Twilight Temple Discussion



  • Ashivas - Dreamweaver
    Ashivas - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This makes me want to quit the game...
    Ashura Tyrant you foul mouthed little boy! I must keel yew nao =3
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    When increasing the difficulty in a game dungeon, it's not a huge surprise to hear players claiming that "it's too hard/ it's impossible/ it's broken". Keep in mind that several players also posted about how they were able to complete the dungeon.


    "It's too hard" - not really a bug we can test.

    "Boss is behaving the same way regardless of kill count" - is definitely a bug we can test.

    Good post. All of this I know for a fact to be true. Just hope the other players can agree.b:victory
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • DTK - Dreamweaver
    DTK - Dreamweaver Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    When increasing the difficulty in a game dungeon, it's not a huge surprise to hear players claiming that "it's too hard/ it's impossible/ it's broken". Keep in mind that several players also posted about how they were able to complete the dungeon.


    "It's too hard" - not really a bug we can test.

    "Boss is behaving the same way regardless of kill count" - is definitely a bug we can test.

    the fact that they have full +8-12 end game gears and still get wiped at times is a big hint something is not right... Sure maybe 10 people on every server can complete it, but how are the rest of us supposed to get mats. Theres practically a monopoly on TT99 green mats now
  • Ashivas - Dreamweaver
    Ashivas - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    When increasing the difficulty in a game dungeon, it's not a huge surprise to hear players claiming that "it's too hard/ it's impossible/ it's broken". Keep in mind that several players also posted about how they were able to complete the dungeon.


    "It's too hard" - not really a bug we can test.

    "Boss is behaving the same way regardless of kill count" - is definitely a bug we can test.

    You changed something, it now kills 100+ squads with absurdly good gear. It's meant for 85-90 squads that are actually doing it for their TT90... If you haven't noticed. 95% of the community says it's impossible without nirvana +10, THOSE are the players saying they can do it. The CASHSHOPPERS with GREAT CASHSHOPPED GEAR!! Get out.
    Ashura Tyrant you foul mouthed little boy! I must keel yew nao =3
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    As for this frenzy theory... 3-3 does not play by that. Not killing mobs in 3-3 just results in the boss hitting everyone 50kish each. Although it was interesting because it registers as double digits in the damage log.
  • Ivelio - Lost City
    Ivelio - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    the issue is TT can not be made under normal circumstance > lvl 80 - 90 average players
    secondary issue : TT was not tested before applying patch to live server
    Customer support answer ( irrelevant )
    Testing for games is made before "selling the game to customers " not after . I think any forum topic in here shows the same > Ideea > implementation > Live ( not Ideea > implementation > test > repair found bugs > Live , as it should be ) .... nobody is checking if the patch itself brings the desired outcome to the players ... i propose you guys start 1 server for testing purposes add a special client and test , add a testing area to the forum where any suggestions or bugs can be posted .

    This is not my ideea .. is how the game industry is ... everything should be tested in "player" mode not "god" mode or "company view of the game" ofc , make game pleasant for all not displease your players or you will end up like a certain company that made a good game and in a matter of a patch the server population went from full to almost empty ( around 1 % of the normal player base it had )
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    When increasing the difficulty in a game dungeon, it's not a huge surprise to hear players claiming that "it's too hard/ it's impossible/ it's broken". Keep in mind that several players also posted about how they were able to complete the dungeon.


    "It's too hard" - not really a bug we can test.

    "Boss is behaving the same way regardless of kill count" - is definitely a bug we can test.

    You're joking right?
    ..... . .. ...

    I have to get my nirvana before I can get my TT99? You sir have no sense of how to play this game.

