The Goshiki Quest Chain Quest Guide



  • Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    new quest
    More details, please
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    all i got was a vague "help fight undead soldiers" and a 30 min timer. what i am getting from reading things here I need to kill 15 each of the soldiers and officers. Is this correct? if so why did i not get that info when i started the quest and why is there no countdown in my quest tracker?
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I seem to not be able to do the quest 'Heart of Thorns'? I am level 70 but the Age Deity doesn't have a quest for me... What do I do? b:surrender
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    im on the blood combat part and hating it... b:cry
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    A Special Note in Lime: To all of you level 55~ out there, don't try to be a hero, unless you did Coming-of-Age: Loyalty (MP), you must do this outside a squad and you cannot have a squad inside either. During that one minute that Goshiki charges in the battlefield, like all flesh and blood NPCs, Goshiki have limited HP, =SPOILER=Goshiki is Doomed to Die=SPOILER=, so if you see his HP go low, don't try to go in and save him, it's a burn on your HP and MP, you have a way bigger fight after that one-minute dialogue, use this time to meditate. Also, don't be foolish and do AoE, in fact, if you are not at the spiritual phase transcendent (ie. level 59 or above), don't even bother to attempt this (except venos, and maybe mystics, but you'll have a really hard time).

    Seems silly to say you have to be 59+ for any class to do it. I JUST did it with my alt bm at 55 with 15 minutes to spare. I just used a combination of hp pots from supply stash and the mantou things you get for the quest in your 30's. Ive done it with every class almost (cept archer and barb) at 55 and always pulled it off with several minutes to spare.
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    all i got was a vague "help fight undead soldiers" and a 30 min timer. what i am getting from reading things here I need to kill 15 each of the soldiers and officers. Is this correct? if so why did i not get that info when i started the quest and why is there no countdown in my quest tracker?

    Go in and manually tell the quest to track from your quest log. Easiest way to get it to track in your side quest log.
  • Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    "don't be foolish and do AoE"
    Haha, I already did this quest the 1st time long ago but when I was doing it with my sin for the 1st time I didn't know anything about it so when was that part that me and Goshiki went to fight the mobs I just ran to the middle of them and aoe'ed xD
    Of course, I died... Don't remember on what lvl I was, but reading this now sounds funny how fool I was :P
    MetzliDemon - 102 Celestial Demon Assassin f:grin
    AmyDemon - 96 Demon Cleric
    ShekmetDemon - 81 Venomancer
    MictianDemon - 68 Blademaster
    HecateDemon - 60 Mystic
    AhrinamDemon - 50 Psychic
    AliahDemon - 24 Seeker
    And there's a 75 Barbarian too! f:cute
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Got system message - but the 'Strange Monument' quest didn't appear in my list.

    Tried going to city of plume elder - nope, didn't have further quest for me


    I haven't done 39cult - could this be why?

    went and completed lvl39 culti and I could pick up the strange monument quest
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hi, i want to ask..
    I have sold tideborn doll accidentally..
    how can I get back the doll?
    is it possible?
    if i dont finish all the chain of quest, can i still run Nirvana palace quest?
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hi, i want to ask..
    I have sold tideborn doll accidentally..
    how can I get back the doll?
    is it possible?
    if i dont finish all the chain of quest, can i still run Nirvana palace quest?

    I don't know which doll you mean so I don't know. As far as I know that have nothing to do with Nirvana so don't worry, but by the time you get 100 I'm not sure people will still run it.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I don't know which doll you mean so I don't know. As far as I know that have nothing to do with Nirvana so don't worry, but by the time you get 100 I'm not sure people will still run it.

    the quest after goshiki died, we got the tideborn doll and we should talk to dizzy to continue the quest.. and the doll was sold accidentally,

    if I am not mistaken, the "tideborn quest" is required to get access for entering nirvana palace..

