Let's be classist! :D



  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well I don't use charms since they are to expensive and like you I use event pots (when I hit 75) / apoth pots.

    But I don't understand why Barbs QQ about their charms ticking when cleric's spend a lot more money on Pots or charms and they never complain about their charms ticking or using up a ton of MP pots doing a FC, TT, BH, etc.

    I think they should just deal with the charm ticking.

    Me too and if a barb gets gobby or anyone else does i make sure they have a good few ticks just for good measure.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • KageNoHana - Heavens Tear
    KageNoHana - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This happens quite often except I don't die on a bh run (and on harder stuff barb isn't so careless when he doesn't rush)

    I do my best to save the cleric and stay alive, usually AoE the damn mobs coming and then double sparking after my HP goes down a bit to give the cleric time to react and heal me. The cleric starts to heal me up and I don't die and everything is going fine after b:cute

    it doesnt take many hits to kill me, or that would work. though usually by the time ive grabbed aggro from the remaining mobs, the more competent of my squad members realize that O YA MAYBE ITZ A GUD IDEAR TU KEP MOBS OFF CLERIK LOLZ. -_-;

    good thing i dont get upset if my death served a purpose.
    Disclaimer: I am nobody's mommy, nanny, pawn, messenger, therapist, or groupie. I am not responsible for what happens to you if you say something stupid in my presence.
  • __Nanayo__ - Dreamweaver
    __Nanayo__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Karma's a *BLEEP*! Part 1

    Cleric: The tank is my priority. So if you get aggro, you'd better be able to save yourself. b:pleased

    *Four minutes later, after Cleric grabs heal aggro on multiple mobs*

    Cleric: Someone help! b:cry
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Someone asks if a veno has a herc before adding them, Ted walks away from the party.

    Well, it used to be a veno's job to farm a herc by the time they were 8x-ish. It wasn't all that difficult before the game kinda changed.

    Ticking Yee-Old HP Charms

    Barb: *about to go up against boss* I'm charmed, make sure I don't tick, cleric!

    Cleric: *has MP charm, must waste many ticks to make sure that the barb's clearly more important charm doesn't tick at all* :/

    About that... The tank is going to incur costs from using pots and from repairs from taking damage, as a cleric with a charm, your charm will tick because you use a constant supply of MP... a HP charm is quite different... it's kind of sad that needs to be explained. >.>

    This is why barbs shouldn't QQ about there chams ticking, because MP charms tick a lot faster so they get used up more quickly than HP ones and both chams cost the same, and yet you don't see any cleric QQ about their charms ticking. That's what HP charms are used for, they are suppose to tick to save your live and you don't like your charm ticking don't buy on at all. It's more cheaper making pots anyway. [/FONT][/COLOR]

    Logic fail. Your job is to keep my HP charm from ticking as it's my job to keep your HP charm from ticking or you from dying. It's kind of a trade-off.

    A cleric complaining about their MP charm ticking is just stupid. Of course it's going to tick, you bought it for the luxury of not having to pot as much or so you can afk macro heal.

    Trying to equate your MP charm ticking to a tank's HP charm ticking is futile.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • krelianmage
    krelianmage Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    lol . this topic is so much fun. Didnt read all posts, but first post made my day.

    I remembered when i was once in fb 59 tanking it at range, when sudenly, at ofotis 10% hp left, cleric stoped healing and i died, bm tanked the next 10 seconds until the boss was dead...

    After that, i raged at cleric... he had no mp pots left and the only ones he had (apotecary 3k mp pots) were in looong cooldown... That excuse was not enough to apaziguate my anger and i made him pay my GA...b:angry
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Charms in PvE in general is a pain. I have yet to do a PvE instance where I needed a charm, although I'm sure that will eventually change when I do delta.