    IF and it's a big one, all the lvl 95s with TT90 said it was impossible but the 101+ squads said "it's cake" you sir are on the right logical path with that response, but when it's clear that redrose's squad is having trouble please GTFO DO THE RUNS THEN COME BACK TO US. b:bye
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Theres practically a monopoly on TT99 green mats now

    Times like this...I am So thankful I am a pack-rat and have always kept the green mats in my never know I guess b:shutupb:surrender
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Ignation - Lost City
    Ignation - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    When increasing the difficulty in a game dungeon, it's not a huge surprise to hear players claiming that "it's too hard/ it's impossible/ it's broken". Keep in mind that several players also posted about how they were able to complete the dungeon.


    "It's too hard" - not really a bug we can test.

    "Boss is behaving the same way regardless of kill count" - is definitely a bug we can test.

    Let me tell you something.

    In 3-1, The boss debuffs + amplifies damage + seals + stuns + take 50% off your hp, among other things.

    So, He debuffs you then seals all your squad and keeps on hitting you. This is something ridiculous, meaning that the Cleric can't purify you, can't react fast and rebuff you, can't heal you while you are getting hit, and the fact that you lost 50% of your HP.

    Couple all of that together and you get a squad wipe my dear GM.

    That is what trouble RedsRose's squad had, and she died 3-4 times, and she has one of the best gears for a cleric in this server.
    "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Let me tell you something.

    In 3-1, The boss debuffs + amplifies damage + seals + stuns + take 50% off your hp, among other things.

    So, He debuffs you then seals all your squad and keeps on hitting you. This is something ridiculous, meaning that the Cleric can't purify you, can't react fast and rebuff you, can't heal you while you are getting hit, and the fact that you lost 50% of your HP.

    Couple all of that together and you get a squad wipe my dear GM.

    That is what trouble RedsRose's squad had, and she died 3-4 times, and she has one of the best gears for a cleric in this server.

    OMFG! We have to heal ourselves, use protective measures like Absolute Domain and individual skills rather than rely on cleric for everything? Since I can't just macro / toothpick AFK: I think I'll just rage quit! b:angry
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    tweakz wrote: »
    OMFG! We have to heal ourselves, use protective measures like Absolute Domain and individual skills rather than rely on cleric for everything? Since I can't just macro / toothpick AFK: I think I'll just rage quit! b:angry

    It isn't that they have to use genies and know their class, it's that a squad of well geared level 100s have a tough time completing even a TT3-1. How are the level 80s and 90s who really need the instances supposed to get their mats if people with end game gear have a rough time with it? >.>
  • KedgeSniper - Lost City
    KedgeSniper - Lost City Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    why do you need godly gears such as nirvana or +10 to farm HH/TT

    ^How does that make sense at all

    Only cashshopers with +10 gears will farm now O_O

    /Shinzoko i need a tank
    Face the fear. Face a war. Face the world.
    Leeching CQ salary since 09'
    Many names, Common Faces.
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    It isn't that they have to use genies and know their class, it's that a squad of well geared level 100s have a tough time completing even a TT3-1. How are the level 80s and 90s who really need the instances supposed to get their mats if people with end game gear have a rough time with it? >.>

    it's way more then just a rough time, they squad wipe....don't worry if frankie really tests it he'll see the mob quest is messed up and devs will get us a fix in 1 year. b:victory
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Ignation - Lost City
    Ignation - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    tweakz wrote: »
    OMFG! We have to heal ourselves, use protective measures like Absolute Domain and individual skills rather than rely on cleric for everything? Since I can't just macro / toothpick AFK: I think I'll just rage quit! b:angry

    You just made yourself look stupid, pretty sure you can't do **** about farming it.

    Keep in mind that, Rose used immune pots, I used immune pots, I used domain, she did too.

    Our friend veno went to to domain us too.

    Basically we did use the resources we had, immune pots, charms, defense charms, genie skills.

