New Best Faction



  • AriesWood - Archosaur
    AriesWood - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Who knows, who knows. But, can BloodyDay honestly expect to win a TW against you? Will they even show up? Of course those questions are up for debate.

    Again I really don't care about this weeks fake-bid since we still get to TW against Nemesis. I'm just pointing out how this unknown person's statement is ridiculously flawed. Of course, you Aries, prefer to respond to posts about Mango and see him as this "figure" you put on a pedalstool. Apparently he is this so-called innocent person that has done NOTHING wrong in all his PWI career. Of course, you only like to see facts in a biased manner and deny and deny and deny any truth in anything that obviously is pointed out towards Nemesis.

    Oh well, cya on Saturday. Cause apparently we're so dam afraid to lose. b:laughb:bye

    1. Never said you were scared to lose
    2. This week's bid was NOT fake
    3. Who are you to decide whether a faction can or cannot try to defeat another one?. If that was the case no one would TW on servers where 1 faction dominates the whole map.
    4. I will refer you to any of my posts (look them up, not so many). I never said Mango had done nothing wrong. But you blame him for the actions of other ppl now. Gonna blame him for Global Warming too? I'm sure he created Cancer as well b:sweat
    Where will it stop? really... you need another scapegoat for your own shortcomings buddy. Can't blame Mango this time
    5. I responded to this post cause I thought it was really unfair and hypocrytical of you to talk about BloodyDay's bid as a fake. They have the rigth to bid and have TW, win or lose, just like you want, right? or you thing you are the only one that TW's for fun? Damn boy.. need a humble pie or two
  • Katanyia - Archosaur
    Katanyia - Archosaur Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Of course, you Aries, prefer to respond to posts about Mango and see him as this "figure" you put on a pedalstool. Apparently he is this so-called innocent person that has done NOTHING wrong in all his PWI career. Of course, you only like to see facts in a biased manner and deny and deny and deny any truth in anything that obviously is pointed out towards Nemesis.

  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Let me guess.. The leader of Bloodyday is Mango's Alt... no no ... maybe we had a meeting and paid Bloodyday to bid on us so you couldn't.... o wait, maybe, just maybe, you are not teh only ones who want a TW and other ppl can bid too... but no.. can't be that... can't blame Mango for anything with that.

    And why would they outbid us, when infact, they got literally no chance of winning TW against you guys solo? Getting steamrolled? I`d prefer TW where you`d be somewhat equal when Nemesis would have to put most of their strenght against Zulusive. That is simple logic Aries, there is no reason for them to act the way they did, unless infact, Nemesis asked them to. Any logical reasoning behind that bid, there are none, simply cause they are too weak to have decent TW with you guys 1vs1. Oh well, gl for that 10min TW of yours today. We can either call bid fake or idiotic, there was no logical reasons to bid LC instead of some other land of yours as like I stated, they will get steamrolled in 10mins. They could have had longer TW, would they have bid other land or do you suggest fun TW = The faster, the better?
    sneaky get UR facts STRAIGHT first, if 3 weeks u been bidding on nemesis then HOW on earth did YOU get Great Lake ? GM's Gifted it to u ? huh ? seriously who lets these kinda noobs come troll. Also if u bid 100k on nemesis and cry about being overbid then am sorry you should learn better b:angry

    We didn`t take that land in order to bid LC, to so to say, make it impossible to fakebid? It seems we are not allowed to bid on Nemesis, no matter what we do, every single time some ridiculous bid comes to outbid us. Instead of simply QQing about the fake bid back then, we did what we could to prevent that sort of scenario occuring again. I dont really know what happened this week but I do remember Proski asking on WC for BloodyDay officer, likely to discuss and make sure ppl are on same page about bidding this week. I dont know did he talk with somebody, did they agree on something, dunno really why else he would have bidded low, unless they did agree on something. Thing is, we got some ppl who could throw proski 10m+ each in order to not get fakebidded would he ask for it. Yet as we wouldn`t get any coins back would we win, I do prefer the way he is doing it.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • AriesWood - Archosaur
    AriesWood - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    And why would they outbid us, when infact, they got literally no chance of winning TW against you guys solo? Getting steamrolled? I`d prefer TW where you`d be somewhat equal when Nemesis would have to put most of their strenght against Zulusive. That is simple logic Aries, there is no reason for them to act the way they did, unless infact, Nemesis asked them to. Any logical reasoning behind that bid, there are none, simply cause they are too weak to have decent TW with you guys 1vs1. Oh well, gl for that 10min TW of yours today. We can either call bid fake or idiotic, there was no logical reasons to bid LC instead of some other land of yours as like I stated, they will get steamrolled in 10mins. They could have had longer TW, would they have bid other land or do you suggest fun TW = The faster, the better?