    As for when I do have one in PvE, usually because it's left over from a TW, I'd perfer it not to tick as much as possible. Now if it's a situation where it can't be helped then I'll understand of course, charms are gonna tick a few times always, like when I do ape in 2-3, with an HP pool of 12.5k fully buffed and a boss hitting for 5k, of course it's going to tick a couple of times. But when it's a situation where I know it can be helped then that's pretty bad.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'd perfer it not to tick as much as possible. Now if it's a situation where it can't be helped then I'll understand of course, charms are gonna tick a few times always, like when I do ape in 2-3, with an HP pool of 12.5k fully buffed and a boss hitting for 5k, of course it's going to tick a couple of times. But when it's a situation where I know it can be helped then that's pretty bad.

    A HP charm is there to protect you from dying. A cleric's job is to protect you from dying.

    Therefore a cleric who allows a charm to tick too much = fail.

    And if I think a cleric is ticking my charm on purpose, I'll let them heal aggro a few mobs. Oops, cleric dead.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Nexdonum - Lost City
    Nexdonum - Lost City Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    A HP charm is there to protect you from dying. A cleric's job is to protect you from dying.

    Therefore a cleric who allows a charm to tick too much = fail.

    And if I think a cleric is ticking my charm on purpose, I'll let them heal aggro a few mobs. Oops, cleric dead.


    A smart Cleric doesn't heal someone unless they grab aggro.
    We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less. - Diogenes

    It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them. - Pierre Beaumarchais

    You cannot reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into. - Unknown
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    A HP charm is there to protect you from dying. A cleric's job is to protect you from dying.

    Therefore a cleric who allows a charm to tick too much = fail.

    And if I think a cleric is ticking my charm on purpose, I'll let them heal aggro a few mobs. Oops, cleric dead.


    Failed logic there.

    A clerics job is to make sure your HP doesnt reach 0. Its not their job to make sure your HP doesnt reach 50%.

    You might as well be a tank with only half as much HP & no charm. And someone with those stats would be considered quite fail.

    So telling the cleric its their job to not let you even reach 50% is turning yourself into a fail stat tank, not making the cleric a fail cleric.
  • Sashera - Sanctuary
    Sashera - Sanctuary Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    Here's part two....

    Ticking the Barb HP Charm II

    Barb: *about to do a Frost Cover* You better not let my charm tick CLERIC!!

    Cleric:Ok.... -_- *Has a MP charm*

    *Squad starts Frost and Barbs charm starts ticking from lack of heals*

    Barb: I told you not to let my charm tick you idiot cleric!

    Cleric:Ok, then barb. -.-

    *cleric lets barb dies while the rest of the squad escape a near party wipe*

    Barb: >.< *starts raging* b:angry

    Cleric:Is your charm ticking now!?! b:scorn

    Ha Ha Ha I laughed so hard at this one X3

    actually all of then were prety hilarios, but thats just me ^^;

    id share some of mine but I dun think any of them are all that fail or funny really b:surrender
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    A smart Cleric doesn't heal someone unless they grab aggro.

    Yeah, a tank usually wouldn't have aggro.

    Failed logic there.

    A clerics job is to make sure your HP doesnt reach 0. Its not their job to make sure your HP doesnt reach 50%.

    You might as well be a tank with only half as much HP & no charm. And someone with those stats would be considered quite fail.

    So telling the cleric its their job to not let you even reach 50% is turning yourself into a fail stat tank, not making the cleric a fail cleric.

    Yeah, a cleric's job is just that. A *good* cleric will keep your charm from ticking.

    There are usually plenty of DDs in a party, so having a cleric that doens't feel the incessant need to metal mage is always welcomed.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Tojop - Dreamweaver
    Tojop - Dreamweaver Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Yeah, a cleric's job is just that. A *good* cleric will keep your charm from ticking.

    My work here is done.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The Metal MAGE!

