Unofficial Guide to the Earthguard



  • Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    waaaahhhh!!!! show the proof!! b:shocked

    It's coming lol, its a 700+ MB video so it will be a while. Anyway it was fun lol, I racked up 14 hours of red name in 10 minutes lol

    Even funnier is that after I was done recording the video a whole group (10-15) of high levels showed up, ran out of safe zone, buffed, and started killing each other like crazy. Afterwards I dueled a couple of them to confirm that the knock-back worked in duels (it does). I think I kinda stumped them as to why a random low level was dueling them LOL, but while they were there I stayed in the safe zone partly due to the fact that 3 of the wizes had warsouls (1 ☆☆Mysto Caster (My Fav) and 2 ☆☆Single Butterfly) and everyone else had full Nirvana gear/cube belts/etc.

    EDIT: The video is up, I discover the knock back at 1:10]
    My YT Page: "" I have HD PWI/Minecraft Videos
    I am a non-cashshopper. I registered on: 08-26-2008 22:21:23
    "Only those who worked hard for their power are worth to be respected..." - Wolfssohn - Sanctuary
    "When life gives you lemon, set up a catshop and sell lemonade at 15% markup." Okeano - Harshlands
    Also, Minecraft is awesome.
  • Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Wonder if they can trigger rubberbanding. b:chuckle
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
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  • Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Wonder if they can trigger rubberbanding. b:chuckle

    Lol that would be funny.
    Anyway the video is up, I discover the knock back at 1:10
    My YT Page: "" I have HD PWI/Minecraft Videos
    I am a non-cashshopper. I registered on: 08-26-2008 22:21:23
    "Only those who worked hard for their power are worth to be respected..." - Wolfssohn - Sanctuary
    "When life gives you lemon, set up a catshop and sell lemonade at 15% markup." Okeano - Harshlands
    Also, Minecraft is awesome.
  • Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Seekers can't wait for them. Although things I don't know. Whether it will have self heal. Secondary no magic buff like magic sutra, if that's true seekers will have to relie debufs and other techniques to interrupt magic users. Who's know maybe there a buff out there. For me magic could be the thing to cripple seekers. I guess time will tell, but self heal would be awersome

    They will have some protection from magic in the form of +defense level buffs. I don't remember offhand about healing. o.O
    Wonder if they can trigger rubberbanding. b:chuckle

    Lol, probably. I suspect it won't be long before someone tries. :P

    Thanks. :)

    Guess there really are alot of bots out in china. Makes it easy to build up the kills. :3
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    How much HP per Vit point does a Mystic get? 10 like wizzies or 13 like venos?
  • Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    How much HP per Vit point does a Mystic get? 10 like wizzies or 13 like venos?

    My guess would be that they get the same hp/mp as wiz/cleric/psy since their spells eat up MP like nobodies business.
    I main a 97 Psy named /\bra. The forums don't like his name.
    So I post on my Barb.
    [On possibly-permanent hiatus]
  • Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Hey all, remember that level 49 knock-back that didn't seem to interesting? Guess what, IT WORKS IN PVP Yes that's right, Mystics have THE FIRST EVER PVP KNOCK-BACK

    Wow lol... this will be fun... for me.... heh heh heh b:avoid

    EDIT: It works in duels too.

    * Imagines a line of Mystic's Knocking A cat Barb back to it's own base * b:chuckle

    Does it work for the old classes knockback skills ?
  • Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Wonder if they can trigger rubberbanding. b:chuckle

    Don't even mention Rubberbandind ._.

    Did lunar last night and on the 2nd map you come of the bridge on the right which is absolulty plauged by Rubberbanding, ***** by 3 mobs because i cannot get out v_v
  • Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    * Imagines a line of Mystic's Knocking A cat Barb back to it's own base * b:chuckle

    Lets see, cool-down is 12 seconds, so figure 6 mystics per catapult, 6 catapults means 36 mystics = OPness lol

    Oh the possibilities lol.
    Does it work for the old classes knockback skills ?
    I saw a wiz use will of the Phoenix at close range and nothing happened so I would say no
    My YT Page: "" I have HD PWI/Minecraft Videos
    I am a non-cashshopper. I registered on: 08-26-2008 22:21:23
    "Only those who worked hard for their power are worth to be respected..." - Wolfssohn - Sanctuary
    "When life gives you lemon, set up a catshop and sell lemonade at 15% markup." Okeano - Harshlands
    Also, Minecraft is awesome.
  • Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    How much HP per Vit point does a Mystic get? 10 like wizzies or 13 like venos?
    My guess would be that they get the same hp/mp as wiz/cleric/psy since their spells eat up MP like nobodies business.