    So you good sir, are an idiot.
    "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
  • Ivelio - Lost City
    Ivelio - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i recommend everyone that says " that no one should complain about the TT change " go to pw-cn use a translator and n-joy the cursing on their forum also .. on a side note "we are not alone " ... the same issue arises same thing that is discussed here is discussed there .. coincidence .. maybe ...
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    it's way more then just a rough time, they squad wipe....don't worry if frankie really tests it he'll see the mob quest is messed up and devs will get us a fix in 1 year. b:victory

    Nah, they'll just keep adding more packs to the boutique each month, giving us new bugged updates, then continue to ignore the bugs already in the game and the people complaining about them. You know, what they've been doing the whole last year. b:surrender
  • LeirtA - Lost City
    LeirtA - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    When increasing the difficulty in a game dungeon, it's not a huge surprise to hear players claiming that "it's too hard/ it's impossible/ it's broken". Keep in mind that several players also posted about how they were able to complete the dungeon.


    "It's too hard" - not really a bug we can test.

    "Boss is behaving the same way regardless of kill count" - is definitely a bug we can test.

    Yes you are right Frankie. 'It's too hard' is way too general a comment. The fact that players in level range of 100+ with +10 nirvana and TT99 gear were having difficulty with an instance that's meant for players in their 8x to farm their 90 gear should ring an alarm bell somewhere. Does that really show you all care for your player base which you all have repeatedly implied from time to time?

    Making an instance that's meant for 8x players to get their level 90 gear so that it wipes even 10x squads with +10 nirvana and TT99, is that even rational or sane in the first place? Tell your developers that not all of us playing MMORPGs have 8-10 hours to sit in the game daily to farm pixels like they do in China. Most of us have families, jobs, studies and a real social life to contend with.

    Personally I couldn't care less that I won't get to farm TT99 for my veno now that it's level 99 because I do not care nor am interested in any of your company's games any more.

    P/s Oh and I can afford to Zen and buy all the mats needed for TT99 which I believe you can see from my record of Zen purchase but I'm taking my money and my time to where both are more appreciated.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<- One of my best loved piece of trance track
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    tweakz wrote: »
    OMFG! We have to heal ourselves, use protective measures like Absolute Domain and individual skills rather than rely on cleric for everything? Since I can't just macro / toothpick AFK: I think I'll just rage quit! b:angry

    Trust me I felt fail enough as it was not being able to survive. I did EVERYTHING I know how to do after 101 levels. I am not an Oracle noob, I have done all my quests and every instance before and after all this new bh, frost, etc.....It was MORE then frustrating b:sadb:surrender

    I would like to direct you to this:
    OK...I am quoting myself here.

    As I said I would, I ran 3-1 tonight a few times.

    The 3-1 Behe acted THE SAME WAY with or without the kill count.

    Once again read the above....First run we managed but the second run -->

    We party wiped 3 times and after that and 7ticks/6ticks/12 ticks, AD, Immunity pots and 3 dolls and a res scroll...we left.

    Boss Did the following: (sometimes more then one thing at the same time)

    Sharptooth HP to 50%

    AOE debuff



    100% Pdef debuff/Armor Break

    Random Aggro

    NOW....let me tell you my squad:

    101 Assassin:
    5.0, rank 6, 8k hp, fully sharded HH99/Rank gear
    100 Assassin: Standard HH99 gear, refines average +5, 6k hp
    92 veno with Herc: Full HH90 set +5 - +8, Full AA, Herc to level, HP 5k and pdef in fox 6.6k
    101 EP: Rank 8, 7.3k hp, Pdef 8.6k, 4 pieces +10 all others +7-+8, consisting of event, rank, 99 and nirvana

    ^ AT the very least, the 101 Assassin and myself should have been able to pull this off. I was able to constantly res both Assassin's in my party more then a few times, as well as heal and buff. However, at more then a few points there was nothing the charm could do.

    So....think about 3-2 and 3-3. Now, I will most likely go again to see if there is some odd thing that could be done to assist in this boss. However, I am SURE that the boss is now in constant Frenzy mode, which I am not sure if this was intended.