    Tank: I need heals...
    Random DD: the AOE is killing the party!!!
    Cleric: I'm sorry, I didn't notice everyone's charms were ticking 100 times, I thought I would help kill the boss faster since I just leveled Tempest and Wield Thunder!! =D
    Tank: PURIFY ME
    Random DD: *dies from AOE*
    Tank: ...
    Cleric: Oh, don't worry, I have lvl 4 revive.
    Tank: *dies*

    *party wipes*

    Cleric: How did you die, I was healing you as best as I could :O
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Sneakret - Heavens Tear
    Sneakret - Heavens Tear Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The You Spank It, You Tank It

    Self explanatory b:chuckle
    I can see what you see not,
    Vision milky, then eyes rot.
    When you turn, they will be gone,
    Whispering their hidden song.
    Then you see what cannot be,
    Shadows move where light should be.
    Out of darkness, out of mind,
    Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.
  • Vienna - Dreamweaver
    Vienna - Dreamweaver Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    '' Yeah, a cleric's job is just that. A *good* cleric will keep your charm from ticking ''

    I don't feel as as walking free hp charm & buffing squad pet, and do you think that someone cares if my mp charm ticks on and on because i must heal someone which is far away to be a tank ?.
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Failed logic there.

    A clerics job is to make sure your HP doesnt reach 0. Its not their job to make sure your HP doesnt reach 50%.

    You might as well be a tank with only half as much HP & no charm. And someone with those stats would be considered quite fail.

    So telling the cleric its their job to not let you even reach 50% is turning yourself into a fail stat tank, not making the cleric a fail cleric.

    +1, i have to agree here. The more someone complains about a charm the more i will let it tick, just because im nice like that. Also, cleric DD output is soooooo under-rated granted we dont have the hits and crits of an archer, the swaying wobbly look of a tideborn or the stuns of a bm but still b:surrender.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    That should mean that a Barbs HP charm deserves to tick also since event pots are a lot cheaper to use. b:lipcurl
    A charm restores hp instantly. Crab Jiaozi takes 10 sec to restore 3500 hp. If a barb has 15k hp, a charm will take him from 7.5k to 15k in an instant. Jiaozi will need 20 sec to take him from 7.5k to 14.5k. The rate the barb is taking damage almost always far exceeds the rate Jiaozi can replenish it, so Jiaozi is not a viable means to replenish a tank's hp during a fight. You need a cleric and/or a hp charm.

    That's very different from an mp charm. Herb Yuanxiao restores 5k mp in 10 sec, or 500 mp/sec. Nothing a cleric can spam can consume mana at that rate, so Yuanxiao can always replenish mp faster than the cleric is consuming it.

    Also, with tokens currently (on HT) around 10k, Herb Yuanxiao costs 600 coin to make for 5k mp. That means it restores 8.3 mp per coin. A plat charm is about 2.5 mil coin for 1.8 mil mp, or 0.72 mp per coin. That makes Herb Yuanxiao 11.6x cheaper than an mp charm.

    Crab Jiaozi at the same token price costs 1800 coin for 3500 hp, or 1.94 hp per coin. A plat charm is about 2.5 mil coin for 1.2 mil hp, or 0.48 hp per coin. That makes Crab Jiaozi only 4x cheaper than a hp charm.

    So even ignoring the need for the instant hp replenishment from a hp charm, the event mp food is 3x more cost-effective than event hp food compared to a charm.
  • Waterfal - Sanctuary
    Waterfal - Sanctuary Posts: 2,723 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'm searching a squad for bh 59...

    veno LF quianji squad!
    random person: do you have a herc? we need a tank!
    me: no. Do you have a cleric?
    random person: yes.
    me: send me invite >_> every magic class can tank the bosses with a cleric...
    random person: but we need a tank.

    eemh.. duh >_> read idiot

    in the end I didn't get an invite >_> but found another squad.. that did have brains...
    I see this so much .__. people just don't get it... -.- I've been asked too many times if I have a herc while there was a cleric for bh59. -.-
    Thanks Silvychar for the awesome sig :3

    waterfal - lvl 90 demon ferrari veno
    Hazumi_chan - lvl 9x sage seeker
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    '' Yeah, a cleric's job is just that. A *good* cleric will keep your charm from ticking ''

    I don't feel as as walking free hp charm & buffing squad pet, and do you think that someone cares if my mp charm ticks on and on because i must heal someone which is far away to be a tank ?.