    i disagree. while they aren't venos, they still have pets and since they are the only other class to have pets at all on pwi, which means the template the used for mystics was probably the veno system. it i had to guess i'd say their stats probly work the same as a veno's stats. ofcorse, both of us are purely speculating, so if a person who has played on the chinese version could come awnser the question, that would be greatly apreciated.

    light armor rules, and JOKERZz are the best. shaff, you meh dogg. Neko, you smexy redhead you, yer my favorite veno out there. Evo, yer straight up crazy. Lillie, thanks fer giving LA cerics a good name. hask, what can't you tank? Kyo, yer wizard biuld sucks, and yer obsession with aps annoys me, but eveni will admit, yer a frackin pro. Chick, our dad's would be great friends in rl, and we'd have so much fun messin with them. fer all the rest of the clan, *salutes* at yer service doggs.b:cool
  • Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i disagree. while they aren't venos, they still have pets and since they are the only other class to have pets at all on pwi, which means the template the used for mystics was probably the veno system. it i had to guess i'd say their stats probly work the same as a veno's stats. ofcorse, both of us are purely speculating, so if a person who has played on the chinese version could come awnser the question, that would be greatly apreciated.

    Mystics get 10hp/14mp per stat point. Seekers get 15hp/9mp per stat point.

    My YT Page: "" I have HD PWI/Minecraft Videos
    I am a non-cashshopper. I registered on: 08-26-2008 22:21:23
    "Only those who worked hard for their power are worth to be respected..." - Wolfssohn - Sanctuary
    "When life gives you lemon, set up a catshop and sell lemonade at 15% markup." Okeano - Harshlands
    Also, Minecraft is awesome.
  • Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Mystics get 10hp/14mp per stat point.

    Yay. b:cute
    I main a 97 Psy named /\bra. The forums don't like his name.
    So I post on my Barb.
    [On possibly-permanent hiatus]
  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    2nd march here I come! Looks like I might get 100k dragon points in time. I hope they put 2.50ms kite in event shop :). I am also interested in the new skill runecrafting? What's it's like and is farm by questing or is it just farmed like the exist crafting skills and first come serve for each location. Other then 4 weeks to go. Hope I get 100k dq by them. : )b:pleased
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Blademaster level 8x not active!!
    Seeker :D level 2x active and going to be main!
    Perfect world international Album all ready and set up Check it out. Use the link below or click on my username for link
  • Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    In that thread are some posts I made a while back about the new crafting
  • Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    2nd march here I come! Looks like I might get 100k dragon points in time. I hope they put 2.50ms kite in event shop :). I am also interested in the new skill runecrafting? What's it's like and is farm by questing or is it just farmed like the exist crafting skills and first come serve for each location. Other then 4 weeks to go. Hope I get 100k dq by them. : )b:pleased

    Idk but in the other server, there weren't any in the event boutique.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    九宫剑咒: lvl 59, party buff, cost one mirage stone, place a sword curse on weapon to increase weapon's defense lvl of party members within 15m for a short time (30min at lvl3, max lvl), only one sword curse can be use at the same time.

    wtf no other class requires mirage stones to use buffs, hope u lying or it's gonna be very expensive to train b:angry
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    玄铁剑意: lvl 29, attack, deal base phy plus weapon damage plus extra metal damage to target and nearby enemies, also reduce target's metal resistance for 10 seconds. Cost one spark.

    not right, u GET 1CHI instead of costing one b:shutup check out in the video at exact 1minute of video
  • Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    r9a9a9 wrote: »
    玄铁剑意: lvl 29, attack, deal base phy plus weapon damage plus extra metal damage to target and nearby enemies, also reduce target's metal resistance for 10 seconds. Cost one spark.

    not right, u GET 1CHI instead of costing one b:shutup check out in the video at exact 1minute of video

    eh, np if it costs 1 mirage...
    1mirage for 1spark PLUS buff? sure, i pay ~25k for 2 spark pots and i have the silly cd.
  • Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    eh, np if it costs 1 mirage...
    1mirage for 1spark PLUS buff? sure, i pay ~25k for 2 spark pots and i have the silly cd.

    Read again, he's talking about 2 different skills. o.o

    Probably makes it better anyway. Get a spark without mirage costs.
  • Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    In the video, the skill is 天罡剑劲.
    Two skills need mirage, one is atk lvl increase other one is def lvl increase.
    visit to read the translated chapters of Zhu Xian.
    Forum Translator of Jade Dynasty, pm me if you need to translate anything. Can be any PWE game.
    Mystic's skill list updated. Final version of lvl11 skills and lvl79, 100 skills.
  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    In the video, the skill is 天罡剑劲.
    Two skills need mirage, one is atk lvl increase other one is def lvl increase.

