Nerf mage and psy damage, as well as soulforce



  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Nerf everything
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Neither of you can solo 2-3 squad? lmao. That's so easy. F-f-f-f-f-fail.

    Sorry, had to be said.


    Well, I do need to duo with an EP for belial. I can do the rest on charm. With bloodpaint, everything but belial is zzzzzzz....

    i can do it on bloodpaint with mabey a 80k charm bill for all bosses except wur?

    the 2.5 4k hp or less sin is boned though
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    On my 7x mystic nub char in a TW i went into for the poops and giggles, I hit a "special" psychic for about 231, reflected about 1.2k, kill my self in 2 or so shots ftw!
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • Zarni - Dreamweaver
    Zarni - Dreamweaver Posts: 258 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hi there, I'm an OP psychic and I agree with this post!

    Just kidding....

    As usual, Rawrgh is doing a good job trollin, if such a thing is good anyway.

    If it's so cheap and easy to level a mage or psy, and you wanna one-shot everyone in TW also, surely a 5aps user could level and equip a rank 8 anything within a month. So there is absolutely no reason to complain. One of the bigger cash users on DW has an endgame sin, archer and psy, which do you think he uses to farm with and which do you think he uses in TW?

    Full rank 9 barbs with all +10 gear are just as annoying to try to kill as any other class that spends as much, so yeah, not much sympathy from me there. I still have yet to see any class other than barb pull catapult successfully in a full 80 vs. 80 TW with all level 90+.

    for the illiterate txt spkrz: qq about qq is qq, quit your qq and go pew pew
  • Ruxal - Harshlands
    Ruxal - Harshlands Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    In TW and open PvP/PK I do one swell job of killing everyone. The thing is that as soon as the opposition locks in on me I do not last very long. Archers and Sins are especially good at taking me out.

    Someone jokingly made a point however its quite true. Just about everything needs to be nerfed. This game needs a serious rebalancing, however the developers have 0 interest in doing so. I for one have moved on to another mmo. Quite frankly PWI PvP is a 1/2 shot affair based more on what gears you have than what skills you possess.

    So Rwargh troll actually holds some truth. At R8 with just a bit o refining and some half decent shards I can take out whole teams in TW. Likewise a sin, archer or well geared char and take me out in about 2 hits.

    PWI PvP is a collosal fail. It was fun while it lasted but even though I have not deleted my chars or the client I seriously have no wish to return to playing this game. Who knows, mabey one day the developers will actually play the game using regular gears and then using uber gears and realise that PWI is supremely unbalanced and in comparison to some of the newer games released, lacking in content.
  • Shadane - Heavens Tear
    Shadane - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Wow, its nice to see someone saying we Psychics are overpowered; I'm actually flattered. Usually I'm getting turned down for squads looking for APS or melee or someone who can take a hit. Nirvana squads won't take me, lots of BH squads won't take me...dont bother saying they do; I KNOW they do sometimes; from a statistic standpoint even I get SOME squads, and occasionally I'm welcomed in with open arms. But are we high in demand? Not as much. Do BMs, Sins, and APS people get squads easier? Yes, from what I've seen. I have had aps friends who say they have no problem getting squads, and I have had people actually pm me saying they weren't letting me in cause I was spellcaster instead of melee.

    And that is the extent you will hear me complain. Actually, I don't even mean this to come off as a complaint; I mean it to just be me stating what I've observed ingame. I'm not that bitter about being passed over; actually I tend to laugh about it with friends. But it also makes me laugh when a high-in-demand class starts whining about how easy we have it. Really, NO one has it "easy" in this game. If you have epic gear, chances are you paid for it/earned it. If you're really good at PVP, its practice and skill with some gear invovled and again, all 3 of those are earned somehow. Some classes are harder to level, but are in demand, others are easy to level but aren't asked for as much. Its just how the game ended up working out.

    ...But yeah...I've aoe killed mass players in TW. And while I'm sorry for those I kill, I can't apologize too much kinda feels awesome. :D Makes up for all those squads I had trouble getting lol. I like to feel useful, and that's the point of the big DD magic users. We're freakn big DD magic users lol. Like barbs are designed to take a hit, we're designed to dish it.