    I can assure you though, more likely then not an averagely geared squad of high 8x to low 9x would have a MAJOR difficult time in doing this boss. The other bosses were fine.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • LeirtA - Lost City
    LeirtA - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    tweakz wrote: »
    OMFG! We have to heal ourselves, use protective measures like Absolute Domain and individual skills rather than rely on cleric for everything? Since I can't just macro / toothpick AFK: I think I'll just rage quit! b:angry

    You, sir are an absolute brown nose, **** kissing MORON. Have a good day. b:bye
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<- One of my best loved piece of trance track
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Dear Frankie

    We have tried (albeit lately not hard, but tried all the same) to have patience with you in the numerous issues that are coming up. We have tried time and again to have faith and believe in you when you say you relay problems to devs and will get back to us and then you never do. We have trusted you to relay to the devs that we have bugs that need to be fixed even after these bugs go unfixed for years.

    You then came along, in this thread, and posted "The devs will remove the four hour time limit on TT" as if that was a fix.

    May I now say: I am through with being patient with people like you who not only treat your player base like they're all morons and will accept whatever you throw at them, but who won't turn around and tell a dev a really ****ing stupid fix when they see one. You can't seriously tell us that you read these complaints and these detailed posts and thought increasing the time limit was a fix to this bug.

    **** you too, PWE.
  • SilversMoon - Heavens Tear
    SilversMoon - Heavens Tear Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ..So I attempted 3-1 with guildies to see what the fuss is really about.
    Went in with a Barb, Wizzie, Sin (me), Veno, 2 Clerics.
    All went well until GBA boss, we tried him twice in his room and failed miserably.
    Then we decided to lure him out, to the big room with stairs place him on top of the balcony
    with clerics and ranged squishies as far as possible near the statue.
    First time went very well got him to nearly half hp, until he AOE'd and one shot every body except me and the barb.
    4 Tries later it only went worse as he started to AOE much more frequently aswell as much more debuffs.

    So in conclusion, here's what GBA boss is capable of as far as I observed:

    - Aoe HP debuff.
    - Aoe Purge. (Usually comes with Aoe Seal).
    - Aoe Pdef debuff, (Similar to Pole's in fb69, or possibly worse).
    - 2 Dmg Aoe's one is more frequent than the other deals 5k ish+ dmg.
    Other is rare, but very heavy and can 1 shot, almost everybody but the barb.
    (Usually comes with pdef debuff).
    - Occasional random Aggro.
    (Can be solved by placing him at top of the balcony, only melee DD's can get hit).

    Edit: Also majority or all his Aoe's seems to have a very wide range, that can't be avoided by any class.

    Now his debuffs are random, and they get pretty spammable later on, but on a random basis.
    Can say he's not impossible but needs at least 5k+ HP clerics, and DD's IMO with above decent gear.

    But bottom line, is nearly impossible for squad in there 80's which in fact is the time they will be trying
    to farm mats for their TT90.
    While the ones that can handle him right now, are mid to late 90's and above with above decent gear who will only be farming for money.

    And as a result a green mat like GBA has risen from 400-500K a piece to 1.5mils.
    Which makes it very very difficult for some players to afford in their 80's, given they can't farm it any more.
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ..So I attempted 3-1 with guildies to see what the fuss is really about.
    Went in with a Barb, Wizzie, Sin (me), Veno, 2 Clerics.
    All went well until GBA boss, we tried him twice in his room and failed miserably.
    Then we decided to lure him out, to the big room with stairs place him on top of the balcony
    with clerics and ranged squishies as far as possible near the statue.
    First time went very well got him to nearly half hp, until he AOE'd and one shot every body except me and the barb.
    4 Tries later it only went worse as he started to AOE much more frequently aswell as much more debuffs.

    So in conclusion, here's what GBA boss is capable of as far as I observed:

    - Aoe HP debuff.
    - Aoe Purge. (Usually comes with Aoe Seal).
    - Aoe Pdef debuff, (Similar to Pole's in fb69, or possibly worse).
    - 2 Dmg Aoe's one is more frequent than the other deals 5k ish+ dmg.
    Other is rare, but very heavy and can 1 shot, almost everybody but the barb.
    (Usually comes with pdef debuff).
    - Occasional random Aggro.
    (Can be solved by placing him at top of the balcony, only melee DD's can get hit).

