[Discussion about the new UI]



  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    My chat looks like a DOUBLE RAINBOW all the way across my screen now.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    hamsta going to play FW b:shocked b:dirty

    Correction: Hamsta already be playing FW.


    Unfortunately me hasn't acquired a working language converter and be stuck in human English so.....

    Me got around that by shifting through a few months in time but....it be rather lonely.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • mayhem791
    mayhem791 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So, how about that new UI?

    Personally, I think it looks a lot cleaner, and the item linking is something I've been hoping for for a long time.

    How about you guys?

    (and please keep it clean in here)

    Update: I like the chatbox, but a lot of the menus could definitely use some work. Please keep up the opinions.

    I will keep it clean. Aside from what most people have to say, I only have one question.

    I would kindly like to know what this new UI was supposed to accomplish when it was introduced. (Don't take this as a mocking, but serious)

    Was the new UI going to make things easier to read and understand. If so there is some merit to that as some things did need to be improved. Majority of things people have already said. I would like to suggest one additional thing.

    Would it be possible to be able to link more than ONE item in chat?

    Thank you
  • Asperitas - Lost City
    Asperitas - Lost City Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    mayhem791 wrote: »
    I will keep it clean. Aside from what most people have to say, I only have one question.

    I would kindly like to know what this new UI was supposed to accomplish when it was introduced. (Don't take this as a mocking, but serious)

    Was the new UI going to make things easier to read and understand. If so there is some merit to that as some things did need to be improved. Majority of things people have already said. I would like to suggest one additional thing.

    Would it be possible to be able to link more than ONE item in chat?

    Thank you

    Not sure if this satisfies you, but it's from the patch notes.
    Changed Font
    Some of the in-game font has been updated for better readability.

    Better readability. Imagine that.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    @OneHottShot: Nooo i didnt meant that you or everyone is trolling and QQing just most. Sorry my english skills arent the best.b:surrender

    Beware incomming sarcasm:
    Like people claiming someone has to be stupid to be unable to seperate the chats at a glance since its totaly normal that party chat always is green in every single mmo out there. And of corse every person in the world has played atleast 3 mmos before and is 100% aware of that fact.

    Of corse the size of the font was fine before, you know they better would have made it even smaller because eagle eyes are a must have these days. People with anything less best dont even touch a PC because sight loss only comes at the age of 80+ where you belong to a seniors home with nurses 24/7 anyways. Of corse then you lost your right to play an mmo by law.

    Also the Developers in China can speak and write perfect english, everyone in the world can. Chinese developers are even better: They work 8h a day for a cookie. They breed children who dont need food at all.
    /sarcasm off

    If they rezize the windows chinease players will have the issue that they have big empty windows with very little text.
    If they start programming diffrent Interfaces etc for the diffrent versions.. oh my thats gonna be expensive. XD

    I found another thing i like:
    Yay i got my ping and fps shown ingame! b:laugh

    I love your sarcasm :) LOVE IT!
    After playing for awhile...

    The amount of color in the chat now is just plain annoying/confusing. It was perfectly fine using color coding to distinguish. The name being a different color than the message just makes it pointless. Why add more clutter to distinguish if something is squad, whisper or whatever when you can have less?

    And my eyes actually, literally hurt from playing now.

    It isn't confusing.. for some maybe annoying but it is not confusing.
    My eyes are bleeding.... after a few hours of playing... cause of the chat box thing.... b:cry

    Besides the font being unpleasant to the eyes, all the buttons & different colours is just making me b:cry I can't keep track of who's writting what.

    Did you forget that you can turn the different chats off and see only what you want. Are there new colors other than the name difference? I haven't noticed if there is. LOOK at their name to notice who is writing what.. better yet filter out your chats so you can focus on ONLY what you want to focus on..
  • Sethvir - Heavens Tear
    Sethvir - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    meh i don't care...
  • Yukkuri - Heavens Tear
    Yukkuri - Heavens Tear Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I got tired of reading about near page 10, so here I go. I'll start listing in order of appearance (in my case).

