farm them.

    Also, what exactly is the point of removing medals from the game almost entirely. And then having a general summers sale with chips and rep? Who in their right mind is going to cash out on 300k rep and loads of chips when there is literally no feasible way to obtain medals?
    As a marketing/business ploy you should have at least kept the medals in until after this sale... You would have made a lot of money. But for some reason you chose to take out medals before hand, which means this sale will completely flop. I guess you decided you'd ****ed your players over enough by removing the medals to **** them over some more by making them throw away even more money before taking them out. A rare sentimental streak in what has otherwise always been a business totally devoted to gaining money and not player satisfaction/loyalty.

    I sincerely hope this is just an extension of the april fools joke or something.
  • Kalthazod - Dreamweaver
    Kalthazod - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Thank you to all you idiots trying to make a few in game bucks for ruining it for the rest of us now my cleric cant get his R9 nor my sin -.- b:angry b:angry b:angry
  • Bosk - Sanctuary
    Bosk - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Okay, I read every post in this thread ... yeah I know, but eh, it was maintenance.

    There were a few items of advice that I think could provide a reasonable solution. The numbers would work something like this:

    1) Add Medals to the Cash Boutique for 5 gold (10 for 45 gold)
    2) Add Medals to the Event Boutique for 15 event gold (no discount)

    Leave everything else basically as is. Allow metals to be traded or not, it does not matter.

    Players who saved up 20,000 DP to get a medal will now have to save up 50,000 DP to get an event card, which will allow them to buy 3 Medals (with a bit of event gold left over). Which is slightly better than the 2.5 medals they would have gotten at 20,000 each, but recognizes the fact that they might not need 3.33 medals. [You still have to save up 50,000 DP even if you only need 1 Medal this way, thus using gold for the last 1 or 2 medals would likely be more prudent.]

    Players who just want to cash shop their way to Rank 9 can buy gold with coins or zen and purchase medals.

    Players who exploited the **** and are now trying to gouge other players with medals for 25 million coins will be forced back to reasonable prices (5 to 7 million or so).

    Player who legitimately cashed in their DP for their medals will suffer a minor disadvantage, as saving the DP would have been better, but the difference would be rather small, and they already have and may have already used their medals to get their gear anyway.

    Players who purchased DQ Items with a total of 50,000 DP would have spent about 20 million coins (at 400 per point) to purchase something worth about 16.7 million coins if gold is at 1 million. Thus this would likely drive the value of a DP down, which is only reasonable. [In this example, 1 DP would be worth about 300 coins when gold is at 1 million.]

    Since this would only require a change to the Cash Boutique and Event Boutique, it is quite likely something the GMs can do without the developers in China needing to be involved.

    If at some time the restriction to the sale of medals is added (non trade-able), that can happen down the road, with those players who have exploited the bug potentially paying for it by having an expensive item stuck in their inventory. But give everyone reasonable notice that this is going to happen so anyone who has been affected by this glitch has a chance to use the medals or move the medals to primary characters, or even give them away before the change happens.

    I believe this solution is fair and equitable and very doable. I hope the GMs will consider it or at least something with a similar overall effect.

    Good Luck!
    Dante: "Cute is a relative term."
  • Dartwave - Sanctuary
    Dartwave - Sanctuary Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    wow... what a massive mistake for the gms/devs/pwe to make yet again.
    The ONLY reason DQ points were worth anything was because of the medals.
    Now you've removed medals nobody cares if you can get some DQ points from the chests.
    Now there's no medals nobody will bother grinding for dq items or buying dq points.
    You realize that people sell dq points for 3-400 each? your jolly jones quest is way overpriced.
    The trade and interest in medals ad DQ items was finally bringing back some open map play, lots of people grinding in heaven/hell/the desert etc. Which managed to bring back a bit of open map pvp in grind spots and rekindled a lot of interest in the game for a lot of people.
    GG taking that away, causing more people to quit the game, and ****ing over your player base once again.

    It's totally unfair to give a bunch of people the chance to grind their medals and then say to the rest of us that we can't anymore.
    I've already got 6-7 medals from grinding DQ and I have about 50 thousand DQ points saved to spend on medals between mine and my brothers accounts. I seriously don't get what's so bad about having trade-able medals. If I want to farm medals and give them to my brother, without having to trade every single dq item i get onto his toon, what's so wrong with that? No body buys them anyway because it's waaay cheaper to just buy DQ items off people and sell them, then use the DQ point page to get your own medals. Seriously, there were loads of people trying to sell medals for 10mil+ in catshops on HL NOBODY bought them. You can buy enough DQ items to sell for 1 medal for like 7mil, then make 2-3mil back selling them to npcs, so it's half the price of buying a medal from a player. You'd have to be a complete moron to do that so it really wasn't a problem at all.