    Basically, all classes have their ups and downs. The good players learn to roll with them and make do with what they've got. I'm an advocate of the "there is no bad class" platform; a good player can make any class shine. :) Some may just be a little more tricky thank others.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    At R8 with just a bit o refining and some half decent shards I can take out whole teams in TW. Likewise a sin, archer or well geared char and take me out in about 2 hits.

    That's my point. With just a 150mil weapon you can one shot entire squads in TW. However that sin that spent even more on -interval gears can kill you.... and then get /facerolled.

    Mages /faceroll entire squads in TW while a sin that spent 3x as much gets one or two kills before getting rolled. And if his target has bramble? He might not even get that many kills. In PK sins are OP because the moment you expel/domain the sin can just force stealth and try again. In TW if he's lucky and gets to force stealth then he's out of the game for a minute or two, in a TW that is pretty much the equivalent of getting killed. If he's not lucky then he gets facerolled by the his targets squad.

    @ the other people, if you want to farm then you should have rolled a farming character, end of discussion. Each class has it's advantages and disadvantages and all these psys and mages that are complaining about 5 aps users not taking them to instances are basically complaining because they want the advantages of their class without the disadvantages.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • FateMakerr - Heavens Tear
    FateMakerr - Heavens Tear Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I'm OP? Tell nirvana squads that @o@"
    Semi Retired Psychic of Radiance faction//Entering full retirement upon the release of ĠuildẂars2 or an otherwise drastic change in PWI management.
    "Exploiting a glitch is a violation of the ToS under User Conduct:
    (l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players"-frankieraye ............guess he changed his mind.
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Remove Jones blessing from the game.

    Voila. Everything is balanced again. Barbs can actually tank something, and wizards and psys don't one-shot everything in sight. And pvp will require more than just sparking and pressing one button.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Quite frankly PWI PvP is a 1/2 shot affair based more on what gears you have than what skills you possess.

    This sais it all b:chuckle

    "Yeah, should nerf casters, they don't have the right to be wanted even that 2h per week for TW b:angry " plz, just **** b:shutup

    Ohh I forgot, OP is the guy that thinks pvp is THE endgame goal. And 1 of those who sais casters should not join "aps squads" but make their own all caster squads with an old-school vit barb. He should lvl a wizzie/psy, and see how he likes it to be never asked for anything, then have qq about how powerfull you are during the +/- 2h lapse of TW each week...
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    This sais it all b:chuckle

    "Yeah, should nerf casters, they don't have the right to be wanted even that 2h per week for TW b:angry " plz, just **** b:shutup

    Ohh I forgot, OP is the guy that thinks pvp is THE endgame goal. And 1 of those who sais casters should not join "aps squads" but make their own all caster squads with an old-school vit barb. He should lvl a wizzie/psy, and see how he likes it to be never asked for anything, then have qq about how powerfull you are during the +/- 2h lapse of TW each week...

    Id have to agree to the last part.

    Try rolling a psyc/mag class see how much of a 'walk in the park' it is for you. >_> How many times in FC you aoe and happen to crit and get the whole pull on you and die within a second...yeah it's so easy. b:shutup I at times probably pay a bigger repair bill then a tank does after FC's from all the times that people just happen to let me die with out bothering to aoe on the pulls. ._.

    PvP is the only thing we can shine in most times. Even then i don't PvP, i can still do decent in PvE and solo instances, so eh less QQ more pewpew. :)
  • Noskrad - Heavens Tear
    Noskrad - Heavens Tear Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Why you so mad though? Give your useless QQ a break.

    Wrong. "Nobody wants you in FC" 90% of FC is the pulls, AOE is absolutely necessary there, and who has the best AOEs? Oh yea, mages and psys.

    "Squads" lol doesn't even need a response.

    "bad DD for bosses, squishy for pve. Harder to level"

    Leveling is a joke so that's irrelevant. As for the bosses and being squishy, I've already addressed that PvE isn't their specialty

    "Solo anything boss" Incredibly redundant since you say that like three times.