    Don't put words in my mouth.
    And how do you know they are too weak? Do you know every single member in BloodyDay? do you even know every single member in Nemesis? OMG...
    And I could say the same thing about you, you had 2 other lands of ours to bid on. However, you got what you wanted, TW against Nemesis... why do you need to qq about it now?
    I really can't believe you are this arrogant man. You are not teh only ones capable of giving a good TW or the only ones wanting one. You spend too much time focusing on Nemesis you have no idea what is going on on other factions.
    I recommend, stop getting in everybody's bussiness and stick to your own faction and leave teh rest of us alone to play the game in peace. It amazes me how you ppl manage to qq about every little thing... guess what.. not everything is about Zulusive b:sweat
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Don't put words in my mouth.
    And how do you know they are too weak? Do you know every single member in BloodyDay? do you even know every single member in Nemesis? OMG...
    And I could say the same thing about you, you had 2 other lands of ours to bid on. However, you got what you wanted, TW against Nemesis... why do you need to qq about it now?
    I really can't believe you are this arrogant man. You are not teh only ones capable of giving a good TW or the only ones wanting one. You spend too much time focusing on Nemesis you have no idea what is going on on other factions.
    I recommend, stop getting in everybody's bussiness and stick to your own faction and leave teh rest of us alone to play the game in peace. It amazes me how you ppl manage to qq about every little thing... guess what.. not everything is about Zulusive b:sweat

    Now your just being idiotic, you REALLY belive bloody day can fight you guys on equal footing? And even if they could why on earth would they outbid us (an btw we did infact bid first on LC). W.e we get to fight you guys this weekend so I don't care but honestly stop being so scared to lose a land to us, it's only a mil. I will literally pay mango 1 mil if he let's us bid on nemesis
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Don't put words in my mouth.
    And how do you know they are too weak? Do you know every single member in BloodyDay? do you even know every single member in Nemesis? OMG...
    And I could say the same thing about you, you had 2 other lands of ours to bid on. However, you got what you wanted, TW against Nemesis... why do you need to qq about it now?
    I really can't believe you are this arrogant man. You are not teh only ones capable of giving a good TW or the only ones wanting one. You spend too much time focusing on Nemesis you have no idea what is going on on other factions.
    I recommend, stop getting in everybody's bussiness and stick to your own faction and leave teh rest of us alone to play the game in peace. It amazes me how you ppl manage to qq about every little thing... guess what.. not everything is about Zulusive b:sweat

    I simply dont need to know every single member on both factions to know what will happen, the difference on strenght is so ridiculous that details itself are not important. Now I put no words on your mouth, I only stated obvious facts, anybody with half an eye on what`s happening on server might tell you the exactly same things, I simply tried to cut any offensice edge my post might have had. And actually, when it comes to Nemesis, we are the only ones capable of challenging you atm, anything else is simply delusional, we both know it.

    Lets start with simple impossibility, Zulusive bid LC first, tell me now, how were we supposed to bid anything else after it? That is simple fact, are you seriously trying to argue bidding LC, which only 1 other faction could bid, would be riskier than bidding on land that is up for grabs for anybody, after we`ve gotten fakebidded twice on that sort of situation? And like I said earlier, unless I had serious hallucinations, Proski infact tried to contact BloodyDay officers on wednesday, to talk the bids trough so we wouldnt be bidding on the same land. I really wonder, what else we`re supposed to do, put 200m bid? I`d rather sponsor permaspark to faction mate than pay that much for a TW.

    I`m not QQing, I`m stating obvious facts. Somebody mentioned the whole bid from bloodyday was shady due obvious reasons, you nemesis come here running like it makes all the sense in the world for them to do what they did. It is simply obvious they werent after win or fun TW with that bid, what other reasons there are to bid, unless infact, it was to block Zulusive from attacking Nemesis, which only Nemesis has motive to do. That is to say would be another chapter of "We`re about fun TWs and not map control", which is reason enough to discuss about the matter. I myself cant care less if you are about map control, would you admit it, this bs you are offering is the sole reason for these threads exist. That is if I`m correct, you can read these forums, I have been right most of the time before.