    You claiming that this is some big problem damaging the economy is complete drivel. Lets not forget that all other DQ rewards can be traded in the exact same way, so try fixing the ****ing problem for once instead of just **** us over like usual.

    And stop coming out with these bull**** excuses. Just admit you took out the medals so that you could put them in sales and make people cash shop them instead of being able to farm them.

    Also, what exactly is the point of removing medals from the game almost entirely. And then having a general summers sale with chips and rep? Who in their right mind is going to cash out on 300k rep and loads of chips when there is literally no feasible way to obtain medals?
    As a marketing/business ploy you should have at least kept the medals in until after this sale... You would have made a lot of money. But for some reason you chose to take out medals before hand, which means this sale will completely flop. I guess you decided you'd ****ed your players over enough by removing the medals to **** them over some more by making them throw away even more money before taking them out. A rare sentimental streak in what has otherwise always been a business totally devoted to gaining money and not player satisfaction/loyalty.

    I sincerely hope this is just an extension of the april fools joke or something.

    i totally agree with u man , u got the point
  • Rape_ur_Soul - Dreamweaver
    Rape_ur_Soul - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Is it only me who noticed that those who made untradeable medals into tradeable one will now profit TONS MORE than they normally would? Cause the value of a medal was around 5.4 million in dreamweaver server, buying through the DQ mode (getting the 101 DQs for around 9.5k each, which was market price for them in there till yesterday). Now, how much will they sell them for? 20 million?

    Way to estimulate scamming. Lots of economy to learn before you can fix the game economy.
    Only drink by day or night (or somewheres in between)
  • Ihnamere - Heavens Tear
    Ihnamere - Heavens Tear Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hey all, as you may have noticed, we've made some changes to the DQ system, and I wanted to go through them with you.

    1: Medal of Glory removed

    All items obtained to the DQ system were meant to be bound to your character; this was done to minimize their influence on the in-game economies. Unfortunately, due to an exploit that allowed players to turn untradeable Medals into tradeable Medals, we had to remove them from the DQ Rewards list.

    Also, we would liked to have given more notice before removing them, but the last thing we wanted was a huge run on Medals, thus causing even more damage via the exploit, so I am sorry that it had to happen suddenly like this.

    2: Chest of Coins added to DQ Vendor List

    Ah, the Chest of Coins. This item, as you may know, has had very little value for the past 18 months or so, due to the fact that the coins inside aren't worth the hammer it takes to open it. So we've added them to the Vendor List in an effort to give some value back to it, maybe get a few people back in the Cube of Fate :)

    3: Addition of coin turn-in quest at Jolly Old Jones for 150 DQ points

    Intended to be a new way for players to participate in the DQ system, we've created a quest for players to get DQ points, and if it's popular we may look into adding more quests to the DQ list...

    So that's about it; feel free to post your thoughts on these. I'd also like to mention that we will be adding new items to the DQ rewards list in the near future.

    fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you fak you PWI

    put medals back ****, you can remove the jolly jones 150 DQ cus thats overpriced and noeone get chest of coin anymore either so noeone cares,

    make the medals unable to change state and put em fakin back in DQ rewards only way i coulda get em was thru there b:angryb:angryb:angryb:angryb:angry
  • Eloneal - Raging Tide
    Eloneal - Raging Tide Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    okay, I Read Every Post In This Thread ... Yeah I Know, But Eh, It Was Maintenance.

    There Were A Few Items Of Advice That I Think Could Provide A Reasonable Solution. The Numbers Would Work Something Like This:

    1) Add Medals To The Cash Boutique For 5 Gold (10 For 45 Gold)
    2) Add Medals To The Event Boutique For 15 Event Gold (no Discount)

    Leave Everything Else Basically As Is. Allow Metals To Be Traded Or Not, It Does Not Matter.