    "Solo nirvana" Right....... GL with that.

    "Solo TT" Yes, they can solo a TT, I'd say that's an equivalent trade off for not being a class that can absolutely change TWs just by themselves.

    "You can make money easily" And you have to spend it. Like I said a mage only needs 150mil to be a factor in TW, a 5 aps class needs to spend double that for just the 5 aps, then you need to refine extremely high and shard extremely well.

    Badthing? Getting ***** in PK/TW by a mage who spent less than a 10th of what you've spent on gears who has a +10 rank 8 with a jones blessing.

    Finally someone shows sense in this forum!. 100% agree.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. X3
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    Wrong. "Nobody wants you in FC" 90% of FC is the pulls, AOE is absolutely necessary there, and who has the best AOEs? Oh yea, mages and psys.

    "You can make money easily" And you have to spend it. Like I said a mage only needs 150mil to be a factor in TW, a 5 aps class needs to spend double that for just the 5 aps, then you need to refine extremely high and shard extremely well.

    Badthing? Getting ***** in PK/TW by a mage who spent less than a 10th of what you've spent on gears who has a +10 rank 8 with a jones blessing.

    These 2 quotes made me lol.

    You seriously never tried to enter an fcc squad with a wizzie or psy, nor did you see wc for a while. "NEED APS SIN/BM FOR FCC!!!" That is what ppl want. I know it's ridiculous, but that is how it is. Wizzies/psys usually get a "full sorry".

    Spend your 150mil on a sin with r8 +10. You can 1 shot mages too. A sin/bm/archer requiring more coins then a caster is plain nonsense, all classes have their cost to become better then before. You're probably just blind-staring on aps... Don't act like a sin/bm MUST have 5 aps, while a wizzie only needs a good magic sword. We all know what happened with those "I don't need armor, I got herc"-venos. For me r9 on wizzie is just as expensive as r9 on a sin/bm. But sin/bm as a hell-lot easier time to farm the coins.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    You seriously never tried to enter an fcc squad with a wizzie or psy, nor did you see wc for a while. "NEED APS SIN/BM FOR FCC!!!" That is what ppl want. I know it's ridiculous, but that is how it is. Wizzies/psys usually get a "full sorry".

    Bull****, I've been in FC with psys and mages more than I haven't. And I've FC'd from 80 to 100 and half of it was done without hypering back when hypers were still 1 gold and not 8 tokens and you lost 1 minute per activation. Sins and BMs don't even have high aps until 99/100, just because some idiot asked for one doesn't mean everyone is.

    Spend your 150mil on a sin with r8 +10. You can 1 shot mages too. A sin/bm/archer requiring more coins then a caster is plain nonsense, all classes have their cost to become better then before. You're probably just blind-staring on aps... Don't act like a sin/bm MUST have 5 aps, while a wizzie only needs a good magic sword. We all know what happened with those "I don't need armor, I got herc"-venos. For me r9 on wizzie is just as expensive as r9 on a sin/bm. But sin/bm as a hell-lot easier time to farm the coins.

    It's the money spent for return gained. A sin with +10 rank 8 cannot one shot entire TW squads. A mage with +10 rank 8 can one shot entire squads.

    And stop focusing all arguments on sins, yes, sins are OP and we all know this. And they do need to be nerfed but high aps isn't what makes them OP.

    Some classes are able to farm faster, some classes are able to make a huge impact in TW. You cannot sit there and demand that your class keep all the pros of your class without the cons.

    Basically, people QQing about high aps are people who didn't do what they should have done, and looked into what class to roll if they want to farm a lot. Either that or QQing because they want the pros of the their class and none of the cons.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well your QQing about the fact that magically 'casting classes pay less for gear' etc etc nonsense. So really your not better then the people who QQ about 5aps.

    Just play the game who gives a ***, mainly your a barb almost everyone wants a barb in squad unless there running solos.