    You know what hearing this is going to be expensive to train seeker especially when I am going to be potting mp and hp and tree of protection. Fear not it won't stop me being seeker anything is better then blademaster. I find them boring I have to use that stupid build and it's all aps lol. That's is the main I can't wait for seeker. I will actually might tank better without spending a ton of grind to get shards.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Blademaster level 8x not active!!
    Seeker :D level 2x active and going to be main!
    Perfect world international Album all ready and set up Check it out. Use the link below or click on my username for link
  • Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    ●Barb - The "natural" leader. Cool and collected, slow to anger, and typically jovial. Swift to act when friends' lives are in danger, and prepared to lay down his life if the situation calls for it.

    End of lvling, starting of the unimaginableb:laughb:victoryb:coolb:cool
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Sooooo who's hyped? b:chuckle
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Keke Zolanski in da Haus!
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    *stacking up with mirages to sell them at ridiculous prices when expansion comes out*
  • Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Not rlly hyped since I know enough of what the Expansion is gonna be like (except the "new" end-game stuff ofcourse)
    ●Barb - The "natural" leader. Cool and collected, slow to anger, and typically jovial. Swift to act when friends' lives are in danger, and prepared to lay down his life if the situation calls for it.

    End of lvling, starting of the unimaginableb:laughb:victoryb:coolb:cool
  • Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I'm not reall hyped either because I've been playing the CN version so I know what to expect lol.

    Anyway, I need the chinese translation for these bosses:

    Qingzi (FB29)

    The three FB39 bosses, I will probably need the translation of ""FB39" too so they know I have the tabs lol

    Calcid of the Flame
    Farren Sereneti
    Hercule Trioc

    And the first Tideborn quest chain boss

    General Feng

    Piece of news, to get the level 51-80 quests for the new daily quest thing you have to kill 1 of the FB39 bosses, because you get the item from the BH quest for that level range.

    Also I just hit level 54 b:victory

    Unbuffed my current stats are 1230hp/5014mp, stat points are 5 vit, 5 dex, 27+3 str, 238+7 mag.

    Mag attack is 1328-1535

    I have 278 phys def and 2398 mag def (self-buffed 382/3117 for wood/water 2398 for the rest)
    My YT Page: "" I have HD PWI/Minecraft Videos
    I am a non-cashshopper. I registered on: 08-26-2008 22:21:23
    "Only those who worked hard for their power are worth to be respected..." - Wolfssohn - Sanctuary
    "When life gives you lemon, set up a catshop and sell lemonade at 15% markup." Okeano - Harshlands
    Also, Minecraft is awesome.
  • Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    The three FB39 bosses, I will probably need the translation of ""FB39" too so they know I have the tabs lol

    AFAIK, the term "FB" came from the CN version anyway.
    Things said during a Twizted faction PK session:
    Slayer_of_Souls: you guys are such suck ups. none of you have attacked twid.
    Twiddzly(fac leader): no, sere killed me already.
    Slayer_of_Souls: he's out there waiting for us, isn't he. i'm gonna die.
    Sereneai: b:sin why don't you come find out.
    Kinglkaruga: you go first dule.
  • Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    AFAIK, the term "FB" came from the CN verion anyway.

    Yeah I know lol b:laugh
    My YT Page: "" I have HD PWI/Minecraft Videos
    I am a non-cashshopper. I registered on: 08-26-2008 22:21:23
    "Only those who worked hard for their power are worth to be respected..." - Wolfssohn - Sanctuary
    "When life gives you lemon, set up a catshop and sell lemonade at 15% markup." Okeano - Harshlands
    Also, Minecraft is awesome.
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    AFAIK, the term "FB" came from the CN version anyway.

    me wants another gameplay video! I'm addicted.... b:chuckle
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Keke Zolanski in da Haus!
  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    You know what, Seeker is going to be for cash buyers lol. Mirage hard to get + People rushing to seekers more demand = Increase in mirages lol.

    Am i the only one that sees seeker isn t going to be op. No self heal too, which means i will be using mp/hp pot and tree of protection or second wind.b:cry :D More perfects then what i will be using with blade master.

    However for all i know i could be wrong, could be a healing somewhere, or something, or perfect stones become available in npc shops lolb:bye. Looks like less instance for me with seeker to save money lol, but thats fine, i can hardly do instances anyway. Of course there is an option of making an alt or cash buying my butt to save the money. A mirage farming grinding alt lol. Problem is don t know what the market will be when genesis comes, alot of things can change lol.

    Yup can t wait for seeker anyways, Perferct world international always expensive, so xD nothing can get worse lol, i am used to skills burning my cash.b:chuckle
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Blademaster level 8x not active!!
    Seeker :D level 2x active and going to be main!
    Perfect world international Album all ready and set up Check it out. Use the link below or click on my username for link


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