    This one :
    "Blood Combat
    - Speak with Dizzy (491, 890)
    - you are teleported inside the Palace of Nirvana
    - Speak with Goshiki (coords unavaliable in instance)
    - Kill 15 Undead Soldiers (NOT OFFICERS)
    Mob Information: Undead Soldier, Non Element Elite, 22000 HP, Physical Attack, Ice Long-Range Attack
    - Go back to Goshiki
    - Kill 15 Undead Officers to rescue Goshiki (NOT SOLDIERS)
    Mob Information: Undead Officer, Non Element Elite, 27000 HP, Physical Attack, Ice Long-Range Attack
    - Speak to Goshiki
    - Obtain 1 Lochmur Doll
    - Rewards: Coins (49500), EXP (120120), Spirit (30030), Mirage Celestones (10)
    - Continue onto the Quest "Heartbroken"
    A Special Note in Lime: To all of you level 55~ out there, don't try to be a hero, unless you did Coming-of-Age: Loyalty (MP), you must do this outside a squad and you cannot have a squad inside either. During that one minute that Goshiki charges in the battlefield, like all flesh and blood NPCs, Goshiki have limited HP, =SPOILER=Goshiki is Doomed to Die=SPOILER=, so if you see his HP go low, don't try to go in and save him, it's a burn on your HP and MP, you have a way bigger fight after that one-minute dialogue, use this time to meditate. Also, don't be foolish and do AoE, in fact, if you are not at the spiritual phase transcendent (ie. level 59 or above), don't even bother to attempt this (except venos, and maybe mystics, but you'll have a really hard time).

    Yet another friendly note in Lime: A bug has occured (thanks to pand0ra) that shows that when your timer fails, it goes in negative time, you cannot trash the quest! Here's a heads up, don't bother trashing it, relogging will help, if it does not, if you are still in the vampire's domain, die and sacrifice some exp, a quest will trigger and it reads "For What?" This pop up will bring you back to the entrance of Nirvana and override the timer, should you be outside nirvana and cannot enter back in, relog, if it doesn't work, wait it out.

    A third friendly note in Lime: Jakarus pointed out that the Blood Combat can be done before 59 for wizards, since the undead SOLDIERS use a water attack and undead OFFICERS use a fire attack, wizards can alternate pyroshell and glacial embrace to have an easier time."
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    where can i find GM? i didn't get the charm on my seeker
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hello, i am having some issues with his questline. In fact i cannot get thiss questline. I went to my race elder, but i did not have the quest 'Strange Monument' The only quest there is Warrior'Proof wich i cannot do because i am only lvl40 an the leder says i have to be 51...I donot remember doing any quests like Coming of age, i only leveled up today so it wouldn't make any sense. I tried going to different elders but no change. I just was thinking could it have been because i only completed the quest 'Warrior's recomendation' (wich i think is one of the first quests as you start) on lv40. If someone has any solutions i would appreciate if you could reply. Thank you.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I know that most of you are probably very familiar with veno tactics, however I just thought I would put this out there. I finished Blood Combat with my veno at lvl 55 with standard npc equipment and nothing but a lvl 54 Soulchaser Antelope and about 30 medium mystery pots. You just have to remember to heal your pet above all else, it is your life line and there is nothing more annoying than dying with one monster to go due to forgetting to heal your pet. I had venomous, ironwood, blazing, and frost scarab skills to the max I could for my lvl, and alternated using them throughout the fight. It's key to have as high a lvl pet as you can have, since not only will they be taking the damage for you but they have to be able to hold the aggro as you dish out spells as fast as you can. Let the pet hit the monster at least up to 1k damage before throwing your first attack or they WILL go for you. Also, once the monster is down to about 1k or 500hp, your job is to continue healing your pet while hovering your mouse over the next monster in order to make the switch as fast as possible. Make sure to use mystery pots like water.

    You should be able to finish the first part of the quest (against the soldiers) in about 10min (give or take a min and a half). If you dont have at least 16min left by the time Goshiki dies, give up and try again, you wont make it in time if it took you that long to beat the soldiers. I would recommend going full out the entire quest and not holding back, the more time you gain against the soldiers, the more wiggle room you will have. during the minute while goshiki is fighting, use pots meditation and metabolic boost and nature's grace to get your mana (and hp) fully recovered. If you do this right, you shouldnt need any hp pots but obviously bring some just in case.

    If done right, at least on venos, this quest is a piece of cake and every normal mob you fight after this quest feels like a pushover.