    This childish 'omg this class has a advantage but a disadvantage in this but omg lets QQ our heads off' is getting annoying.

    Unless you really want to nerf everything in the game, and say bye bye to your 5aps barb, then go ahead.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Just play the game who gives a ***, mainly your a barb almost everyone wants a barb in squad unless there running solos.


    Get to endgame and you'll find out how terribly terribly wrong you are.

    And I'm not really complaining, this thread was just meant to be a response to all the "OMG NERF 5 APS" threads. I'm happy with my choice, that I trade PvP functionality for PvE farming.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited April 2011


    Get to endgame and you'll find out how terribly terribly wrong you are.

    And I'm not really complaining, this thread was just meant to be a response to all the "OMG NERF 5 APS" threads. I'm happy with my choice, that I trade PvP functionality for PvE farming.

    Eh, don't worry i have a end game bm.
    In no rush to get to end game on a psyc.

    That and threads like these along with all the 5aps bs is just simply annoying. Any game i ever played **** is unbalanced, certain classes have advantages over the other class. Idk why PWI of all games can't stop QQing about it in the forums lately. Every since they released TB, threads started filling up with tards who wanted to QQ because now there class supposedly 'isn't as relevant to the game as they thought it was'. I still of all people, prefer to stick to regular squads for instance runs, rather then have 3-4 apsed bms/sins in one squad with a cleric and some random DD. That's just for people who are trying to rush to lvl caps or close to it. ....not like you have much of anything to do at 105 ijs. b:surrender
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    yes nerf the magic class....because they can hardly get into nirvana...and...(you see what i'm getting at)..etc....etc...etc. b:thanks
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • Mortal_Kiss - Heavens Tear
    Mortal_Kiss - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    These 2 quotes made me lol.

    You seriously never tried to enter an fcc squad with a wizzie or psy, nor did you see wc for a while. "NEED APS SIN/BM FOR FCC!!!" That is what ppl want. I know it's ridiculous, but that is how it is. Wizzies/psys usually get a "full sorry".

    Spend your 150mil on a sin with r8 +10. You can 1 shot mages too. A sin/bm/archer requiring more coins then a caster is plain nonsense, all classes have their cost to become better then before. You're probably just blind-staring on aps... Don't act like a sin/bm MUST have 5 aps, while a wizzie only needs a good magic sword. We all know what happened with those "I don't need armor, I got herc"-venos. For me r9 on wizzie is just as expensive as r9 on a sin/bm. But sin/bm as a hell-lot easier time to farm the coins.

    So true. My main mage sometimes cannot get even to BH 100 runs. So how should I make money? For mages is very hard to save even 1M coins not 150M. That ridiculous.
  • Cocobelle - Sanctuary
    Cocobelle - Sanctuary Posts: 960 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    yes nerf the magic class....because they can hardly get into nirvana...and...(you see what i'm getting at)..etc....etc...etc. b:thanks

    Clerics don't count. b:chuckle
  • RADD_RATT - Harshlands
    RADD_RATT - Harshlands Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I think, the only class that needs a nurf is the assassin, coming out 2 sparked at 4.0 and 5.0 with a +10 weap is bs, especially when you cant seem them, they anti stun and have their tidal buff which makes them imune to almost any disable or stun. Speaking from a pvp server where 80% of ppl reroll sins because they cannot kill a dman thing on another class

    1v1 pvp....thats our thing. youve got stun lock. im not bichin about that. the name of the class is ASSASSIN ....WE KILL PEOPLE!!!!! thats what were supposed to do. if you ever played a sin you would know that if you go all out on 1 person and kill them and restealth youve got at LEAST 90 seconds before you can do it again. we suck *** in TW for this reason. we only have 2 AOEs and if you wnet demon (like almost everyone that would ratherhave demon spark then resaerch their skills) then those AOEs probly wont do you much good in mass PvP
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Ok, now that I'm on my pc and not my I-pod its time to edit this out.

    I hardly play my assassin anymore. People that strive to play pve endgame are doing it wrong. tw and mass pvp are the most fun aspects to this game. I play my wizard. My wizzy is insanely better then my sin in pvp and in tw. I 100% agree with rawgh, wizzys are better in everything fun endgame.