    1. Password safety notice. It's ok, however, when getting disconnected often seeing it makes it annoying. Maybe moving it as part of the screen on the lower or upper left edge of the screen or once per client run (meaning it won't appear again until you reopen the game).

    2. The chat box. It's... different, but I'm always welcome to changes. However, the labels simply have to go. I know which color is which chat. This could be somewhat useful for newbies, so maybe it could be made as an option. Another thing to note is that it imitates BoI's chat box and that thing is not very pretty (i.e. ugly).

    3. Font (not counting chat). It's obvious that it still needs some (a lot) of work to do, but the font looks nice on tooltips and I mean really nice. On menus... that's a different story.

    One more thing. Was there any need to add a Hyper EXP button on the character panel?

    That's all I have to say for now.
    Information: It is proven that the majority of the Perfect World International player base suffers from "Motorcylophobia".

    -Every single patch to an MMO causes players to cry: "They Changed It, Now It Sucks". Every. Single. Patch. -Taken from TV Tropes.
  • Silest - Sanctuary
    Silest - Sanctuary Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The main thing I think most peoples want right now is the be able to clear typed chat with the escape key again. Myself included.

    Font size in some of the menus need to be lowered a bit to prevent overlapping. Chatbox font size can be changed by the players, but not anywhere else, so yeah only you can do something about that.

    Spacing in the Quest menu list needs to be removed or reduced to cut down on the horizontal scrolling. It needs to be back to where we can see all the names.
  • Ladyvieira - Heavens Tear
    Ladyvieira - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Text will take a bit to get used to.
    Item linking is great.
    Will there be a "location link" like that of JD?

    The linking system from JD was to only feature I was hoping PW would integrate. We are half way there now :)

    PS: It would be a great compensation for the text size to be able to increase the txt box Horizontally as well.
  • Altros - Sanctuary
    Altros - Sanctuary Posts: 408 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The devs really messed up on this patch, and someone needs to call them on it so it's fixxed. I don't care if the other versions adopted it just fine; it cannot be expected that all versions have the same player base. If that were the case then there would only be one version of the game. I'm gonna go play a different game until this issue is resolved, if ever (following other trends where the devs messed up, it might never be).
    "No matter how dark the world is,
    light shall exist somewhere,
    even if only a small sliver,
    a light found among darkness,
    shines all the brighter." -unknown
  • Ryxx - Heavens Tear
    Ryxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Oh Em Gee Guiz U No Wut I Hate?! Starcraft 2. Sc2 Sucks So Bad Cuz The Font Omg I Cant Stand It Wtf. It's So Big Omfg All THESE WORDS ARE CAPPED OMG This Omg Omg I Quit Typing.
  • TCHP - Lost City
    TCHP - Lost City Posts: 577 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This is the kind of update that prove it was not tested, and no one care about how look. The new improvement ( the real one like item link is fine ).

    Letter are to big, in the genie window it's chaos to read, there are different font in character windows, different font size in the same window. It makes me feel like my screen resolution went back to the 1995 era of windows 95.

    Why can't u make a folder in the game were people can put there favorite Font and a button to chose the UI size. The engine is already in the game it just need to have access to all the other window.

    Oh yeah I know why.... cause the chinesse dev this game. Well i,m sure it look awesome in there language.

    I look forward to a reverse patch .... again !
  • Daikataro - Dreamweaver
    Daikataro - Dreamweaver Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Originally Posted by Zairi - Dreamweaver View Post
    @OneHottShot: Nooo i didnt meant that you or everyone is trolling and QQing just most. Sorry my english skills arent the best.

    Beware incomming sarcasm:
    Like people claiming someone has to be stupid to be unable to seperate the chats at a glance since its totaly normal that party chat always is green in every single mmo out there. And of corse every person in the world has played atleast 3 mmos before and is 100% aware of that fact.