    Now tell me, which would be more fun for BloodyDay, get rolled in 10mins or have equal footing with Nemesis leftovers, while Zulusive is holding most of their strenght busy? I`m not saying they got no right to bid there, I`m saying it`s simply idiotic bid for their own sake, unless they were paid to do so, which again would be Nemesis interfering with others. BathTime was your creation, member of yours anyway, which directly interfered fun others were having, therefore any "leave others alone" comments are simply funny coming from Nemesis due your own actions. Does that mean I held Nemesis as faction responsible for it? No, but you might want to take care of what is happening under your roof and not QQ to others about the same exact thing.

    Ps. You mind trying to prove your points and not just throw insults? That is what I`ve been trying to do, it seems it`s too much to ask the same from you.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    When people know they're guilty they tend to throw threats at people making sense of the situation..... ijs
  • keeperotimnspace
    keeperotimnspace Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Wnb doesn't sound good u had lands of nemesis you could take(Windswept Grasslands) but you didnt lol
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Wnb doesn't sound good u had lands of nemesis you could take(Windswept Grasslands) but you didnt lol

    Seriously Are you reading any of the post? Wnb clearly explained why we bid on lost city.
    Well I'll male it simple for u-

    1. We bid on it first
    2. It's safer biding on a land where only one other faction could bid on it,where any other land can be bid on by ANY faction
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    It amazes me how you ppl

    what do you mean you people? TROPIC THUNDERRR!!! anyhoo... its a forum, what the hell guys. seriously stay away from them if just a few peoples opinions can cause some of you to not enjoy the game in peace, i don't know what else to say really. i talked to half of bloodyday and they said it was all np about relaying my message to their leader and that they wouldnt mind not interfering on that specific land given what has been happening between our two factions for some time now. that coupled with the fact that i bid first, as most out bids only happen from factions off the map, but they did anyway, and with several mill more than me, oh well? my personal opinion is the guy is just out of touch with whats been happening and doesn't much care, but if others feel otherwise so be it, I can tell it bothers you all though and I don't quite know why as you have the power to make to make of it what you choose. maybe just concede the fact that some don't like you for their own reasons and, naturally, will have a negative opinion when they find something to comment on; doesn't mean you have to interpret all criticism as drama though. drama is supposed to be dramatic, why give this that credit lol. quite honestly what actually gets said here is BOOORING and anti-climatic, but the funny part is everyone getting so serious and thinking its drama when its not.. at all.

    drama is proving to take things a step further by giving old friends the cold shoulder in game because they have a different logo over their head, or kicking people out of an FC squad for the same reason, not some guy on the forums saying the word NARLA and people taking offense to it.

    yea, this server turned into a high school, but for a different reason. everybodys too fake and afraid to say whats on their mind to then have that chance to prove its all in good fun by being bigger than words and having a laugh over it.
  • XPuLsEoFHeLL - Archosaur
    XPuLsEoFHeLL - Archosaur Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Now your just being idiotic, you REALLY belive bloody day can fight you guys on equal footing? And even if they could why on earth would they outbid us (an btw we did infact bid first on LC). W.e we get to fight you guys this weekend so I don't care but honestly stop being so scared to lose a land to us, it's only a mil. I will literally pay mango 1 mil if he let's us bid on nemesis

  • keeperotimnspace
    keeperotimnspace Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Seriously Are you reading any of the post? Wnb clearly explained why we bid on lost city.
    Well I'll male it simple for u-

    1. We bid on it first
    2. It's safer biding on a land where only one other faction could bid on it,where any other land can be bid on by ANY faction

    Nice point, but sounds as an excuse, mango wouldn't have done another fake bid he knew the consequences, Darkside is moving out, Bandila i doubt it. So again someone else ? huh ? lol. Studd your a nice faction mate your leader got, you follow him blind folded b:bye
  • _Pluto - Archosaur
    _Pluto - Archosaur Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    O_O Uuuuummm... Why can't you all just be happy we get to fight each other this weekend.. Sure it would have been awesome to fight each other two times... But things did not work out just try next week... Why can't you just stay quiet.. You all just jump to conclusions and point a finger at someone Most of you here are adults grow up...
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Nice point, but sounds as an excuse, mango wouldn't have done another fake bid he knew the consequences, Darkside is moving out, Bandila i doubt it. So again someone else ? huh ? lol. Studd your a nice faction mate your leader got, you follow him blind folded b:bye

    Lols speaking of following the leader blind folded how about u take ur head out of mangos *** and analyz the facts like the rest of us.... Otherwise stop putting idiotic posts pls
  • _Pluto - Archosaur
    _Pluto - Archosaur Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I'm not gonna say this to offend all Zulusive but it seems that nothing satifies a few of your Members... A few of your Members complain about everything gosh! xD

    PS: this goes to the people who decide to Post **** without their characters name I don't care if you defend Zulusive or Nemesis or DarkSide or Bewbs... why are you so afraid to show who you really are O_o?
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    O_O Uuuuummm... Why can't you all just be happy we get to fight each other this weekend.. Sure it would have been awesome to fight each other two times... But things did not work out just try next week... Why can't you just stay quiet.. You all just jump to conclusions and point a finger at someone Most of you here are adults grow up...