    Now his debuffs are random, and they get pretty spammable later on, but on a random basis.
    Can say he's not impossible but needs at least 5k+ HP clerics, and DD's IMO with above decent gear.

    But bottom line, is nearly impossible for squad in there 80's which in fact is the time they will be trying
    to farm mats for their TT90.
    While the ones that can handle him right now, are mid to late 90's and above with above decent gear who will only be farming for money.

    And as a result a green mat like GBA has risen from 400-500K a piece to 1.5mils.
    Which makes it very very difficult for some players to afford in their 80's, given they can't farm it any more.

    Great...Just great...

    When people look for TT3-1 squads, they barely took any 80's unless they were late 80's before this maintenance.

    Now this maintenance came and screwed it all up. There will be no chance I'll be able to farm my 90's and I have to either grind my **** or CS for money to be able to afford the mats?! Those are the only two options I have now right?! And I guess PWi is hoping that there are more lazy asses in PWi that will rather CS than grind their **** for the money, right?

    Oh wait....we've already passed that stage.. b:shutup
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Trust me I felt fail enough as it was not being able to survive. I did EVERYTHING I know how to do after 101 levels. I am not an Oracle noob, I have done all my quests and every instance before and after all this new bh, frost, etc.....It was MORE then frustrating b:sadb:surrender

    I would like to direct you to this:

    Honestly I've had mixed experiences there but I have in other instances before this as well. Sometimes for example in an Abaddon run: someone will cancel most if not all of Peach Blossom's AoE's. I've probably already mentioned that I died 2x my first time doing BH 3-3 since the change but today was dying left and right. I attribute the difference to the squad I was with. An interval tank for instance is likely to get aggro back before I'm hit a second or third time and a single cleric doesn't second guess when someone needs healing. Also, my first time in Nirvana since the change we got that boss that you have to run away from because of the 1 shot aoe. We were all dying left and right but finally figured it out and beat it. The next time it went so much smoother.

    I think we're all just too n00b to the changes atm to make informed decisions on whether they're good or bad for us. On the other hand, PWE had to do something to curb the multibox farmers and the afk players. They could have just added HP / def to the bosses if plain farming was really the issue.

    Another point is that TT at least for AA was overpriced to begin with! I could take legendary, upgrade it and end up with better stats at the same cost. Meanwhile by the time I need an equip to upgrade to Nirvana: it's gone down in price while my relative income has gone up. Then there's the rank, quest equips. Why do people bother going for the best equips they can get only to barely refine them and imbue them with ****?

    The QQers get it wrong continually, now by calling me a brown noser, etc. I don't like the moderators / moderation here. The forum is filled with libel, verbal diarrhea, and hostility. Sticky posts contain bad advice that promotes cash shop sales as "necessary". I'm no fan of the devs either because of the bugs they profit from. It's easy to attack the messenger and not the message.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited August 2010
    What I think the devs we're thinking:
    Dev A: These 5 aps people are farming too well, they're not even buying gold anymore.
    Dev B: How about we nerf aps to something less than 5.
    Dev A: We can't do that, there would be no reason to use cash shop anymore. They'll just farm TT99 and be done with it.
    Dev C: How about we make TT99 gears almost impossible to get, and then sell packs for them in 2 weeks.
    Dev A: Brilliant!
  • Rawthorne - Heavens Tear
    Rawthorne - Heavens Tear Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You know I've kept up w/ all of these threads about the tt issues and no offense ppl; alot of you have no clue. The 1st night 3-3 bh came out I went w/ a squad and the 2nd try we managed to figure it out and I posted exactly in this thread how we did it. FYI NONE of us that was in the squad are anywhere near the best geared/equipped on the server. Did it again last night and was completeley anticlimatic and the only person who died was the veno (who didn't use def charms like the rest of us squishies) and I easily rezzed her.