    Wow.... people still don't get it do they.

    MP is a resource needed to cast spells... The fact that you *choose* to wear a charm or not actually means little to the party. The fact that you would equate an MP charm tick to a HP one is just silly. You need to use the MP unless you plan on melee attacking a mob or boss.

    As a BM or Barb, a HP charm is meant to keep the person from dying. HP isn't consumed from normal use of skills or attacking. BM or Barbs also consume MP. Hearing a BM or Barb say "My MP charm is ticking QQ" during the course of an instance would be beyond hilarious.

    Use of charms are mostly voluntary, however in many cases a tank will need to wear a charm to keep the entire party from wiping.

    A cleric should try their best to prevent a HP charm from ticking because that is largely preventable. Keeping an MP charm from ticking is a joke at best.... do you ever pot to prevent it from ticking? No, because the MP charm is used to replace potting, for you lazy clerics that AFK and macro heal all the time... however most people with HP charms will pot to keep from ticking.

    Metal mages are lame. Your job in a party is to maintain and manage the health of the squad. Clerics in a squad are support charachters. Play your role or reroll. Or you can tank and heal yourself and I'll do minimal DD while I just watch you and laugh. I'm certainly not going to attack anything if you're not gonna heal worth a ****.

    This topic is quite ridiculous and it's sad that it has to be explained.

    EDIT: Since I have to explain this, I might as well also state, yes a HP charm is expected to tick and you can't prevent it a lot of the time, however as a cleric you should be aware if you can do a better job of healing... and it's fine if you wish to metal mage, but not at the cost of a tanks HP charm... it's not going to cost you any more or less off your MP charm to do so. And, I'm actually writing this as I'm solo tanking Illusion Lord Armageddon because I have two pro clerics who are healing me and I don't have to worry.

    Sorry, at 10x I've had enough of fail metal mages.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • ChaoticTears - Harshlands
    ChaoticTears - Harshlands Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    Squad: " Can you lure the boss plz Veno "

    Veno: " Sure " *trots off towards boss with pet plodding behind*

    ............................................... 30 secs later ........................................

    * Veno runs back .. followed by boss AND adds *

    Squad: " WTF !!!!! ******

    Veno: " Sorry got to close with genie lure "

    Squad : " WTF is you pet for ? "

    If you are soloing and want to use zeal so you dont have to resummon your pet fine ... but plz for the love of God when in a squad do the job properly.

    If we wanted a dodgy risky genie pull ... We would do it ourselves
  • _Rosaly_ - Lost City
    _Rosaly_ - Lost City Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Act IV: The Leroy Jenkin BM
    Random Member: We're gonna attack from this location, and...
    -BM rush in, aggros boss, gets killed-
    Cleric:: ...
    -Boss goes after Cleric, Cleric dies, Squad wiped-

    *Note, applies to ANY class, just feel that BMs are getting too much love*
    I call them suicidal BMs. It seems to be the class's required personality disorder. b:chuckle
    Someone else in squad: ohnoez! a psy! don't steal aggro
    Psy: b:angry

    I can't be the only person peeved about that? lol
    Nope, I agree. If you have a decent squad with a capable cleric, they will expect you to steal agro every now and then and throw a couple of IHs your way. Personally, I like having TB in squad, because of their DDing abilities, making the run faster and therefor cheaper for me. Competence FTW. b:victory
    Keeping an MP charm from ticking is a joke at best.... do you ever pot to prevent it from ticking? No, because the MP charm is used to replace potting, for you lazy clerics that AFK and macro heal all the time... however most people with HP charms will pot to keep from ticking.
    I do actually pot to save my mp charm a little while in BB or RB. 500mp per 5 seconds drains a lot, but I can prevent about 2/5 ticks by potting.
    Metal mages are lame. Your job in a party is to maintain and manage the health of the squad. Clerics in a squad are support charachters. Play your role or reroll.
    Although I mostly agree, you forgot to mention that we also buff and debuff besides healing.
    ...yes a HP charm is expected to tick and you can't prevent it a lot of the time...
    If I'm trying to keep other squad members alive as well (yes, the DDs matter to me as well, as it saves the tank money spent on repairs) and miss a heal on the tank, then that could be seen as an emergency that calls for a charm tick. Ticking in case of an emergency is what they're there for, correct? Unfortunately we can not keep everyone at full hp at all times, although (speaking for myself here) I do try my absolute best to keep all those neat red bars in my squad list full. b:surrender
  • Vienna - Dreamweaver
    Vienna - Dreamweaver Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Wow.... people still don't get it do they.