    I love how we're suppose to "move on" and "grow up" when somebody fake bids u or in this case twice -.- but if it would happen to u guys somebody is needs to pay(get banned).

    But welcome to the forums where we are allowed to discuss events that have happens to us....
  • AriesWood - Archosaur
    AriesWood - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I`m not QQing, I`m stating obvious facts. Somebody mentioned the whole bid from bloodyday was shady due obvious reasons, you nemesis come here running like it makes all the sense in the world for them to do what they did. It is simply obvious they werent after win or fun TW with that bid, what other reasons there are to bid, unless infact, it was to block Zulusive from attacking Nemesis, which only Nemesis has motive to do. That is to say would be another chapter of "We`re about fun TWs and not map control", which is reason enough to discuss about the matter. I myself cant care less if you are about map control, would you admit it, this bs you are offering is the sole reason for these threads exist. That is if I`m correct, you can read these forums, I have been right most of the time before.

    Now tell me, which would be more fun for BloodyDay, get rolled in 10mins or have equal footing with Nemesis leftovers, while Zulusive is holding most of their strenght busy? I`m not saying they got no right to bid there, I`m saying it`s simply idiotic bid for their own sake, unless they were paid to do so, which again would be Nemesis interfering with others. BathTime was your creation, member of yours anyway, which directly interfered fun others were having, therefore any "leave others alone" comments are simply funny coming from Nemesis due your own actions. Does that mean I held Nemesis as faction responsible for it? No, but you might want to take care of what is happening under your roof and not QQ to others about the same exact thing.

    Ps. You mind trying to prove your points and not just throw insults? That is what I`ve been trying to do, it seems it`s too much to ask the same from you.

    Again... maybe if I reapeat it it will stick... let's try caps this time.. I ONLY SPEAK FOR MYSELF... so, no, i won't tell you what is more fun for BloodyDay cause i'm not there.
    And again, we deal with problems inside Nemesis in Nemesis, not on forums or anywhere else.
    I'm not scared to lose to anyone.. trust me.. losing a TW won't take my sleep away.. I TW to have fun.. and sometimes i have more fun losing a TW than winning it. And I personally don't give a damn about map control, and I'm not 'offering any bs'. Then again, I'm not the leader and I don't make the bids, so my opinion doesn't count.

    And finally, i never insulted you.. called you a hypocrit and i do it again.. you are a hypocrit. You try to dismiss my argument saying I insult you, when you are the one calling ppl in Bloodyday idiots.
    Lead by example man
  • _Pluto - Archosaur
    _Pluto - Archosaur Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    @ Stud you make it seem like this only affects Zulusive but in reality it does not only affect you guys. There is several people in Nemesis who wanted two territory wars this week aswell. I'm kinda mad about it to but you don't see me raging and stuff xD well atleast I think I'm not o.o I'm happy that we atleast get to face each other one time after like what One Month...
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Again... maybe if I reapeat it it will stick... let's try caps this time.. I ONLY SPEAK FOR MYSELF... so, no, i won't tell you what is more fun for BloodyDay cause i'm not there.
    And again, we deal with problems inside Nemesis in Nemesis, not on forums or anywhere else.
    I'm not scared to lose to anyone.. trust me.. losing a TW won't take my sleep away.. I TW to have fun.. and sometimes i have more fun losing a TW than winning it. And I personally don't give a damn about map control, and I'm not 'offering any bs'. Then again, I'm not the leader and I don't make the bids, so my opinion doesn't count.

    And finally, i never insulted you.. called you a hypocrit and i do it again.. you are a hypocrit. You try to dismiss my argument saying I insult you, when you are the one calling ppl in Bloodyday idiots.
    Lead by example man

    Yea So what do u do when your problems involve another faction or in this case being caused by another faction. Throwing away the argument? He stated the facts the only one avoiding the argument is you...... Again I ask do people even read others' post before they open their mouths?
  • AriesWood - Archosaur
    AriesWood - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    what do you mean you people?

    yea, this server turned into a high school, but for a different reason. everybodys too fake and afraid to say whats on their mind to then have that chance to prove its all in good fun by being bigger than words and having a laugh over it.

    people : (noun) used to refer to persons in general or everyone, or informally to the group of people that you are speaking to

    meaning: the ones that i was anwsering to.