    Thousands of players have mythically been able to tell one chat from the other before these tags, i wonder how they managed to do that? oh right, it doesn't take much intellect to be able to understand a simple color code, my 3yo cousin can do that

    Of corse the size of the font was fine before, you know they better would have made it even smaller because eagle eyes are a must have these days. People with anything less best dont even touch a PC because sight loss only comes at the age of 80+ where you belong to a seniors home with nurses 24/7 anyways. Of corse then you lost your right to play an mmo by law.

    The mid size of the previous font was perfectly readable for most of this game's players, for the chosen few that couldn't it could be increased, now small font size ON THE WHOLE GAME, NOT JUST IN THE CHAT is no longer optional, it's "BLIND SIZE" for everyone

    Also the Developers in China can speak and write perfect english, everyone in the world can.

    If you're developing a game with "INTERNATIONAL" on it's name, you're expected to at least have a decent skill on the world's most popular and universal language

    Chinese developers are even better: They work 8h a day for a cookie. They breed children who dont need food at all.
    /sarcasm off

    If they rezize the windows chinease players will have the issue that they have big empty windows with very little text.
    If they start programming diffrent Interfaces etc for the diffrent versions.. oh my thats gonna be expensive. XD

    Yeah, because we play the China version regardless of our location right? no matter where you play from we all play the chinese version of perfect world, which reminds me where is my house? the malasyan version of perfect world has houses so if we all play the same version why i can't have a house? This is Perfect World INTERNATIONAL, the very least they can do for a different player database is different base programming, i mean... was there ANY testing on this patch before releasing? just open the genie exp infuse interface!

    I found another thing i like:
    Yay i got my ping and fps shown ingame!

    Yeah i loved that too, now if i feel laggy i can hoover my pointer over the system tag and confirm i'm laggy, thank you captain obvious!
    Originally Posted by frankieraye: To say that would be a lie, because in regards to the DQ problem, it's something that we're honestly still working on, and something that we believe we can fix.

    (8)Don't stop! believing! hold onto that feeling!(8)
  • Kahrina - Sanctuary
    Kahrina - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So, what to say? basically, what everyone else already said in the 31 pages before.

    Font? Gross, overall. Too spaced out, too edged/pixeled, and to *large*. Yeees you can adjust it in chat, but nowhere else.
    Text bleeding out of buttons, text stacking on top of itself in the genie menu and elsewhere, scrolling orgies in friendlist and questlog? No, thanks.
    Not to mention the messed up genie and character displays, refer to previous posts for info about what sucks about those and why.

    The labels... I hope they were intended for the benefit of color blind people. Otherwise, I'd have to assume that the player base is considered to be a bunch of cranially challanged individuals, a notion I'd take offense to.
    However, I am under the impression that color blindness does *not* affect the majority of the population. It seems unreasonable that everyone should suffer under those chat labels so please, just make them an option you can turn on/off at will.

    The esc key no longer clears the typing bar? Horrible.
    "Ohh use backspace instead", you say. Funny. Try typing more than the bar displays and you'll notice that backspace stops working at the left end of the bar. You have to employ the Home and Del keys i nthat event. I don't really see the benefit of that over a simple stroke of esc.
    "Ohh change the chat channel", you say? Ehrm. Kind of defies the purpose of chat channels in the first palce. Besides its dreadfulyl awkward and requires the use of the mouse while typing.

    Item limking? awesomepants, I love it in other games, I love it here.
    It's not like he's hard to spot. A giant, purple, electric dragon? I mean, C'mon, people!
  • IceWolf_Fang - Heavens Tear
    IceWolf_Fang - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Item linking GREAT, the fact that the text is to big to fit on the screen is terrible, I.E. Genie and genie exp infuse menu and the mailbox
  • EnolaGay - Lost City
    EnolaGay - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    It's the DUBMEST CHANGE YOU'RE EVER MADE. It looks down right horrid, cluttered, and childish. We all fully understood the color coding, and liked the look and feel of the text and fonts as they were

    Changing it to that horride font, and vulgar size is revolting. Adding the blasted tags makes me feel like you think we were to stupid to know where each chat was coming from. We are not stupid, but thanks for the insult. The old system of chatting worked just fine, thank you very much. Why didn't you just follow the old adage..... "IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT!"