    There is a Psy on my server named UrDian. UrDian has arguably the best gears on any pwi server. He has g16 cube neck, full r9, cloudcharger, 2nd cast nirvy helm, r9 ring, and a cv ring. Everything I listed is +12 with +2 defense stones. His soulforce is around 60,000. With my bm I dropped a lvl 10 dragon, and tried to claw him. I got insta sealed for what seemed like 6? seconds. He 2 shot me. While he was dragoned, a r8 +10 wizzy undined and sage bt'd him for a 10k crit. While dragoned. dian survived and 2shot him aswell.

    UrDian also owns a Sin. This sin has 2 pairs of +12 daggers, a 2nd cast nirvana pair and an r9 +12 pair of daggers. All of his gears is +10, 4.0 sparked with r9 +12 with attack shards in every socket, while everythhing is 4socketed. Urdian never uses this sin.

    tl;dr: psy's are better then sins.

    To people that say they cannot farm with a magic class, go to the pw insider blog and read warrenwolfy's merchanting guide to start off then merchant. Merchant is the best way of making money. No farming is necessary, and it is easy. You have no reason to step into nirvana as a caster, and you can do just as good with gear as everyone else.
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Clerics don't count. b:chuckle

    b:mischievous we know how to satisfy
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Satisfy me candy, I'll give you nipples.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Ok, now that I'm on my pc and not my I-pod its time to edit this out.

    I hardly play my assassin anymore. People that strive to play pve endgame are doing it wrong. tw and mass pvp are the most fun aspects to this game. I play my wizard. My wizzy is insanely better then my sin in pvp and in tw. I 100% agree with rawgh, wizzys are better in everything fun endgame.

    There is a Psy on my server named UrDian. UrDian has arguably the best gears on any pwi server. He has g16 cube neck, full r9, cloudcharger, 2nd cast nirvy helm, r9 ring, and a cv ring. Everything I listed is +12 with +2 defense stones. His soulforce is around 60,000. With my bm I dropped a lvl 10 dragon, and tried to claw him. I got insta sealed for what seemed like 6? seconds. He 2 shot me. While he was dragoned, a r8 +10 wizzy undined and sage bt'd him for a 10k crit. While dragoned. dian survived and 2shot him aswell.

    UrDian also owns a Sin. This sin has 2 pairs of +12 daggers, a 2nd cast nirvana pair and an r9 +12 pair of daggers. All of his gears is +10, 4.0 sparked with r9 +12 with attack shards in every socket, while everythhing is 4socketed. Urdian never uses this sin.

    tl;dr: psy's are better then sins.

    To people that say they cannot farm with a magic class, go to the pw insider blog and read warrenwolfy's merchanting guide to start off then merchant. Merchant is the best way of making money. No farming is necessary, and it is easy. You have no reason to step into nirvana as a caster, and you can do just as good with gear as everyone else.
    Exactly. They're just QQing because they're good in PvP and not PvE. They want to be dominant in PvP AND PvE.

    Either that or it's idiots who just closed their eyes and picked a class at random, got to endgame, and then found out that the class they never researched isn't good at the things they want to do.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Satisfy me candy, I'll give you nipples.

    b:surprised maybe
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Also you realize most people who are complaining have less than like 1k kills. The real wizards of each respective servers are not here ******** about 5.0.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver
    _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Also you realize most people who are complaining have less than like 1k kills. The real wizards of each respective servers are not here ******** about 5.0.

    Because most likely they are cash shoppers so getting into TT, Nirvana don't much matter to them.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Are you trying to assert that every robe worth a damn in this game are CSers? Because that's a pretty stupid assumption.

    Seriously this talk of not getting into Nirvana is a joke, no one would exclude a wiz from Nirvana unless the squad's DD output is ghetto in the first place. Higher-geared squads are more worried about scammers and stupid people than wizards.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver
    _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Only if you are asserting that "most likely" is a definite.