Things you don't want to hear a high level say (all classes).



  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Psychic: "What's Soulforce?"
    "Hold on guys, let me get my wand out."
    "I'm a Light armor build."

    BM: "What's Chi?"
    Barb: "Aggro?"
    Cleric: "But what if I rez you and you become a ZOMBIE?!?!?!" D:
  • gross1255
    gross1255 Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Psychic: "What's Soulforce?"
    "Hold on guys, let me get my wand out."
    "I'm a Light armor build."

    BM: "What's Chi?"
    Barb: "Aggro?"
    Cleric: "But what if I rez you and you become a ZOMBIE?!?!?!" D:

    Many lolz on the cleric one xD
  • Deneava - Harshlands
    Deneava - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    someone should ask a wizzy "can you rez me?"

    "im an arcane barb"

    "i put accuracy shards in my magic weapon"

    i actully saw an arcane barb at lvl 40 and somehow he was doing well
    then saw him again and he was LA and that was when he was 42

    as for the shards in magic weapon
    not that common but some venos do when they go fox form
  • Altros - Sanctuary
    Altros - Sanctuary Posts: 408 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I am utterly amazed that this thread is still alive. Anyway...during an fcc (my last one too):

    Barb: Okay, lets do the big room in halves.

    Rest of us: Fine with us.

    Barb after gathering 2nd half of room: f(finish word) I forgot to let invoke cooldown!

    *barb dies*
    "No matter how dark the world is,
    light shall exist somewhere,
    even if only a small sliver,
    a light found among darkness,
    shines all the brighter." -unknown
  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    i actully saw an arcane barb at lvl 40 and somehow he was doing well
    then saw him again and he was LA and that was when he was 42

    as for the shards in magic weapon
    not that common but some venos do when they go fox form

    I saw a LA cleric sharded with pure evasion shards in his armor

    He was level 70.
  • Lu$t - Sanctuary
    Lu$t - Sanctuary Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    For all races:

    "I still need to do my fb19."

    From a cleric...

    "Sorry, it's against my religion to rez"


    "What's a pet?"


    "I don't hae tiger form."


    -Party wipe-

    "Boom, headshot!"


    -Before a duel-

    "Hold on, let me get chi."


    -cleric left squad-

    "Don't worry! I can heal."


    -Party wipe-

    "Guess I didn't predict that"


    "I'll tank Nightspike/Manta vip for you in tide form!"

    omg the cleric SO San_Miguel although we know he's kidding xD He always uses that line rofl

    Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    'Dex increase plumeshot damage"

    HEY! when i started two years ago on my cleric i thought strength didb:surrender

  • Marche - Harshlands
    Marche - Harshlands Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    i have no mana

    whats blue bubble?

    my rez is lvl 1

    IH sucks ima heal u fully with wellspring and spam it!!!!


    i roared to soon....

    my claws just broke


    my roar is only lvl 1 man


    i tank in human

    PERDITION!!!!!!(ona boss whos going to **** us)

    i dont use pots>:(

    im not charmed


    Im out of arrows (mid GV wave)

    my charm is gone no more BoA

    uhhhhhhhh whats sharp tooth?


    i dont purge so gtfo

    no u cant have any chi its all mine SMD make ur own


    i dont wanna DD ima hit it wiff ma sword mayn

    ima HA MAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    pfffft ima use ma mage perdition!!! its supa pro
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    my rez is lvl 1 better to hear it that feel it eh? xD

    IH sucks ima heal u fully with wellspring and spam it!!!! i just met one in fb51


    my roar is only lvl 1 man what is roar? (fc90+)


    i tank in human well, i know some barbs that tank in human..fist/claw ones xD


    i dont wanna DD ima hit it wiff ma sword mayn i have clawsb:dirty

  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    the out of arrow thingy during GV/Rebirth is a classic one b:laugh
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Lvl 9x sin today in FC...

    "Yea I don't even worry about attacking the bisops, they come back anyway"

  • Taello - Heavens Tear
    Taello - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Veno wispers me in BH100 at peachblossem..."U want me to lure?? Ummm, how do I??"