    Well it's certainly broken now... SO FIX IT! Put it back the way it was. And there is NOTHING UNCLEAN, about this post.

    As for the rest of the changes, I do like and agree with them. Maybe now there will be less of a gap between power hungry, coin loaded, cash shopping player, and those that struggle just to get by, make their repairs, and play a good, fun game.
  • Felis_catus - Lost City
    Felis_catus - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    What on earth were they thinking? This is my first time using the forum and quite frankly I am disappointed with the changes they have made this time. What a MESS. The genie boxes are all messed up, cant read them worth squat, and to make it more maddening, they have gone and totally screwed chat. I thought i was bad before, now it is a total wreck!!!
    Undo this patch and put things back the way they were, at least ppl could read the boxes and what not. b:shocked b:beatup PLEASE FIX IT!!
  • Celestyna - Heavens Tear
    Celestyna - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The esc key no longer clears the typing bar? Horrible.
    "Ohh use backspace instead", you say. Funny. Try typing more than the bar displays and you'll notice that backspace stops working at the left end of the bar. You have to employ the Home and Del keys i nthat event. I don't really see the benefit of that over a simple stroke of esc.
    "Ohh change the chat channel", you say? Ehrm. Kind of defies the purpose of chat channels in the first palce. Besides its dreadfulyl awkward and requires the use of the mouse while typing.

    honestly never knew until today escape cleared chat I always click and change chanels b:surrender
    this doesnt effect me but it would be nice to see it sorted for those who are effected
  • Kyia - Lost City
    Kyia - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I second everything EnolaGay just said.. and I'll repeat it for you, incase you forgot...

    It's the DUBMEST CHANGE YOU'RE EVER MADE. It looks down right horrid, cluttered, and childish. We all fully understood the color coding, and liked the look and feel of the text and fonts as they were

    Changing it to that horrid font, and vulgar size is revolting. Adding the blasted tags makes me feel like you think we were to stupid to know where each chat was coming from. We are not stupid, but thanks for the insult. The old system of chatting worked just fine, thank you very much. Why didn't you just follow the old adage..... "IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT!"

    Well it's certainly broken now... SO FIX IT! Put it back the way it was. If you care about your players, you will take all these complaints to heart, and do the right thing.... Put the chat system back to the way it was, and prove to us that you do care and do listen. And there is NOTHING UNCLEAN, about this post.

    As for the rest of the changes, I do like and agree with them. Maybe now there will be less of a gap between power hungry, coin loaded, cash shopping player, and those that struggle just to get by, make their repairs, and play a good, fun game.
  • BeingHope - Raging Tide
    BeingHope - Raging Tide Posts: 1,869 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Congratulations PWE devs,
    on the day I was most looking forward to TW...
    You gave me one of my worst migraines I've had in years.

    Thank you PWE devs, thank you so much for this kind gift

    Note: That was pure sarcasm.
    Hiatus from April 2011
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This is the kind of update that prove it was not tested, and no one care about how look. The new improvement ( the real one like item link is fine ).

    Letter are to big, in the genie window it's chaos to read, there are different font in character windows, different font size in the same window. It makes me feel like my screen resolution went back to the 1995 era of windows 95.

    Why can't u make a folder in the game were people can put there favorite Font and a button to chose the UI size. The engine is already in the game it just need to have access to all the other window.

    Oh yeah I know why.... cause the chinesse dev this game. Well i,m sure it look awesome in there language.

    I look forward to a reverse patch .... again !