    MP is a resource needed to cast spells... The fact that you *choose* to wear a charm or not actually means little to the party. The fact that you would equate an MP charm tick to a HP one is just silly. You need to use the MP unless you plan on melee attacking a mob or boss.

    As a BM or Barb, a HP charm is meant to keep the person from dying. HP isn't consumed from normal use of skills or attacking. BM or Barbs also consume MP. Hearing a BM or Barb say "My MP charm is ticking QQ" during the course of an instance would be beyond hilarious.

    Use of charms are mostly voluntary, however in many cases a tank will need to wear a charm to keep the entire party from wiping.

    A cleric should try their best to prevent a HP charm from ticking because that is largely preventable. Keeping an MP charm from ticking is a joke at best.... do you ever pot to prevent it from ticking? No, because the MP charm is used to replace potting, for you lazy clerics that AFK and macro heal all the time... however most people with HP charms will pot to keep from ticking.

    Metal mages are lame. Your job in a party is to maintain and manage the health of the squad. Clerics in a squad are support charachters. Play your role or reroll. Or you can tank and heal yourself and I'll do minimal DD while I just watch you and laugh. I'm certainly not going to attack anything if you're not gonna heal worth a ****.

    This topic is quite ridiculous and it's sad that it has to be explained.

    EDIT: Since I have to explain this, I might as well also state, yes a HP charm is expected to tick and you can't prevent it a lot of the time, however as a cleric you should be aware if you can do a better job of healing... and it's fine if you wish to metal mage, but not at the cost of a tanks HP charm... it's not going to cost you any more or less off your MP charm to do so. And, I'm actually writing this as I'm solo tanking Illusion Lord Armageddon because I have two pro clerics who are healing me and I don't have to worry.

    Sorry, at 10x I've had enough of fail metal mages.

    I doubt you have explain something, beside how to keep your own cost low and how is a cleric job to keep your cost at the minimum.
    And nope i don't need to heal everyone who trying to be a tank, tanks are barbarians and few bm which are vit. bulid, everything else it's ofen hard to heal and then tick >my< mp charm twice so much as by a real tank. There is the difference for me, but not much for all '' wanna be a str, dex,..tanks''. They getting angry only if they own charm tick and let out all the frustration on a noob cleric and getting a pro cleric which is willing to do every ****.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Although I mostly agree, you forgot to mention that we also buff and debuff besides healing.

    If I'm trying to keep other squad members alive as well (yes, the DDs matter to me as well, as it saves the tank money spent on repairs) and miss a heal on the tank, then that could be seen as an emergency that calls for a charm tick. Ticking in case of an emergency is what they're there for, correct? Unfortunately we can not keep everyone at full hp at all times, although (speaking for myself here) I do try my absolute best to keep all those neat red bars in my squad list full. b:surrender

    Of course, I'm not talking about perfectly acceptable situations... as I meant you can't avoid charm ticks, they're going to happen regardless. A good support cleric will pride themselves on trying to keep charms from ticking and people from dying, at least all the good ones I know. A lot of clerics just don't care, will let people tick cause they think it's funny or metal mage because they're tired of healing people and want to be a DD instead of a healer...