    Players Who Saved Up 20,000 Dp To Get A Medal Will Now Have To Save Up 50,000 Dp To Get An Event Card, Which Will Allow Them To Buy 3 Medals (with A Bit Of Event Gold Left Over). Which Is Slightly Better Than The 2.5 Medals They Would Have Gotten At 20,000 Each, But Recognizes The Fact That They Might Not Need 3.33 Medals. [you Still Have To Save Up 50,000 Dp Even If You Only Need 1 Medal This Way, Thus Using Gold For The Last 1 Or 2 Medals Would Likely Be More Prudent.]

    Players Who Just Want To Cash Shop Their Way To Rank 9 Can Buy Gold With Coins Or Zen And Purchase Medals.

    Players Who Exploited The **** And Are Now Trying To Gouge Other Players With Medals For 25 Million Coins Will Be Forced Back To Reasonable Prices (5 To 7 Million Or So).

    Player Who Legitimately Cashed In Their Dp For Their Medals Will Suffer A Minor Disadvantage, As Saving The Dp Would Have Been Better, But The Difference Would Be Rather Small, And They Already Have And May Have Already Used Their Medals To Get Their Gear Anyway.

    Players Who Purchased Dq Items With A Total Of 50,000 Dp Would Have Spent About 20 Million Coins (at 400 Per Point) To Purchase Something Worth About 16.7 Million Coins If Gold Is At 1 Million. Thus This Would Likely Drive The Value Of A Dp Down, Which Is Only Reasonable. [in This Example, 1 Dp Would Be Worth About 300 Coins When Gold Is At 1 Million.]

    Since This Would Only Require A Change To The Cash Boutique And Event Boutique, It Is Quite Likely Something The Gms Can Do Without The Developers In China Needing To Be Involved.

    If At Some Time The Restriction To The Sale Of Medals Is Added (non Trade-able), That Can Happen Down The Road, With Those Players Who Have Exploited The Bug Potentially Paying For It By Having An Expensive Item Stuck In Their Inventory. But Give Everyone Reasonable Notice That This Is Going To Happen So Anyone Who Has Been Affected By This Glitch Has A Chance To Use The Medals Or Move The Medals To Primary Characters, Or Even Give Them Away Before The Change Happens.

    I Believe This Solution Is Fair And Equitable And Very Doable. I Hope The Gms Will Consider It Or At Least Something With A Similar Overall Effect.

    Good Luck!

  • Sirkura - Raging Tide
    Sirkura - Raging Tide Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    the dq page isn't working anyway so it still wouldn't help much if they did put them in again.
    just like the cake, DQ is a lie QQ
    i think they should fix that and the jones blessing before adding or removing stuff x.x
  • Mayatheia - Heavens Tear
    Mayatheia - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    There were a few items of advice that I think could provide a reasonable solution. The numbers would work something like this:

    1) Add Medals to the Cash Boutique for 5 gold (10 for 45 gold)
    2) Add Medals to the Event Boutique for 15 event gold (no discount)

    Leave everything else basically as is. Allow metals to be traded or not, it does not matter.
    Good Luck!

    I totally agree with this!
    When people walk away from you, let them go... your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you.. and it doesn't mean they are bad people.. It just means that their part in your story is over...
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    the dq page isn't working anyway so it still wouldn't help much if they did put them in again.
    just like the cake, DQ is a lie QQ
    i think they should fix that and the jones blessing before adding or removing stuff x.x
    I think the reason it's not working is BECAUSE they're adding or removing stuff...
    You will be faked, and there won't be cake...PWI murdered our Cube too.
    Although the FB blessing has nothing to do with the DQ page and it's probably just some borked coding anyway. =.='''
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Wizziie - Harshlands
    Wizziie - Harshlands Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    a year or so ago i bought my veno a herc. to make money in TT. not very long after that it became not worth it cause 2x made TT prices go way down. and now i bought allot of hypers and lvling my psy to 101 to give him R9 instead of my wizz. AND BOUGHT A NIX FOR MY VENO YESTURDAY to make farming the dx points cost less and u guys pull this? if there isnt an answer of whats gonna happen between now and the end of this rank sale am done with putting any money in this game. my freaking PS2 or Xbox wasnt this frustrating. when i buy a CD the game plays as how its supposed to be played. but this Free to Play game is like.......b:angry
  • Sirkura - Raging Tide
    Sirkura - Raging Tide Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    the dq page isn't working anyway so it still wouldn't help much if they did put them in again.
    just like the cake, DQ is a lie QQ
    i think they should fix that and the jones blessing before adding or removing stuff x.x
    I think the reason it's not working is BECAUSE they're adding or removing stuff...
    You will be faked, and there won't be cake...PWI murdered our Cube too.
    Although the FB blessing has nothing to do with the DQ page and it's probably just some borked coding anyway. =.='''

    i know lol i'm saying they should work on fixing things that need tweaking till the work then add or take things away.
  • Dezto - Harshlands
    Dezto - Harshlands Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The lack of GM responses in this thread is laughable.