    You know what the difference in the 2x my squads have successfully killed collusset in 3-3 was and all the qq f/ ppl who haven't? 1. We ALL got onto vent and coordinated what we were gonna do and communicated nonstop. 2. Skill; I'm not saying we are the best out there but w/ all of us being on vent we can cover our weaknesses. I have had many ppl ask me how we did it and heard of others who took the same precautions we did before they tried after reading what I wrote who were ultimately successfull.

    I am one of the few out there who LOVES that nirvana is tougher now. I believe I'm a good cleric and I've got halfway decent gear. The only issues I arrise now is I REFUSE to go w/ undergeared/skilled players on nirvana now. I booted a 4600 hp wizzy the other day w/ all tt90 gear +2 ish (after I told him I won't go w/ ppl that are too squishy as they are just 2-3 shot nonstop now). I miss old lunar/FF and wish it would come back. So wow now we have TT 3-x and nirvana that actually requires skill/gear/coordination. Learn to adapt and overcome like others have or gtfo imo. Don't have tt90/99 gear? Ok so the last time I checked OHT/mold gear f/ fb99 is a viable alternative until you can obtain those. Don't have enough hp/def/do enough damage? Hmmm see there's this simple little thing called refine you can do at every elder/officer in towns. Oh but qq d orbs are too expensive? Hmm lemme check my +7 tt99 gear and +9 tt99 wpn w/ +6-7 ornaments...oh that's right I USED NOT 1 D ORB ON ANY OF THEM! Like I said; learn to overcome and adapt or gtfo cuz dumbing this game down to the lowest denominator of ppl who wanna buy a herc and solo every tt nonstop does NOT make for a good game for the rest of us. The instances are SUPPOSED to be meant for ppl to work together, be prepared, and have some semblence of skill. Too many ppl are spoiled off leveling too fast f/ hypers/ff they have forgotten this. A lot of you newer ppl have nfi how this game used to be; the struggles we had to get our tt90/tt99 gear. Back then ppl learned to use alternatives until the day they got the gear they wanted. It used to take weeks for some to get tt90 gear and I recently helped a friend get her full tt90 in a span of 3-4 days. That is NOT how this game was designed/meant to be. How many squads HONESTLY go and try and make their tt90 gear w/out some high level/geared player (or multiple) helping them; thus mkaing it EASIER?
  • FrostKiller - Sanctuary
    FrostKiller - Sanctuary Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Alright so since people are sharing tt stories

    I'm used to solo'ing 3-2/3-3 for coin which obviously I can't do anymore.

    3-2 Emp, does the bubble that the 2nd boss in fcc does, i don't think i even got to hit him

    3-3 i went with a full squad, 1 lvl 100 cleric, 3 (5.0) fist bms, 1 (5.0) archer, and 1 barb with 30k hp

    Emp randomly started hitting 11k+ on people which wiped a few of us, arma i don't even know what he did, 30 seconds into the fight he wiped out our cleric and started doing random crazy hits

    I'm all for making instances harder, I can deal w/ charm ticks, but solo'ing tt is one of the only good ways to make money w/o cash shopping, besides merchanting. that's gone now, any of the untweaked bosses will just have their mat market flooded, and most of the tweaked bosses will just have their mats chipped.

    Again I can solo most of the 3-3 bosses, or duo all with a cleric, but a full squad of some of the best in sanc each died once at least besides the barb, only because he got aggro last.

    Edit: To the above post so no one tries calling us QQers, beast boss was killed before it even got an aoe purge off, im talking about legit concerns, although i did try to solo him and got purge + freeze, by the time i finished buffing myself he purged and froze again then stunned then purge and froze again, making it unable to be soloed.
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Alright so since people are sharing tt stories

    I'm used to solo'ing 3-2/3-3 for coin which obviously I can't do anymore.