    Has anyone else noticed that Goshiki's speech that pops up when u click him and before you accept the quest for the soldiers is almost exactly Aragorn's speech before the black gate in LOTR The Return of the King? 0.0

    Just trying to be helpful.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    razor02202 wrote: »
    Hello, i am having some issues with his questline. In fact i cannot get thiss questline. I went to my race elder, but i did not have the quest 'Strange Monument' The only quest there is Warrior'Proof wich i cannot do because i am only lvl40 an the leder says i have to be 51...I donot remember doing any quests like Coming of age, i only leveled up today so it wouldn't make any sense. I tried going to different elders but no change. I just was thinking could it have been because i only completed the quest 'Warrior's recomendation' (wich i think is one of the first quests as you start) on lv40. If someone has any solutions i would appreciate if you could reply. Thank you.

    I have a feeling you can pick up the first part of the quest from the Arch elder (but could be wrong).
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have a feeling you can pick up the first part of the quest from the Arch elder (but could be wrong).
    I went to the Elder in Arch, but nothing there unless there is 2 elders, and i doubt that xD Problem Still not Solved, if you have solutions reply.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Haha problem somehow solved i just log on today and the quest was there xD
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I remember fighting the last boss at lv60 with my BM...

    Here's a tip for any other BMs(and mabye other melee classes) Make sure you have full cleric buffs and havign a mystic/cleric heal you doesn't hurt either

    And if this hasn't been pointed out already...Mystics can fight the guardian boss pretty easily. All of the mystic summons can swim, even the cragglord (fire mob in water? crazy right?) and the final boss seems to have a specific weakness for any fire based attacks

    Pyro spells, HF/axe aoes hit it the hardest...even blazing arrow hurts it more then normal b:victory
    Chaos is an ally not something to avoid...After all, how can your foes stand up to you if they have no idea what your next move will be?

    Gear and weapons may make strong opponents but even a strong foe can be felled by the right tactics...
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have a big problem I'm on lvl 40 and i don't have quest for goshiki i didnn't begin to do any quest except of traveling to every elder and treing to dind this quest. What's happened with this quests?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It is a fact that the 15 flower quest vs 5 flower coming of age quest gives more xp

    I have tried it both ways several times (on multiple characters) and heres what I got:

    15 flower quest:

    5 flower quest
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Is the starting quest 50+ now?
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I thank you for making this guide but I have 2 things to say;
    1) I think it is called the "Coming of Age" quest
    2) This is the forum and forum are for discussion not guides, guides are supposed to be put in the PW Wiki, that is what the Wiki is for.

    I know every one does it but when your looking for instruction the forum is a had place to search to find the right information.

    So please, use the right tool for the right job.
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Seems fairly easy, second time going around this questline - though now on my duskblade. Thanks for guide!
    Alive perhaps once a again! f:farewellf:farewell
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    Hi, I got my pop up at level 40 but cannot seem to find my starter quest at my Dawnglory Elder (im a Stormbringer). Tried other elders and did not have luck as well. Any idea what to do? :(
  • Posts: 193 Arc User
    @ronanjay Unless I'm mistaken, the quest begins at 50 now, not 40. Are you sure the pop up wasn't for something else?
    102/101/102 cleric
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    @cynderangel it was the system message that read something like "go to your elder, something is amiss at the east"... i guess its the same thing that @Eklykti - Harshlands and @mrcharlyplustwo are asking hehe, we got the system prompt but no further quest. Thanks, I shall reply again here when i reach level 50 :)
  • Posts: 193 Arc User
    @ronanjay Good luck!
    102/101/102 cleric
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    Hello guys!

    I'm sorry if I'm not supposed to summon an old topic, but I'm having serious doubts about this chain. I seem to be stuck at the Hexocelot Deadeyes. They won't drop the Heart Thorns I need to complete this part of the quest. I killed hundreds of it suspecting maybe it was sort of a rare drop but there is no way they will drop it by now. Is anyone dealing with the same problem here? I tried contacting the GM and he just told me I should search for answers at the forum.

    Thanks in advance!
  • Posts: 1,214 Community Moderator
    Are you killing them with the character that has the quest? From what I can remember, the Heart Thorn drop is not shared in squads and will only go to the character that kills them, so if you have another character doing the killing for you, then you won't get the items.

    There aren't many quests like that but there are a few in the quest chain that behave like that. The Tideborn Traitor (the second one in the chain, near the crabs) works the same way.
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