    Barb: "I'm trying out my new AA build, hope you don't mind."

    "Barb: Barbs have terrible survivability and damage, they are better off using devour.
    Barbs, damage sucks 100% yes, but they are by far the best survivability class, that is what they are for, and if they want to use fists, so be it, at least then theyll have some dex to actually hit things.

    I had a barb walk up to me at west gate in pk once. He looked at me, and whilst in kitty and self buffs, poked me for 14k, 9k, 10k :( And I hate 23k p.def. Barbs hurt if they know how to :P

    He meant fist barbs have terrible survivability and damage. Not regular barbs. Arcane barbs are weak too... He told me that long time ago about this thread. He made a mistake lol.

    I heard dex on barb is minimum as possible in weapons and armor, rest into str or vit have best survivability.
  • CuteButEvil - Harshlands
    CuteButEvil - Harshlands Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    heres one:

    archer: whos tanking?
    sin: me
    barb; i thoguht it was me
    (the sin runs to the lvl 40 something boss and is one shotted, squad gets wiped)
    archer: god dang it, you did a leroy jenkins

    Actually, one of my biggest pet peeves is people assuming sins can't tank. We can; if the cleric gets the sin is tanking; especially a sin like me who is almost always charmed. I can't stand squads that yell at me because a barb 5 lvl lowers wants to tank
  • Oneji - Heavens Tear
    Oneji - Heavens Tear Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Actually, one of my biggest pet peeves is people assuming sins can't tank. We can; if the cleric gets the sin is tanking; especially a sin like me who is almost always charmed. I can't stand squads that yell at me because a barb 5 lvl lowers wants to tank

    Well if the sin can tank, it can tank. But dont get upset that people dont want us fishies to tank, just simply say *whew that was close, saved myself some repairs*b:laugh.
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Claw boss in FC

    me : no one aoe..
    everyone: k

    we go in

    sqaud wipe.

    me: wow serouly wtf i said no aoe..

    bm. what happened..

    me.. umm you used aoe..

    bm: no i didn't

    me: umm yeah.. cyclone heel..

    bm: cyclone heel is aoe?

    me: ....

    bm: oh your right..

    me: *facepalm*
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • Fallghost - Raging Tide
    Fallghost - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    "Now I can tank magic bosses too since I have arcane build"


    "Ugh why should I use bloodpaint?Is useless." [and this is coming from a lvl 9x sin]


    "What is buffs?"


    "How can I kite?"


    "I will use my sword on wiv [b:shocked],so that I can build chi"


    "My SoV rulles,because it can help the tank" [coming from a lvl 86 psyhic,SoV wastes mana,so that means......b:shocked]


    "What is Heaven's Flame?"
    I am a guy from Romania!

    This kind of players are not very common,aren't they?b:chuckle
  • allimc99
    allimc99 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    "My SoV rulles,because it can help the tank" [coming from a lvl 86 psyhic,SoV wastes mana,so that means......]

    Yeah, as a psy, I only used to cast it if I was asked. BUT, now that I have SAGE SoV, meaning no mana loss, nothing I say can convince people that my buff is now actually effective. >_> I've had tanks tell me to stop casting it, despite my trying to assure them that it's as negative an effect as bramble now.

    Here's something I had happen when I was asking for a cleric for last spot in BH89 Brim:

    CLERIC: *after being let in squad to fill healer spot* Oh BTW, I'm a battle cleric. I dont have leveled heals or buffs.