    I doubt you have explain something, beside how to keep your own cost low and how is a cleric job to keep your cost at the minimum.
    And nope i don't need to heal everyone who trying to be a tank, tanks are barbarians and few bm which are vit. bulid, everything else it's ofen hard to heal and then tick >my< mp charm twice so much as by a real tank. There is the difference for me, but not much for all '' wanna be a str, dex,..tanks''. They getting angry only if they own charm tick and let out all the frustration on a noob cleric and getting a pro cleric which is willing to do every ****.

    I'm a Fist BM. I am a real tank. I hold aggro better than a barb and I also do a lot more damage. My repair costs run 50k-110k per instance, not including pots, genie fuel and charm ticks. I know it's impossible to keep a charm from ticking. I use a charm to keep the party from possibly wiping. You use a charm because it's convenient to not have to pot. My job is to keep mobs off you, and to keep you from injury... your job is to do the same to me. Your mp charm if you choose to have one will tick regardless if you try to keep the tank's charm from ticking or not, so what's the problem?

    I don't get angry when my charm ticks a few times... that's perfectly reasonable... when my charm ticks over and over because a cleric is busy playing metal mage or because they don't pay attention and purify when necessary or just because they're not paying attention IS lame.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • _Rosaly_ - Lost City
    _Rosaly_ - Lost City Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    A good support cleric will pride themselves on trying to keep charms from ticking and people from dying, at least all the good ones I know.
    WooT, then I guess by your standards I'm a good (support) cleric. b:victory b:chuckle
    I don't get angry when my charm ticks a few times... that's perfectly reasonable... when my charm ticks over and over because a cleric is busy playing metal mage or because they don't pay attention and purify when necessary or just because they're not paying attention IS lame.
    Unfortunately, there are those that actually do get upset from each charm tick. I am glad to read you are not one of those people.

    As far as non-purifying clerics goes... that must be one of my pet peeves. I sometimes find myself in the luxury position of finding a secondary cleric in a squad. If they don't specify that they rather DD than support and I see that they don't purify, I tend to boot and/or kill them after a couple of warnings. I rather work harder being the only cleric in squad and replace a non-purifying cleric with a DD than watching their target take more damage than necessary because they can't be arsed to time and throw in a purify every now and then.

    If you're a cleric and you want to be secondary cleric in my squad and prefer to DD... let me know so I (and the rest of the squad) do not depend on your support skills. If you can communicate that to us, I don't mind at all letting you DD. I prefer the supporting role anyway. b:cute
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    WooT, then I guess by your standards I'm a good (support) cleric. b:victory b:chuckle

    Everyone has their good days and bad days, some people play their classes well and some despite trying to don't do as well.... then there are some people just don't care. All I ask for is a cleric that knows how to play their class and is willing to pay attention. I don't think I'm very judgmental at all. And yes, if anything I've said has any meaning to you, I'd expect that you do pride yourself as a support cleric. ^^

    Unfortunately, there are those that actually do get upset from each charm tick. I am glad to read you are not one of those people.

    No, I know my charm is going to tick and I expect that it will. Just as there are barbs that don't roar, BMs that don't stun, venos that won't seal, there are those that know what skills to use where and when to avoid bringing the health of the party close to 0 before worrying about healing people.

    As far as non-purifying clerics goes... that must be one of my pet peeves. I sometimes find myself in the luxury position of finding a secondary cleric in a squad. If they don't specify that they rather DD than support and I see that they don't purify, I tend to boot and/or kill them after a couple of warnings. I rather work harder being the only cleric in squad and replace a non-purifying cleric with a DD than watching their target take more damage than necessary because they can't be arsed to time and throw in a purify every now and then.

    lol. Boot and kill them! I have to admit I've done that on a couple of occasions. A cleric should be free to DD as long as the health of the party isn't jeopardized. A good cleric knows when they're free to DD... bad ones will just DD and heal only when it's absolutely required of them. I'm sure this will offend a few of the metal mages, but it shouldn't bother them because they're DDs and aren't concerned if they let a charm tick a dozen times more than they could have, with no extra cost or expense to them. Everyone, even the clerics here that are QQing about my post have to know at least few clerics that fit in this category.