    And i'll say.. no, i'm not fake.. not i'm not a fraid to speak my mind and you can hold me accountable for anything I say.

    And I don't make a big deal about anything here... you should know by now. I will tell you what I think and listen to what you have to say here, and it won't affect the way I treat you in game, or the fact that i will help you in game if I can.
    There's only a few ppl I hate in this game and none are on the forums.
    I really don't care about what faction youa re in, or what you said about anything. All I remember is how ppl behave around me. cause that's all that counts at the end of teh day.
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    @ Stud you make it seem like this only affects Zulusive but in reality it does not only affect you guys. There is several people in Nemesis who wanted two territory wars this week aswell. I'm kinda mad about it to but you don't see me raging and stuff xD well atleast I think I'm not o.o I'm happy that we atleast get to face each other one time after like what One Month...

    Thats hilarious that you guys are made about not having 2 TWs when it's your leader that won't allow us to attack you guys. You want 2 TWs take it up with him instead of saying your mad about it in the forums....
  • AriesWood - Archosaur
    AriesWood - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Thats hilarious that you guys are made about not having 2 TWs when it's your leader that won't allow us to attack you guys. You want 2 TWs take it up with him instead of saying your mad about it in the forums....

    Mango won't allow you to attack us? prove it.. if you can't.. well.. cool story bro
  • _Pluto - Archosaur
    _Pluto - Archosaur Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Uuuum... No I will not complain to my leader because I have no proof that he Fake Bid. So why just point the finger geez.. lol
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I would say otherwise, seeing how he ALREADY got banned for the same reason just a week ago AND all the facts seem to be pointing to him..... Again. I would say where's the proof that it WASN'T you guys' doing?
  • AriesWood - Archosaur
    AriesWood - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yea So what do u do when your problems involve another faction or in this case being caused by another faction. Throwing away the argument? He stated the facts the only one avoiding the argument is you...... Again I ask do people even read others' post before they open their mouths?

    I'm not avoiding any argument.. I'm here answering to your concerns..

    and yes.. i happen to read what ppl write... do you?

    I don't see a problem I have to get involved if it's 'cause by another faction'. Go discuss it with the other faction. I deal with the problems of Nemesis IN Nemesis. I won't bring it to teh forums, as I never brought to teh Forums the problems I delat with in Narla.
    That's my business and no one elses. Sorry I don't satisfy your curosity
  • AriesWood - Archosaur
    AriesWood - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I would say otherwise, seeing how he ALREADY got banned for the same reason just a week ago AND all the facts seem to be pointing to him..... Again. I would say where's the proof that it WASN'T you guys' doing?

    No SS.. oh well... Cool story bro
  • _Pluto - Archosaur
    _Pluto - Archosaur Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I don't know man. Like I said I'm not gonna point any fingers. I'm just saying you act like you're the only one who suffers for this I'm speaking for myself.

    And if you're not mad about this then why are you making such a big deal. Like I said why can't you just be happy we will face each other this week hahaha xD.
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I'm not avoiding any argument.. I'm here answering to your concerns..

    and yes.. i happen to read what ppl write... do you?

    I don't see a problem I have to get involved if it's 'cause by another faction'. Go discuss it with the other faction. I deal with the problems of Nemesis IN Nemesis. I won't bring it to teh forums, as I never brought to teh Forums the problems I delat with in Narla.
    That's my business and no one elses. Sorry I don't satisfy your curosity

    You say u read others post but. Your own post suggest otherwise. Do yourself a favor go back and reread the last 3 pages because your post have become so freaking idiotic and non relevant.
  • AriesWood - Archosaur
    AriesWood - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    You say u read others post but. Your own post suggest otherwise. Do yourself a favor go back and reread the last 3 pages because your post have become so freaking idiotic and non relevant.

    what eevr happened to proving a point and not insulting? b:sweat
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I don't know man. Like I said I'm not gonna point any fingers. I'm just saying you act like you're the only one who suffers for this I'm speaking for myself.

    And if you're not mad about this then why are you making such a big deal. Like I said why can't you just be happy we will face each other this wekk hahaha xD.

    I'm Fully aware some of your member actually do want fun TWs and again I cannot prove it was mango I'm just saying the evidence seems to be pointing to him yet again