    You just made a great point there. The relocation team used the same font chinese would use for their gibberish. They needed to change the font so our letters had the correct size.
    PWI, you really need to test patches before aplying them, what is the ****ing hurry?
  • Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear
    Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Font, nice, but that should be selectable anyhow.
    Item display, perfect.b:victory
    Chat type titles... HORRIBLE!b:cry
    The fact that the text doesn't fit many windows now... bad.
    Anyhow, umm... Overall, some nice changes, but the positives aren't worth the drawbacks.
    Lypiphera 101 Cleric
    Incompetance 100 Blademaster
    MetalPenguin 101 Seeker

  • ZAPATON - Sanctuary
    ZAPATON - Sanctuary Posts: 875 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This has probably been said a million times already... so here goes again XD

    Please, before releasing new patches... please... TEST them properly. If you did test them... then you noticed at least the obvious bugs. If even knowing that you still released it...

  • Chaialyna - Dreamweaver
    Chaialyna - Dreamweaver Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I would like the availability of larger fonts better if it were optional, as the chat window already was. Making the large font standard makes numbers run together on the genie window and in a few other places. The chat labels are redundant -- could they be optional as well?

    Item linking is good but the font sizes (on everything, even numbers in inventory) is too large for a standard.
    * Celestial Demon Archer * Celestial Sage Psychic * Maybe Sage Assassin * Finally Sage Wizard *
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    well i read 5 pages then got bored.. just wanted to add..

    i think the reason for the chat titles is probably to prevent people being scammed/confused by folks who use the code to change their font color - which thankfully isn't a huge problem here in this version, but given the other problems we are seeing over in pw-my etc that they are trying ot fix - is probably a major complaint over there.. just a thought. but why it needs to be such a large image tho.. a simple little icon would have done..

    apart from that the inconsistent font resizing throughout the UI makes the game look very amatuerish - the actual font doesnt look to bad for me - but the old one was better)
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    well i read 5 pages then got bored.. just wanted to add..

    i think the reason for the chat titles is probably to prevent people being scammed/confused by folks who use the code to change their font color - which thankfully isn't a huge problem here in this version, but given the other problems we are seeing over in pw-my etc that they are trying ot fix - is probably a major complaint over there.. just a thought. but why it needs to be such a large image tho.. a simple little icon would have done..

    apart from that the inconsistent font resizing throughout the UI makes the game look very amatuerish - the actual font doesnt look to bad for me - but the old one was better)

    Using a code to change font colors has been disabled a few patches ago. It gave people the ability to bypass the wordfilter entirely.

    And yeah the huge icons only really work in games like Battle of the Immortals (which has the exact same icons if I remember correctly) where there's a barrage of useless chat info going on 24/7 (Let it be known that through luck and perseverance Player X has acquired useless low-leveled quest reward X b:sweat ).
    Here it wasn't really needed IMO.
  • Corvanna - Heavens Tear
    Corvanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Seems everyone's been saying the same things.....I'll repeat them again..b:laugh

    Item link = very good feature b:victory

    But let's shrink the font size plz.....cuz now the game feels like one of those large print childrens book b:surrenderb:cry
  • LunchLady - Harshlands
    LunchLady - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I thought someone's grand-parents were using my computer... and they couldn't read it so they increased the font size.
  • Kieran - Dreamweaver
    Kieran - Dreamweaver Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    As many have said before the item linking is definitly a step forward.

    However, the font change totally wasn't necessary...the old font worked just fine. The new font messes up so many menus that any new player will think the game didn't make it out of closed BETA yet..

    As far as the chat icons go...they are ok, but unnecesarily take up space in the chat window...the old color-coded chat was just fine as far as figuring out what chat came from what channel.
  • Pattoe - Raging Tide
    Pattoe - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    As many have said before the item linking is definitly a step forward.

    However, the font change totally wasn't necessary...the old font worked just fine. The new font messes up so many menus that any new player will think the game didn't make it out of closed BETA yet..

    As far as the chat icons go...they are ok, but unnecesarily take up space in the chat window...the old color-coded chat was just fine as far as figuring out what chat came from what channel.

    They should at least have a choice between having the old font or the new font and with icons and without icons, that way people who do like them (lots of mental people play this game) can have them. Us sane people can go back to the way it was.
This discussion has been closed.