    If you're a cleric and you want to be secondary cleric in my squad and prefer to DD... let me know so I (and the rest of the squad) do not depend on your support skills. If you can communicate that to us, I don't mind at all letting you DD. I prefer the supporting role anyway. b:cute

    Oooh... b:dirty
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver
    XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    That reminds me of my barb's last BH...

    You know me, most of my teams hover somewhere between Hell and 9th Circle of Hell. I'm a complete idiot-magnet. You also know me, I dualbox to avoid more idiots in key spots, such as cleric and tank. It's when the idiot in the team is me that it goes even more wrong (and generally at THE worst possible time... I think Murphy lives somewhere in my apartment).

    To sum it up: I'M NOT LUCKY with teams.

    BH39 II, Calcid. Setup: 92 BM / 50 barb, 76 cleric (my alt), 52 sin (guidlie, female), 57 cleric (female), 52 BM (friend), 56 sin (male). Team has been warned about how I run things.

    I'm clearing to Calcid on my BM, and the male sin is following me from a relatively nice distance. I'm totally okay with that. I use speed boost in a corridor with mobs, click somewhere in the next pile of mobs, manually move the cleric quickly...

    When I notice the male sin is right beside my BM, and he dies as my cleric reaches the spot, while I'm mashing the 1-2-3 keys on my BM. He had ran a bit ahead of me and got one mob that I didn't see - it was chasing him. So of course, the "can't I get a heal man???" question pops up.

    That urge to PK low-levels? Well it rises pretty badly. On a PVP server I'd have brought him down, seriously, I wouldn't have given a damn about level difference. LEARN TO READ. But yeah.
    Due to constant PMs: I'm not German, sorry folks D:
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well at least I'm not a mooch b:laugh


    I haven't really met any annoying people since I strictly squad with friends b:lipcurl
  • KrittyCat - Dreamweaver
    KrittyCat - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Act II: The Human Form Barb

    -BH group running through a dungeon, killing mobs.-

    Psy: Barb, go tiger form please.
    Barb: Nah man it's cool, I deal MASSIVE DAMAGE in human form!
    Psy: Then why do I keep pulling aggro? Dx

    Stop attacking! You're interfering with my awesomeness!
    Cleric, why are you healing him?! Heal me! I'm the tank!

    Cleric: ;>.>
    Psy: Well if I'm not supposed to attack then why am I here? D8
    Why don't you just go Tiger form? Then I can attack and we'll kill quicker.

    If I go Tiger form, then I hit 1.4k instead of 2.1k.

    Psy: YEAH and if you go Human Form, then I'm forced to go White Voodoo to keep myself from pulling aggro. Then my damage goes from 7k to 2k.


    Psy: -rage-

    I have to say, I am really glad I chose to go vit build tank barb (best in True form). I don't do enough damage in Human form to warrant using it much...I even grind in TF...But yeah, I know a couple of people like this...try Human form fist barb...yeah, now that gets interesting...I think he went demon, too.
    (Signature credit to NowItsAwn)

    Survivor of Snow-Mageddon 2010, "The Great Earthquake" of 2011, and Sandy 2012 b:victory
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    There should be no excuse for having not enough mp pots above level 75 when herb yuanxiao is available, before that i consider it a learning curve of what mana consumption your class goes through, no-one should still be using mp charms unless for PK or TW.

    I don't let charms tick on purpose but if the tank takes to long to hit the boss and my stacked IH's have ran out before hand and im not healing to stop myself getting heal agro im going to be pissed if he starts complaining about his hp charm and will let it tick a good amount of times just for good measure.

    Clerics get alot of stick in squads for all kind of things but seriously cleric damage is extremely under-rated b:surrender, by the way people are describing it we are lucky to be able to quest alone let alone actually kill something b:scornb:surrender.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I've had a Cleric meditating in FC for mana. b:sweat