    It's like setting a house on fire and then just watch as it burns down.

    WTB a GM with a fire extinguisher b:angry
  • Graey_Rain - Harshlands
    Graey_Rain - Harshlands Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Okay, I read every post in this thread ... yeah I know, but eh, it was maintenance.

    There were a few items of advice that I think could provide a reasonable solution. The numbers would work something like this:

    1) Add Medals to the Cash Boutique for 5 gold (10 for 45 gold)
    2) Add Medals to the Event Boutique for 15 event gold (no discount)

    Leave everything else basically as is. Allow metals to be traded or not, it does not matter.

    Players who saved up 20,000 DP to get a medal will now have to save up 50,000 DP to get an event card, which will allow them to buy 3 Medals (with a bit of event gold left over). Which is slightly better than the 2.5 medals they would have gotten at 20,000 each, but recognizes the fact that they might not need 3.33 medals. [You still have to save up 50,000 DP even if you only need 1 Medal this way, thus using gold for the last 1 or 2 medals would likely be more prudent.]

    Players who just want to cash shop their way to Rank 9 can buy gold with coins or zen and purchase medals.

    Players who exploited the **** and are now trying to gouge other players with medals for 25 million coins will be forced back to reasonable prices (5 to 7 million or so).

    Player who legitimately cashed in their DP for their medals will suffer a minor disadvantage, as saving the DP would have been better, but the difference would be rather small, and they already have and may have already used their medals to get their gear anyway.

    Players who purchased DQ Items with a total of 50,000 DP would have spent about 20 million coins (at 400 per point) to purchase something worth about 16.7 million coins if gold is at 1 million. Thus this would likely drive the value of a DP down, which is only reasonable. [In this example, 1 DP would be worth about 300 coins when gold is at 1 million.]

    Since this would only require a change to the Cash Boutique and Event Boutique, it is quite likely something the GMs can do without the developers in China needing to be involved.

    If at some time the restriction to the sale of medals is added (non trade-able), that can happen down the road, with those players who have exploited the bug potentially paying for it by having an expensive item stuck in their inventory. But give everyone reasonable notice that this is going to happen so anyone who has been affected by this glitch has a chance to use the medals or move the medals to primary characters, or even give them away before the change happens.

    I believe this solution is fair and equitable and very doable. I hope the GMs will consider it or at least something with a similar overall effect.

    Good Luck!


    This is actually a well thought up solution that would probably work very well.
    If something like this gets implemented I, and all the other people halfway towards attaining r9, might not quit the game like we're going to atm if something doesn't get resolved.
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The lack of GM responses in this thread is laughable.

    It's like setting a house on fire and then just watch as it burns down.

    WTB a GM with a fire extinguisher b:angry
    Considering this is all probably happening while they're asleep, I predict in about 4-6 more hours we'll get a response. It may not be a helpful response, but there probably will be one.

    Mod's are more helpful than the GM's. At least they're usually regular players like us.

    I'd LOVE to see a Dev try and come play the game in it's current state! Maybe they'll finally get the idea on what needs to be fixed, and what they should just leave alone.

    *stops, drops and rolls*
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Taarloor - Harshlands
    Taarloor - Harshlands Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Wow... **** you PWI, you really could have handled this ALOT better, the devs do seem to act like a bunch of teenagers when it comes to the community making the most of "glitches" in their "perfect world"

    What the **** does it matter if medals were able to be made tradable? People could just buy DQ mats from catshops to get the medals anyway, THERE IS NO REASONABLE LOGIC TO THIS OTHER THAN TO **** ME OVER.

    **** you.
  • booker224
    booker224 Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Medals of Glory were the ONLY ting that had any value in the Dq points system. The rest is just junk. The only other thing that might have value are the Mysterious Chip IF they were traded at 10 Dq point per chip. At 100 points, they are just as worthless as the rest of the junk there.

This discussion has been closed.