    3-2 Emp, does the bubble that the 2nd boss in fcc does, i don't think i even got to hit him

    3-3 i went with a full squad, 1 lvl 100 cleric, 3 (5.0) fist bms, 1 (5.0) archer, and 1 barb with 30k hp

    Emp randomly started hitting 11k+ on people which wiped a few of us, arma i don't even know what he did, 30 seconds into the fight he wiped out our cleric and started doing random crazy hits

    I'm all for making instances harder, I can deal w/ charm ticks, but solo'ing tt is one of the only good ways to make money w/o cash shopping, besides merchanting. that's gone now, any of the untweaked bosses will just have their mat market flooded, and most of the tweaked bosses will just have their mats chipped.

    Again I can solo most of the 3-3 bosses, or duo all with a cleric, but a full squad of some of the best in sanc each died once at least besides the barb, only because he got aggro last.

    Edit: To the above post so no one tries calling us QQers, beast boss was killed before it even got an aoe purge off, im talking about legit concerns, although i did try to solo him and got purge + freeze, by the time i finished buffing myself he purged and froze again then stunned then purge and froze again, making it unable to be soloed.

    QQ, I can't solo, QQ I can't solo, ever wonder why it's referred to as SQUAD MODE? For someone like you I have no sympathy.
    They need to revert the bosses back and change how the drop rate works. They can change this to directly affect the number of people doing damage to the boss vs how well the drop rate is going to turn out.

    -People in the squad must all be at the boss and all doing CONSTANT damage, not tag them along and let them hit once (this takes into account for 5 players doing damage 1 cleric)
    -There must be at least 4 people in squad or they all get kicked

    Based on people doing constant damage the whole fight
    1 person = no drops GTFO out of SQUAD mode
    2 people = very minor drop rate but still wont be worth it
    3 people = slightly better then 2
    4 people = much better then 3 but still about 3/4 current drop rates
    5 people = same as current drop rates
    6 people = 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 the current drop rates

    You're welcome GMs I just fixed your problem in 5 minutes better then your developers could in 1 1/2 years and this stops people from farming the isntances AND keeps the players happy. Was that so hard?

    No one else has even posted a reasonable idea about how to stop the solo'ing people except my post. Frankie pm me if you want even further breakdown of percentages and other methods of using the damage output as a modifier.
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • FrostKiller - Sanctuary
    FrostKiller - Sanctuary Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    QQ, I can't solo, QQ I can't solo, ever wonder why it's referred to as SQUAD MODE? For someone like you I have no sympathy.

    Before you judge,
    1. I used to do squads until people abused my help just to get their gear
    2. I'd like to be able to attain my goals without cash shopping
    3. Most of the mats i get i donate to my faction (I'm talking 100's of TT mats)

    so quiet yourself, you do you, I'll do me. Mk pumpkin?
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Before you judge,
    1. I used to do squads until people abused my help just to get their gear
    2. I'd like to be able to attain my goals without cash shopping
    3. Most of the mats i get i donate to my faction (I'm talking 100's of TT mats)

    so quiet yourself, you do you, I'll do me. Mk pumpkin?

    I'm a sage barb that only pulls catas with 20k hp all 4 socket gear many times do you think I went and solo'd something to get coin? $60 spent on 2 wedding packs for my tab to PWI, yeah find other ways to get coins without soloing or being a cash shopper...Mk pumpkin?
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • yashino
    yashino Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Before you judge,
    1. I used to do squads until people abused my help just to get their gear
    2. I'd like to be able to attain my goals without cash shopping
    3. Most of the mats i get i donate to my faction (I'm talking 100's of TT mats)

    so quiet yourself, you do you, I'll do me. Mk pumpkin?

    b:cute we're on same boat
    i used to help people till few of them come up(before the 4 hours limit)
    A: i need help with HH3-x
    me: hm.. i can help you
    A: is it saved?
    me: no, i never save instance
    A: then no thx

    b:bye stopped help people and instead solo

    already quit pwi, and yet my gears are still superior than 95% of you people.
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