    OK I have nothing against battle clerics, but if you are a battle cleric...DO NOT post yourself as a regular healing cleric; you are DD!!
  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    when I was 2x ish, I duo with a barb and we doing quest together...
    Him: Wow, this expansion suck, mob don't agro and when they do, they have mp leech b:angry
    Me: -keep castin SoV on him w/o readin skill description-
  • Tuli - Raging Tide
    Tuli - Raging Tide Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    while on my veno in FC

    Barb 8x : ZOMG why you passing chi to the cleric, he don't need chi

    Same run at boss in big room,

    Archer 8x: idk how to kill the hands, you do it

    Doqui 101 r9 veno

    Tuli 101 5aps Sin b:bye
  • Lostbliss - Heavens Tear
    Lostbliss - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Never wanted to hear a 68 sin in fb59 all my skills are still lv1 im an oracle kind of guy. =.=;
  • Misscrubalub - Heavens Tear
    Misscrubalub - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    lvl 100 wizzy in rb going - what's stone barrier? o_O
  • LifeHunting - Lost City
    LifeHunting - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    The one thing I hate hearing from any person higher lvl than me;

    'So yeah. I hypered stone and oracled up to this lvl, what the hell is an fb? BH? or anything of the such'

    I had to read that in my guild chat one day..... I just /facepalm
  • Jay_Dubbz - Lost City
    Jay_Dubbz - Lost City Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    In 9x frost

    Barb lvl 97: omg why do I always die on this part

    Sin: umm why don't you use turtle dude


    End of Frost

    Sin which is lower level kills the barb in pvp

    Barb: WTF
  • Jay_Dubbz - Lost City
    Jay_Dubbz - Lost City Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Who cares about changing name, what I would love to see in this game is a change class scroll or something like it. Alotta mmos i've played have them.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Who cares about changing name, what I would love to see in this game is a change class scroll or something like it. Alotta mmos i've played have them.

    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • CrazyMazie - Sanctuary
    CrazyMazie - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I see alot of posts from people saying that people do not know what something or another is or means.

    Well maybe they do not know what it means because you are talking in worthless chat speak, as in : "FB 19" Now, why don't you just say what the Dungeon name is and then people who do not have a clue what FB 19" is will know right away what you want :|

    I hate all of this worthless chat speak around.
    I am not going to learn and remember all of these little letters and small words which mean other things.

    If you want to ask something then say it clear as day so that I can understand.

    I type like this in the game and do NOT type in chat speak form because this way everyone understands what I am saying and what I want.

    Maybe if more people did not talk in chat speak, there would be less people being confused about what you are even talking about b:sweat
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Well Crazie it's just too bad you don't like chat speark cuz your about to learn another word.


    basically means you took a week old+ thread and posted in it...

    plus it's not that hard to learn all the abbreviations, they're so common you pick up on it quickly
  • LifeHunting - Lost City
    LifeHunting - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I see alot of posts from people saying that people do not know what something or another is or means.

    Well maybe they do not know what it means because you are talking in worthless chat speak, as in : "FB 19" Now, why don't you just say what the Dungeon name is and then people who do not have a clue what FB 19" is will know right away what you want :|

    I hate all of this worthless chat speak around.
    I am not going to learn and remember all of these little letters and small words which mean other things.

    If you want to ask something then say it clear as day so that I can understand.

    I type like this in the game and do NOT type in chat speak form because this way everyone understands what I am saying and what I want.

    Maybe if more people did not talk in chat speak, there would be less people being confused about what you are even talking about b:sweat

    Sorry i'm not going to change FB19 to Fuber19 (Which is what FB stands for).
    Nor am I going to spell out Bounty Hunter, when I can just quickly type BH.

    So sorry troll your logic failed.
  • KrittyCat - Dreamweaver
    KrittyCat - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Sorry i'm not going to change FB19 to Fuber19 (Which is what FB stands for).
    Nor am I going to spell out Bounty Hunter, when I can just quickly type BH.

    So sorry troll your logic failed.

    Isn't it Fu Ben? That's what somebody told me...And I think it means "tablet quest"... Not sure where I heard it.
    (Signature credit to NowItsAwn)

    Survivor of Snow-Mageddon 2010, "The Great Earthquake" of 2011, and Sandy 2012 b:victory
  • LifeHunting - Lost City
    LifeHunting - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Isn't it Fu Ben? That's what somebody told me...And I think it means "tablet quest"... Not sure where I heard it.

    Never heard it called Tablet quest.....ever.